Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

This is... I don't even count this as a chapter because it's so short but I felt bad for not giving you guys anything for so long. I'M SORRY!

UPDATE March 26, 2010 1:48 AM: please scroll to the bottom for further news.

Last Chapter:

"I need you to take something to Sango and Miroku. I also want you to stay with them. I am going to look for someone and I don't want you to get hurt. As a matter of fact, father will go with you and help you to explain." Kagome said and glared at them both so no arguments would break out. She opened her pack and wrote a note to the group. "I want you to take Shippou and Inuyasha back to the others. I know you have your ways of finding me and if you find it absolutely necessary you may feel free to do so."

"Right. I understand. Be careful my daughter." Kana said.

"I don't want to go kaasan! I don't want to leave you." Shippou cried. Kagome kneeled down and hugged him.

"I need you to go with them Shippou. It will be safer for you that way. Don't worry I will come and get you when it's time to do so. Remember Shippou I love you. Besides you will have to be there to make fun of Inuyasha for getting beat up by a 'weak girl'." Kagome said smiling down at Shippou. Shippou sniffed and nodded.

"Okay." Shippou said softly and left shortly there after with Kana and the unconscious Inuyasha. Kagome turned to Haruki.

"Until we meet again Lord Haruki." Kagome said and ran in the direction of the person she was looking for. The journey itself took three days. Kagome fought many youkai and got a few shards as well. She stopped on the third day and bathed and changed her clothes. The rest of the day she walked through the area she was in. She jumped into a tree and settled down for a wait. And wait she did. It wasn't until mid-afternoon of the next day did the person she was searching for made an appearance.

"Who are you and what is your purpose in my lands?"

This Chapter:

Kagome jumped out of the tree and landed in front of Sesshoumaru grabbing his hand before he could strike her.

"You once told me if I were ever in need of a place to stay and training you would give it to me willingly as payment for rescuing your ward. Does the offer still stand Lord Sesshoumaru?" Kagome asked bowing slightly to him. Sesshoumaru lifted her chin up with two fingers and looked into her eyes.

"You are youkai. You were not before. How is this possible?" Sesshoumaru asked pulling his hand back.

"It seems that Inuyasha," Kagome started and growled, "Has betrayed me for the last time. And thus the spells put on me as a child have worn off. I am now Kagome, Princess of the Northern Lands."

"The Northern Lands? There was said to be no rulers there for a long time." Sesshoumaru said.

"If that was true the Northen Lands would have been fought over by the other lords. Will you train me Sesshoumaru?" Kagome asked.

"I will. I do not go back on my word." Sesshoumaru said. "We will begin our journey back to the castle (?) tomorrow. We will patrol the rest of my lands to it's border before returning. Come."

"Yes my lord." Kagome murmured and followed him. They walked for an hour before stopping and tensing. A inu youkai pup burst into the clearing blood dripping from his wounds. His gray hair matted with blood as well as his face and clothes. He was looking back while running making him run into Kagome. He looked up and gasped.

"Please forgive me. I didn't mean to! Please! Don't let him get me!" the pup cried. Kagome knelt down and picked him up quickly placing him in a tree and masking his scent just as a hideous crossbreed youkai burst into the clearing looking around and sniffing. He by-passed Sesshoumaru completely and locked eyes with Kagome licking his lips. (?!) Kagome shivered in disgust.

"What the hell are you?" Kagome couldn't help but ask. That thing was uglier then Jaken and that's saying something.

"I am a Krensis and you will be my mate." (Okay that is not a real word to my knowledge.) the 'thing' said. A krensis is a demon with puke green hair, sea weed colored eyes, and acidic, dripping, neon pink skin. Kagome shivered and gagged but then her anger got the better of her.

"YOUR MATE?! LIKE HELL I WILL BE!" Kagome growled her eyes turning red and she charged at the youkai getting her skin burned due to the acidic quality of the youkai's skin. That further angered her. However, before she could do more the youkai exploded. Kagome whipped around and growled at Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru grabbed her by the neck and pushed her into a tree.

"Control yourself bitch. Do not let the anger get the better of you. Let it go. You have a pup to deal with." Sesshoumaru said. Kagome instantly controlled herself and jumped into the tree the pup was in and licked his wounds watching them heal instantly. Kagome pulled the pup to her and hummed to it softly watching as it fell asleep. Kagome then looked at her wounds and whined much like a puppy would. Sesshoumaru jumped into the tree with her and licked her wounds. Kagome purred as he did this. It took 20 minutes before Kagome and Sesshoumaru to realize what they were doing. When they did Sess jumped out of the tree and Kagome blushed petting the sleeping pup. The two older youkai relaxed but were still alert. They were about to nod off when they felt the youki of a youkai headed their way along with the sent of humans and a kitsune pup.

Again I'm sorry. I don't have any ideas right now. I mean I'm failing my French class! I haven't written much of anything lately. Sorry. I hope this satisfies you all for now. HEHE! Thanks for reviewing all of you.

Fire Kitsune Goddess: I totally agree on your opinion of Kikyou... she's weird... lol! Thanks for reviewing.

Mistress Fluffy, DemonLady1, tinabug, Sunstar-1217, Rosemary, k, eve-chan, BabbleQueen, animechick824, Mirina,Dark Topaz, SilentDark, Lady Kaela, and Kayrin

Thank you are for reviewing.

Oh! By the way... PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN RULES! hehe sorry couldn't help that one. Anyway sorry it's so sorry please R&R thanks.

UPDATE March 26, 2010 1:48 AM: I apologize to anyone who has this fic on their alert lists. Unfortunately I myself won't be continuing this fic but I am putting it up for adoption. If anyone is interested PM me or even review. Again I apologize for this hideously long wait and such disappointing news. [Maybe LOL] Anyone interested in continuing this fic with intent to complete it let me know.