la trama de la historia es la misma que la de mi academia de h roes, solo que cambia con izuku con la peculiaridad de transformaci n en jinetes de kamen y los personajes son los mismos solo en la primera d cada, la d cada parece otorgarle su peculiaridad y luego entrena su cuerpo para usar lo antes de entrar a la UA sin uno por todo lo que otro lo tiene.
Hi friends, this is a challenge if you are interested in what would happen if izuku was given the quirk that would allow him to transform into any kamen riders.
the plot of the story is the same as my hero academy, only it changes with izuku with the quirk of transformation into kamen riders and the characters are the same only in the first decade, the decade seems to give it its quirk and then train your body to use it before entering the UA without one for all that another has it