... I just want to say something real quick.
I'm really sorry for the wait.
That's all, now, onto the chapter, hope you enjoy.
It was a normal day in the district of Kanagawa, it was in the afternoon, a time where most of the streets are deserted as all the residents are relaxing inside their homes.
It was peaceful, however, that peace was soon broken as a distant scream approached from the distance, revealing a zooming toddler with purple grapes for hair bouncing at high speeds.
"- aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA-" Hello again
The world, bizarrely enough, seems to freeze at his sudden greeting.
Welcome back to my journey.
The boy suddenly lands on the ground nonchalantly all while the world is still frozen around him, and fancy, copyright free music starts playing in the background.
It has been a very long time since we last revisited my new life in the world of My Hero Academia as Minoru Mineta, in which a lot of stuff has happened, both in our lives, and in the Canon verse, but those will not be relevant for a long time.
For those that have only found this story and have just finished reading the first two chapters, skip until you find me making an important question.
As for the rest of you, old followers, how about we look back at some old highlights of this short journey?
The boy, now addressed as Minoru Mineta, suddenly claps, and from thin air, a big screen showed up behind him, which lit up showing a few clips.
First, I died, very painfully, via the trusty, traditional Truck-kun.
A body is shown exploding into bits while the head looks shocked.
Spent the first few months of my new life as a gestating baby, soon to be born with a Gacha fap material for a mom.
Shows the short birth process and soon the face of Minamoto-no-Raikou from the one and only Fate/Grand Order.
And then proceeded to live what is one of the most idiotic, complicated and demented NTR plots in history in the years to follow.
The screen switches to a grumpy baby watching as his mom brings men after men to her bedroom while hearing the moans.
And then my Quirk manifested, thus putting me in the traditional Hero's Journey as I began training to become superior to the Canon Mineta.
Cue training montage of his Quirk usage, followed suit by the medical visits.
Then at the age of 6, befriended the gender bent version of a human robot in the form of Female Tenya Iida.
Then it shows Mineta handshaking the braided girl as they play with toys.
And lastly, managed to live my edgy fantasy of being a dangerous badass and kicked the fuck out of some bullies, and in true MHA self-inserter fashion, befriended Himiko Toga with the added bonus of her becoming my girlfriend early on.
The screen shows one last clip, mainly the boy being kissed and licked by the crazy girl who then turns into him as they giggle and make the childish arrangement, before the screen goes black. The boy then stepped out in front of the screen.
And now I bet your memory's been refreshed, and I was able to save you some time in not needing to revisit the old chapters. As for the new readers, I really hope that my journey was as entertaining as it could be.
But now, there is an important question to make:
"Why am I zooming down the streets while screaming my lungs out?"
Well, to get to that point, I must first tell you what exactly happened after my edgy ass kicking moment.
With that said, let us begin.
And with that, the boy stepped out once more, and the screen lit everything up.
After that debacle that resulted in my first meeting with one of the core members of the future LOV, or the wannabe League of Legend rip-off, League of Villains, my life got a bit more active than normal.
That is to say that the quirky oddball that is now my girlfriend started seeing me more often, and usually we would end up going to each other's houses to play and stuff, and as a result, our parents got well acquainted with each other.
Now, one fun fact about Himiko is that she likes horror movies, especially slasher films as they're gory, and most importantly, the blood flies out every second (even if I had to feign ignorance as the rather cliches steamy scenes would pop up every now and then, and it took everything to ignore it), and she was not adverse to recreating these scenarios when playing "house".
"'H-Help… help me! Stay away, villain!'" Said girl spoke in a faux scared tone, shaking and moving the female doll in her hand, brushed with red blood like stains that she did with some red paint and food coloring, and I let out my best evil chuckle as I pushed my edgy action figure, combined with some paint (although it is not as messy as her doll) and a plastic knife at hand.
"'Kukukuku~ Nowhere else to run, my love~ Your heart will be mine, one way or another… literally! Hahaha!'" I said my piece, and I moved the arm to stab.
"'Noooo~!'" Himiko faux screamed as it touched her doll, then she dropped it and made exaggerated gurgling noises as she shook it on the floor and for added effect, put some red clay over the belly to imitate guts and with a 'bleh', the doll dropped dead.
It was quiet for a second, but then it was broken by our combined laughter, holding our bellies from how much we were doing so before we looked at each other with wide smiles.
"That was fun, Mino-kun! What scenario should we play next? Oooh~ Maybe we could do a sacrificial ritual for the next date. Either the wife or husband are in a cult or something like that?" She cheered on, and I hummed in thought, putting a finger over my lip.
"Maybe a family tradition, we've never done a married killer couple act before." At my suggestion, her eyes lit up in excitement.
"We can do that! It'll be the first time my hubby and I shed blood together~! Oooh I wanna do it so badly right now~." We looked at each other again and giggled together.
Looking at this situation, my past self would've been baffled at how much fun I was having. Usually I'm awful with kids, but seeing my new self having such a blast with a kid would've been weird, even more so when considering the kind of role play we're having.
However, I will say that Himiko is someone who has more grown up tastes and does prefer the more violent movies. In a way, she reminds me of myself at that age, although in her case it's likely that her Quirk is influencing her a bit in that regard.
Now what does that say about myself, I wonder…
Our giggling fit was cut short as the door to her room is opened by a new person, a slightly short, slim figure with a feminine looking face and brown eyes, silky blond hair that reached down to the waist, fair unblemished skin and their clothing consisted of a baggy light gray hoodie and some jean shorts. Any normal person would've likely thought that this was Himiko's mom, and it would give them a hint as to how said girl would look like as an adult.
She gave us a warm smile as she fully entered the room, carrying a tray of snacks and some glasses of juice. "I brought some snacks, kids~ Hope you aren't too hungry from having too much fun in here." She said while setting the tray down on Himiko's desk, and the girl gave the older woman a beaming smile.
"Thanks Papa, you're the best!" She replied without missing a beat, and I joined in with my own as I ate the snacks.
"Thank you Najimi-san, they're delicious."
Now, for those who were thinking "That woman is cute", I must inform you that yes, that is a guy.
Najimi Toga is Himiko's father, although many have once mistook him for her mom, and I cannot blame them. Once I thought that he was her mom too, and the way he looks and dresses sometimes makes things even more complicated.
In spite of that, Najimi is a caring father, very attentive and servicing, and also very polite and collected. Himiko once told me that her mom is the breadwinner while her dad stays as the househusband, which while not common, isn't something that most people would bat an eye at.
And looking at her, it is very obvious that the circumstances that would push her the Canon path would have to be very different if that's how her dad acts like, at the very least.
While we ate our cookies and chips, I snapped out of my thoughts as I felt something warm and wet lap up my cheek, making me look at Himiko with a blush while she gave me a cheeky grin, a smaller blush on her own face.
"You had some crumbs on your cheek." She told me, and I let out an exaggerated sigh before smiling back.
"Oh what am I to do with this girlfriend of mine?" She giggled in response as she downed her strawberry juice.
"Hmmm, I don't know… maybe love her above all things in the world~?"
"Naturally, Himi-chan."
We got into another giggling fit, and as soon as we had our fill of snacks, we got back into playing, spanning the whole evening until my mom went to pick me up at night, which we said our goodbyes for the day, and even got a chaste kiss on the lips from her to seal the deal.
This exact routine went on for a few days, but at a few instances I had to put the play dates aside to keep up with my training. As sad as it is for me to forgo playing at every instance like a kid should, the reminder of what was at stake for me always erased every doubt.
However, there was also another change that occurred after meeting Himiko. Namely, I began sleeping with Mama… NOT IN THAT WAY YOU FUCKO! I mean that now I sleep beside her on the bed at night. That's it, there's nothing sinful or weird going on.
I'm still too young.
Either way, it was something that had been on my mind a few times, and well, it got to the point where I couldn't ignore that feeling any more.
So, when Mama was about to usher me to bed and tuck me in, that's when I took action.
"Alright Mino-kun, I'll tuck you in quickly, okay?" She said to me, both of us were wearing sleepwear in the form of cotton shirts and shorts, although hers most certainly were very snug in some… areas, and was about to walk into my room when I held her hand and stood in place.
She looked back at me confused, and her eyes began showing a hint of concern. "Mino-kun? Something wrong, baby?" After finishing her question, she fully turned to me, and I looked up to her face with a hint of hesitation.
"... Could I sleep with you tonight, Mama?"
She was surprised, that much was obvious, cuz honestly, in all of my years as her son, I've never asked to sleep with her, not even once; and naturally, she knelt down with growing concern while resting her hand on my shoulder.
"Is everything okay, Mino-kun? You can tell Mama everything, you know that, right?" She asked back and I nodded.
"I… I just wanted to be with you." It was honestly all I could muster at the moment, and for the first time maybe, my mask was slipping.
Her face melted into one of pure love, and with a chaste kiss on the forehead that made the skin tingle, she picked me up on her arms bridal style and smiled at me. "Of course, baby, anything for you." She replied while walking me to her bedroom, and when she opened the door, I realized another thing.
I've never once been inside her room, and it's not by her prompting either; most of the times I saw her door I would always imagine the times she was being toyed with, which quickly dissuaded any curiosity due to the distaste I felt, but getting inside, it was surprisingly sparkling. No lewd toy was at display, no kinky clothes or any gadgets, it was like a hotel room, clean and tidy.
She didn't take long to tuck me in her bed, which felt incredibly fluffy and springy, and soon enough, she joined in, pulling the covers on us as she then cuddled me, lifting me up so my head was above her cleavage.
"Is that comfy, Mino-kun?" I hummed in approval, and I could feel her smile as she kissed me on the back of the head, which funnily enough, did not get her stuck.
"Goodnighty, baby." She told me, and then she relaxed as she likely eased herself to start sleeping.
As for me, my heart was racing, I could feel it beating loudly in my chest as the nerves caught up to me; what I was about to do is likely very out of character for my identity, but then again, some children are scarily perceptive for their age. And well, since I've made a show of my genius, maybe it won't be so risky, right?
So… with a deep breath, I spoke.
"Mama?" With that tentative call, I felt her hum in response, showing that she's listening. "... Why do you bring men to your room?"
It was faint, but the silence felt deafening, and I could feel her body stiffen up as her breath hitched, obviously not expecting this question. It was awkwardly quiet for a few seconds, but soon she spoke. "I bring them in because Mommy needs help with something, Mino-kun, it's nothing for you to worry about." She tried to placate me, but for once I kept going.
"If they help you, Mama, why do you scream? Do they hurt you?" Being pressed against her breast, I could feel her heart racing as well, likely getting more and more horrified at the implication that I knew of her escapades.
She kept quiet some more, and guilt was starting to get to me for exposing her like that, and then, I heard her let out a long sigh. It wasn't one of annoyance or exasperation.
It was one of resignation, like she was at the bottom of the pit and had no way out, no option but to accept her fate.
"... Can you turn around for me, Mino-kun?" Her voice even lost that spark that she usually had, and gulping the lump in my throat, I turned to her, and I could see her eyes staring at mine, even through the darkness.
They looked dim, weak, and for the first time, vulnerable. "... You ever noticed how other kids like you have a daddy, but you don't?" Oh dear, she's leading with that. Getting her point, I gave a slow nod, and she looked down.
"I will not lie to you, Mino-kun… Mommy… Mommy made many mistakes before having you." She started, and her voice took a different tone, as if she was reminiscing. "... I've hurt people, good people, bad people, but most importantly, I've had people I loved, and when I said the wrong thing, I hurt them, and badly. I have never forgiven myself ever since." I couldn't help but be surprised, but at the same time, it made terrific amounts of sense.
Not once had she ever been visited by anyone she would call family, nor had she ever told me about them; there being bad blood between them explained a lot of things. Sensing my silence as her cue to continue, she did so.
"When that happened, Mommy began hurting. I… I could not hold it in, Mino-kun, I could not live while hurting like this… And one day, I got help from a man…" It was easy for me to tell what kind of help she meant, and saying nothing, I let her keep talking.
"It helped me feel something other than the pain, but it was still there; it never went away, and by that time, I was desperate. I looked for help with another man, and another, and another… At a certain point, I was needing help from multiple men to just feel something." Her voice was starting to crack, and even I could feel some tears start to pool in my eyes.
"In one of those instances… I had you. It was out of nowhere, and the man that once helped me disappeared, so… I only had myself to shoulder this responsibility." At this point, my sight was blurry from the tears, and I could only imagine what her's were like.
I said nothing yet, and weirdly enough, I didn't feel the need to. I heard her take a breath, almost hiccuping on a faint sob, and she held me tighter against her. "I won't lie, I had my doubts at first. I didn't think I was ever remotely capable of raising a kid, let alone family, and at a point, I considered to… t-to…" She could barely go on, choking between sobs and likely letting the tears fall free.
Inwardly, I felt disgusted at myself, for thinking I could just have my fun and make the best of everything, and here I go, opening old wounds and making the woman that has given her whole life to me hurt for things I likely wouldn't have bothered to understand at one point in life. I blinked my tears away, and seeing her in this state, I hardened my resolve.
I hugged her, hard enough that she was rolled to her back, and I was laying on top of her, much to her surprise. I sniffed and wiped my nose of snot, and I looked up to her wide, watery eyes. I breathed in, and I spoke up when she was about to say something.
"Mama… I-I'm sorry for making you cry like this… For making you remember the things that hurt you." I honestly didn't know what I was saying, but the void in my chest pulsed as words flowed.
"Regardless of what happened, of what you thought, you are the best mom I could've ever gotten, and I will never, ever, think you're mean or a bad mom." Isn't it funny how things happen? Almost seven years ago, I would've thought that this Isekai would just be me waiting for Canon to begin so I can get the trip.
But here I am, facing my first family hurdle in my lifetime, and just pouring my heart out without thinking of even keeping a ruse.
"Mino-kun…" I looked at her again, and I could see the tears start to pool in her eyes again.
"I'll get bigger, Mama… when I grow up, I will make sure to give you the most lavish life you could ever have." I didn't even have time to think of how I was going to do this, but one thing I knew was this.
I have power now, even if it's ridiculous and weak, but as long as I have it, a path will be opened.
I sniffed again, and I gave her my most determined expression. "You won't need 'help' from more men, Mama… cuz I'll be here, every time." I delivered my promise, and then, the room fell silent, save for our sniffing and hiccuping.
Mom's face was wet with tears, her lips set in a wavery smile as she wouldn't stop crying, but there was a big change in her eyes.
Their gleam, it didn't hold that cloud of pain or resignation anymore. Instead, there lies only the purest adoration and love a mother could muster.
Before I knew it, mom fully embraced me, resting my head on her shoulder while she buried her face on my neck, allowing me to feel her shoulders quake and her weak laughter be let out onto my shoulder. I could only hug her back and stroke her head gently.
We didn't say anything for what felt like hours, but this time it wasn't an uncomfortable silence, rather, it was very serene and comfy, perhaps the comfiest we've ever been. I briefly thought of how this was likely the first true embrace she's ever had, but quickly shut that thought down, wanting more to focus on giving her all the caressing she needed.
After a few minutes, she stood still, and I briefly looked at her, only to then realize that she fell asleep, even with her face completely stained with tears, but the one thing that dissuaded me from disturbing her was her smile.
It was like staring at Himiko, with how pure and beautiful this smile was. Smiling myself, I inched forward and gave her a chaste kiss, which subconsciously made her smile widen, and slowly moving to the side, I cuddled into her bosom and closed my eyes.
"Goodnight Mama. I promise you, you will never be alone…"
That night, I slept like a baby.
The very next day, I noticed a key difference in the way Mama acted.
She became more vibrant than ever, smiling and singing along as if she was living her best life, and she took to pampering me more than usual, often giving me beefier and tastier breakfasts and bentos that honestly always got me hungry for more.
And with that promise I made, I could only amp up my training and growth curve in order to make sure that I could achieve what I set myself out to do. Mama didn't object to these changes, and in fact, actually supplied me with a new routine to back up these new developments.
Naturally, my play dates with Tomoko and Himiko grew to be slightly scarce, but the two of them understood when I told them that I had plans to likely become a Pro Hero, mainly the former as she was born in a family of Pro Heroes, and for the latter, her reasoning was rather surprising, to say the least.
"My mommy always trains hard to keep her titles, and even papa joins in some times and acts as her sparring partner." She told me one day as we were talking about our dreams.
Himiko's dream wasn't really surprising, as she only just wants to have someone to love unconditionally and be by their side, and I wasn't going to complain about it.
However, as is the rule of the universe, eventually, all good things must come to an end.
And it just so happened to be the one day either Tomoko or Himiko weren't available to play, leaving me all by myself at the park as most of the kids already left for their homes with their parents, but I didn't mind.
Now, what I did mind, was that while I was playing by the swing, some douchebag had the gall to then push me with all of his strength, sending me flying 7 feet high and crashing down, painfully and unceremoniously, on the ground.
"AGH-!" I let out my obvious cry of pain, and then proceeded to groan like a man kicked in the balls as I then got my grip on reality back as three huge shadows loomed over me, and I looked up to see three ugly mugs grinning like hyenas over my body.
"Hey kid~ How about we have a little chat~?"
Needless to say, I did what every kid that's faced with three bigger, meaner bullies and a Quirk that could make you bounce like rubber.
That is to say, I bolted the fuck out of there.
The screen turns black and fades into nothingness, leaving the freeze frame of me screaming uncovered as I then look back at the "camera".
And so, we've caught up to the present. Did you have fun reading these events? Likely cried with that little moment of angst between me and my new mom? Hope you did, gives this fic more traction and recommendations.
Either way, back to your scheduled program of "Fuck around and find out."
I then jump into the freeze frame with a warping sound as the environment regains its color, and my mouth spreads wide open into the scream.
"- WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed out loud as I zoomed through the streets, with the audible steps of my chasers hitting my ears.
"Get back here you little shit!" I didn't heed the scream as I ran as fast as my legs could, which thanks to my training, was faster than what a normal 6 year old was capable of.
For an added boost, I was also putting my bouncing experience to the test by chucking my grapes at the ground and using them to propel myself forward, which meant that my brain was short of overloading as adrenaline and desperation forced me to make calculations on the fly in order to not fuck myself up by tripping and cartwheeling across the street, which would lead to my pursuers catching me and further fucking me up.
On hindsight, I probably should've considered the fact that kids sometimes are great at holding grudges, and when they promise something, they'll go through with it no matter what; so when I was met with a bunch of delinquents with eerily similar Quirks to the brats I beat the shit out of yesterday, and were definitely the ones to give those rascals the belief that they could use their Quirks freely, I realized that I was fucked.
Especially since I didn't even bother to tell mom about their threat.
I yelped as a barrage of spikes hit the ground near my feet and I started running faster as one of them started using his Quirk to shoot his death needles at me; I looked around frantically, hoping to see someone who could help me get away from them, but unfortunately, the block was in was absolutely deserted. Not even with all the ruckus were people leaving to see what was happening, fuck me, dude.
Seeing a turn, I threw a grape and quickly angled myself well enough to do a 90 turn and got some more distance, skidding across the ground and gasping as I was starting to tire out. Eventually, the adrenaline wore off, and the fatigue struck me like a hammer as I stopped running, right next to an alleyway, and I got an idea.
Dragging my ass into the alley, I limped behind a dumpster, flinching as the stench of rancid garbage, alcohol and… other things that I don't want to think about assaulted my nose, however, I didn't feel like I had any room to be picky right now. Picking my phone from my pocket (which miraculously didn't fall off despite my frantic sprint and hopping), I was quick to text mom, but before I could write words, I heard the punks' voices, and froze. Looking at the phone, I saw that mom was online, so I could text her, but, if they found me and saw the phone, they might snatch it from me and I'd have no way out of this mess.
However, I recalled a simple function the phone allowed me to do, and a certain protagonist doing the same in Canon. I silently groaned in exasperation as I selected 'Share Location' and picked to share with mom. As soon as it was sent, I pocketed my phone and curled further into myself, hoping that she'd get my message.
Seeing a trash bag beside me, I hid behind it and froze as I heard the punks closer than ever, holding my breath as much as I could to not make a sound. "Oi! Where the fuck did you go, brat!? You think you can run forever!?" One of my pursuers, some mohawk styled guy with spikes on his arms, sang in a mocking manner as him, another guy with torn sleeves and a last guy with rock for hair shaped like a pompadour walked around slowly, rummaging through the trash as they looked for me.
"Yeah! You're a naughty boy, you know that? Beating up some innocent kids ain't nice y'know, you gotta apologize." The punk with the torn sleeves drawled while licking his lips, making me shiver in discomfort. What a creepy bastard.
While the rest were yelling, the Elvis imitator said nothing, until he suddenly smirked, making me tremble with uneasiness. "Nobu, Mitsu, get out of here, I'll bring that little rat out." He said, to which the other two looked at him, then grinned.
Doing as told, they left the alleyway, leaving the guy by his lonesome, where he just stood still for a bit, further unnerving me. Then, he knelt down and placed his hands down, then breathed out.
The second he did, I noticed that the plastic bag covering me was turning into stone, and feeling my arm resting on the floor lose feeling, I looked at it and was filled with horror when I saw that it had become stone. This motherfucker could turn anything in a short radius into stone!
From the panic, I bolted out of my hiding spot and the petrification stopped around my shoulders, but it was much heavier than I expected, so I ended up falling face first into the ground, groaning from the pain as the sound of footsteps got louder and louder until a hand grasped the back of my neck, and before I knew it, I croaked out in pain as my back collided hard against the wall, and the rock guy shifted his hold so his hand rested on my front, the same malicious smirk still on his face.
"Found you…" He rasped out, tightening his hold slightly and making me wheeze for breath while the other punks walked back in, chortling between them.
"Awesome work, Futoshi! Never fails to surprise us." The punk with the torn sleeves told my captive, now name Futoshi, to which the guy with the spikes huffed.
"Were you expecting any less from him, Nobu? There's a reason he's our muscle." He retorted as the aforementioned guy kept his hold on me with such a zeal it was actually terrifying.
When Nobu nudged his shoulder, I was reacquainted with gravity, plopping to the ground with an 'oomph' as my stone arm added to the fall, making me grunt. All they did was chuckle, up until the spiked guy, Mitsu I think, knelt down in front of me and hovered over my face.
"Well, you're definitely a rude brat, you know that? Didn't your parents teach you that it's rude to avoid someone who's trying to strike up a conversation with you?" He rhetorically asked me, nudging my head up with a finger as I did my best to stay silent and glare at him.
He giggled, the noise filling me with disgust. "Furthermore… it's very mean to hit other kids, especially when they did nothing to you." At this, I put as much anger as I could into my glare, wishing I could thoroughly rip this bastard's teeth.
He leaned back suddenly and 'ooh'ed at me. "Wow! What a mean stare, did I say something wrong?" And then, he grabbed my chin and forced me to stare right into his eyes.
"Well… That doesn't matter anymore. What matters is, our little brothers were hurt, and what we are all doing here is making sure that naughty little shits like you learn their lesson and don't bully other kids." He took a quick pause, his eyes baring into my soul as his grin creeped up.
"So, if you don't wanna get hurt, you better apologize to us for what you did. Got it?" He continued as I looked at him with wide eyes, baffled at the audacity of this fuckhead.
He then leaned his ear forward. "Go on, I'm listening." He goaded me, while the other two laughed as if it was a funny joke.
Despite the danger I was in, his audacity and outright hypocrisy made my anger speak first. "You first, you worthless, cowardly son of a whore." I replied, making them look at me in shock.
"Huh?" Mitsu eloquently remarked, and his face was in the position I wanted the most.
To further rub salt on the wound, I spat on him, which landed dead on his eye, making him walk back and yelp as he wiped at his eyes, and Nobu was quick to punch me in the face, whipping my face back as blinding pain assaulted me. When I was able to see again, I saw him looking at me now with anger in his expression. "You- you little fucker!" He roared as he grabbed my neck and prepared to swing at me.
"... What are you doing to my son?"
He stopped as all of us were startled by the sudden voice and we turned to look at the newcomer, and I was filled with relief as I recognized my mom at the entrance of the alley. "M-Mom." I managed to croak out, to which the guy held my neck tighter, shutting me up.
"Hah? This your brat, old hag?" He rudely asked, and I could see that she was bristling with tightly contained anger. However, before she could answer, Nobu spoke up first.
"Hey, bro, I know who this bitch is." I shifted my glare towards the nasty fucker, cursing him in my mind for calling her that.
"Oh? Pray tell, who is she?" At that moment, the guy started grinning lustfully, making my rage resurface.
"That's 'The Whore of Kanagawa', a notorious slut that's willing to fuck anything and anybody, anytime. Futoshi and I had our fun with her a couple of years ago. To think that she birthed this little shit…" He explained, and I rolled my eyes, of course my mom would have a title like that.
I was snapped out of my pained musings when she finally spoke. "That 'little shit' you speak of is my son, and I'd prefer it if you were to let go of him, gently, if you were so kind." Her voice was cold, it was unlike anything I've heard from her, not even the bastards from my babyhood were talked to like that.
Mitsu was unfazed, however, choosing to make a thoughtful face with a mocking hum, then he smirked. "I get your protectiveness of him, bitch, I do." My glare fell back on him. "But you see, me and my buddies are just a couple of older brothers that are concerned by the bully that hurt our little brothers, and we just want to make sure it doesn't happen again."
She turned to me, her eyes were still narrowed with anger, but I managed to catch a glimpse of her hand trembling, before she took a deep breath. She looked back at the punks. "Then you talk to me. Whatever my son did, it is my duty to make up for it as his mother." She said as she started walking towards us.
As she did that, the three looked at each other and exchanged lustful grins, however, Futoshi snapped at her when her hand landed on his shoulder. To my surprise, she started clenching it, and the guy winced. "So let go of my son, now, or else I will tear your arms off." My breath got caught in my throat, and my eyes shot wide as Mitsu's spikes grew longer.
Without thinking, I kicked up to his arm wide, actually nicking him on the chin with surprising strength that made him stagger, and too quickly, Futoshi snapped, and in under a second, he slammed my head hard against the concrete wall, and I quickly began to lose consciousness.
And the last thing I saw before everything faded to black, was mom's frozen expression and horrified eyes as her hand began sparkling with static.
Right before the sound of tearing filled the alleyway…