"Lucifer dear, why are we even here? You know that we have much more important stuff to do." Lilith spoke in a seductive tone, walking along side Lucifer.

"My apple pie, this is quite important." Lucifer responded back, walking through the hallway, heading for a certain Owl.

"Well yes, the attack on Stolas is a concern, but he can easily be replaced." Lilith began, before following Lucifer into medical room.

However, as she did enter in, she felt everything get slightly cold and chilly. In front of them was Stolas laying down on a bed, with bandages and wires all over him.

Next to him was his daughter, Octavia, resting on a chair, eyes shut.

As Lucifer approached the Goetic demon's child, he slowly nudged her awake. Octavia woke up with a slight gasp, before looking up and seeing Lucifer stare right at her.

"Yourmajesty! I-" Octavia began frantically, getting up quickly.

"It's alright, I'm just here to check on your father, you can back sit down." Lucifer softly spoke, but with a tone of power, causing Octavia to sit back down in silence.

Lucifer soon turned his direction back to Stolas, approaching him slowly. As he did, he also felt cold, and dark. His attention slowly turned to the sharp icicle coming out of his body.

"Wait! Don't touch that! It-" Octavia frantically shouted.

"I am a fallen Angel. This would not harm me." Lucifer stated, slightly annoyed at her outburst.

"Honey, I feel cold." Lilith whispered, with some worry in her voice.

Lucifer however didn't hear her at all, his mind slowly whispering gibberish as he brought his hand closer to the shard. Eventually, contact was made.

This wasn't right.

Everything was cold and motionless.

And he wasn't supposed to be here either.

He was an intruder, trespassing on someone else's property. Or in this case. DOMIAN.

He didn't like this. He wanted to go back to his family.


Lucifer removed his hands from the shard as fast as he could. Shaking a little, before shaking the feeling off himself.

What ever that was, it was powerful. But Lucifer was a fallen Angel, and an archangel at that, so he was mostly unaffected by the shard, merely shaken a little.

As he kept on examining Stolas, he noticed the Goetic princes hand clenched, holding something. Lucifer, with care, grabbed ahold of his hand, before prying his talon like fingers open.

The king of hell removed it softly before examining the object, with Octavia and Lilith also watching with curiosity. It was a broken piece of equipment, with a small speaker on its side. As Lucifer continued to slightly tinker with it, a song began playing mid way, with a singer singing in a robotic voice.

"Like a gust of wind

You hit me off sometimes

Like a gust of wind

You push me back every once in a while

Like a gust of wind

You remind me there's someone up there

Who whooshes in

The air I need to power myself-"

The song abruptly stopped playing, going completely silent.

"Holy shit that was Good." Octavia said out loud, for a moment forgetting everything bad.

"It seems that our friend...loves music." Lucifer stated, before looking back at Stolas. "Welp, time to wake him up!" Lucifer stated in a jolly tone before rasing his hand and snapping his finger.

The effect was instantaneous. Stolas immediately opened his eyes as he began moving. A slight spike occurred in the heartbeat monitor before going back to normal.

"DAD!" Octavia screamed, running to him and hugged him tightly.

"Sta-starlight...your hurting me."

Octavia immediately let him go, before apologizing. As much as Octavia wanted to spend some time with her father, Lucifer had other plans in mind.

"Now that we have pleasantries out the way, I need to talk to you Stolas. Alone."

Sorry about the delay. Again, I've been busy with work, but don't worry, I haven't given up on any of my stories.