"Guardian, we've received word that a vex installation has been activated on Nessus. We need you to investigate it, and eliminate any threat that you come across."

"Got it. Anything else?"

"No, the darkness isn't attacking us. Their just...staying still. Guardian. I feel some sort of storm brewing. And, the storm isn't coming for us. We're the storm."

"Zavala. You've been working a little too hard. Get rest. Besides. That doesn't sound bad. Kinda sound badass. And where did you even come up with this?"

"Eris told me. She talks about how we're all a storm. A storm that will bring major change. And not just the change we had with Mithrax and his people. Over."

A hunter closed his radio, before setting a destination for Nessus on his ship navigation drive. He was a 6.1 male human, with short and completely black hair. As the ship went into light speed, said guardian took out his weapon, tarraba, while inspecting it.

"Zen, you don't have to always inspect your guns. It's kinda unhealthy." Zen's ghost spoke.

"Ha, unhealthy. Even if I were to die I could just come back by you, or my ascendent plane." Zen muttered. " Teaching guardians about how to make an ascendant plane was probably the most revolutionary idea since the traveler itself came to our system."

"Zen, are you alright? You seemed depressed lately." Ghost asked in a concerned tone.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm not going to commit suicide if that's what your worried about. It's just that I've done Everything. I've saved the city, I defeated countless beings. And I got the darkness. Though my one regret was not being able to be part of the team that did garden of salvation." Zen muttered, explaining himself.

"We're here." Ghost exclaimed.

Zen transmitted himself into the large vex structure. As he spawned in, he took out his fate bringer and salvager salvo. Vex noticed him immediately and started shooting at him. Of course this was futile as in 20 seconds, every single one of them was either blown up, or there vex milk container was shot open, creating an explosion.

"See? It's easy and boring." Zen muttered. " I'm just hoping that I get teleported into another universe altogether. Now that would be fun."

"I'm not sure if that's the best thing to happen. Plus how come your not using terraba?" Ghost asked.

"Eh, not in the mood at the moment." Zen muttered, walking down the metal corridors. As he continued to twist and turn, he eventually found what he was looking for.

A massive room, containing 60ish vex, with a large atheon looking vex in the middle,...bowing? It seemed to be sitting with one knee placed forward, Kinda as if it was worshipping something.

Finally the biggest detail was the large strange pulsing orb in the middle of the room. It seemed unstable and not something to mess with.

"I'm gonna shoot it."

"Ayo what the fu-"


The orb exploded partially before its blast seemed to get sucked backwards into the area where the orb was. Everything went to hell right after that. Everything near the orb, including zen, started to get pulled into it.


Zen sees everything darken as he gets closer to the orb, before everything goes completely black.

"Wake up."

"Wake up"

"Zen, Wake up!"

Zen immediately opened his eyes, before jumping up and taking out his fatebringer, waving it around. As Zen looked around he saw that he was in a...

"Alleyway?" Zen muttered, confused at where he was. Ghost poped up behind his face before speaking.

"Zen, we aren't on Nessus anymore. And I don't sense the traveler. It's as if we got-"

"Sucked into another universe!" Zen exclaimed, his excitement rising every second.

"For fu-"

"HELP!" Ghost was immediately cut off, the sound of someone in danger was nearby to the duo.

Zen ran towards the direction, before coming across a women and 2 men. The women's clothes seemed to be slightly ripped, implying a possible rape.

"Let her go!" Zen shouted, hoping to intimidate the 2 men. However that resulted in one man placing his gun on the women's head.

"Who the fuck are you? Some sort of caped hero?" The other man stated.

'Shit, I should have shot them the second I saw them. How the hell do I get them to remove the gun?' Zen thought frantically. Zen then got a crazy idea.

Zen opened his helmet for a moment, before placing the gun next to his own head. Zen then shot himself, before falling on the ground, not dead, but horribly injured. Not that the thugs needed to know that.

"Holy shit! He just killed him self." The first man said, removing his gun from the women's face.

"Alright, let's just make this qu-BANG!"

The first thug fell down, his head squirting blood everywhere. The second thug immediately ran away. The women, now covered in blood, looked to where the shot was fired. As she looked, she was shocked to find that her savior was the same person who shot himself in the head. Abit now he looked like he did before, without the gunshot.

Zen put his helmet back on by transmission and walked towards the slightly shaking women.

"Sorry about that. You can go now." Zen said, with the women immediately running off.

"Zen! We don't know where we even are! Don't just show your powers like that!" Ghost shouted.

"Sorry, but had I did nothing, that women would be fucked. Or dead. Or both." Zen muttered.

As he walked out the alleyway, he saw that he was in a big city. However the first few things that stood out was the fact that everything seemed to be outdated. Even the cars looked to be from the early 21st century. As Zen processed this, he smiled a little.

"Now this! Is an adventure I think you and I will both enjoy." Zen exclaimed.

"Yeah, let's just hope we don't get into trouble." Ghost muttered, rolling his only eye.

"Michael! We have just discovered something big. It might be a slight mistake but I'm not sure." An angel exclaimed.

"What? More humans that have discovered the heaven? We can just take them easily." Michael responded, more focused on something else.

"No sir. Someone should have died, but that person didn't die. Whoever it was, it's like it didn't want to die. Like it just didn't care about death. It's...hard to explain." The angel muttered softly.

Michael narrowed his eyes, turning to the angel in question.

"Let me get the others, they might also want to know about this."

"Sir, we have noticed something off. It might be just be a small misunderstanding or mistake but...the demons you hired to count souls, that come into hell. They found a soul that, well, it's not a normal soul."

"Get to the point." A certain fallen Angel stated.

"Right, the soul in question died? And then came back. To life. And not only that, but the soul itself is...very powerful..."

The king of hell turned his head around to look at the serpent Imp right in the eye before turning away.

"Schedule a meeting with Stolas, I need to speak to him about this."

"Brother, what is this about?" Gabriel, the archangel of healing asked.

7 figures in total we're sitting on a round table, 6 of them looking directly at Michael.

"An Angel, spoke to me. Apparently a human died on earth, but it somehow...didn't die? The angel who told me about this wasn't sure at what exactly happened. He also talked about how this soul was, very, very powerful." Michael explained.

"So I wasn't Imagining that feeling!" Azrael, the angel of death muttered. Everyone else looked at him.

"Early today, I felt someone die, but, then he didn't die. It just...left. Whoever is on earth, isn't a normal human." Azrael exclaimed.

"Your sure it wasn't a demon of sorts? What if it was that IMP group that was rumored to be on earth?" Gabriel asked.

"Sister, it was confirmed that it was a human." Michael answered.

"Well, we need to send someone down there to investigate." Leo, an archangel stated.

"I'll go." Gabriel said. Everyone looked at her, before Gabriel explained why.

"I'm bored and if anything, this is a good time for me to do something other then my usual duties." Gabriel stated, before getting up. "Now, where's did the event occur?"

Please comment on this. I need it. And give me some ideas. And tell me if there's grammar errors.