No beta reader this time! Also, warning for sexy times!
Center of the Void, Throne Room of the Eldritch Pantheon.
"Well, this whole cosmic party is working out quite well so far." Declared Uldatrex, the Pleroma of Good and Evil looking thoughtfully at the people gathered in the Eldritch Throne Room.
"May it help bring an Age of peace and prosperity for all." prayed Jesus, bowing his head deeply.
"As nice as that would be, father's actions did make sure that war will spread across the stars for many years to come." noted Zaldroct.
"An unfortunate truth… Though I cannot deny the righteousness of his cause." replied Archangel Micheal.
"There will be a great many lives cut short before their time… It is a tragedy, though I shall do all I can to watch over the souls of the dead." mournfully said Pyhgmi, as the Pleroma of Life and Death.
"Fear not, all who protect the souls of the dead from Evil will find an Ally in me." declared Azrael, the Archangel of Death with a voice turning ever so slightly warmer towards his counterpart.
Pyhgmi smiled brightly at him in thanks for his words. "I look forward to working more with you, too, Azrael!"
Raphael's lips twitched. "It seems like you're going to make a new friend, brother. Today is truly a day of miracles!" he said, teasing his usually grim, almost dour brother.
Azreal turned to give him a flat, judgemental stare, though Raphael reacted to the look capable of sending countless lesser souls into hysterical terror with a growing smirk instead.
"Brother Raphael will not be the only one who will work more closely with his counterpart in the future. With war on the horizon, it would be wise for all of us to get to know each other better." said Michael with warmth.
Archangel Uriel sent a long look at the Pleromas. "I can't say I don't have some reservations about how much influence the new Eldritch King is gathering, but if nothing else I can get behind the desire to remove the Abyss from existence. That pit of horrors should have never become as powerful as it did, and reality will be much better without those abominations within it."
Uldatrex smirked. "Oh? Do the big bad Archangels fear that our father will turn his gaze towards the Heavens next?"
"That won't happen." firmly said Sherry, sending a reproachful look at Uldatrex for his words. "Dad would never do that." She tilted her head, her expression turning unnaturally blank for a second. "The very foundation of his nature and views on Reality will make sure of that."
Children of both Aeon and Yahweh glanced at her curiously, and she smiled.
"Dad wishes to protect Heaven and its wonders. If anything, he would more likely act as Heaven's greatest protector than its destroyer." Sherry remarked calmly.
Archangel Uriel raised an eyebrow. "Does your father believe Heaven needs protection?" he said, sounding bewildered at the very thought.
Sherry's expression turned thoughtful. "He wishes to ensure that all that is beautiful in his eyes remains eternal. Heaven is one of the greatest concentrations of beauty in existence as far as he is concerned."
Unnoticed by everyone, Jesus looked curiously at her… before a gleam of realization came in his eyes, and he too turned thoughtful.
"Heaven can take care of itself." Uriel remarked firmly.
A strange smile crossed Sherry's lips. "He knows. He just struggles to remember to care about that fact. Too much kindness can be a poison as subtle as it can be devastating when it becomes smothering."
Then she blinked, and shook her head. "Still, my point stands. Dad would rather cut off his own hands than go to war with Heaven."
"I'm sure it won't come to that." firmly said Micheal. "Heaven and the Eldritch Pantheon is set to become allies on a level unseen in history. As shocking as it still feels, I must admit I am extremely eager to see what we can all accomplish together." he finished, a warm smile on his lips.
"The same can be said of us, Archangel Michael." remarked Rwandelux warmly. "To have allies in our duties against Evil is always a blessing, and I'm certain that both of our respective fathers will find naught but reasons to praise us on our future accomplishments by collaborating to the best of our abilities."
"May your words go straight to the ears of our respective Lords, Rwandelux." Archangel Gabriel said with a happy smile.
Sherry couldn't help but smile slightly at the friendliness of the Archangels, as at first the Archangels had been clearly a bit worried about Rwandelux being the Pleroma of Light and Darkness, their own experiences clearly reminding them of Helel…
Until Rwandelux opened his mouth.
Then they very rapidly learnt that he was absolutely nothing like Helel in personality, and very quickly warmed up to him as a result.
If anything, the fact that Rwandelux was sometimes rather… oblivious… made them all the more amused at the differences.
Rwandelux smiled warmly at Gabriel. "Indeed. I look forward to working with you, Lady Gabriel, though I fear your superior Light will by far outshine mine! I must say, the radiance of your soul is truly breathtaking!"
… Case in point.
Gabriel's smile widened, her blue eyes twinkling with barely hidden mirth, while Sherry and the Pleroma around Rwandelux more and less successfully resisted the urge to groan at his words.
The other Archangels twitched at his words…
While Rwandelux kept smiling, completely oblivious to how his words could be seen as flirting.
No, he was still there, smiling happily and with not a single deceptive bone in his body, having completely earnestly meant every word.
And they all knew it.
Uldatrex took one look at the oblivious Rwandelux, then at the mischievous delight in Gabriel's eyes, then at the stares of the other Archangels, before he started chuckling to himself. "Oh, brother, you're in danger."
"... I'm not sure which of the two requires protection, here…" mused Raphael, looking thoughtfully between Rwandelux and Gabriel.
Uriel merely groaned. "Sister, please."
"I have no idea what you're all talking about." innocently said Gabriel… though the clear amusement in her face betrayed her easily. "I merely believe that it would be beneficial if Rwandelux and myself were to work more… Closely together in the future, that's all."
"Truly?" Rwandelux exclaimed before beaming with delight at the Archangel. "I would love to spend time with you and get to know you better! What would you prefer doing? Spending time admiring the stars? Exploring distant civilizations? Smiting evil together?"
Everyone stared at his innocent, happy smile and earnest eagerness.
"... I'll say it again. I have genuinely no idea which of those two require protection, here…" Deadpanned Raphael.
"I think those are all wonderful ideas, Rwandelux." Gabriel said, almost purring the words. "I would love to do them all together with you!"
At her side, Archangel Jophiel put her face in the palm of her right hand.
"I know that she's mostly having fun, but this is still so strange to watch." she groaned to herself.
Archangel Zariel, Archangel of Mysteries, patted her shoulder comfortingly, a blank expression on his face. "Some mysteries are beyond even me to know, sister, and this is one thing I have no desire to know more about."
Meanwhile, Altryxna, Pleroma of Science and Magic, glanced at her sister Sydnotra, Pleroma of Knowledge and Ignorance, with a mildly concerned expression.
"Should we intervene?"
"And miss on the fun?!" exclaimed Sydnotra with a bewildered look at the very notion. "Absolutely not! Let them cook, sister!"
Altryxna looked back at Rwandelux and Gabriel, both of them eagerly getting the details of when and where to meet up in the name of "greater cooperation", with innuendos flying out of their mouths faster than bullets out of a gun, one completely oblivious and the other completely amused at both the situation and the reactions of her siblings, before she looked back at Sydnotra with a doubtful expression. "Are you sure?"
"Absolutely. It'll be good for our brother to know more people than his family." replied Sydnotra… before casually adding, "Also, if she breaks his heart, I'll make a new pair of warm, comfortable slippers out of her wings, so it's all good."
Altryxna blinked. "What?"
"I said, she does have beautiful wings, I wonder how Yahweh managed to create the conceptual framework for them…" mused Sydnotra without skipping a beat.
"... Hm. That's actually a good question…" muttered Altryxna, looking thoughtfully at Gabriel and the other Archangels.
Nearby, Pyhgmi's smile suddenly twitched, and her eyes caught those of Azrael.
"Please make sure your sister doesn't go too far in her fun…" she whispered to him pleadingly.
The Archangel of Death nodded slowly in solemn agreement. "I will."
Pyhgmi sent him another warm smile for that, with Azreal looking away and back towards the enthusiastically chatting duo of Rwandelux and Gabriel discussing… How to best smash a demon into a bloody smear on the ground.
Uriel glanced at the remaining Pleroma, who had remained silent, smiling softly at the general chaos of both sides interacting with each other.
"Little to say?" he inquired.
Amnique chuckled softly. "I am the Pleroma of Destiny and Free Will, of Chaos and Order… And so far, it certainly looks like everyone here is enjoying themselves freely without any need for destined guidance."
His expression softened. "The day all people can live their lives without the weight of divine destiny is the day all people chose to follow the Heavenly paths out of their own volition. Such a day might never come… But I can certainly approve of anything that can shift the balance further towards good decision making."
Uriel frowned slightly. "The guidance of the Lord is something to be exalted by whenever it is given. Do you not feel the same certainty of purpose when your own Lord shares his will with you?"
Amnique stared at him for a moment, before chuckling gently. "Absolutely. There will never come a time when I will not be glad to receive the will of my father."
Uriel tilted his head curiously. "Then-"
"But that's the thing, isn't it?" continued Amnique thoughtfully. "I am glad to do so."
Uriel blinked. "I do not understand."
Behind him, Jesus and Metratron met Amnique's eyes, who smiled at them.
"No, indeed not. Though perhaps one day, you will." Amnique replied mysteriously.
Jesus and Metatron exchanged a knowing look.
"Or perhaps not. Choices… are such complex things, aren't they?" Amnique said thoughtfully before smiling brightly. "And they are all the more beautiful for it, when the right ones are made."
Archangel Zariel tilted his head towards Amnique, a curious expression crossing his face.
"How strange…" he muttered. "It feels like someone taking the first step on a long road to a secret truth…"
"Secrets truths you say?" suddenly spoke up Sydnotra, coming close to him and smiling warmly, a mysterious twinkle in her starlit eyes. "Well, as the Pleroma of Knowledge, I was wondering if you would be willing to exchange knowledge with me."
Zariel blinked. There was something about her that ever so subtly pinged on his divine Authority, but he couldn't quite put his fingers on it…
"... I would be open to a mutually beneficial sharing of information." he eventually replied. "Is there something specific you had in mind for a start?"
Sydnotra's mask hid her face, but even so he was absolutely certain a mischievous smile was spreading wide under it.
"Oh, I had some ideas, if you're willing to listen…"
Somehow, he had the strangest feeling that he was going to see this woman a lot in the future…
Nearby, Uldatrex looked at the forming groups- Pyhgmi with Azrael, Sydnotra with Zariel, and Rwandelux with Gabriel- before looking towards Micheal.
"Seems our siblings are really getting into that whole 'socialization' shtick. That's fine with ya'?"
"It is." serenely replied Micheal. "If anything, it pleases me to see my siblings find others beyond those of Heaven to converse with. I mean absolutely no disrespect to the people of Heaven, but it is good to remind ourselves that Existence does not lie solely with those in the Heavenly Realms. There is value in encountering and learning the beliefs and culture of others, and it would be a tragic mistake to ever forget that."
Uldatrex hummed before smirking. "Though of course your Father's edicts stand supreme, isn't that right?"
Michael's smile turned ever so slightly wry. "Is it different for you, Uldatrex, son of Aeon, Pleroma of Good and Evil?"
Uldatrex chuckled warmly, taking a long pull on his smoke between his lips. "Touché."
Then his eyes settled on everyone, Pleroma and Archangel both, and his voice softened. "For what it's worth, I really hope that we can all work together in peace for the rest of Eternity. There's enough Evils in existence to keep all of us busy, and it'd be a damn shame if we wasted our lives killing each other when there are so many more worthy targets for people like us to focus on."
Michael's smile softened as well, seeing the same thing that Uldatrex did.
Two groups of children wanting to make their father proud, eager to dedicate their lives to making reality a better place for all and willing to die and suffer through terrible ordeals to make it happen.
"I hope that you will never suffer the betrayals that we did." whispered Micheal, his eyes losing focus as old faces, from a long time ago, flashed through his mind. While Lucifer's recent actions have done a lot to sooth old pains and close some very ancient wounds, the scars upon the Archangels' hearts and souls would never truly heal, and it forever made them harder people for it. "I truly hope… That the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood between you and all other creations of your father will never, ever fade or be turned into hatred."
For a moment, Archangel Micheal truly looked his full age, the weights of eons of war, bitter hatred and painful betrayal weighting upon his soul. His eyes stared into the distance, his expression turned almost vacant, and the eternal glow of light surrounding him dimmed with his sudden melancholy mood.
Then Uldatrex put a hand on his shoulder, a soft, firm voice telling him simply "We won't. Those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat its mistakes… But neither we nor father are fools. We will not let something like Lucifer's Rebellion happen."
Of course, it was essentially impossible to begin with, considering that the Aeons created by the Eldritch King were constantly connected to his True Self in such a way that they didn't fully possess Free Will. But Uldatrex understood that it wasn't about possibilities. It was about comforting Micheal and letting him know that the suffering he went through actually mattered and made a difference.
That all the pain and horror of Lucifer's rebellion wouldn't happen again to someone else.
And Michael recognized that, as he shook off his melancholy and smiled at Uldatrex.
And that was all that needed to be said. The mistakes of the past will not be repeated… And Reality won't have to deal with even more forces of Evil born from once exemplars of Good.
To Michael, that was a small balm to his soul, that his and his siblings' suffering will be neither forgotten nor made meaningless.
Now, all that was needed was to strike down the Forces of Evil… and all of Reality would become a better place for it.
And that was something Archangel Michael was very, very much looking forward to.
I glanced towards my children, raising an eyebrow in amusement at how things were unfolding… before shaking my head with a smile.
Archangel Gabriel was most definitely having her fun, but as long as it was just that I wouldn't intervene. Besides, Rwandelux could use someone willing to keep him on his toes.
As for the others… Well, the stronger the friendship between those of similar domains, the better for the relations between my children and those of Yahweh… and the worse for every evil in existence.
Either way, I wouldn't involve myself in all of that unless absolutely necessary.
For now, I had more pressing matters to attend to…
Like the representatives of the Walker's Guild, short for the Planeswalkers's Guild.
I tilted my head, looking at the twins Planeswalkers smiling at me with a slight hint of nervousness and anxiety on their faces.
Well now, those were some familiar faces…
"Greetings, King of the Eldritch." respectful declared the male siblings of the two with a bow. "I am Aether, and this is my sister Lumine."
"Hi." simply said his sister with a smile and a curtsy.
"Today, we have the honor of representing the Walker's Guild, a group of Planeswalkers dedicated to the exploration and study of distant planes of existence across the Omniverse." explained Aether.
"Our group is open only to those who can travel between multiverses… But considering that you and yours are from beyond this multiverse to begin with, there can be no doubt that you have a right to a membership amongst our members." Lumine said with a friendly smile.
"Your membership has already been taken care of. Simply by being a Planeswalker you are automatically granted a place amongst our ranks." continued Aether. "Of course, whether or not you want to actively be part of our organization is entirely up to you, but it would be our utmost honor to have such a prestigious individual such as you willing to help us in our never-ending quest for discovery of your Queen's creation."
"Our databases are fully open to you, and if you have requests for our members, you are most welcome to make them. I am certain that our organization can accommodate you." Lumine declared with a hint of eagerness at the thought of a literal divine commission from me.
"While any additional data on realms that are known to you would be most welcome, we understand if you do not wish to part with such knowledge at this time." Aether said calmly.
"Here is your membership card, my Lord." Lumine gave me an electronic card, which flashed when I took it, taking detailed scans of myself before recognizing me as its new owner and entering sleep mode. "With this, you can make use of any and all facilities at the Walker's Guild disposal."
This time, both of them bowed. "May it serve you well, King Aeon."
I chuckled, putting the card in my inventory. It was a very impressive piece of magi-tech, though I made sure to thoroughly scan it for unpleasant surprises before, once satisfied, strengthening the protections on it.
"You have my thanks, you two." I said with a warm, friendly smile. "I know of your Guild of course, and it would be an honor to be a part of it."
I paused, humming thoughtfully. "As for whether I will play an active part in your organization… Most likely, yes. In fact…"
I summoned the Black supercomputer I got from Lucy's reality in hand, looking no bigger than a tablet, and made a few manipulations before smiling.
"There. I sent some data about some of the multiverses I keep an eye on. Beware though, some of them are more dangerous than others." I told them sternly.
The twins blinked, then smiled, quite clearly very happy to have gotten some gifts in return for theirs. I had a feeling that they were going to get some free drinks and pats on the back for that.
Of course, I actually wanted to do more than just give them some data. The Walker's Guild was an organization with a large amount of power and influence, who knew things about the omniverse that nobody else knew, and kept quite a few secrets by the very nature of their organization. The more influence I could get with them, the better, not only for myself, but for Reality as a whole, since these people were quite often the first line of defenses against distant threats from unexplored realms.
"Thank you-"
"I'm not done." I said with amusement. "I'm also sending you a thousand quadrillion credits as a gift, on top of investing a Hundred thousand Quadrillions credits into your organization."
Both twins promptly started choking on air, eyes bulging wide and skin rapidly turning redder towards a deep purple from lack of air.
"I'm also sending you the contact data of a billion different mercenary companies of good reputations, so that you can call on some armed forces if you need to deal with some problematic evils during your people's explorations. I'm also willing to help bankroll a hundred millions explorer ships for the Guild, since you can never have too many of those." I continued, ignoring the by now opened-mouth gaping expressions on the twins's faces.
"Let's see, what else… Hmm, contracts for food, water, or other drinks… Vehicles of all kinds, along with the logistical support required… Hmm, I also need to build up bases, both in space and planetside, for your people… The mining rights to support all of that, and then same for the farming rights, and then…"
I started mumbling to myself, using the full capabilities of the Black supercomputer to make sure that everything that I needed to do could be done quickly.
The twins were by now staring in silence at me, a blank look in their eyes. A part of me mentally cackled over the fact that I clearly broke them both, but the majority of my focus was on my work.
"I also need to set-up some greater connections with the military of the Eldritch Kingdom, in case members of the Guild need some heavy firepower to deal with an extra-dimensional incursion… Hmm, maybe set up some diplomatic work with the Heavenly realms and Axis, in order to better strengthen cooperations between all factions… Perhaps I can start a PR campaign to help the Guild as well, having public opinion on your side is always better than the opposite…"
The twins shared a look, equally dumbfounded expressions on their faces.
"Ah! And of course, I'l assign some of my Aeons to act as pseudo guardian Angels for your people, you never know when that might come handy. There! That should be enough for now." I declared with a satisfied smile and looked back at the blankly staring twins with a bright grin. "Anything else I can help you two with?"
"...No, sir." faintly answered Aether. "I think that's everything."
His sister nodded robotically at his side, an empty look in her golden eyes.
"Perfect! If you need anything more, feel free to ask! Money, starships, food and drinks, doesn't matter!" I said cheerfully.
"We'll make sure to remember that. Thank you, sir." blankly said Aether, still as clearly mentally broken as his sister.
Who was still continuing to nod without a shred of intelligence in her eyes.
"Good, good. And if you are ever caught in a bind, don't forget to pray to me! I'll make sure to help you out, alright?"
"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." declared Aether tonelessly, his sister still nodding like a bubble head by his side.
One of his hands went up, taking her by the jaw and finally stopping her… Though Aether was still as blank-eyed as his sister.
"Alright! Have a good day, you two." I said cheerfully, before walking away.
The twins instinctively bowed, then turned on their heels and walked away as well.
For a long moment, neither of the golden haired and eyed twins said a word, before Lumine finally managed to speak up, the same blank, empty look in her eyes as her brother.
"Aether… What just happened?"
Aether opened his mouth.
Closed it.
"... We underestimated the mind-breaking dangers of interacting with the King of the Eldritch." he finally replied tonelessly. "Turns out, sufficiently powerful Eldritch Gods can, in fact, break minds by merely speaking, even while doing so in mortal languages."
"I'm sure that the people back at the Guild will be fascinated by this discovery."
"... Want to get black-out drunk and pray that reality will make more sense afterwards?"
I chuckled. Well, that was an amusing, and productive, five minutes long meeting.
"It seems that you're having fun, my king." said Yog, suddenly appearing at my side with an amused grin.
"Breaking people's minds is a time-honoured tradition amongst the Eldritch. As the new King of the Eldritch pantheon, it is my honor to follow the traditions of my people." I replied with an innocent smile in return.
Somehow, Yog appeared even more amused. "Yes, because giving them more money than most interstellar empire's annual GDP, as a start, was going to result in a calm and reasonable reaction."
I smiled at her. "Money is like power. If it is not used, what good is it, truly? And much like power, money is a means to an end. In this case, that end is gaining a large amount of influence within their organization."
"There was no need for that, you know. They would have bent over backwards for you anyway. The simple prestige of having you be an honorary member alone would have seen them ready to swear their willingness to almost anything you could have asked of them." Yog pointed out.
I shook my head. "It's not just a matter of gaining influence in the Guild, though it certainly is one objective. It's also a matter that they make for a very useful spy network. The Guild have a long list of valuable contacts, and are well-loved by countless worlds, if not entire realities. They possess knowledge that few if any other organization possess, beyond even most gods even. They also serve as a wonderful group of scouts into potentially dangerous realities that may require me to act to ensure that various previously unknown evils are quickly contained."
Because if some planeswalker gets accidentally corrupted by the Gods of Chaos from warhammer 40k, or any other horrors from across the omniverse, and nobody watches over them, then, well things could get ugly very, very fast.
Yog tilted her head, before an approving smile crossed her lips. "Already thinking like a king, your majesty. That is good to see."
My lips twitched in amusement.
"Well, there was also the fact that gaining influence into their organization could be very, very valuable to the Eldritch Kingdom. Gaining first contact rights with previously undiscovered species and civilizations could get us large amounts of wealth, knowledge, and even greater diplomatic power. Possibly even some new members of the Kingdom, if those new species decide to become members of the Eldritch Kingdom. In the end, what resources I spent on them are really not that large compared to the potential benefits."
I paused, then shrugged. "Also, my personal wealth is effectively infinite, since I could snap my fingers and create an universe's worth of gold and precious gems. So I'm losing very little for potential enormous rewards."
"That's fair. Still, as an omniscient god, shouldn't you be able to know everything they know?" Yog asked.
"Of course. But by doing things this way, I can get a friendly relationship with the Guild, and also not step on their toes if they discover something valuable. Both of those things are useful things, in the long run." I remarked.
Then I paused and smirked at her. "Also, the look on their faces was hilarious, and I regret nothing."
Yog laughed at that. "Ah, and here we see the true reason for your investments! Not grand ideals or long-term plans, but the opportunity to troll and mind-break a couple of mortals!"
"But of course. I am the King of the Eldritch, after all. I have the reputation of the Eldritch mythos to uphold!" I say grandly.
Both of us laughed, before the expression on Yog's face softened.
"Nonetheless, I cannot deny that today was a massive success, my king. Whether for mortals or immortals, you have gained far more allies than enemies today, and in time that will matter a great deal." she told me.
"I know." I replied calmly. "There are many challenges ahead of us all, but we will overcome them all. I am certain of it."
"Strong words, my king. I pray that they will prove true."
Yog and I turned, smiling at Shub, though Yog had a shard of uncertainty in her smile as she looked at the slightly younger Outer Goddess.
"Hello, Shub. I trust that you had a good time during the coronation so far?" I asked the Mother of a Thousand Youngs.
"I did, actually. I had the opportunity to catch up with countless friends and even some family members I hadn't seen in a long time. It was very enjoyable." she told me, and by the brilliant smile on her face she was clearly speaking the truth.
"Well, I have some time, why not introduce me to some of them? I believe that two of your children, Nug and Yeb, are present, no?" I asked her, and the brilliant smile on her face turned almost blinding from the sheer joy contained within it.
"I'd love to!" she exclaimed happily.
There was a psychic pulse, and a moment later two men resembling almost perfectly their mother, if without the horns, came through the crowd to rest by her sides.
With the same brilliant smile, she put her hands on their shoulders. "King Aeon, I present to you Nug and Yeb, my children with-" her eyes flickered towards Yog, who did her best to not squirm under her gaze. "-Yog."
"It's a pleasure to meet you two." I said warmly. "I know that Shub had missed getting to talk to you these last few eons, so I'm happy to see that you all got the chance to reconnect."
"Thank you, your majesty." replied Nug with a friendly smile. "Catching up with our parents was admittedly something we should have done sooner." admitted Yeb, looking faintly guilty towards Shub especially.
Which, considering how long eldritch gods consider "a long time", it really says something about how long those two had not kept in contact with their parents.
"Well, you did so now, and I hope that you will not forget again to do so in the future?" I asked them, putting some steel in my voice as I did, and the two men quickly shook their heads.
"Good. Now, from what I know, you two have been working as 'Worlds Clearer', essentially removing any hostile fauna or flora that could get in the way of Eldritch species colonizing new worlds? How is it going?" I asked them curiously.
"It's been going well, your majesty. We've got a long list of very satisfied clients nowadays, some of which happily call on us again if the opportunity for more of our work is required." answered Nug.
"We made sure to stay away from Earth, since… Well, quite a few people were worried we would wipe out human civilization to let Cthulhu out from R'lyeh early." admitted Yeb.
"Cthulhu is my son, after all." Nug pointed out. "Speaking of which, you have my deepest gratitude for freeing him, your majesty. If you ever require my and my brother's services, we'll take any commissions from you free of charges. It's the least we can do." Nug declared, his expression and emotions radiating immense gratitude, relief and joy.
"It was my pleasure to help one of the greatest representatives of the Eldritch pantheon, and my duty besides." I told them honestly. "And it's hardly like I gained nothing from doing so."
"True, but even so, the news of all you did for my son is not something that I shall ever forget, king Aeon." declared Nug, bowing deeply. "I will find a way to repay you, I swear it."
"Then I'll keep that in mind. With everything that is going to happen in the future, I'm sure that I can find ways of making sure that you will repay your debt in full." I said calmly.
Then I paused, and my expression hardened slightly. "Also, just so we're clear… I am very happy that you did not do anything to humanity on Earth. I would have been immensely displeased if you had."
For a moment, a fraction of my full power fell on the eldritch gods around me, and the twin brothers- along with Shub and Yog- stiffened in dread at the cosmic sea of rolling power suddenly pressing down on the twins.
"U-Understood, King Aeon." stammered Nug, face pale and body trembling slightly.
"W-We'll make sure to never touch Earth, your Majesty!" quickly swore Yeb.
I stared at them, letting them sweat a little longer, before pulling back and smiling warmly once more, any hint of deadly cosmic power once more sealed away.
"Good. With that matter dealt with, we can focus on more important things. Like for example, how about you two give me some stories of what it's like, being the children of Yog-Sothoth and Shub-Niggurath? I'm curious!" I said cheerfully.
I ignored the way the four deities before me let out deep sighs of relief when the pressure of my power disappeared, before Nug and Yeb began to hesitantly tell me some funny stories about them growing up, with fun anecdotes added by both Yog and Shub.
In no time at all, I had charmed the twin sons of Yog and Shub, putting my inhuman charisma to good work on removing any lingering tension from my intimidation. I wanted them to know that touching Humanity was off-limits, but since they had been wise enough to do so by themselves, there was little need to stress the point.
Instead, I put to work my charisma by striking several targets at once: First, cementing my good relationship with the children of Yog and Shub, one of which also happened to be Cthulhu's father.
It didn't take long to discover the reason that both sons of Yog and Shub had distanced themselves from their family was as a result of two things: first the whole mess of a civil war on Xoth between Cthulhu and his brother, and then the fall of R'lyeh.
The general trauma of it all left them too heartbroken to linger with the rest of their family, thus ensuring they effectively buried their grief with work.
Of course, with Cthulhu free and now having his own demi-plane, the greatest source of their grief was gone… And the issues between Cthulhu and his brother were also finally mending, as Cthulhu's brother was much wiser nowadays and was eager to bury the hatchet, so to speak.
Either way, some pointed comments from me were more than enough to ensure that they would once again keep in contact with their family, whether it was their parents or children.
I was honestly rather hopeful that, soon enough, the whole family would be in talking terms again, thus effectively cementing an entire divine eldritch family line as loyal and devoted to my rule.
Of course, I was also earnestly curious about learning more of their profession, as being eldritch "World Cleaners" sounded like a fascinating job.
And honestly, it was! Even if there were a few issues when they started out, involving them "cleaning" worlds which were already inhabited with eldritch cultists, which got them into trouble with a couple of fellow eldritch gods a few times.
Needless to say, they were far more careful these days, which I was quite happy to hear, because I really didn't want to deal with eldritch gods randomly causing genocides because an eldritch god wanted an already inhabited world for themselves.
That was a recipe for diplomatic disasters, to say nothing of the sheer staggering moral issues involved!
Either way, by the end of the talk both Yog and Shub were almost beaming with pride over their children, and the twins were very firmly cemented into my growing power bloc as "loyalist", which was a complete success in my eyes.
Also, on a personal level, the looks that both Yog and Shub sent me when it became clear that their children approved of me made it clear that I was one step closer to gaining their affections… Which was all sort of good.
Still, I could focus on how to best get myself a divine threesome with those two later. Today was about another goddess, and it was about time I focused more on her.
Once I was done with Nug and Yeb, I looked into the distance, my gaze resting on a laughing Azathoth talking with Oedon, though my new Queen quickly turned towards me when she felt the weight of my gaze upon her.
Our eyes met, and I smiled mischievously, before turning towards Yog and Shub.
"My apologies, ladies, but this party is winding down, and there is one thing I must absolutely do before it ends. If you'd allow me, I need to go see Azathoth." I told both of them.
They smiled with a knowing look in their eyes, warmth clear in their expressions. "Go on, this is your and Ada's big day, go make sure that she enjoys it." Yog declared.
"Yog's right on this. You did everything right as the God-King of the Eldritch. Now go be the husband Aza needs." said Shub, gently but firmly pushing me forwards towards Aza.
I laughed, then grinned.
Yes, it was definitely time to focus on my new wife.
First thing first: asking her for a dance!
Azathoth laughed at a joke that Oedon told her, her lips seemingly stuck in a brilliant smile that refused to leave her lips ever since Aeon took his throne, the weight of her new crown that he personally crafted for her being a constant source of joy and pride.
Watching him navigate through the crowd of well-wishers and potential political allies or enemies had been a delight, seeing him either charm or intimidate his way through every conversation depending on the context.
It made her very happy to see him so passionate and eager to embrace his new status. She had been a bit worried, despite everything, that the newfound burden of leadership on his shoulders would prove too much, or that he would come to resent it… But so far, Aeon seems to outright thrive amongst the great and powerful of the Prime Multiverse, making as many allies as he possibly could along the way.
The only time he had seemingly been left… perhaps not entirely on the backfoot, but at least somewhat unbalanced, was his meeting with the White God in Heaven. Even she couldn't fully tell what had taken place between the two, but it had left Aeon in a thoughtful, almost melancholy mood afterwards, but also strangely… Happy?
It was rather confusing, and a part of her had been ready to intervene (and she would have gladly marched up to Yahweh to demands explanation if need be, because she didn't care if he was powerful, she would show him his place if he ever did anything to harm her beloved) but whatever happened Aeon had quickly shaken it off and returned to his passionate self soon enough.
She would still keep an eye on Yahweh, and doubly so if he and her beloved interacted again, but for now… For now, Oedon told her to leave the two men be.
Something about Aeon needing to be challenged, and requiring more friends? She didn't get it, but if nothing else she fully trusted Oedon to have Aeon' best interests at heart.
Even if Aza had to smother the seed of envy and bitterness over the fact that Oedon clearly knew her beloved more than her, if she could understand him better than Aza could right now.
Still, that was fine. Aeon and Oedon knew each other for much longer, and in time Aza would forge the same intrinsic connection with him that he shared with her.
If anything, Aza was excited that one day, she'd be able to understand her beloved with just a look like Oedon could. That kind of bond was exactly what she desired, and the day it would happen was one she was eagerly looking forward to.
For now, she was satisfied with watching over him as he proved to be an excellent king already, one that was frankly far better a ruler then she was when she first started.
She paused, feeling his attention turned towards her, and she turned, smiling as their gazes met.
Not long after he began walking towards her, and her smile brightened.
At her side, Oedon raised an eyebrow… before a knowing grin spread on her lips.
"Enjoy yourselves, you two." she whispered in her ear before walking away.
A second later, Aeon came to a stop, bending down and taking her hand before kissing it gently.
"Would my lady honour me with a dance?" he asked, his deep voice doing wonderful things to her human body.
"Always." she replied, meaning it utterly. If he wanted to spend the rest of eternity dancing with her, she wouldn't even hesitate to accept.
Her mind flashed back to their first meeting, the way they danced amongst the stars, and her human heart beat faster as he took one of her hands, his other hand coming to rest on her waist while her free hand went to his shoulder.
Under the light of distant stars, and with the amorphous flutes players making music for them, in full view of the most powerful beings in existence, Aeon took the lead and pulled her into a long, elaborate dance that made all watching stare wide-eyed in wonder and awe.
Azathoth barely even noticed the music in her ears, the weight of the people's eyes upon them, or even anything at all with her surroundings.
All she could see, as he twirled and sent her dancing left and right like a maestro playing with an instrument, was how perfect he looked as his cosmic eyes never left her, a small, peaceful and happy smile on his lips.
"They look so happy."
"The Queen looks downright entranced."
"The Queen? Look at the king! His eyes never left Azathoth even in the most difficult moments of their dance!"
"By the stars…"
"The stars? They're singing! Singing for our Queen and King!"
"All hail Queen Azathoth! All hail King Aeon!"
Azathoth didn't even blink. Didn't even breathe- she forgot how to less than 15 seconds into their dance, and barely remembered that humans were supposed to do so to live.
All of her attention, all of her thoughts, all of her emotions were focused entirely on her beloved, memorizing every detail of his face, every feature of his face, the way his warm hands felt against her body, the strong muscles of his chest when pressed against her own softer one…
Her glowing, golden gaze had focus only for him, and for nothing else. For the second time in her life, she forgot all about her Dream, all about her duties as queen, all about everything and anything that could distract her from the beauty and purity of this moment.
Right now, there was only Azathoth, the woman in love, and nothing else mattered. Not the whispered comments of the audience to this moment, not the weight of duty on her shoulders, nothing.
Just her, and him, dancing under shining starlight and with their eyes transfixed upon each other like they were the only things that mattered in all of existence.
This man had captured her heart with absurd ease, and while a part of her felt she should be terrified of how helpless she was in his hands…
She didn't care.
This felt too right, too perfect to ever give it up.
She smiled, her body feeling like it was made of air as they glided along the dance floor, unbound by gravity or other such mere mortal concerns as Aeon took her into an ever more elaborate dance that sent her blood boiling with passion and her heart to near bursting with joy.
Her smile shone like a star as she surrendered all control to him, trusting him fully to guide her and being rewarded by a masterful display that left all watching breathless in awe of the sheer perfect synchronicity of their movements.
Every step, every twitch of their bodies, every movement was perfectly choreographed, and it spoke of a connection far beyond the merely physical and of a level of skill that made even the greatest of gods freeze in wonder at the sight of it all.
This… was perfection exemplified, a meeting of bodies, hearts and souls finding a perfect symphony to walk together with, and Azathoth could only stare, wide-eyed and happier than she could ever remember being, as Aeon looked down at her with such perfect love and devotion than any part of her heart that might have been previously unclaimed by him promptly melted in a gooey, warm mess of feelings that left her blinking back tears of love and joy.
And then he leaned down, his warm lips capturing hers in a searing kiss that finished melting her brain into a puddle of bliss that she feared (hoped) to never recover from.
I smiled brightly, walking towards my throne with Azathoth by my side as we stood ready to end my coronation with a bang, my queen almost glowing with happiness.
After my dance with Azathoth, the metaphorical floodgates had been opened and I spent some time with all of my other wives dancing to our hearts' content, followed by some of the more bold women present during my coronation.
Some of them were just interested in having some time in the spotlight, but others like Yog, Shub and the likes were far more interested in actually dancing with me and enjoying themselves.
I took some satisfaction from the way they always left me with a healthy blush on their cheeks and with a somewhat dazed look in their eyes, their stares lingering on me as if wondering if they shouldn't just throw caution to the winds and kiss me right then and there.
My wives took no small amount of amusement, and quite a bit of smugness in some cases, in watching the sheer envy in the eyes of many of the people present for having me as their husband. That, and Oedon was absolutely beaming with delight at the way she saw several goddesses all but undressing me with their eyes.
Honestly, even gentle, motherly Shub-Niggurath had a rather intense look in her eyes after our dance together… For a moment, I was almost worried she was going to tear her dress apart and decide to bend over, consequences be damned…
Still, despite the fact that I more or less deliberately created a crisis of ruined panties on the dance floor, we managed to push things forward, and now it was time to properly end this entire coronation.
Thus Azathoth and myself were once again walking side by side towards our thrones, heads held high and our respective crowns resting proudly upon our brows.
Under thunderous applause, psychic screams of approval and general good cheers, we came to a stop in front of our thrones and smiled to all present.
"My people, and to all honored guests present on this glorious day, I thank you all for coming and being present to witness my ascension to God-King of the Eldritch Pantheon!" I shouted, earning me a renewed burst of applause.
"A new Age awaits us all!" declared Azathoth, whose' feets had literally not touched the ground since our dance since she started flying out of sheer joy, and whose smile was so bright and wide I was genuinely shocked it wasn't literally glowing. "No longer will I rule alone, from now on a good, wise and-" she glanced at me with a mischievous smile "-incredibly handsome King shall help guide us all towards an ever brighter future!"
There was a mix of applause and laughter at the last part, along with a lot of very passionate shouts in agreement to her words… and not all coming from the female half of those present.
"With that being said, I have one last declaration to make!" I spoke up again, because it was time to drop the Revelation that was going to change everything for the Eldritch pantheon. "As all of you know, my powers are as vast as my mastery of wielding them! Which is why I can do things that no previous Eldritch gods can do! That includes being able to let any and all Eldritch Gods enter the material universes at will if I so desire!"
The pure, shocked silence from everyone at that revelation was something to behold. I don't think Azathoth's throne room had been so utterly silent since the very dawn of Existence itself.
Everyone, Eldritch or not, visibly boggled at the sheer absurdity of what I just told them. As long as the Eldritch existed, Eldritch Gods could only enter the material universe with their True Forms by performing incredibly complex rituals through their mortal cultists.
There was a reason that for all of the Eldritch's pantheon's power, it simply wasn't all powerful. The fact that Eldritch Gods were limited in the ways they could interact with mortal realms were a big part of what limited the influence of the Eldritch.
And then I just went and told them that I could help any Eldritch God enter the material universe if I so desire. Just like that.
With this single revelation, I had just completely and utterly cemented my complete influence over the entire Eldritch pantheon… and utterly smashed eons of conventional wisdom and divine status quo.
Countless Eldritch Gods would happily swear to do anything I could ask of them for the chance to enter the material universe, even if only for a time. Moreover, every non-eldritch faction in Reality had just been informed that I could now leverage the full might of the Eldritch Pantheon in any realms I so desire, without limitations.
When everyone realized I was both entirely serious and truthful, the ensuing psychic shockwave as every Eldritch Gods seemingly roared in a mix of joy, hope, eagerness and pure delight sent almost every non-eldritch gods crashing on the ground as a mere by-product.
It sent a cosmic wave of pure Eldritch power across the Void and even beyond, a terrifyingly powerful symbol for all who could feel it of the changing times and of the sudden absolute supremacy of the Eldritch Pantheon for untold eons to come… perhaps eternity itself.
It was a roar of power sent by quadrillions of Eldritch divinities, all united in their absolute joy and delight at the news and its implications for the future.
It was a roar of freedom, of countless beings suddenly no longer shackled to specific parts of Reality, but finally free to go wherever they wanted without constraints.
It was a roar that echoed the death of the old cosmic order, and the birth of a hegemony of power over the entire cosmos by those aligned with the Eldritch Pantheon.
And everyone, absolutely every deity in the entire Prime Multiverse knew it.
The Abyss and its demons roared in pure rage and hatred. The daemons of Abaddon laughed with the absolute confidence of those who know that they are part of the winning team.
And the Devils of Hell remained deathly silent, but in the shadows of their halls of power, as their ruler ground his teeth in rage, the Lords and Ladies of Hell began to plot, scheme and consider how to best make use of the changing times for their own ends.
"My people!" I shouted, opening my arms wide, my cosmic form radiating pride and joy. "Celebrate and make merry, for a new Age comes for us all, one where no limitations will remain to bind us! Where we are free to pursue our ambitions to the fullest! Where the tragedies of the past only serve to better highlight the glory of the future! The greatest amongst us are defined by our abilities to Dream, so I dare all of you to dream of glorious futures beyond any you ever dare to imagine! Glory to the Eldritch Pantheon! Glory to the Eldritch Kingdom! Glory eternal to us all!"
I let out a happy sigh, relaxing back against my throne as I looked over the now empty throne room.
The celebration of my announcement about being able to help Eldritch Gods enter the material realm had thrown every Eldritch Gods into a renewed frenzy of joy, ensuring that the festivities effectively kept going for even longer than originally planned…
But then again, that was what contingency plans were for, and I had fully expected this reaction, and made sure that all the staff involved in this event would be ready if the celebration kept going for longer.
A good thing too, because if my coronation had sent the Eldritch pantheon into a frenzy of joy, my latest announcement sent everyone into realms of delighted awe I was certain the Eldritch Pantheon had never experienced, despite how old everyone was.
Still, people being too happy was a good problem to have, and I had a feeling that the Eldritch pantheon was going to have a lot of newborn deities in the near future. A rather considerable amount of eldritch deities had decided to get frisky in their joy, and I could tell that the Eldritch pantheon was going to see a baby boom rarely seen in its long history in the near future.
Once again, that was the kind of happy problem to deal with I was more than willing to cheerfully tackle in the future. For now, I had something much more important to do.
"Wow, I don't think I've ever seen everyone so happy before." Azathoth said, sitting on her own throne by my side… or lounging in her throne, rather. Any regal appearance she previously had was just as gone as our guests, and there was nothing royal about the way she was tiredly collapsed in her throne right now. "Aaaaah… This was exhausting. Now I remember why I prefer to keep such formal events to a minimum, I think I'm all out of social goodwill for the next billion years…"
I chuckled softly, amused by the low mumblings coming from my queen as she looked tiredly over the new empty throne room.
"Look on the bright side, it was a smashing success. With this alone we more or less secured the political stability of the Eldritch pantheon for a long time to come." I told her.
"Yeah, yeah, I know." she grumbled, before getting up and stretching with a yawn.
"Aaaah, I just wanna go to our bed and sleep for a million years in your arms… Can I?" she muttered to herself.
My eyes lingered on her ass as I deeply enjoyed the sight of her stretching form… before I grinned widely.
"I'm afraid not. There's one last very important queenly duty we need to take care of before you can rest, my love." I told her.
She let out a long groan. "More work? Ugh, come on, we can do it later- Woah!"
She gasped as her took her by the arm, turning her around-
And then making her kneel on top of me as I sat on my throne, my hands resting on her ass and squeezing tightly.
She flushed, her golden eyes wide as she stared at me in surprise-
Before I leaned forward and took her lips in mine, kissing her deeply.
"Mpph! Mmmmhhmmm~..."
Azathoth relaxed in my arms, her eyes closing in bliss as I kissed her passionately, her body shivering in pleasure as I kept kissing her and squeezing her very impressive ass.
When I pulled back, Azathoth stared at me with a slightly dazed, but clearly happy expression, a delighted smile on her lips.
"Beloved…" she muttered, her golden eyes darkening with lust.
"Your human form is getting better." I told her with a grin, deliberately squeezing her ass harder. "Your ass didn't used to be that round, soft yet firm before."
My eyes dip down to her breasts, right in front of my face. "And I'm certain that those are bigger than before, and more soft yet firm as well." I teased her.
Azathoth's blush grew, and her expression turned half shy, half proud.
"Do you… like it? I got a lot more acquainted with human female bodies since me and your wives have sex every night, so I decided to do a few changes." She asked hopefully.
I kissed her again, Aza all but melting in my arms as she fell against my chest, her golden eyes lidded with pleasure, before pulling back again.
"I think you did great work." I purred, and while she flushed brightly and squirmed at my words, there was no hiding the delighted gleam in her eyes. "And that is why I think that we shall put your work to good use… and take care of the most enjoyable part of being queen: securing the royal line." I purred, banishing all of our clothes with a flex of my power.
Azathoth gasped, both at my words and at the sensation of my dick suddenly hitting the entrance of her sex, before she bit her lips hard, her golden eyes now glowing with desire.
"Beloved… Are you sure? We can wait-" she tried to say, but I shook my head.
"No need. With the war against the Abyss coming, we should either wait until it's over and we've won it, or do so right now and use the time before the war to raise our children. And I don't want to wait, or force my other wives to wait for a long time before we can all have children. And as my queen, my first child born of my blood should be with you…" I brought my face closer to hers, letting my breath tickle her pink lips and making her shudder in anticipation. "And I know that you're more than eager to have children with me too. So. Unless you are certain we should wait…"
My grip on her now naked ass tightened, and I lined myself up to her sex.
"I think I know exactly how I want to break in my new throne, my queen." I purred lustfully.
Azathoth swallowed, but a single look in her eyes made it clear that she wasn't nervous.
Oh no, she was very, very eager… and the way her sex was dripping with her arousal really made it all the more clear.
"Take me." she breathed out, her hands coming to rest on my muscled chest.
"Human form or divine form?" I asked her, teasing the pink folds of her sex with the tip of my cock, and making her shudder in anticipation.
She paused for barely a second, before answering without hesitation.
"Divine form. Today is the day you became God-King of the Eldritch. Embrace that." Her voice turned into a husky whisper. "Embrace me… and never let go."
"Gladly." I declared, my human form falling away to let my cosmic form appear instead, and a moment later I did Humanity proud by letting my cosmic spear pierce the Heavens of Azathoth's hot and soaking wet depths.
"Aaaaaaaah~!" Azathoth threw her head back, moaning sweetly as she felt my length fill her insides. With my body being made not of flesh and blood but metaphysical concepts in humanoid form, it was an altogether more impactful feeling, and the delighted smile on her lips along with the increasingly wild gleam in her golden eyes made it clear she fully enjoyed it.
"Take me." She ordered, her voice now echoing with the full might of the Queen of the Eldritch, and I didn't hesitate.
I slammed my hips upwards, hilting myself fully inside her, noticing how utterly perfectly fit her insides were for my cock.
"Yeeeeeeeeeessssss~!" she hissed in bliss, her eyes turning lidded, some of her hair turning into snakes as she did.
"Did you shapeshift your sex to fit my length perfectly?" I asked her, even as I began to pound her sex hard from below, radiating amusement and lust at my discovery.
"I'm all yours!" she gasped, golden eyes wild and delighted. "Yours! Only yours! My body, my mind, my heart, my soul- It's all yours alone! Forever! Take me, claim me, oh stars yyyyeeessss~!" she moaned, her body shuddering as I leaned forward and took a nipple in my mouth, shaped like a supermassive black hole, before sucking hard.
She gasped and whimpered in bliss as I kept passionately pounding her sex, my hands squeezing her ass and using magic to further massage the globs of flesh to perfection, my cock filling her insides perfectly and my "mouth" continuing to suck on both of her nipples, sometimes at the same time, sometimes one after another.
"Oh, oh, oh, oh stars, it feels so good." Azathoth groaned. "Your mouth… oh, it sucks and squeezes so perfectly… Oh, ah, aaaah by my throne!" she shuddered, biting her lips hard. "This form is even more unfair than your human one… I can feel the metaphysical essence of your soul in each of your thrusts… Ahh! Ahh! Ohh~! It's… It's going so deep inside me." she groaned, meaning it both physically and conceptually.
She threw her arms around my shoulders, clinging to me while rapidly jerking her hips against my waist, her lips parted open as she repeatedly gasped and whimpered from pleasure, her golden eyes dull and dazed with bliss.
"I love you… I love you… I love you, give it to me, give me your babies!" she moaned, babbling softly to herself as she smiled widely at the very thought.
My powers reached out, using her body currently bouncing on top of me as a vector to reach to her true body, and Azazthoth gasped and arched her back in shock when my power filled her True Self, suffusing her very essence with mine.
"Yes!" She screamed, her hips by now blurring from how quickly she was rolling her hips. "Yes! By all the gods, yes, fill me, let every mouth of my true body shout your name with love simultaneously! Let them deafen the entire omniverse with my screams of pleasure!"
I could feel her body trembling as her climax came closer, her breathing turning harsh and frantic as she trembled in my arms, her human skin shining with sweat as she frantically rolled her hips against mine, moaning loudly every time I hilted myself deep inside of her.
With a mental grin, I delivered the final blow to her straining willpower.
'Then do it! Scream for me as I impregnate you with the first of our many, many future children!' I telepathically ordered her.
Azathoth's pupils dilated, her back arched, her head turned upwards as she slammed her hips down on my length and squeezed me harder than in any of our previous lovemaking before she screamed in pure, absolute bliss and joy as I finally came inside of her, filling her womb with my cosmic seed and guaranteeing impregnation instantly.
Somehow, the feeling of my cum inside her womb and the instinctual knowledge that this time she absolutely was becoming pregnant made her scream harder, her golden eyes turning into twins pinpricks of light before blooming into supernovas of pure power as Reality seemed to tremble and shake as a result of her climax going on and on, the sheer bliss and emotional fulfillment she felt at her impregnation making her orgasm last far longer beyond what should have been possible.
And then she collapsed in my arms, spent for now, a dazed and utterly brilliant grin on her lips while her eyes slowly stopped glowing harder than stars, her chest quickly rising and falling as she gasped raggedly for air.
I cradled her body gently in my arms, Azathoth letting out a long sigh of bliss as she slowly relaxed against my cosmic body, her smile absolutely refusing to go down anytime soon.
A trembling hand almost hesitantly came to rest on her belly, right over her womb, before a breathless giggle came out of her like jewels of light, so filled with joy was the sound.
"I… I can feel it… Our child… Our first child…" Her golden eyes shone with tears of joy and wonder.
"A son." I whispered, a hint of amusement in my voice beneath a similar sea of joy and wonder. "It seems that I already broke your tradition of having only daughters."
Azathoth blinked, then giggled again, a warm smile on her lips as her hand kept caressing her womb. "So it seems." She replied with equal amusement, before her emotions returned to a feeling of dazed wonder. "A son… Our first son…" she whispered, her golden eyes almost glowing once again from the sheer joy she was feeling.
"The first of many, no doubt. I don't think either of us plan to settle on a single child born from you." I remarked, earning a bright smile from her.
"Oh, definitely. I might just give Shub some competition as the most fertile Eldritch Goddess, with how many children we'll have." Azathoth replied, sounding both amused and lustfully eager for the future.
"Well then." My hands tightened their grips on her hips, and Azathoth gasped as I began moving again. "Shall we continue? I don't think that Reality quite got the memo about who you belong to… Another dozen or so screaming orgasms like this one ought to be a good start, don't you think?" I purred with renewed lust.
Azathoth's eyes glimmered with desire as she began rolling her hips again.
"I think this is an excellent idea, beloved. We should make sure…" her voice turned into a husky whisper as she brought her lips against mine. "That no one can mistake who I belong to."
Our lips met.
And as we began loving each other once more, the distant (but nowhere near as hidden as they thought) presences of Yog-Sothoth and Shub-Niggurath radiated lust and envy in equal measures, while Oedon laughed in the background while shouting about all the babies that she would utterly spoil.
I mentally grinned towards my first wife.
After all, the next woman I intended to impregnate… was her.
And I wasn't going to wait long before giving her exactly what she wanted all these long years: children of her own. A lot of them.
The only thing I had left to do was to go back to Yharnam, and secretly claim one very important thing there before I made my move.
I had a promise to uphold, and it was time to grant my dearly beloved first wife a miracle that even she would never see coming!
A.N: Alright! Here is the next chapter in which we continue the events of Love Azathoth!
To those wondering, Archangel Gabriel isn't actually interested in flirting with Rwandelux, but she's definitely enjoying being able to tease her siblings by deliberately following in Rwandelux' footsteps in phrasing things in ways that could be mistaken as flirting, while at the same time being earnestly happy to work with others against Evil.
About Lumine and Aether, I don't know anywhere near enough about Genshin Impact to write about it, but I needed Planeswalkers for the Planeswalkers' guild, and those two certainly fit the bill.
And speaking of money, Aeon absolutely clobbered them upside the head with his wealth and influence, and I had a lot of fun writing that part. Though to be fair, as Aeon mentioned, he's got some very pragmatic reasons to do as he did.
Also, poor Azathoth… Aeon keeps rolling nat20 in his seduction Rolls, and while she's very happy, she's also deeply overwhelmed. She's certainly not complaining, though!
Not mentioned in the chapter was the fact I seriously contemplated showing Oedon and co. panicking in the background during Aeon and Azathoth's dancing scene, because Azathoth was so transfixed on Aeon that the omniverse as a whole was starting to disappear, with her surroundings going first. After all, Azathoth's most important being was right there with her, and Aeon doesn't need the omniverse to exist since he's grown beyond that, so she just… couldn't concentrate on anything but him at that point.
I ultimately decided not to go with that idea, since it would have distracted from the emotions within the dance itself, but yeah, Azathooth could have easily caused the omniverse to disappear simply because of how happy she was.
Aeon might be doing that whole "seduction" thing a bit too well at this point!
And yes, Aeon has finally revealed he can just… let any Eldritch god enter the material universe just by willing it so. Needless to say, the ramifications of that single fact are far reaching, because this isn't just Aeon being powerful: this is him being the best support deity ever in the history of the Eldritch pantheon. The closest that that feat previously was Yog-Sothoth, but she simply knew how, when and where Eldritch Gods could do that themselves, she couldn't just let any through the Outer Gates at will. There will be large political consequences from this, but the more important one right now is that Aeon has the ultimate political bargaining chip with any eldritch deity interested in entering the material universe at this point.
As for the last scene, yes Aeon quite literally impregnated Azathoth while sitting on his new throne. What better way to start his reign as king than by doing something like that? So yeah, Aeon's finally become a father by impregnating a woman! On the bright side, between Sherry, the Aeons and (technically) Damelone, his sword, he has a lot of experience with children… Either way, Azathoth has become the first wife of Aeon to become pregnant, much to her absolute delight, but that just means that Aeon is no longer going to hold back for long on his Eldritch and human instincts telling him to bend over all these wonderful women in his life eager to carry his children as well.
Oh, and Yog-Sothoth and Shub-Niggurath got a full show of Azathoth happily screaming in delight while being bred silly, so needless to say those two are struggling to hold themselves back from just jumping Aeon and going wild.
As for the secret plan that Aeon has in mind for impregnating Oedon? Well, let just say that Aeon has been plotting something since the days he was still a human Hunter, and that he's going to utterly blast Oedon's deep-seated trauma to pieces by giving her a miracle that will make her all too willing to try her hand at being a parent again… At which point it's her mind he'll start blasting to pieces through passionate, loving breeding sex.
Still, with all that being said, I hope you all enjoyed this update! Next time, the aftermath of all of this, and setting up the return to Yharnam at long last! We're almost there!