Disclaimer: The following is a Fan-based crossover! Digimon is owned by Saban Brands and Ultraman is owned by Tokusatsu. Please support the official releases!
"..." for speaking
Underline for tracks that happily belong to their rightful creators
(Nebula M78, Land of Light)
On a distant, neon green planet, eleven beings stood around a ninth one, who was mostly silver with red mostly around his sides, the edge of where his spine was, and around his neck area. "You are now an Ultraman." An Ultraman with large horns and a red cape that had a silver inside told the Ultra in the middle without moving his lips as he asked about the name. "That is the name we were given too by Earth. I believe you've heard it once or twice?" He asked as the Ultra confirmed it. "Now that you've learned all you could from us, you will travel to Earth to interact with the Humans that live there. I believe you'll be able to learn what your brothers have. Something that is best to be shown rather than told." He instructed before pulling out a device shaped like a dumbbell as one end started to flash a bright light while a möbius-shaped flame appeared on the Ultra's forearm. "I understand. I'm going, Father of Ultra." "Yes, go forth, Ultraman Mebius." Father of Ultra told him as the flame on Mebius's arm solidified into a brace. As Mebius examined the brace, the surrounding Ultras began to break from the circle and form a line with all of them facing the young Ultra. "TO THE PRECIOUS PLANET, ULTRAMAN MEBIUS!" They yelled in unison as Mebius nodded before placing his hand on the brace and swiftly moved it away, letting a red ball embedded inside it spin as a ball of fire surrounded him. Shortly after he flew off into the sky as his brothers watched while from the stratosphere, three more Ultras of various body structures watched Mebius from a distance, waving him goodbye.
(That's home, planet earth. But I'm not sure that's where I am right now.)
Three million light years away, the planet earth was undergoing some strange phenomenons.
(Okay, let me backup a little. It happened when the climate went completely out of control. The rainforest dried out, and other places got totally flooded without warning.)
In Asia, the continent started to become a desert as the Middle East was hit by a flash flood, causing numerous types of monsters to move from certain areas.
(And get this, cities which were normally blazing hot in the summer got super cold. But more importantly, is that these monsters we called Kaijus started moving to places that they'd never go to.)
In New York, the temperature dropped to the point where you had to wear a coat and scarf for warmth… IN THE SUMMER NO LESS! It was also then that a Kaiju, that resembled a cross between a shark and a worm, rose up from the ground and walked out to sea while another Kaiju that resembled a Hammerhead shark with limbs took its place shortly after, causing plenty of destruction in the process.
(At the time, I didn't know any of this was going on because I was at camp. All of the other campers were, you know, goofing and hanging out. He? I was enjoying the summer sun while, uh, going over my multiplication table. (Mebius: Come on, Taichi.) huh? (Mebius: You and I both know that wasn't true.) Alright fine, I was up on a tree branch, taking a nap. (Mebius: Thank you.) Although that was the case until it started to snow, in the middle of July, totally freaky.)
In Japan, a group of kids with a couple of adults supervising them while Taichi was indeed lying on a tree branch, sleeping when the sky turned cloudy and a snowflake landed on his face, waking the kid up.
(Oh yeah, and my name is Taichi, but you can call me Tai. Those two below me are Sora and Yamato, respectively. Though we usually call him Matt. Both cool guys to be around.)
As he got down, six other kids took notice of the sky. A girl with a sleeveless yellow shirt, blue jeans, red gloves, and a blue beanie with long straps. Next to her is a boy with a green sleeveless shirt, brown gloves, blue jeans, and a head full of orange spiky hair.
(And this little kid's Koushiro, but we all agreed that it didn't sound right for him so we call him Izzy. There's Mimi. I'll bet you can guess her color on the first try. That's Takeru, T.K. For short, he's Matt's dopey yet lovable little brother.)
Meanwhile near a hokora. A red-haired boy, who was short for his age, was on his laptop wearing an orange button-up shirt with rolled-up sleeves and light yellow gloves when he noticed the snow falling. Along with a girl who wore an outfit that resembled the Wild West, a kid who was, at the very least, half the other kid's age, wearing a green vest over a green shirt and wore a hat with a jem on it.
(Oh, this is Joe. And no, that's not his nickname and whatever you do, don't scare him, he might wet his pants.)
Lastly, a boy that was slightly older than the others was walking up a flight of stone stairs when he finally caught notice of the snow just as it turned into a blizzard, forcing everyone to shelter.
Meanwhile a couple of light years away, Mebius was assisting an Ultraman with herding a large group of Kaiju that were mostly blue from their elongated neck to the tips of their two tails with spots of red on their necks and chests. "I can't thank you enough for giving me a hand, Mebius. Dinozaurs can be slow but tough to keep in line." "Nah, don't worry about it, Cosmos. Besides, I needed to stop and find directions to earth anyway." Mebius told Cosmos as he understood. After taking one last look to make sure none of the Dinozaur had wandered off, the blue Ultra then turned back to Mebius and started giving him directions.
During this, one of the Dinozaurs was suddenly starting to hear a voice, one that was enchanting and alluring. 'Come to me.' The voice repeated as the Kaiju started to sway, trying to move out of the migrating pod with no success.
Track playing: Zoosters Breakout from Madagascar
As the Dinozaurs continued to push it back in line, the voice grew louder, causing the Kaiju to become more agitated before it's mouth and bottom jaw opened up as a thin glowing tongue emerged from it, moving at high speeds.
"Now once you reach the solar system, you should be able to easily see two large planets, and past them is an asteroid belt which will contain earth." Cosmos tells Mebius as the latter was now holding a map of the solar system containing earth and the other 8 planets, unfortunately the labels for each one was in a format that mimicked the surrounding stars. "Okay, so when I reach the belt I should look for this planet?" "No, that's Venus, but you're close. Just remember that it's the only blue planet past the belt." Cosmos told him just as an explosion occurred in the middle of the pod. They then turned to the accident to see a Dinozaur flying off while a couple of dead Kaiju bodies started to float aimlessly in space! "What the heck?" "It's heading for earth! The local military will cause it to go on a rampage!" "Not if I can help it!" Mebius declared as he threw the map away and flew after the departing Kaiju before Cosmos could stop him. "Mebius, wait! Dinozaurs are more dangerous than you realize!" Cosmos shouted out, but whether it was due to space being a vacuum or Mebius being too focused, he didn't hear. He then sighed. "Do what you have to do to protect them, Mebius." He said, knowing the Ultra couldn't hear him before returning his attention to the pod as the two flew farther and farther away.
Back on earth, the blizzard had finally passed as Tai opened the door, he saw as the land was blanketed in snow. "Whoa, guys, you gotta see this." Tai tells the others as he ran out in amazement as everyone did the same. Well, except for Matt, Izzy, and Joe, Matt was worried his brother would slip, Joe was now concerned about catching a cold, and Izzy stayed inside, trying, in vain, to connect to the internet. "Hey, Izzy, come on out here you gotta see this!" Tai called out to Izzy as he walked out, seeing everyone looking in awe at the light show that was happening in the cloudy sky. "What is it?" "Maybe an aurora?" "You mean aurora borealis, the northern lights? That's impossible." Izzy told Sora as he continued to tell them they'd see those in Alaska as a green portal appeared in the sky. "Hey, what's that?" Tai asked everyone as seven objects shot out of the portal, forcing them to cover themselves as the objects crashed down in front of them! As they realized they were fine, Sora asked around if they were okay. "Everyone, are you alright?" Sora asked as Matt stated that they were all still there while Izzy tried to get a closer look at what landed. "We're those meteors?" "If they were, there'd be a crater for each one." Tai told Izzy as the previous objects started floating up to the kids while generating some sort of heat. Everyone looked at them as they stopped at eye-level before Tai worked up the nerves to grab it. But when he did, he suddenly caught a glimpse at a blue and silver being with two horns and eyes that looked to be connected to said horns at the base for a split second before succumbing to a splitting headache while holding his head. "Tai, are you okay?!" Sora asked out of concern as he just waved her off before saying he'll be fine as he then slowly shook his head while one of his hands was still on his head. Seeing this, Joe tells the others that maybe they shouldn't touch the other devices in case the same thing happens to them. Of course Matt ignores the advice and takes one of the objects into his hand and finds that nothing was happening to him, or the others as they also grabbed one with Joe being the last one. "We feel fine. Maybe it's just you?" Matt theorized as Tai agreed while Sora asked what the objects were as Izzy answered her. "My guess is some sort of miniature remote digital apparatus." "Sounds like they're screeching." Tai comments as a wave of water suddenly arose from the ledge! But the weirdest thing was that it had a gravitational pull which sucked the seven kids right into a portal of its own!
Track playing: Kaiju Appeared from Ultraman Gaia
Now on the moon, Ultraman Mebius was now fighting Dinozaur, unfortunately he was having trouble with evading it's tongue. Before it struck the ground underneath him, Mebius backflipped away, only to get his chest whipped by the tongue! "Listen I don't want to fight you but you need to return to your pod, you're not supposed to be here." The Ultra tried to reason with Dinozaur but instantly it suddenly shot what resembled missiles at Mebius, forcing him to bring up a shield with his brace! "Last warning. When I get going, I will kill you!" Mebius shouted as he charged at the Kaiju as it stopped firing, tackling it off the moon while closing in on earth! But in a surprise to both, a portal opened up in front of them. Once they were on the other side, the two broke off before staring each other down. Mebius's brace then glowed again, this time extending a bright blade from it as the Ultra flew towards while Dinozaur wound up its tongue. The two clashed as Mebius was now behind it, but before he could do anything else, the Kaiju's twin tails grabbed hold of him, throwing him into the ocean part of the planet. With no more obstacles in the way, Dinozaur began to finish the journey it made after screeching in triumph.
Down below on an island, Tai was coming too as a voice tried to catch his attention. "Hey, Tai, are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm okay." Tai said to the voice while a little groggy until he started to open his eyes as he saw a talking head with long ear-like appendages, big eyes, and a mouth with four teeth evenly in it. It was then that Tai screamed and threw the head off of himself before hastily scrambling to his feet! "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU!?" Tai yelled in a mixture of confusion and shock as the head hopped over to him. "Hey, you don't need to be afraid of me. I'm your friend, I'm your friend, I'm your friend!" "I don't even know what you are! And how do you know my name?" Tai asked as the head started to calm down and give what he said some thought. "Huh, you're right. So let's fix that by getting to know each other's names, I'm Koromon!" " "Koromon"? You mean like Pigimon, right?" Tai asked as Koromon shaked his body.
(Digimon Analyzer)
Lesser Digimon
Data Type
"It means 'little brave warrior' and don't you forget it." Koromon told Tai as his device's screen shows a description of the creature with a 360 image without him noticing it.
"First, I don't believe that part and second, it sounds like you've been waiting for me." Tai stated as Izzy appeared behind him and called out to him from beside a tree. "Izzy, is that you?" "It's me, and I've got this pink thing following me everywhere." Izzy told him as a leglees blob with short arms, big eyes, and a cat-like mouth waddled up to him, introducing itself. "It is me, Moltimon at your service. Anyone want lunch?" He asked as Tai was surprised to see another creature that looked similar to Koromon. He then asked what they were as Moltimon introduced himself again.
(Digimon Analyzer)
Lesser Digimon
Data Type
"My friends call me 'Moltimon'. Everyone does, actually."
"I believe those miniature remote digital gadgets have taken on an actual lifeform. I don't remember anything like this in the camp brochure." "Ya think? I don't know if we're at camp anymore." Tai believed as Izzy started to say that the surrounding area looks lush while the soil's common. "Nothing is common in the Digital World." "Yeah, you're in the Digital World!" Koromon told them in an almost excited expression. "And just where is the Digital World?" "I don't care much about where it is. I wanna know what it is." Izzy stated as Tai decided to look around himself as he climbed the nearest tree. Once he got high enough, Tai then took out a telescope from his pocket and started to get a lay of the land.
"The ocean, what's that doing there? Our campsite was nowhere near the ocean. And I sure don't remember those mountains. Wait, are those…" Tai paused as he tried to focus on a trio of large Kaiju with crab-like claws for hands. "Sadora! Now I'm 100 percent sure we're not at camp." He told himself as Koromon climbed up next to him using his 'ears'. "Hey, Tai, what do ya see?" "Nothing that makes the situation better." Tai told Koromon as he was about to put away the telescope when he noticed something in the air. He took one more look through the glass and saw a huge bug with a red with black striped exoskeleton and a pair of large pincers on its face flying towards them, fast! Tai and Koromon were able to swing themselves down by their legs just as the insect sliced through part of the tree just above them!
"I can't watch. That is one seriously bad digimon, even when he's in a good mood!" "What was that?" Izzy asked as they saw it prepare to circle back.
(Digimon Analyzer)
Insect Digimon
"His name is Kuwagamon. He's an insectoid digimon. Vicious and ruthless, with teeth like knives and scissor hands that can chop through anything!" Koromon informs Tai as I'm sure that Moltimon does the same for Izzy.
Just as it was about to end the two, Koromon jumped off the tree and spat out pink bubbles at Kuwagamon, stinging where it's eyes should be and causing the Digimon to crash into the tree and knock Tai and Koromon off and onto the ground. "Tai, are you okay?" "Well, I have had better days." Tai said to Izzy as he got back up before he looked to Koromon to see if he was alright. "You should really be careful, um. Koromon?" "Yep, and what can I say? I really am a little brave warrior." Koromon told Tai as Izzy warns them that Kuwagamon was turning back around to them! "Oh dear, oh dear! Quickly, everyone, this way." Moltimon tells them as they all made a break for where he was going with Tai grabbing Koromon! "Hurry up! For having two long legs, you boys are awfully slow!" Moltimon stated before he stopped at a tree. Surprisingly enough, he jumped to it and fazed into it, shocking the two boys for a second before Tai grabbed Izzy's arm and pulled him into the tree with himself and Koromon.
Inside, Izzy and Tai were shocked to see the tree was made of metal and resembled a cylinder. They then heard Kuwagamon roaring out as they then heard something horrifying, they heard a monstrous scream that was then accompanied by the Digimon's screams of agony! And then what came next was a sound that sent a shiver down their spines, a crunching sound followed by the scream again before total silence kicked in. After a few seconds, they then heard a familiar voice that helps them calm down. "All clear! No need to hide anymore."
As they slowly got out, they saw that it was Sora accompanied by a Digimon that looked like a plant with a bunch of tiny little legs. "I am enchanted to meet you, friends of Sora. Welcome."
(Digimon Analyzer)
Lesser Digimon
Data Type
"Tai, Izzy, meet Yokomon. My own personal something-or-other."
"Looks like a radish." Tai commented as Izzy states that Yokomon must be another creature when another Digimon appeared, looking like a hamster with long ears. "They're popping up everywhere." Izzy said as it introduced itself.
(Digimon Analyzer)
Lesser Digimon
Data Type
"Hello. I am Tokomon."
"Hey, T.K, over here!" Tokomon called out as T.K. appeared and ran over to the Digimon laughing while Matt showed up behind him, calling out to his little brother while holding a head with a mostly orange body and a long spike on top. "Hey, Matt, you too?" "Yeah, I'm here too." "No, I meant that! Under your arm!" Tai told him as Matt looked down at the Digimon. "Hello. You appear pleasant." He stated, sounding like a gentleman.
(Digimon Analyzer)
Lesser Digimon
Data Type
"Tsunomon is my name and I am quite pleased to meet you." He introduced himself.
They then looked at T.K. who looked like he was having the time of his life when they heard Joe screaming and running towards them! "Help me! This thing, this thing... It won't leave me alone!" Joe told them as a Digimon that looked like a small seal with a longish lock of orange hair. "Hey, who're you calling a thing? I'm no stuffed animal."
(Digimon Analyzer)
Lesser Digimon
Data Type
"The name is Bukamon." He introduced himself.
Joe then screamed some more while Bukamon laughed at this. "Wha- What's wrong with you guys? Don't you see this creature hanging off me?! And those creatures standing right there?" He asked before realizing there were more of them. "Ahh? They're- They're everywhere! What are they?!" Joe then asked as Bukamon jumped off of Joe before they all introduced themselves. "We're Digimon! Digital Monsters!" They told the children before they went on to say that they can be a wide range of anything. Afterwards the kids proceeded to introduce themselves properly. When they were done, they soon realized that Mimi was still missing. Suddenly they heard an unfamiliar screech alongside a cry for help! When they reached a clearing they saw Mimi running from something along with a Digimon that looked like a green quadruple version of Yokomon. They thought she was running away from the Digimon when they soon saw that they were actually running away from Dinozaur, who lets out an ear piercing screech! "Another Kaiju?! It looks nothing like the others!" Tai stated in shock!
(Monster Data)
Attack: 1000 Height: 77 m
Defense: 900 Weight:50,000 t
Speed: 500 Origin: Space
Subtitle: Space Iron-Severing Monster
"RUN TO THE SIDE, EVERYONE!" Tai yelled out as everyone did so, letting the Kaiju pass by before Mimi collapsed to her knees. "Mimi, are you alright?" "I think so." Mimi told the Digimon as she caught her breath.
(Digimon Analyzer)
Lesser Digimon
Data Type
"Don't worry, Tanemon's here to protect you." Tanemon reassures her.
Sora then approached her, telling that she's okay now when Dinozaur started to turn around. "It's coming back!" Tai shouted as they all once again ran from the massive Kaiju, just barely outrunning it! It then opened its mouth before whipping its tongue in a circle! Just before it let loose, the kids were able to duck down in time as the tongue sliced a couple trees down in the blink of an eye. "Will this nightmare ever end?!" Joe asked before whining that his mom will want a complete and total refund. "Okay, that does it! No more running away!" "What else can we do?" Sora asked Tai as Matt states they can't fight that Kaiju as Izzy adds they can't win either.
They then continued running until they reached a cliff. "Great. Anybody bring a helicopter?" Matt sarcastically asked as Tai and Koromon went to the edge to get a look at what was below while Sora told him to be careful. He saw that it was a steep drop-off leading to a large lake with another part of the forest. "There's no safe way down or anyway to get back up! We can use it to make the big o'of fall." Tai tells them just as Dinozaur appeared from the forest and marched towards the lone kid and Digimon, seeing two easy targets. "Watch out, Tai!" Sora shouted as Koromon spat some bubbles at Dinozaur, only to find that it only blinked for a second before snarling at the Digimon. However in that brief moment, Tai and Koromon were able to run past it and rejoin the group. "DIGIMON, ATTACK!" Yokomon ordered as the seven Digimon started spitting bubbles into Dinozaur's eyes, actually causing it pain as it screeched and thrashed its head before swinging it's tongue blindly as it was able to hit the Digimon before it started moaning like a cat with its tongue back in it's mouth.
As the kids uncovered their eyes, they saw everyone on the ground hurt. "Koromon, are you crazy? Why'd you do that?" Tai asked out of concern as Koromon weakly told him he wanted to make a good impression while the others went over to the Digimon to make sure they were ok. Unfortunately, this moment only lasted for so long until Dinozaur was able to see again, and it was not happy as it screeched in fury as it then slowly marched forward before noticing the ground was split from where one of its strikes hit. "What's it gonna take to stop this thing!?" Matt asked as the Digimon tried to get out of the kid's grasp as they all agreed that they can't and that it would be hopeless. "Tai, listen, there's one other thing we forgot to mention. And we can only show you if we fight!" Koromon told Tai as he was able to free himself as the others were able to do the same! Suddenly, everyone's devices started to glow as a black spiral cloud formed in the air beaming down seven multicolored lights down onto the Digimon!
"Koromon digivolve to… Agumon!"
"Yokomon digivolve to… Biyomon!"
"Moltimon digivolve to… Tentomon"
"Tsunomon digivolve to… Gabumon!"
"Tokomon digivolve to… Patamon!"
"Bukamon digivolve to… Gomamon!"
"Tanemon digivolve to… Palmon!"
As the light faded, everyone was surprised to see the Digimon changed in both size and shape. "What happened to the little guys?" "They're… bigger." Tai stated as the seven Digimon began they're last assault! "Poison Ivy!" Palmon called out as her fingers extended and grabbed its tongue to keep it from using it! "Boom Bubble!/ Super Shocker!" Patamon and Tentomon called out as the former shot out a ball of pressurized air and the latter blasted a bolt of red electricity from his antennas directly into two of its four eyes, blinding it partially! "Pepper Breath!/ Blue Blaster!/ Spiral Twister!" Agumon, Gabumon, and Biyomon all called out as they hit Dinozaur with red, blue, and green fire, burning it's skin before they all then concentrated their fire on the cut in the cliff, causing it to fall with the Kaiju! "They made Vapor-ware out of it." Izzy stated as they all looked at the Digimon with amazement at their victory.
They all then got together as they celebrated their win. "Koromon, or Agumon, or whoever you are! You did it, you did it, you did it!" Tai said with joy as he hugged Agumon. "How about that Super Shocker? Pretty wizard, huh?" Tentomon asked Izzy. Just then Dinozaur then flew into the air, shocking everyone as its whole body shaked with rage! "Guess we celebrated too soon!" Tai declared as it then flew towards them when suddenly, an orange beam made up of small crystals flew straight past them and made contact with the Kaiju, causing it extreme pain before falling back onto what was left of the cliff as it exhaled, finally dead.
In a state of shock, everyone looked to where the shot came from and saw Ultraman Mebius flying above them with his hands in a "t" pose while the crystal on his chest started blinking red as he looked like he was breathing heavily. "Who… is that?" Joe asked as they all looked at him with an odd mix of gratitude and terror when he suddenly started to fall from the sky while shrinking down to human size and crash a few meters away from them!
(Taichi: So, just when we made some pretty cool friends, this mystery stranger saved us before plummeting to the ground! Is he gonna be alright? Maybe. But find out for yourself next time on Ultramon!)
To be continued!
Note: This one was on my mind for a while as I how the Ultraman franchise would work with Digimon. Well, I hope this answers that question! And just like JNPR, this story will be cut up into multiple fics, with each one focusing on a season. And if you all know who the being Tai briefly saw, then you got a good eye! ;)