Disclaimer: The following is a fan-based crossover! Miraculous Ladybug is owned by Zag (I'm certain) and Garo is owned by Tokusatsu. Please support the official releases!
"..." for speaking
Bold for Horror language and/or Madou jewel speaking
Italics for other languages
Underline for tracks that happily belong to their rightful creators
Track playing: It's Ladybug from Miraculous: the tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Underneath the Eiffel Tower, a blonde-haired boy wearing a checker patterned trench coat with a pure white inside, concealing a sheathed Jian, was standing in the shadow as he looked at a part of the city with a serious expression on his face.
(Adrian Agreste: During the day, I'm Adrian Agreste. A celebrity who just wants a normal life.)
Near a high school, Adrian and a light brown-skinned girl with reddish brown hair and black glasses were helping a girl with blue hair up to her feet after she had fallen down while the former picked up her backpack for her. When she turned around, she gave him a sheepish yet thankful look until a blonde girl carelessly knocked her down to give Adrian a hug while frustrating the first girl in the process.
(But when night falls and Horrors run amok, I take up Garo's title, and become…)
As the sun faded away and was replaced with a full moon, a generic Horror was about to pounce onto a man with light magenta hair tips who was trying to back away from with his hands when a Garo appeared in between them and runs the Horror through with an ornate Longsword, vaporizing it to nothing!
(Miraculous! Simply the best!)
After seeing the human safe, Garo then charged into a group of twelve other Horrors as a heroine in a red with black spot skin-tight suit swung next to him with a yo-yo.
(Up to the test when things go wrong!)
By the Arc de Triomphe, three knights were standing on top of the landmark (From left to right, a silver tiger-based knight with two short swords, a bronze dragon-based knight with a straight scimitar, and lastly, a red elephant/wolf-based knight with a long ornate saber) while underneath them are a man in a dark purple suit with a silver cowal on was standing next to a corrupted lookalike of Garo as he plants his cane onto the ground.
(Miraculous! The luckiest! The power of love, always so strong!
Now in front of a ladybug-patterned background, the Polkadotted heroine was now standing side-by-side with another hero that resembled a black cat with metal plating on his shoulders, elbows, and knees. They give each other a nod before the hero tried to give the heroine a kiss, which she jumps over as they transform to their civilian forms, the girl from before and Adrian, but this time wearing a white trench coat with a checker patterned inside, a hood over his head, and a yellow two-piece Kabuki Lion mask on his face. They then looked at each other like nothing happened, with the girl looking at him with 'cutsie eyes' as Adrian looks at her with a cocky smile as he plants his sheathed sword down.
Now day time, all five of the heroes are now standing in front of the Eiffel Tower while posing side-by-side.
(Françoise Dupont High School, locker room)
"So far this, Hawkmoth has not made his next move after Stoneheart. It feels like he's waiting for something." Adrian informed someone while sitting on a bench as he spoke through a red calligraphy brush with white hairs as it projected an image of a brown-haired man of Japanese origin wearing a white trench coat, similar to Adrian's. "Judging what we know about Akumas, they're similar to Horrors in that they're both attracted to emotions like hatred and sorrow. The upside to the former is that when defeated, the host survives." "But this still makes them a target for Horrors, Kouga. We need to find Hawkmoth soon." Adrian told Kouga as he nodded in agreement as he then tells him to use Cat Noir solely for Akumas and to leave Horrors to Garo. "Understood loud and clear. See you when I make progress. Oh, and tell Raiga I said hi." Adrian told Kouga before he ended the transmission before putting the brush in his coat. He then got up and proceeded to walk out of the locker room.
"It's always good to see Kouga doing well." "Indeed, Zaruba. I'm still surprised though. Instead of giving his son the title, he gave Garo to me." Adrian said as Zaruba stated that his former wearer and Kaoru may have chosen too early. "I'm just glad that Raiga was okay with any armor. You know when he's old enough." Adrian stated as he then noticed that one of his classmates was having a panic attack, talking about how she's made many types of hats before but never a Derby hat with another classmate. "Derby hat?" He asked himself as his phone rang once. He pulled it out of his pants pocket to see a text message. " 'Hey, Adrian, did ya hear? The class is doing a contest to make a Derby hat for your dad to judge and have it worn by you in your next major photoshoot. Have fun, Dude.' Well that explains a lot." "Though it doesn't explain why Marinette's acting so loopy." Zaruba stated as Adrian told him it might be because the contest is a day away before he walked over to the two as Marinette yells that her life is over.
"All this over a derby hat? Let me see your sketchpad, girl. There must be something in here." "Forget it, Alya, I'm a disaster zone. I'll probably mess everything up in the end." Marinette told her as she sat next to Alya with her legs to her chest while the latter looked through her sketchpad. "You say as though you've already lost." Adrian said to Marinette as she looked up to see Adrian and immediately jumped out of her seat. "So I assume that these designs are her's, Alya?" Adrian asked as she confirmed it as Marinette got up and waved to him. "I don't see why you're worried, from what I can tell, you're guaranteed to win." "Well, yeah! I... like designs that- um…" Marinette paused as she looked at Alya, who was giving her two thumbs up. Unfortunately she interpreted them wrong as a hint to say next. "… go… upwards? Um, while stopping... I mean, um, thanks?" Marinette said as Alya facepalmed while Adrian sighed. "And now I see why you're worried." "Is it that obvious?" She asked as Adrian walked over to her. "You're caught up in problems that aren't even going to happen. My father's a recluse, never leaves the estate. But if you want to win either way, you gotta think about the best case scenarios rather than the worst case." Adrian told her as she gave it some thought and smiled. "Thanks, Adrian." Marinette said to him as he nodded and walked away with a smile on his face.
Unbeknownst to them, two girls were eavesdropping on the conversation, a blonde with a ponytail wearing a yellow bolero, a white shirt with black horizontal stripes, and a pair of sunglasses on her head, and an orange-haired with a bob-cut wearing a purple and blue argyle vest with a deep purple bow on the collar of the vest, bright cyan shorts, a white headband on her head, and grayish-brown glasses. "Did you hear how impressed Adrien was with Marinette's desi-" "Of course I heard! Her? Win the contest? As if. When Adrien sees my design, he'll convince his father to award me the winner." "I'm sure he will, Chloé." She assured Chloé as she then said that she was a born champion and that her design will blow the others out of the water. "Yeah, it will. Just as soon as I can get my hands on this sketchpad!" Chloé stated as Marinette started to leave, only to forget where she was as she smacked into a wall before she almost ran past the exit.
Now at the Trocadéro, Marinette was having trouble coming up with a Derby hat design as a small ladybug-like creature pops it's head out of her bag. "Geez, it's hard to be creative under pressure." "Marinette, you save Paris under pressure. I think designing a hat should be a piece of cake!" The creature reassured her as Marinette jokingly thought of a 'cake Derby hat' before getting back to making a design. Unfortunately after half an hour she starts to get tired when she sees a man wearing a grey suit with a grey hat walk up to a bench like a bird before sitting down while pulling out a bag of food as he blows a bird call, drawing in dozens of pigeons to him.
"Well, happy day, happy day! Splendid is the afternoon day." The man declared as he threw down some cashews for the birds as one flew onto his arm. "Ah, Edgar, you fancy one." He named the pigeon as it flapped in a circle before landing back onto his arm after he hand-fed it. "Fantastic, dazzling performance." He stated as a police officer walked past the big flock of birds, scaring them off. "Scram, you winged rats! How many times do you need to be told, Mr. Ramier? No! FEEDING! The pigeons! It's strictly forbidden. If everyone feeds them, they'll leave their waste everywhere!" The officer told him irritably as if this had happened before. "But, who's going to feed my poor pigeons?" "All the park keepers know about you, Mr. Ramier. You're banned from every park in Paris. Leave now or I'll call the authorities. Oh, wait. I'm the authorities. GET OUT!" The officer yelled as Ramier recoiled at his words before walking away sadly. Afterwards the officer sighed as he then walked in the opposite direction.
"Sheesh, I almost feel sorry for that man." Marinette stated with remorse as a man with black hair wearing a black trench coat had suddenly appeared beside her, eating an ice cream cone. "I'm certain anyone would." He said as she jumped from where she was sitting as she looked at him in shock before calming down. "Don't do that, Rei!" "Consider it a way of making up for lost time, niece. Hehe, still weird to say that." Rei stated before he asked what was eating at her, to which she sighed as she sat back down. "There's a contest at school to design a Derby hat for Adrian's next major photoshoot, I've never made one before and it's driving me crazy!" She explained as Rei took a bite out of his ice cream before he came up with an idea. "Why not look for inspiration from the past?" "What do you mean?" "There's been fashion that has been inspired by plants, animals, and even mythologies. Why not give one of those a whirl?" He asked Marinette as she looked back to where the pigeons were and got an idea for a derby hat design.
Meanwhile, Mr. Ramier had walked to the Seine which was now most likely the only place where he could feed any pigeons without being harassed by any officers. As he approached a bench, he just sat down feeling depressed as a darkish-brown-haired man with almost unnoticeable makeup around his eyelids wearing a black trench coat sat down next to him. "Beautiful afternoon isn't it, Mr. Ramier, was it?" He asked as Ramier just shrugged his shoulders. Seeing his despair he subtly smirked before pulling out a bag of grains while showing off his sharp, black-painted nails. "I've heard you have a great deal of care for pigeons. I'm surprised that the park keepers don't try to help ease the burden." He stated as he reached into the bag and pulled out not only a handful of grain but also a black with translucent purple butterfly before throwing the grain with most of his fingers before letting the butterfly go off his thumb, letting it fly to Mr. Ramier's bird whistle. Suddenly he looks up as an outline of a butterfly formed in front of his face with a voice speaking to him directly.
"Mr. Pigeon? I am Hawkmoth. Neither this police officer, nor any other of the park keepers, should stop you from taking care of your friends. What would Paris be without pigeons? What would pigeons be without you?" Hawkmoth asked telepathically from his secret hideout.
Instead of answering, just chuckles as a black and purple substance envelopes him while the eyes of the man next to him glowed red. He then brought up his hand as a near invisible wave of red energy was sent to the victim as it briefly appeared on the substance before it disappeared altogether, revealing him now as Mr. Pigeon with full-body jumpsuit with claws and talons on his now salmon-colored boots and black sleeves, a bird-themed cape, and a blackbird-based mask over his face. Though the only thing that stayed the same was his Bird whistle. Mr. Pigeon then started to act nuts as he stomped his feet and started cooing like a bird with his arms folded up to look like wings, but before he could run off, the man grabbed his shoulder and held him in place. "Listen closely, Hawkmoth and I didn't give you this power for free, we have a task for you to complete." "Roo, rooo! What is my mission, Master Barago?" He asked as Barago now smirked visibly seeing his little experiment work!
Back at the Trocadéro, Marinette, now alone, had just put the finishing touches on the drawing of the Derby hat she's going to make. She then held it up enough to have some sunlight shine on it, unfortunately from a few feet away someone snapped a picture of the design. "Now that's a Derby!" "Thanks, Tikki." Marinette said as she then closed the book and started to leave for home.
Meanwhile, Chloé was close by, waiting for her 'friend' to return with the photo of the Derby hat design Marinette made as she showed up. "We're so awesome!" She declared as Chloé looked at her coldly before snatching the phone out of her hand. "Oh right, sorry! You're so awesome, Chloé. When are we-uh, you, going to make the hat?" "And ruin these nails? Of course not. Daddy'll pay someone to do it." Chloé told her before they started to walk away from the Trocadéro.
Track playing: Jugguler's Darkness from Ultraman Orb (0:00-1:40)
Once they were out of earshow, a being made of a thick purple smoke emerged from the shadow of the column the two were previously next to. The smoke took form, revealing to be a white-haired man wearing a black suit with an equally black corset, holding a wine glass and a bottle of red wine. "Chloé Bourgeois, daughter of the Mayor of par EE and a fool who believes everything should go her way. Sabrina Raincomprix, daughter of officer Roger and a poor girl who just wants to make her friend happy." The man identified as he then looked to where Marinette currently was. "Hmm, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, daughter of the two owners of Boulangerie Patisserie. A novice designer with potential, but has an inferiority complex. All three are prime candidates to become Horrors." He believed as he flicked the cork off the bottle and poured himself a glass while sitting down where Marinette was. "Lookout, par EE. For Jinga will be your invasive inquisitor. Haahahahaaa!" Jinga laughed crazily before drinking from the glass.
(Boulangerie Patisserie)
At the bakeries upper levels, Marinette had gotten started on her Derby hat as she made sure everything was perfect. Measuring twice, cutting once. Everything was going well as it was now 13:21, until she realized that she was missing one important piece as she looked under the desk she was working on. "What are you looking for?" "A feather! I forgot to pick up a pigeon feather for the hat! It has to have a feather!" Marinette told Tikki as she then bolted out of the house with Tikki in tow.
Now back at the Trocadéro, Marinette hurried to where the pigeons were before as they flew away, leaving behind a couple of feathers which she picks up one. With her task complete, she proceeds to run back home while in the process, bumps into officer Roger for which she apologizes for before continuing. Roger just smiled and walked away. Unfortunately as he does he hears the sound of dozens of wings flapping and sees a huge shadow underneath himself, and when he turned around he was plucked from where he stood!
Marinette was now currently on a bus on her way back home. However, when she notices the stoplight was green and they hadn't moved an inch, she starts to get impatient and asks the driver why they aren't moving. "Sorry folks, we have a situation here. You'll need to get off the bus now." The driver told everyone onboard as he opened the door. Marinette was about to walk out when she saw the large mass of pigeons just standing around. "This is weird." She stated as she got off the bug while making sure to keep her distance from the pigeons. Shortly after she saw numerous pigeons littering the streets and buildings as she came up to a group of people watching a breaking news report on a large television set on a building, showing pigeons everywhere, not just the streets but also the subways as a female voice could be heard alongside the images.
(Pigeons have taken over Paris. This is just one of the many alarming situations giving authorities cause for major concern.)
Just then the images cut out to show a reporter with short scarlet hair wearing a cuffed moderate blue blazer as she was getting some info from an ear piece. "Yes, I've just been told that someone named "Mr. Pigeon" is making an announcement." She said as a visual of the mentioned villain was shown standing on the Eiffel Tower with his cape splade out like wings. "Oh, dreary day, poor Parisians. Roo, Roo! Sorry to ruffle your feathers, but Paris now belongs to the pigeons! Flap flap! Roo, Roo!" Mr. Pigeon declared before he jumped off with his cape unfurled as he then used his cape as wings to glide over the civilians!
While everyone was distracted, Marinette ran for the subway where Tikki flew out of her bag. "Paris needs us. Tikki, Spots on!" She shouted as Tikki was sucked into a pair of earrings on Marinette as they turned red with five black spots. Then a mask of the same color pattern appeared on her face with a skin-tight suit following. Marinette was now her heroic alter ego!
Shortly after the heroine was jumping across a few rooftops until she saw the next bizarrest thing, airplanes made of live, moving pigeons! "Now this is weirder than weird." "Birds of a feather, flock together, Ladybu-ahahah-Cho!" Cat Noir told her before he sneezed, nearly rolling off the roof if he didn't catch himself. He then got up and explained that he was allergic to feathers before sneezing again, causing Ladybug to cover her face with her arm. "That's helpful." "Tell me about it." They both said sarcastically before the latter was about to sneeze but was able to stop himself. "However, these birds are only part of the problem. The park keepers in Paris are vanishing without a trace." Cat Noir told her as Ladybug stated that they need to track down Mr. Pigeon ASAP. "Where are we gonna find him?" He then asked Ladybug as she then looked as though she had a plan.
Later, Cat Noir was now wearing a park keepers hat while standing in the Place des Vosges and whistling La Marseillaise as Ladybug hid behind a tree, both waiting for Mr. Pigeon. Though just standing doing nothing wasn't Cat Noir's thing, so he took his staff and started twirling it around like a baton before thrusting it forward, causing a blade to appear from the tip that was extended. "Act natural or he'll never show up!" "He's not gonna show period. We would have been better off heading in the direction of those pigeons!" He told her as he turned and planted his spear into the ground. "And then what? If we did that, we'd no doubt be playing into his hands." Ladybug told him as he just sighs and turns around. "Ugh, I knew I should've followed the birds." Cat Noir stated as he then heard flapping from nearby. He looked in the direction to see a pigeon flying somewhere. "Maybe it's not too late to do just that." Cat noir muttered before he retracted the blade and made his weapon extend, pole vaulting him onto a building before running towards the bird while leaving Ladybug surprised. "Cat, wait!" She shouted as she pulled out her yo-yo and proceeded to hook it to the nearest high object and swing to him. "What the heck, Cat?!" "Sorry, ma'lady, but your plan was getting us nowhere!" Cat Noir argued as they continued to pursue the pigeon.
Mr. Pigeon was currently standing next to a statue as he saw the pigeon being chased by the duo. "Ladybug and Cat Noir? You followed my pretties. Smart." He complimented them before he motioned the bird to fly in another direction and jumped off the statue before gliding to the roof of a hotel. "See? I told you." "You can gloat later. We gotta stop him!" Ladybug told Cat Noir as they forget the pigeon and go after Mr. Pigeon himself.
They eventually reach a hotel as they stopped themselves while Mr. Pigeon lands on the roof. As he turned to the duo, Hawkmoth's voice came back, telling him to rid Paris of the two if he wants the pigeons to rule for good.
"Okay, Kitty, now what?" "Now we face him. If this is a trap we'll use our powers. What do you say?" Cat Noir asks as Ladybug nods before they jump onto the roof, where Mr. Pigeon smirks before blowing on his whistle, causing hundreds of pigeons to circle them and drop a massive cage on them! "Turpy day. I'm so ruthless. Hehaha!" Mr. Pigeon self proclaimed as Hawkmoth's voice came back.
(Excellent! Now, take their Miraculous!)
"Roo, Roo! You're Miraculous. Give them to me or face the wrath of my feathered friends." Mr. Pigeon ordered before he blew his whistle again as the pigeons from above started to force the top of the cage down onto the, but Cat Noir extended his staff to halt it completely while the Pigeons surrounding the cage on the ground turned their backsides to them. "Dada dee, on the count of three, my beloved pigeons will commence fire. You can still say you're sorry skins by handing me your Miraculous." "I have a third option for you, a Cataclysm!" Cat Noir said as his left hand surged with a dark energy as he then used it to corrode the bars, causing the whole cage to fall apart and scare the birds off! Now freed, they corner Mr. Pigeon. Suddenly after he blew his whistle again, he did the unthinkable, he jumped off the edge of the building! Shocked, the duo ran to the ledge to see that he was okay and that he was now on a platform made of pigeons which turned into a sled. "Roo! MERRY CHRISTMAS!" He yelled as a flock of pigeons came flying at the duo, forcing them inside as they shut the door, blocking them while they severely dented the door.
"No way in hell can a bird survive doing that!" "They must be magically strengthened, or something! Come on!" Ladybug told him before they started to run down the stairs when Cat Noir's ring started to beep slowly as one of the images on it disappeared. "I've got four minutes left. And I think we'll need more than that." "Then you better find a place to hide before the cat gets out of the bag." Ladybug tells him jokingly as they reach the lobby, where almost a dozen people are watching what was going on when one of them ran to the duo. "Ladybug, Cat Noir! I'm in great danger of losing big bucks if my guests leave Paris! You are going to get rid of those pigeons, aren't you?" "We will, Mr. Bourgeois. But first I need to head somewhere private while Ladybug surveys where the villain could have gone." Cat Noir tells him as the man thinks he knows why as he tells him to go to the royal suite as the hero heads for the elevator. "There's paper in there, but perhaps you would prefer... a litter tray?" Mr. Bourgeois asks humorously as Cat Noir tells him that he just needs to recharge his powers as the door closes.
Meanwhile, Hawkmoth was observing the whole situation as Barago and Jinga walked up to him. "He's doing better than expected." "He is, however the Miraculous Duo will stop him in the end once they've figured him out." Barago told Jinga as Hawkmoth agreed. "Tell me Jinga, who do you think would be a good next candidate?" "There's one I'm Looking forward to. Nino Lahiffe, a friend of Adrian Agreste. The latter's birthday is coming up. We can use that to our advantage." Jinga informed Hawkmoth as he then smirked, telling him that he'll handle that one before telling them to leave him.
Back at the hotel, Ladybug was now in the dining hall as she saw a few flocks of pigeons flying in the same direction. "Looks like Cat Noir was right, we should have followed the birds." She admitted as the elevator door opened revealing Cat Noir as he tells her that he's glad she's seeing things his way. "Let's go." She tells him as the door closes.
After some shadowing, the duo followed the pigeons to the Grand Palais where the park keepers and police officers were being held. "So that's where Mr. Pigeon's keeping the park keepers he abducted." "The Grand Palais." He said as he was about to sneeze when Ladybug stopped him. He then tells her that his 'Pigeon Radar' is on high alert. "Either your radar is on the brink or Mr. Pigeon's left the park keepers unattended." "It's an obvious trap. I think some birds love perching on high places." He explained as they then ran to the back of the building while Ladybug tells Cat Noir that if they can destroy the bird call she can capture the Akuma. They then appeared by the window above Mr. Pigeon. "Okay, you open the window, I'll grab him and yank him up onto the roof, then you snag his bird call away from him." "But we can't leave any room for error, or we could be at square one again." Cat Noir warned her as she nodded before throwing her yo-yo up into the air. "Lucky Charm!" She said as hundreds of ladybugs flew out of it, forming a gas mask. "A mask?" "Perfect. It'll help keep me from sneezing." Cat Noir tells Ladybug as he grabs it and hooks it to his face. With everything set, he opens the skylight as Ladybug threw her Yo-yo as Mr. Pigeon, who gets wrapped up by the weapon's string which pulls him up to the roof as he thrashes about. "Looks like we Roo-le." Cat Noir said jokingly as he snatches the whistle away from Mr. Pigeon before he crushes it in his hand, letting the Akuma out. "No more evildoing for you, little Akuma." Ladybug said after she frees her yo-yo and opens up the base of her weapon before she starts swinging it to gain momentum before throwing it at the Akuma, capturing it! "Time to de-evilize!" She declared as she caught the yo-yo before tapping on it, letting out a pure white butterfly. As it flew off, Cat Noir then took off the mask and handed it to Ladybug, who throws it into the air, yelling "Miraculous Ladybug" as hundreds of ladybugs flew, placing everything back to where it was while fixing Mr. Ramier's bird whistle just as the mentioned villain turned back to his good ol' self. "Huh? What happened? Where am I?" He asked, not remembering what happened during his time as Mr. Pigeon while the duo fist bump. "Pound it!"
After getting Mr. Ramier down safely, the two went their separate ways as Ladybug headed back home after canceling the transformation.
"There's no time to lose. I have less than an hour." Marinette told herself as she got into her chair and started to put the finishing touches on her Derby hat.
Back at school everyone was ready to present their Derby hats while Adrian and two others were standing with the principal, a man with a big bushy beard, eye brows, and a bald head. "Hello, Mr. Damocles, I am Mr. Agreste's executive assistant Nathalie." "And I'm Busujima, Eiji. Adrian's mentor and gardein." The two introduced themselves as Damocles greets them and asks where Mr. Agreste was as the former pulled out a tablet with a visual image of a man with combed-back light blond hair. "I'm here." "Ah, uh, hello Mr. Agreste. Welcome to our school." Damocles said to Mr. Agreste as he then asks his son to take Nathalie around before the four walk up to the displayed Derby hats. "As you'll see, Mr. Agreste, our students have poured their hearts and souls into their projects." The principal proudly tells Mr. Agreste just as Marinette made it just in time to display her hat, which is currently in a box. "Where have you been?! You got your hat?" "Yep, here." She tells Alya as she lifts the box up to reveal her Derby hat, but there's one problem. "What?" She asks as her friend tells her that it looks the exact same as Chloé's. "What?!" She asks as she looks over to Chloé as she was having her hat examined.
"Uh, hi Mr. Agreste. I'm Chloé Bourgeois. You know my father, André Bourgeois, the mayor?" Chloé asks Me. Agreste as Eiji closely examined the hat and saw something. "It's fake." He told them as Chloé was shocked to see someone find out so quickly! "That is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! My hat is 100% a Bourgeois original!" She argued as the man then pointed out that it looked as though her hands had never seen work before when he caught a glimpse at Marinette's hat from the corner of his eye. "Hello, what do we have here?" He asked as he looked at her Derby hat. "One real and one fake." "No fair! Marinette copied my design! It's scandalous, how could you do that?" Chloé accused as she started to pretend to cry, making Eiji shake his head in disappointment before Marinette tells them that she can prove that the hat was her original design. "Go ahead." "Um, everything on my derby hat is handmade from the embroidery, to the weaving of the band, to the stitching of the brim. All done by myself. And last, there's a special design element that only the true designer knows about: I signed mine." She explained as she showed the hat upside down, revealing that the details are sowed to spell out her name. Adrian then grabbed Chloé's hat and saw that it had the exact same name as well. "Chloé?" Adrian started to ask her when she suddenly ran home, literally crying to her father. "Very exquisite creation. You definitely have the laboring hands of a hat maker, miss…" Mr. Agreste paused as he never got her name. Thanks to his son, he now knows it's "Marinette". "Congratulations on your demonstration, Miss Marinette. You're the winner." He congratulated as Marinette and Alya gasped in joy before the former started tanking him while bowing three times. "Adrien will wear your derby on our next advertising campaign." He then informed her as Adrian reached for the hat, still in Marinette's hand, as their hands touched. "I never doubted you for a second." He told her as she blushed from his kind words. He was then about to put on the hat when he suddenly sneezed, surprising Marinette. "Sorry, I'm allergic to feathers. Exclusively pigeon feathers. Ah-Cho!" Adrian explained as he gave the hat to his mentor, who puts on the hat. "Gesundheit." Marinette said to Adrian as he thanked her before he, Eiji, and Nathalie all left.
Later that evening, the moon was out as Adrian, in a completely different attire roamed the nearly quiet city. "Adrian, the Horror is nearby." "Then let's take it out." Adrian told Zaruba as they walked to the Trocadéro, where he saw a man in a white sweatshirt with a scarf around his shoulders. "Hey!" Adrian shouted as he got the man's attention. "Who are you?" "You're Grim Reaper." He told the man, causing him to suddenly run away from him, but Adrian then jumped over and in front of him before delivering a swift kick to his head, causing water to spill out and the guy to fall down! The guy then turned to his back and flipped himself up before going in for a punch, only for Adrian to sway left before throwing his own, punching his face. He then proceeded to block and redirect all of the man's strikes before kicking him away! This exchange went on for a solid few minutes before Adrian pulled out a Jian with the scabbard still on. As the man charged at him, in the blink of an eye, Adrian removed the sword from the scabbard and slashed him twice before quickly resheathing it without it hitting the ground! Seeing a losing battle, the man jumped to the bridge as Adrian did the same but landed in front of him.
"Is that your best?" "Damn you, Makai Knight!" "He's not just any Knight. He is the Golden Knight, Garo." Zaruba told the man as he looked shocked but then angry as his skin became more fish-like as he then changed into his real form, a humanoid fish with half its face covered up with the other showing massive teeth! "Prepare, Azdab." Zaruba warned the Horror as it ignored the ring and charged at Adrian, who had unsheathed his sword and drew a circle of light above his head with the blade, causing a suit of golden armor to fall and envelop him just as Azdab touched him. The Horror was then sent flying backwards forcing it to recover as it looked at the Knight in shock. From the bright light, a Lion-based warrior emerged, Garo!
Garo then proceeded to walk towards Azdab as it tried everything in its power to stop Garo by throwing scores of scales at him, only for them to be incinerated in seconds. Getting frustrated, Azdab ran at him to face him head on, which proved to be futile as Garo just shrugged off its strikes and scales before he pushed the Horror back! "Horror, Azdab. It is time that your Inga… is cut out!" Garo declared as his voice was slightly distorted by the armor. He brought his sheathed longsword up before giving it a swing, sending the scabbard flying as it hits Azdab in the face before flying upwards! And in that moment, Garo charged at Azdab as he thrusted his sword into the Horror, burning it from the inside before, shortly after exploding into nothing! And just as the scabbard started falling, Garo raised his sword at the right position for it to be sheathed on its own before he disengaged the armor. "Well done, Adrian." "Azdab now makes 95. Five more and I can qualify for the Trial of Inner Shadow." Adrian stated as Zaruba also states that the spell had been a success for him. "I say it's complete luck, since there were other knights who really couldn't fit inside a Makai Armor." He said as he then walked back home, oblivious to Jinga watching him from afar, with a small creature that resembled a white tiger floating next to him.
"So little Agreste is the new Garo? Shocking." "Are you going to tell Hawkmoth, master?" The creature asks as Jinga tells it no as it would both crush him and that he could have some fun dangling this info in front of the villain. "Let's leave, Frolo. We got a couple of big days ahead of them." He stated as Frolo flew into his shirt before Jinga walked away.
To be continued!
Note: I grouped these two franchises together due to the (slightly shared) natures of the main villains with both of them relying on negative emotions. And as you noticed, I'm trying to flush out Marinette's crush on Adrian a bit more than canon as to make it more natural. I've also had Mr. Pigeon go first as I'm saving the origin Story episode for after Volpina. Also, this is an Adrian-centered story with as much respectful focus on Marinette. And don't worry, you'll find out why Rei is actually related to the Dupian-Chang's later on but not why Jinga has all this knowledge on everyone in Paris, nor why he's the only one who pronounces the name right.
Kaigu-Hunter: Oh! And as for how Adrian was able to use Garo? I had made it so that it could be done with a spell that canon Makai Order did not have, one that can make it so that a trained Makai Knight that was too short could fit into a Makai Armor. Hope you liked this!