Adulting – maou emi week Monday

"Papa? What is adult?" Asked an innocent Alas Ramus to her "papa" the demon king.

They were currently eating curry for dinner that Emi made.

"Huh?" Maou looked at her with the questioned looked, he has no idea how to answer that question. He thought to himself; adult huh? Uh..

Just as he was collecting his thoughts and answer, Emi joined them for dinner after she was done with whatever she had to do in the kitchen.

"Whats up?" She asked, looking at Maou who was deep in thought.

"I asked papa what is adult" Alas Ramus cheerfully, then she asked her mama the same question; "Mama, do you know what is adult?"

"Oh, hmm I guess something papa is not!" She said cheekily obviously teasing Maou who immediately made a face showing how annoyed he is.

"What? I can be an adult! Whats that suppose to mean?!" Said Maou standing his ground.

"Well then why would you not answer Alas Ramus?" Emi asked him, knowing fully well that she has won this argument.

Before Maou could say anything, Alas Ramus interrupted him;

"What do you mean, mama?" She asked as if she confused, tilting her head to the side.

Emi turned her attention to her and answered; "well an adult is someone who takes care of responsibilities; like cleaning, laundry, cooking, stuff like that" after that she added; "also someone who looks after their family and spend time with them, who put their dirty socks in the laundry basket and not put them around it " as she spoke these words directing them at Maou, who was listening to her intently and giving her a challenging look of his own.

Since Maou have been living with them, he's not spending time at home with his family, as he's busy doing over time at rg ronalds but they were suppose to be together for Alas Ramus sake of-course, Riiiiight. That's what Emi tells herself.

"Wha? I am more adult than anything! I work and I have responsibilities there"

"I didn't even say your name did i?Emi said smiling gleefully at him. She had him there. He sighed in defeat,

"Okay fine, I admit that i've been home abit less, i'll try to-" Maou was interrupted by Alas Ramus, he didn't even get to defend himself about the socks which is entirely his fault, but he'll never admit it to Emi, nope.

"Ya papa! You need to be home more! Mama and me get lonely" Alas Ramus said with a pout on her face.

Maou couldn't resist Alas Ramus and said "okay, alright. I'Ll see what I can do about it" with that he pats Alas Ramus head and then she hugged her papa happily as they continued to eat dinner laughing and teasing eachother.

As Emi was done putting Alas Ramus to sleep, she went out to clean the dishes.

As she went in the kitchen, she found out Maou there, washing dishes, most of them were done.

She was very surprised by this.

She came from behind him; "hey"

Which made Maou jump up.

"Jeez, Emi. Don't scare me like that" said Maou putting one hand on his heart.

"Well, that's nice of you to help around for once, very adult of you" she said teasing him.

"Well I'll have you know, I am plenty adult"

"Well at-least you are improving" she said smiling to him, still teasing him.

Maou just rolled his eyes at her; "ya ya whatever"

"Thank-you, I really appreciate it" said Emi genuinely. She was really pleased with him.

Maou smiled, "your most welcome"