(A/N: I do not own Spiderman. That right belongs to Sony.

Also to the several artists that have been messaging me about wanting me to commission art for my story: I'm sorry but I'm not interested. I appreciate the interest but I can't say that I'm needing art to be drawn for my story).

Peter entered Norman Osborn's office (Now technically his office) in a suit and tie. It had been around noon from what the clock on the wall said. Within the room was a long table that had been placed within it a short time ago with several of the top executives of Oscorp within the room, already seated and waiting for the owner of Oscorp to enter. The executives that had been present included the CFO, the COO and even the General Counsel of Oscorp, Mr. Richards who had shown Norman's will to Peter, Harry and others from months ago.

"Ah, Mr. Parker. Thanks for coming" Andrew said, walking up from his seat and towards Peter.

"Mr. Richards, good to see you again" Peter said, smiling lightly up at the kind man.

"Please, call me Andrew, Mr. Parker. You are technically my boss after all" Andrew said with a light chuckle.

"Well on that note then, you can call me Peter" Peter responded, still keeping his ghost of a smile in tact.

Noticing his small smile, the lawyer's face grew more sympathetic.

"I…couldn't help but be surprised you still agreed to do this little executive meet and greet given…current circumstances. I don't think anyone here would have objected to postponing" Andrew said to the young man who just shook his head.

"My aunt wouldn't want me to just sit and sulk. I figured that the best way to honor her from here on out is to just continue living my life" Peter answered as sincerely as he could.

Andrew couldn't help but admire that as he smiled once again towards Peter.

"I'm happy to hear it. Please sit down. You're at the head of the table at the end here" Andrew said, escorting Peter to his assigned seat.

It was the day of the meeting where Peter was supposed to meet all the Executive Officers of Oscorp. At first, he didn't think he would go through with it and give himself more time to cope with his aunt's death. However, after the events of the last few days, he felt confident enough to proceed with it.

"Well I guess I'll get started. Mr. Parker's already met me so why don't we start with Charles and we can just go around the table?" Andrew said as he gestured for a relatively young man to speak.

One by one, the executives introduced themselves along with giving the descriptions of their responsibilities within the company. Peter gave a friendly smile as he listened to each and every one of them. However, there was one in particular that caught Peter's attention and that was the CFO, Charles Standish. This wasn't because he had any good or bad vibes about him but he looked a bit young for a position such as his. However, in the position he was in, he felt he probably shouldn't judge (Although that wasn't really his intent, he felt).

Several minutes went by until the last of the executives said their piece. They all honestly seemed like decent people at first impression. Norman most likely did leave his criminal operations known to only a few certain people, including Menken and Octavius. Given that, despite the fact that the acting CEO had just been exposed to aiding a mentally troubled teenager that almost killed the city's local vigilante, he figured they only wanted what was best for the company.

After the last one went, Peter gave a nod, seemingly understanding what each of their positions entailed, despite the fact that he was more of a scientist than a businessman. After a few moments of letting the information stew within his head, he finally began to speak.

"Thank you and thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to meet today. Also, on a personal note, I do appreciate the sympathies you've all given me whether it be through email or through a letter to my home" Peter said to the top executives who just nodded at his gratitude as he continued. "I would like to first point out the elephant in the room which is that I realize that probably some of you here are not exactly pleased with the prospect of a 17 going on 18 year old kid coming in and essentially taking over"

Almost immediately (And somewhat obligatory from what Peter saw), several denied this.

"You're certainly a better choice than Harry Osborn, Peter. I do like Harry but let's be honest, he's clearly not in the best mind to run a company" Charles Standish, the CFO, said.

Peter couldn't really deny that as he continued listening.

"We know about your passion for science which is what the forefront of the company is about so we're just grateful you weren't chosen based solely on nepotism" Charles finished to which all the other executives agreed.

Peter wasn't entirely sure of that if he was honest. After all, Norman did see him as a second son, a fact that Harry had detested and reminded Peter of time and time again. However, he didn't dispute what Charles had said. Peter continued speaking.

"While I don't want to cause a stir in the company's main leadership, I also don't want this company to be run in the same way Norman Osborn and Donald Menken have been running it. As a result of their leadership, we've had the likes of the Sandman, Rhino, Shocker, Doc Ock, Vulture roaming the city. That's not to mention the fact that Norman Osborn himself became a victim of his own creation, the globulin serum which caused him to turn him into the insane villain: The Green Goblin" Peter said, pointing out the other elephant in the room.

There was an eerie silence as no one else in the room said anything in regard to this. There was nothing really they could say as there was nothing Peter had said that had been wrong. The criminal doings of Norman Osborn had been made quite public and their stock had dived nearly 40% since his death. The news of their acting CEO playing a part in the recent revival of the Green Goblin certainly wasn't helping.

"Normal Osborn was a brilliant scientist, there's no doubt about that. However, it's quite clear he prioritized short term profits and chose not to focus on the long term ramifications of his actions. That cannot be done in the future and it will not be done with Oscorp under the new leadership. Science is meant to help people. It's supposed to develop new opportunities for people including curing disease, making hard work more feasible, connecting the world together, exploring the unknown, not creating supervillains for a crime lord just for another half percent profit" Peter said, practically preaching to the choir as the people surrounding him agreed (He wasn't sure if they were doing this out of fear or if they really agreed with him. However, he felt they were getting message anyway so he let it slide).

After catching his breath for a short moment, he continued.

"So given that, there are a number of changes that I will be making to the Board of directors sooner rather than later and they are as followed: We must change the name of the company from Oscorp" Peter announced to the companies top executives.

There was a bit of a mixed reaction from the group of men and women within the room.

"Sir, are you sure that's really a good idea? Oscorp has been the brand of this company for several years-" The Chief Marketing Officer tried to say but Peter shook his head.

"In order for this company to move past what Norman Osborn has done to the city, we need to show the people of the city and beyond that we're willing to move on from our not so tasteful history and in my opinion, the man himself. That includes changing the name of the company from a name that is associated with the name Osborn" Peter announced, despite the looks of doubt throughout the room.

If he were being honest, Peter honestly wasn't in love with the idea either. After all, Peter still kind of saw Harry as a friend despite his not so good feelings for him the past week or so. It kind of felt like he was stripping away Harry's family legacy by doing this. However, he knew in his heart this was the right thing to do. The wrongdoings of Oscorp needed to die with something else to rise in its place. That was the only way the company, the city and even himself, he thought, could move on.

After a short pause, there came a question.

"If you don't mind me asking, sir, did you already have a new name to propose to the board or did you want to discuss that when you spoke with them?" Charles asked from his seat with a raised eyebrow.

Peter paused for a moment at this. If he were honest, he had been giving this some thought as well and still wasn't quite sure if his final decision was the best choice of a name for a company. However, he felt confident enough to say it here.

"After a good deal of thought and consideration, I decided with a name based off the scientific philosophy of alchemy which sought to among other things turning metal into gold, prolonging life and finding the cure for every disease. With that in mind, I've decided with…Alchemax" Peter announced to the room.

Once again, there was a silence that went around. However, it wasn't as eerie. In fact, there was a slight sense of fascination. Several of the executives exchanged looks. Some intrigued, some a little doubtful, some even nodding at the idea.

"I personally believe it to inspire hope within the company and out as I think it would stand for everything that science is supposed to achieve. However, If there's any objections to the name, please feel free to let me know. While I'm technically now the owner of the company, I don't want to come in with an iron fist, especially with people that have been here much longer than I have been" Peter said, trying to ease the minds of any doubtful minds in the room.

The same silence persisted as no one had spoken up. Peter didn't really know if they actually liked the name or were just a bit too eager to please their new boss. However, he didn't really decide to look too much into it. As long as there were no major objections, that was good enough for him.

"Alright, with no objections said, I will submit that proposal to the Board of Directors. For the second point of discussion, I'd like to speak about the future direction of the company" Peter said which then woke up a few of the executives in the room, curious for the ideas Peter had (If any).

Peter continued. "As I've previously said, the business of creating supervillains just so they can attack Spiderman has to end and it will end under the new leadership. I would also like to shift more of the company's resources into medical research. While Oscorp does have a good position within aviation and personal technology, I do think that we are behind in medicine. Most recently, it was discovered that Flint Marko, also known as the Sandman, has a sick daughter. I did some research and I was able to find her and have her diagnosed at the local hospital. The doctors did find her illness was treatable but they couldn't identify what her illness is. In this day and age with the finest minds and researchers at our disposal, this shouldn't be seen as acceptable. We must and have to do better"

"Sir, with all due respect, is it really wise for us to put our company's resources for research into a known criminal's daughter's illness?" Charles asked from his seat.

Peter shot him a look that caused Charles to slightly flinch.

"This is not simply about one child, Charles. This is about making a positive difference not only within New York City but the world. If Flint Marko's daughter had received the proper treatment at an affordable price, he might be just an average everyday citizen rather than Sandman. It would also help the public gain a more positive outlook on Oscorp…or Alchemax as it may be in the not so distant future and we can start to regain their trust a bit. By cooperating with non profit medical organizations to help fight unknown diseases, it would be our way of giving back while still maintaining healthy profit margins" Peter explained his position.

While they understood the words he was saying, the people within the room couldn't help but be perplexed by them. He was clearly very different from Norman Osborn or Donald Menken in that he was concerned about the public wellbeing rather than how much money the company could make by making Tech Flight (Which of course they secretly knew had been stolen by Adrian Toomes) or devices like the Osberry. They didn't really know if they should be happy or worried about this but there was one thing for sure: Working under him would be an interesting experience.

Peter tapped his foot under his desk, still slightly nervous despite the fact that he felt he was doing a somewhat adequate job. While he was well versed with science, which Oscorp (Soon to be Alchemax he hoped) specialized in, he wasn't as well versed with business dealings or finance…which actually brought him to his next and final point.

"Now for my last point I wanted to cover, I just wanted to acknowledge that of course without Donald Menken at the helm, the company is currently left without a CEO. The Board has emailed me with some potential replacements. However, as the Board's upcoming Chairman, I took it upon myself to give a nomination of my own and I actually invited her to introduce herself to you all as well" Peter explained.

However, before he could say anything further, the elevator door dinged. Everyone turned to see it open. Outside came the one and only Felicia Hardy came out of the elevator, dressed in a woman's power suit. A pantsuit and a business skirt that cut off just above her knees. Peter noticed the skirt hugged tightly around her waist which caused him to flush for a moment. He quickly recovered though as he focused on the issue at hand.

"Oh well…speaking of…this is Felicia Hardy" Peter had explained to the members of the table.

The people within the room took a good look at her and noticed she was rather young as well. However, there were some that looked at her with some curiosity and interest.

"Yes, yes. I remember Ms. Hardy, she was present during…oh" Andrew had said, suddenly remembering the fascinating relationship she and Peter had with another young lady.

"Andrew?" Charles asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I just remembered she was at the will reading, that's all" Andrew simply stated, smoothly recovering from his almost slip up, he thought.

However, Charles and some didn't really seem convinced as they felt there was more to the story Andrew had to share. However, they decided to save it for another time if at all. Right then and there, they were more interested in the young woman that had stepped in and decided to stand by Peter's seat.

"Ms. Felicia Hardy has spent the last few months as a teaching assistant for the High School, the Midtown Magnets High School. However, she has experience from her mother, Lydia Hardy and she is a competent woman who is able to perform the duties of the CEO while I attend the remainder of my time at school and college. During that time, I will continue to remain the Chairman of the Board" Peter declared to the table.

"It'll be a pleasure to work with you all" Felicia said in an official tone of voice.

"Uh, Mr. Parker" The COO said from his seat. "I've no doubt that Ms. Hardy does have some credible experience under her belt in business. However, this is a company dedicated to scientific research, discoveries and technologies. Are you sure with her lack of experience within the scientific field that she'll understand our daily operations? No offense, ma'am"

"None taken. I admit I'm not as tech savvy as Mr. Parker here. However, I do know some things" Felicia retorted.

"And as Chairman, I'll also be sure to maintain a close work relationship with her as the interim CEO and will educate her on some things she potentially may not know" Peter added.

Felicia couldn't help but let out a tiny smirk. Close relationship indeed….

"I chose Ms. Hardy because while I'm sure there are multiple people within the company that could perform the job, including some at this very table, I feel that choosing someone I know already would be best for the close relationship I'll need to have with the acting CEO. I've gotten to know Ms. Hardy for a while now, inside my high school and out and I believe that she is the best possible candidate I can choose in regards to ability to perform as well as someone I can work well with" Peter explained to the board.

There were quite a few shifty eyes going around the table, Peter noticed and for understandable reasons. After all, this wasn't exactly a typical scenario, choosing someone whose job had been teaching history to a group of high school students. Peter could also tell they were wondering what his true relationship to Felicia was. He had a feeling Andrew hadn't exactly spilled on that particular detail which he was appreciative about. That probably would have only made this awkward, he felt. No, he thought. That was not something people he would soon work with needed to know. Despite all of this, however, they seemed to generally accept what Peter had said, like most other things he had said today.

"So I believe a separate meeting is needed between Ms. Hardy and the rest of the executives here so that she can get caught up in all that's going on within the company. I will allow Ms. Hardy to schedule that meeting at her own convenience. With that, I believe that's all I had to say so let me just say again: I look forward to working with you all and I know that together we can work to not only bring the company back in the good graces of the public but also, if I may be a bit cliche, make the world a better place. Now before we end the meeting for today, is there anything else that anyone here would like to discuss?" Peter asked, opening the floor for discussion on any other topic.

After a few moments, there was one that raised their hand. Peter took notice and called on them to ask their question.