"Heeeeey, breakfast!" Mason happily kicks the door open with his bare foot, frowning at the clothes on the floor. Stepping inbetween to place the fresh breakfast on his boyfriends bed. It was only a bacon and tomato toasted sandwich, but it was Theo's favourite.

"Thanks, babe. But still no"

"Whhhhhattt? I can always just give your breakfast to Josh!"

"Don't you dare! You're suppose to be appealing to my good side. Not trying to starve me" Theo places the tray on his lap as Mason goes to the kitchen to get sauce. The prom was To weeks away. He didn't have to worry about the sniggers of high school students anymore. This was an adult prom. The first time he could go on a romantic outing with the pack and Theo by his side.

Only his problem was his favourite person, his dashing Chimera boyfriend didn't want to go.

"Still no huh?" Tracy smirks, as she gets out organic skimmed milk. He's pretty sure she's loving this. She's hated Mason ever since he asked Theo out. Over a year now, and Tracy still growled at him everytime he walked through the front door. The only reason she wasn't giving him a hard time was because she's been listening to the whole bedroom conversation.

"You want a yes Mase? Play dirty, I'm sure a little wining dining and a blow-job will do!" Josh chuckles. "Relax, guys are really that simple!"

"We know that when it comes to Theo that's bullshit" Mason argues. As petty as he is, he knows when he's being played like a fiddle. If that's all it took I would have put the moves on him months ago..."

"GUYS, I CAN HEAR YOU!" Theo yells from the bedroom as Josh throws Mason the ketchup and two sheets of kitchen roll.

"Here" Scott said passing him a pen. Both men are lounging around on Scott's sofa. The were looks so cuddly in a jumper that's two sizes too big. Mason can't help but lean on his shoulder as they watch Mason's pick on Netflix. Run was heating up.

"What's this for?" The human twiddles his pen inbetween his finger-s.

"Prom music! We all get a choice!"

"There's no point, I've got no date. I'll look fifty shades of pathetic, dancing on my own" Mason taps the pen against his lips. The were taps his finger on his lips instead and Mason stops.

"I've got no date either!"

"What? No way! I thought you and the lovely Kira were all set!"

"Jackson asked her before I could at the gym!"

"You're an alpha, couldn't you just...roar him into submission or something?"

"You're too cute. Maybe in a movie, sure" Scott shuffles himself further into Mason's space, leaning his chin on his forehead, lightly sniffing his hair. The human has no problem with the sudden closeness. He assumed Scott and liam did this all time. Of course he was probably a poor substitite. But it relaxed him. He wasn't the only guy there without a date.

"You're Scott McCall! You've got hotties lined up! You must have!"

"Wow, you really give me too much credit!" Scott grins, quickly going to the kitchen. Before Mason can even shuffle one ass-cheek, Scott's back, balancing Coffee and cookies.

"Thanks! Going alone, I guess I don't have to worry about a prom body diet!" Mason eagerly takes a huge chocolate and caramel cookie. The alpha yawns cast his arm around the other man's shoulders as he rubs the back of his neck. "Mase..."

"Wow, do you think they're ever going to maka getaway?" Mason asks reaching for the coffee.

"Do you wanna hang at prom with me?" Scot blurts out.

"Sure, I'll probably annoy the shit out of you feeling sorry for myself!"

"No, I mean...I really would kind of be, really if...you could be my date?"

"Scott, are you asking me to prom? ME?" Mason asks too excited to finish off his cookie. He nudges Scott, expecting a "juat kidding" but it never comes. He just views the alpha looking at him intently, tapping the arm of his chair with baited breath.

"You don't need to ask me twice! YEAH! I'd make a corny comment about your choice in dates, but I'm...flattered. Of course I'll go with you!" Mason smiles grasping Scott's palm with his fingers. "I'll just text Thee..."

"Why? He had his chance?" Scott reaches to his coffee, slides his claws around the cup.

"Dude, we can't just show up together. My guy hates surprises!" Mason gets out his phone and starts typing.