Disclaimer: The following is a Fan-based crossover! Digimon is owned by Saban Brands and Ultraman is owned by Tsuburaya Productions respectively. Please support the official releases!

Track playing: Ultraman Mebius for Ultraman Mebius by Project DMM

In the starry vacuum of space, a fiery moebius formed and raised as Mebius appeared and rose with it while the stars disappeared!

(What can I do right now? (What can I do?))

In a blue background, Ultraman Mebius was standing straight up as he spun, as if on display.

(We can hear your heart from across the galaxy! No one is a hero in the beginning! (No one is a hero!))

In a forest, Tai, Sora, Matt, Joe, T.K., Mimi, and Izzy were standing next to their respective Digimon partners in their Rookie forms as they faced off against a being that resembles a demon, who was standing next to a woman in a white coat and a black shirt. Just then, the Digimon then digivolved into their Champion forms! Greymon, Birdramon, Garurumon, Ikkakumon, a six-winged angel with bits and pieces of armor in him, Togamon, and Kabuterimon! The demon then shot out dozens of black gears from his wings as they all flew towards the group!

(It's just a little planet with a different shape!)

Meanwhile in a desert, a woman in a revealing outfit with a trench coat-like design to it, was standing with three monsters behind her, a bipedal lizard with a horn-like crest on its head and red stripes and spots all over its body, a black-exoskeletoned beetle with three orange gems, a creepy eyeball with limbs, and an otter-like Digimon with a pair of scuba tanks on its back, on her shoulders.

(We may clash, but we will work together!)

On a barren wasteland, a blue Ultraman with an armored upper body is yelling to the heavens in a mixture of rage and sorrow with his fists clenched! Meanwhile in the same blue background as Mebius, a team of seven adults were standing lined up under a logo that said "Crew GUYS"!

(Let's overcome the darkness that comes before us!)

In Mebius's inner space, he and Tai were staring down an unknown enemy when they glanced at each other before nodding. They then lunged at the intaty together!

(Let's create a world with no sorrow! Let's not give up on love! Any teardrops will eventually dry away!)

Now in combat, Ultraman Mebius and the Champion began to fight waves of various Kaijus as the two evils! Meanwhile, T.K. was looking at a human-sized, silver with red striped Ultra with horns, who was staring back at him while crouching down.

(The future will be changed by our hands! Our bond will never be broken! Let's go into the infinity light!)

The fight was nearing the end as Crew GUYS in three jets with flame decals and the three Kaijus joined in, finishing off the remaining enemy's forces! Now enraged, the demon and woman both lunge at Mebius as the latter of the two transforms into her true form as Greymon and Mebius use their signature attacks on them, causing a blinding light to be created!

(Ultraman Mebius! Ultraman Mebius!)

When the light died down, the heroes were suddenly on earth as they stood triumphantly as the sun setted.

"I know this is no day at the beach, Joe, but there's no reason to be a worry wart about it and make all your friends unhappy. And pardon the pun, but chill out. Only you have a problem with the cold." Gomamon told Joe as they and the group were now walking through a snow-laced forest in the midday while T.K., Palmon, and Mimi were rubbing their arms to keep warm. "Ah, come on you guys. The cold isn't that terrible." "Not if you're a polar bear or a penguin!" Izzy told Tai as he turned around. "This level of cold is pretty bad, but it could be worse. Besides, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade." "Or maybe a snowman!" Mimi said as most of them started to get excited. "Come on, get serious. It would be horrible if it started snowing right now." "Lighten up a little, Joe. We're just trying to look on the positive side of things. We've been hit with an alien with a literal sharp tongue, a man made of fire, another Kaiju with whips for hands, two robots, and a huge teddy bear." Sora told Joe, reminding him of some of what they went through. "Hey Tai, when is it going to snow?" "In this part of the island, it could snow anytime." Tai told T.K. as he and Matt were still excited. "Maybe it'll snow just around Joe." "While that would be impossible, it would be funny!" Izzy told Matt as they stifled their laughter a bit. "You know, if the temperature drops any lower than it is already, we won't be able to camp out anymore. We'll be frozen treats for whatever is adapted to this environment." Joe claimed, causing most of the group to laugh. "Go ahead and laugh. But when your tootsies freeze, don't come crying to me. I'll just say I told you so. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Think first!" "Hey guys, looks like it's already snowed." Gomamon told everyone after he walked a little ahead of them. After catching up to him, they saw the field in front of them blanketed in snow, much to their amazement and Joe's fear. "Oh, man! This is much worse than I thought." He claimed as T.K., Mimi, and their Digimon started having fun, running around. "Where to now, guys?" "I'd say we keep going." Tai said to Sora. "If we walk across the field in our sneakers, our toes will go numb." "It's impossible to continue." Matt and Joe said respectively. "Well, we can either stand here like a bunch of dorks, or we can backtrack and look for another way to the mountain." Tai told them before Agumon began sniffing the air. "Does anyone smell that? I think there's a weird odor in the air." "He's right. It's faint, but familiar." Gabumon agreed with Agumon as they both continued sniffing the air. "Can you describe it?" "Yeah. It's… a little funky." He told Izzy as he and Joe realized what it was. "It's a geyser!" "Or maybe a hot spring!" They shouted as Mimi and T.K. got excited!

After a little run, they reached the hot springs! Unfortunately, when they got there, they saw that the springs were boiling hot. "Yeah, I don't think we want to jump in these." "There goes my big dreams of a nice warm bath." Mimi said with dismay. "What's a little dirt compared to starving?! We need to find something to eat and there's nothing in sight!" "Oh yes there is! Lookit!" T.K. Shouted as he pointed to a light green refrigerator standing on the other side of the hot springs! "Tell me I'm imagining this." "Nope, I see it too!" "Come on, that's ridiculous. What would a refrigerator be doing way out here?" Joe asks out of pure disbelief. "Where there's a fridge, there's grub!" "Have we not learned our lesson from the last three times we saw something like this?" Joe asked as everyone gathered around the fridge. "You mean when they turned out to be faulty and useless? Because that only happened twice while the trolley did work." Sora stated to Joe as Tai got ready to open the fridge door. "If that's the case; then get ready for a surprise." Tai told everyone as he summoned his Mebium Blade. After a few seconds, Tai pulled the door open… maybe a little too much as the door went flying to the side, scaring everyone, including Tai himself! "Woah! That was a lot more force than I meant to use!" He stated to himself before looking inside, seeing hundreds of eggs. "That's a lot of eggs." "There must be a zillion of them!" Agumon claimed. "Grub on! These'll keep us fed for a month!" "Wait a minute, you shouldn't even touch them! We don't even know if they're fit for human consumption!" Joe tells Tai as he turns to him. "The fish we had on night 1 was fit to eat, so why not this? But just in case, if I turn purple, you'll know they're dangerous." "There's more to it than that! Even if they're edible, they don't belong to us! That'd make us thieves! You gotta think about things like that, Tai!" Joe tells him as everyone was now looking at him. "Unless you're into eating rocks, we don't have too much of a choice." "I'm sure they'd say yes if they knew we were in trouble." Matt and Sora tell Joe, causing him to look worried. Fortunately, Mebius took notice of that and took control. "Hey Joe, can I talk to you for a moment? Sora, can you get everyone ready to prepare the eggs?" Mebius asked. "Of course! Fortunately, sunny side up eggs are my specialty." Sora stated as she got to work.

As everyone else got to work preparing makeshift bowls and a fire, Joe and Mebius walked over to the edge of the clearing. "Alright Joe, what's going on?" "Sorry. It's just that the whole situation has been making me uncomfortable. We'd be in big trouble if someone got sick. No doctors, you know. It's like I'm the only one who thinks of these things." Joe explained as Mebius sighed. "I'm not going to lie, Joe, but you're overthinking. And if that's all you do, you're a deadman." He tells him, scaring him. "Wait wait! Before you freak out, you should know that that's why we need to figure out when to look, and when to leap. That was what I was taught." He claimed, trying to calm him down. "Sorry. How about we head back? Dinner's probably ready." "Sure." Joe said, still feeling worried as they began walking back.

"Tres gourmet." Mimi said as everyone gathered around a stone table with a wide assortment of cooked eggs. "Go on, dig in!" Biyomon said as everyone began eating with wood-carved chopsticks. "Wow, you guys outdid yourselves! This is great!" Tai declared as he was now in control. "If we had some ketchup, it would be perfect!" "I love ketchup and eggs!" Matt and T.K. stated. "That sounds gross." Sora claims as Gomamon noticed Joe not eating. "What's the matter, you haven't eaten anything?" "Huh? Oh, I was just thinking that if we could go home, ketchup wouldn't be a problem. Actually, just about everything we've been through wouldn't have been a problem." Joe stated, bringing the mood down as the kids were getting homesick. "I want to go home." "It's been four days since we've been here. I wonder if anyone's tried to find out where we are?" Izzy asked, pondering what they're families are doing. "Cheer up guys! How about this, tell me what you put on your egg and I'll find a workaround." Sora told everyone as they started thinking. "Well, I put soya sauce on mine." "How about salsa?" Tai and Matt said respectively as Izzy went next. "I have mine with mustard and jelly beans." He stated, getting a laugh out of Tai. "On the side! I meant jelly beans "on the side'!" "What? That's just weird." Mimi stated as he looked at her. "Oh yeah, then what do you put on your eggs?" Izzy asked in retaliation. "My favorite is eggs topped with maple syrup!" She told them as some of them were now looking at her funny. "Aren't you thinking that with pancakes?" Tai asked as Mimi just shaked her head. "Actually I put honey on my pancakes. And sometimes I like them with cherries on top!" She claimed. "What?! You're making me lose my appetite! Ugh, I wish we could talk about something other than egg recipes." Joe said as Gomamon, Tai, and Matt were now looking at him. "Don't be so hard on yourself, they're just having a little fun." "Yeah. In fact…" Gomamon and Matt said respectively as the latter turned to look at Tai. "Hey, Mebius, what's your favorite topping for eggs?" He asked. "I can answer that one for him easily. Apparently, his race doesn't need to eat real food and draw energy from the sun." He told Matt, getting the others to look at him in shock. "You mean… like photosynthesis?" "Am I to assume that's a way for something else to eat?" Tai asked Izzy as he nodded. "Pretty much. It's also a way for plants to breathe." He explained as Joe was now resting his head on his hands. "Should've just joined in the crazy. Even then my answer would've been salt and pepper. Keeping it simple, you know?" "Coming from the boy who was just warned that his overthinking would be the death of him." Tai stated before clamping his mouth shut with his hands as everyone looked at him, jaw-dropped. "Taichi." Sora said in shock as Gomamon tried to break the tension. "Come on guys, he just meant that Joe's not as adaptable as the rest of you." "Just what do you mean?" Joe asked Gomamon. "I'm trying to get everyone to chill out. Besides, you are a stick in the mud." "I'm just practical!" "You're stuffy, and it's starting to affect the others!" Gomamon told Joe as the argument started getting heated! "You wanna fight?! Huh?! Huh?! Huh?! Huh?! Huh?!" "YEAH, SURE!" Joe yelled out as he got up and put up his fists, causing Matt to react first and run in between them! "Hey! Leave the infighting to me and Tai!" "Yea-what?" Matt and Tai said respectively. "I've been nothing but calm this entire time! And all of you have been my buttons!" Joe shouted to Matt, surprising him! "What are you talking about? All we've been trying to do is survive." "What you weirdos have been doing, is driving me to the brink of insanity! All you people do is ask for trouble!" He told everyone angrily!

Hours later on the other side of the mountain, Bogarl was walking around the snowy grounds. Eventually, she came across a mound of large jagged rocks. "Perfect." She said as she then suddenly began to glow magenta and transform. After the light vanished, Bogarl had become a hideous Kaiju gray skin, three fingers with the middle ones being the largest, horns that point forward, eyes with sideways slits, and a pair of wing-like fins with, at least, eleven spikes in them!

(Monster Data)


Attack: 1200 / Height: 47 Meters

Defense: 900 / Weight: 47,000 T

Speed: 1100 / Origin: Space

Subtitle: High-Dimensional Predator

She then fired a yellowish energy bolt from her hand at the mound, causing it to stir and erupt from the ground, revealing a quadruple Kaiju made out of rock and stone!

(Monster Data)


Attack: 900 / Height: 50M

Defense: 1200 / Weight: 55,000 T

Speed: 500 / Origin: Unknown

Subtitle: Space Conglomerate Monster

Seeing a potential threat, Gromite fired a black and dark red fireball at Bogarl, getting her to suddenly vanish as the fireball flew past and hit near the mountain, causing an explosion that was twice their size! "Stop." Bogarl commanded calmly as she was now behind Gromite, waving her right hand in a wavy motion. "Turn to me." She then said, getting Gromite to turn around before she then waved her left hand as well. "You will attack anyone who you see climbing the mountain. You will guard it with your life." Bogarl commanded before she disappeared again, leaving a hypnotized Gromite alone before it roared into the night sky.

"Why are you making such a big deal out of this?!" "Because it's way too dangerous!" Matt told Tai as they were now arguing. "There's no place else to go, we have no choice! Especially with that explosion that happened on the other side!" Tai stated! "I'M JUST SAYING WE SHOULD THINK IT OVER A LITTLE!" "Ugh! That's when you START JOE-ING!" Tai yelled out as Joe returned to the group. "Oh, do not verb Joe!" Matt ordered! "What's all the ruckus is about, and why are Tai and Matt fighting?" Joe asked as most of the group chose to ignore him, some too engrossed in the argument, others out of spite. "They're debating whether we should climb the mountain, which is realistically our best chance of getting off the island." "But that's way up in the sky." Joe claimed to Izzy as they looked up, seeing the mountain. "Unfortunately, our options are very limited. Given the explosion from moments ago." Tentomon stated. "Which is why we need to reach the mountain tomorrow! We can take the high ground and defend ourselves better." "Nobody would make it up that peak! It's too much of a gamble!" Matt told Tai, getting the latter to groan in irritation. "Matt, we all decided on the first day we got here to head for the house on that mountain! SO WHAT'S WITH THE COLD FEET!" Tai yelled out! "Then why don't you put down your fists so I can tell you, instead of acting like you can bully your way into being the leader!" "And what kind of bully would risk his own life to save others?! What kind?!" Tai asked as pointed a finger at him accusingly before Joe walked in between the two! "Knock it off and chill out! Now look here, calm down. Let's be sensible." "Coming from the guy who called us all crazy weirdos. But sure, what's your take on this?" "Yeah, which makes more sense?" Matt and Tai asked respectively, putting Joe on the spotlight. "Well, we did agree that going up the summit could help. If someone does live up there, then maybe they'll help up off the island." "And here comes the but." Tai claimed while calming down. "But Matt brought up a good point about the danger. No matter where we go, there's always something dangerous wanting to attack us. Plus, we don't know anything about it." "Then how about I scout out the place? That way, we'll know what to expect." Tai stated. "You only have three minutes. We wouldn't be able to protect ourselves up there!" "We have Digimon partners that are, and have been, willing to help us." Tai tells Matt, motioning a hand to the Digimon's direction. "Stop it, now! You're both making me a nervous wreck! Just give me a chance to think! Don't be difficult!" "What? You are the most difficult person I've met!" Matt told Joe, now getting mad at him! "Matt's right. Ever since we fought Dinozaur, you've been pretending you're the smart one of the group! But surprise, we would've been dead if we listened to you." "You don't mean that!" "Name one time where your knowledge of earth rules helped ANYONE HERE!" "PUT A CORK IN IT, YOU THREE!" Sora suddenly yelled out, getting Tai, Matt, and Joe to stop and look at her! "First off, Matt: We don't need a leader! Second: We can't rely on Mebius for everything, Tai! Why do you think we got here on foot? And Joe…" Sora paused as she took a breath. "You have been more of a liability than help." She told Joe, making him feel miserable. "Now that's settled, I saw some caves we can sleep in for the night. And we'll put our choices to a vote in the morning." Sora told everyone before most of them walked in the direction of said caves.

Around midnight, almost everyone was asleep, except for Joe, who was staring at the cave ceiling, contemplating. 'Am I really just a liability? Would my decisions really have gotten everyone killed?' Joe mentally asked himself as he remembered the times where his sensibility was shot down by the reality of a situation.


"At a time like this, I think we'd be far better off just finding a cave and hiding. We keep our eyes open, and when a camp counselor comes-" "Joe, wherever our camp was, it was never near any Digimon, Kaijus, or aliens. And if we stay here, we're gonna be goners." Tai told Joe before the former walked away.

"EVERYBODY, UP HERE!" Joe yelled to everyone as he attempted to climb up a nearby cliff, only to get knocked down by a blast of water from Shellmon's head!

"Wait a minute, you shouldn't even touch them! We don't even know if they're fit for human consumption!" Joe tells Tai as he turns to him. "The fish we had on night 1 was fit to eat, so why not this? But just in case, if I turn purple, you'll know they're dangerous." "There's more to it than that! Even if they're edible, they don't belong to us! That'd make us thieves! You gotta think about things like that, Tai!" Joe tells him as everyone was now looking at him. "Unless you're into eating rocks, we don't have too much of a choice." "I'm sure they'd say yes if they knew we were in trouble." Matt and Sora tell Joe, causing him to look worried.

(Present night)

"They're right, every time I tried to be responsible, it backfired." Joe told himself quietly as to not awake the others before he got up. "I can't keep holding the others back. I have to pull my own weight for once, like they have!" He states before walking out of the cave. A little while later, he was near the base of the mountain. 'I've always been good at climbing. This shouldn't be too hard for me.' He declared before resuming until Gomamon walked up to him from behind a few rocks. "Well, looks like I'm not the only one looking to climb the mountain. Care if I join you?" "As a matter of fact, yes. You should be getting some sleep." Joe told Gomamon. "Wanted to, but couldn't. Fortunately, I did remember someone lived alongside an old trail leading to the top. If we find him, we'll have an easier time reaching the summit." Gomamon informed Joe, getting him to think it over. "Fine then. But you're nuts for coming along." "Just because someone's nuts, doesn't mean they don't have some semblance of common sense." Gomamon told Joe as they continued their walk. As minutes turned to hours, they passed various obstacles with ease, from small, jumpable rivers to crossing a log bridge, as they were currently climbing a cliff. "I could use a hand!" "Oh, here." Joe said as he pulled Gomamon up to him, clearing the cliff before they stopped to rest. "Well, it looks like we're halfway there." Joe stated as he looked up at the rest of the mountain with a sense of pride. "We make quite a team." "Actually, we do." Gomamon and Joe told each other right before the moment was cut off by a sudden rumble. "What was that?" "An earthquake?" Gomamon theorized as Joe got a horrible thought. "You don't think this mountain could be a… volcano?!" He shouted before being proven wrong as a part of the mountain opened up and spat out a few Black Gears! "The Black Gears." Gomamon said in shock. "They're coming from the top of the mountain. I guess there's no running away this time. Let's go!" Joe states as they resumed climbing with more determination.

As the moon began setting, Joe and Gomamon reached where the Gears came from as Joe looked around and found nothing. "Weird. I can't find a seam in the wall." "Maybe it was a figment of our imagination. We didn't get much sleep." Gomamon claimed before he heard something from above. "That sound. Up there." He said as they looked up and saw a large white Pegasus with long ears, a blonde mane sticking up, and some scars on its body, wearing a red helmet with a blue visor and a horn while flying their way. "Oh, that's just great. A flying horse wearing a mask. What else is new?" Joe asked rhetorically.

(Digimon Analyser)



Mythical Animal Digimon

Vaccine Type

"That's no ordinary Pegasus, Joe. That's Unimon. He's a wise old Digimon who's not much of a long term talker." Gomamon informed Joe.

"Hide!" "Unimon's very gentle. We don't have to hide from him." Gomamon told Joe. "Your information hasn't always been reliable." "You're thinking about Tentomon." "Maybe." He said as Unimon lands past them, next to a small waterfall. "He must have come to have a drink. Is this his watering spot?" Joe asked as Gomamon walked over to Unimon while he was drinking. "Gomamon!" Joe called out as Unimon looked behind himself and saw Gomamon. "Hello Unimon. It's me, Gomamon. It's been a long time since we-" he paused when he saw Unimon's attention shift to the sky as his ears twitched, prompting Gomamon to do the same. "What is it? What's going on?" "I hear something. Getting closer." Gomamon claimed before he heard it right on top of them, getting them to look up, only to get blinded by the rising sun. "I can't see." "It's coming from the sun!" Gomamon claimed, getting Joe to try and see it by blocking out some of the glare with his hand, finally seeing a thin object getting closer! "IT'S A BLACK GEAR!" Joe yelled out just before the Gear flew at Unimon and embedded itself into his back, causing him to whine in pain! "That can't be good!" "Uh-oh, look at his eyes!" Gomamon tells Joe as Unimon regains his composure and stares at them as his visor flashed purple briefly. "He's completely under its control!" Gomamon told Joe as Unimon started walking towards them! "Hello, Bukamon, I see you finally Digivolved." He stated as Joe and Gomamon's faces were painted with fear!

Meanwhile, back at the cave, Sora woke up and stretched. "I sure slept well." She claimed to herself as she then looked around and saw everyone was still asleep, except for Joe and Tai, whom were gone. "Weird. Where's Joe and Tai?" Sora asked herself before she walked out of the cave to look for Tai and/or Joe, until she spotted Tai by the hot spring, swinging his Mebium Blade with surprising accuracy and speed. "Taichi?" She asked, getting Tai's attention as he turned to her and dispelled his blade. "Hey Sora. Surprised seeing you up already." He said with Mebius' voice. "Mebius? You're controlling Tai?" "Yeah. When I woke up, I found that I was in control. So I decided to do some warmups until he wakes up." Mebius explained as he started walking over to her. "Say, have you seen Joe? I can't find him anywhere." "You mean he's not back in the cave? He left a note in the dirt." He stated, getting Sora to look down and see that she almost stepped on the note. "Whoops." Sora muttered before taking a step back. " "I'll be back in a while, please wait for me. Joe." How long have you been up?" She asked Mebius out of curiosity. "Fifteen minutes. I honestly thought he went to the bathroom." "You don't think he would've climbed that mountain alone, do you?" Sora asked, hoping to be wrong, as Mebius opened his mouth to say something, only to realize that she may be right. "Oh no. EVERYONE, WAKE UP! WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!"

"Having a good time, dear guests?" Unimon asked as he chased Joe and Gomamon from the air! "I'm in the mood for a game of aerial attack!" He claimed before he fired a blue ball of energy from his mouth in front of them. "WHY DID I THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?! BEING A LIABILITY WAS SO MUCH SAFER!" Joe screamed as Unimon was now hovering in front of him and Gomamon! "You're not thinking of leaving, are you? Because that's a perfectly safe road if you're thinking of flying away! And don't bother climbing down either." Unimon stated before a small fireball collided with the passage behind Unimon. "Because we have that covered." He declared as Joe and Gomamon looked down, and saw Gromite roaring at them! "Aerial atta-" Unimon was saying until he was tackled into the side of the mountain by Birdramon! "Birdramon!" Joe said as then heard fighting from below, getting him to look back down and see Mebius punching Gromite's head upward! "Mebius, too?"

As Birdramon kept Unimon pinned as much as possible, Sora jumped off of her leg and saw Mebius roundhouse kicking Gromite, throwing the entire Kaiju onto its side! "Aer…ial-" "Nova Blast!" Greymon shouted as Bridramon backed away, letting a fireball explode in Unimon's face! "Oh come on!" Unimon shouted before he flew out of the smoke and stomped Greymon into the mountain! "Greymon!" Sora called out as Birdramon pursued Unimon!

Back with Mebius, he was cartwheeling away from a volley of fireballs! Afterwards, he saw Bridramon attempt to use her Meteor Wing on Unimon, only for him to evade most of them and plow through the last fireball to ram into Birdramon! He then noticed Gromite charge up another fireball! Acting fast as Gromite fired the fireball, Mebius kicked it straight into the air and, accidentally, at Unimon. "Aerial Attack!" Unimon shouted before noticing a red glow coming from underneath, making him panic as he fired an energy ball at it, causing an explosion midair! "Oh my god!" "Woah. No way he could've survived that." Gomamon said as he saw Birdramon get hit by a smaller fireball! "Birdramon!" Greymon called out before he was hit by a blue energy ball from the smoke before Unimon flew out, covered in burns! "Is that the best you got!?" He asked triumphantly as fired another Aerial Attack at Greymon, who fired a Nova Blast at the attack, canceling it out! "He won't stop until that gear is out." Joe muttered before he took a deep breath as he saw Unimon flying close to him. And then, he jumped onto Unimon's back! "Hey, get off!" Unimon demanded before Joe attempted to pull the Black Gear out of his back, causing him some pain! "JOE STOP! DON'T BE A HERO!" "EVEN IF I STILL HAD A CHOICE, I HAVE TO DO THIS!" Joe yelled out to Gomamon before he flinched as Unimon tried to shake him off! "I'm not gonna stop until the gear's dislodged!" He shouted before a minute later, he was finally thrown off! "JOOOE!" Gomamon screamed as he jumped out to Joe, trying to, somehow, save him! Mebius attempted to do the same, only to get tackled by Gromite!

"Gomamon Digivolve to… Ikkakumon!"

In a flash of light, Gomamon grew in size and now resembles a giant, wooly walrus with a horn! With his new size, Ikkakumon was able to land before Joe and get him to land on his back, coshining his fall. "Hold on tight, Joe, we're going for a ride!" He told Joe as Ikkakumon ran towards Unimon as he fired an Aerial Attack at them, forcing him to jump out of the way! "Harpoon Torpedo!" Ikkakumon shouted as his horn launched off his head, like a rocket, before a new horn grew back instantly and launched as well! Seeing these rockets coming at him, Unimon dodged out of there way, unaware that they had fallen apart as a missile inside of each of the horns flew to a target, Unimon's back and Gromite's neck!

Track Playing: Mebius' Victory from Ultraman Mebius (0:00 - 0:53)

As the first missile hits Unimon, the Black Gear on him shattered causing him to fly away free, while the second missile made contact with a red spot on the top of Gromite's neck, causing it to stop and rear up in pain! "You did it! Now all that's left is for Tai and Mebius to finish the Kaiju!" Joe stated as he saw Mebius cross his forearms as his brace glowed, before reeled back his left arm as the energy inside glowed more intensely. In a split second, Mebius then punched Gromite's exposed underbelly with his left fist, causing an extreme reaction that blows up Gromite and reduces it to rumble! "Way to go, guys!" Sora shouted as she was carried down by Greymon. "Way to finish it in one punch, man!" Greymon said as they reached Mebius, who was changing back, Joe and Ikkakumon.

"I'm sorry, guys. I just wanted to prove I could be of some help, instead of being a burden." Joe explained to Tai and Sora, making them feel bad. "We're so sorry, Joe. I never should've said you were a liability. And Tai shouldn't have said that we'd be dead if we listened to you." "I'm not even going to try and argue that, I was just plain cruel and harsh. Can you forgive me?" Tai asked Joe, getting him to smile and hold out a hand. "Putter there, Tai." Joe said as he and Tai shook hands. "Great! Now that everyone's friends again, how about we get the others?" Biyomon asked as Tai nodded. "I'll go tell the others you're alright and then bring them up here." "You got it, Tai. Just don't get into any fights, okay?" Joe asked as Tai turned back into Mebius.

Meanwhile, not far from the top, a Humanoid Lion wearing jeans and wielding a guard-less longsword with a ring pommel watched them from above. "So, the prophecy had some truth to it. The Digidestineds are here."

To be continued!