Prologue: Real or Not Real
P.O.V: ?
Everything around me was dark. Was I upside down? Right side up? I wouldn't know; I couldn't even see the hands in front of my face or the tip of my nose. Everything felt muffled, yet there was a constant ringing in my ears. Normally if I found myself like this, I'd think I'd have fainted and would wake up soon; my friends back home would urge me to drink more water...I wish it was just dehydration in a time like this.
Time...What time is it?...Where am I?
Oh yes, which way was up, I couldn't tell you that. What I could tell you was how everything began sounding...less muffled. Louder. Clearer, like cotton balls were being removed from my ears.
Except...I could hear words being spoken backwards. I wish I knew who or what was speaking, or this world would be a LOT easier for me.
No dice.
Bursts of color came to view. Ocean blues, greens, sandy oranges, gold...many colors and hues from the rainbows I remember.
Images scattered and put back together, blurred until I felt myself reaching out to them. Were any of them real? My vision, no, the images sharpened, became clearer as they whizzed by my vision.
A beach...a shot of space. Various islands surrounded by sea water. Sand dunes. Bridges during the day and lit up at night. Ice caps. Forests. Mountains.
A hill overlooking a city farther away...Home. But not home.
Where was home?
The city comes into view. Echoes of cars rumbling, various footsteps of people on the sidewalks. And occasional bike passing, passerby's chatting but they are too far to tell what they were saying. And then...a tunnel?
Metallic. Void of people, tinted silver with blues, reds, and golds. I was waiting for more, yet only darkness enveloped my vision again.
What...what was all of this?
More echoes filled my ears, but these were closer to where I stood. Clearer, light. Laughter that rung like bells. Visions flew past my mind as more laughter joined the first voice. Four. Five. Six. It was soothing. Joyous. Calming...they sounded happy.
And then...silence. At least for a moment.
Louder. One single voice, different than the six echoed from where I was and growing louder. Were they joking around like the others? ...No. Their laughter wasn't calming. It sounded triumphant in a sense. More excited. Menacing sounded appropriate.
My vision shifts. No longer was I envisioning places in the darkness, or the flora, fauna, skies from the floating images. Now when I look around, I see the artificial. Metallic, blue, red, yellow, silver, black.
The tunnel...I glanced to the left and right of my new surroundings to find windows; peering through I could see stars and planets looking back at me.
I'm in space?...Why am I here? This isn't home, I need to go home-
It was odd. It was fearful. My mind screamed to turn around, to leave wherever this place was but my body wouldn't listen. I even looked down, trying to get my feet to stop and retreat; they sped up instead.
That's when I noticed it.
These- These aren't my shoes! Am I in a different body?
Three matching mechanisms, robots dropped to the ground, beady eyes on me with pincers that looked ready to choke me to death.
I felt a smirk grow on my- the person's face.
Why am I or this person cracking something like THAT in a time where I could instead BE HIDING- wait WHY AM I IN THE AIR?!
This person's answer was a lot more daring than what I could muster in my head.
I, or Not I was fighting the robots.
One minute this form crashed one robot, the next their hands crackled and somehow short-circuited the second one. The third met the same fate as its comrades...and so did the robots that came after the three. Over and over, more robots fell, the crackling and bashing ongoing until no more came. Another smile cracked on the person's face before I, we sped away again. Out of my control, panicked out of the whazoo.
What is going on?! They can control lightning?! Where am I and why will no one answer my questions?!
"I won't give in..."
My mind froze. Familiar, yet different. More determined. Forthright.
"I gotta keep going; I won't let him take over..."
That...that IS me. But that can't be me...and who's this 'him'?
"I WILL protect Mobius!"
Mobius...wait a minute, that's my home! Did something happen to it?! If that is me then surely something happened to it...was it because of this 'him'? And who is this 'him'?
I [or my dream-self] bashed through a pair of doors before skidding to a halt. The laughter I heard before returned louder, clearer than before, more villainous and coming from above. I look up.
The owner of the laughter looked very unusual despite their, his tone of voice. Within the round, half spherical floating contraption sat an equally round man, fitted in a red coat with silver, white, and yellow accents; his whole head was bald except for the goggles on his head, the blue lensed glasses that sat on his pointed nose and the brown-ish red mustache that twisted up from both sides of his face.
"Eggman..." my voice echoes. The tone in my dream selves voice didn't change; the body language? It felt like she was ready to do what she did to those robots earlier.
He, Eggman in turn gave me an evil smile. "So, you've come to crash my party, Sparki..."
Sparki?...That's not my name.
That is my voice, but not my name. What is going on now?
"Enough is enough, Egghead! Your days of taking over the world are OVER!" To add to my dream's confidence, she pointed at him. Determined. Hopeful. "I'm sending you back in time where you BELONG, along with your foiled plans!"
These words, this warmth and confidence. It felt so natural, and yet...It's not me. It can't be me...right?
A small chuckle escapes his lips, his smile growing with the confusion now in my heart. "Oh, I have no plans on going back. You remind me too much of him. Cocky, fast, yet he always prevailed over whatever I threw at him."
More 'him'? This is making my head hurt!
"But he, nonetheless YOU won't stop me THIS TIME!"
In that last moment, I could see him bring out a small silver box with a few buttons on top. I watched him float away in his contraption before he pushed the largest one.
My eyes widened. I looked up, down. Nothing. To my left and right, there was something.
To hatches on the walls opened up. Slithering in from my right was a robotic arm larger than my whole body. Another slithered in from my left. Then two more. Four more...more and more appeared until I counted twenty. And they were all aimed. At. Me.
Eggman mirrored how I had pointed at him earlier before focusing on me.
Everything was more blurred than the last. Images of myself, my dream-self dodging, jumping, slicing through arm after arm flicked through my vision. My heart pounded in my ears, sparks flew all around me and I could do nothing about it. But the other me...she was taking them on so confidently. Sure there were a few times she got hit but she kept going, pushing herself to fight these evil things. To fight until there were none left. Until they were thoroughly sliced to pieces, scattered on the floor, defeated.
My-no, her gaze lifted to meet Eggman's own. We could tell from the way he almost popped a vessel he was NOT happy. I felt my dream-self smile, triumphant.
I...I did that?
"What's the matter, Eggman? Eggshell's finally cracked?"
He narrowed his eyes at me. His smile never left his face.
"Celebrating so soon?"
Chills traveled through my spines at his question.
Whirr, whirr, whirr!
I looked up...another arm slithered in from above; this one was a lot bigger than the others, meaner, like it wanted me for its next meal. It moved, I jumped. I tried to slash it, but it wouldn't budge an inch. I jumped back to make another hit, but my feet never touched the ground...I couldn't even blink.
Faster. Stronger.
Its body was coiled tightly around me. Panic.
Cold sweat poured from my head; I tried to move my hands, feet, anything but I couldn't even move.
He was the confident one now, laughing, triumphant.
"Goodbye, you pesky hedgehog!"
Buzzing came from the arm above, its center glowing a menacing red and aimed at me. A flash of light was blind me, letting its light fire at me...and all I could do was scream.
Hellooo, readers! SakuraDreamerz here! To those who are new to this story here, WELCOME! And To those who had kept with my first edition, WELCOME BACK to A Spark of Hope: REMAKE! ^^
Honestly, I can't believe it's been nine years since I first posted this story; a LOT has happened since then both in my writing and my life stuff . but I am BACK! I said I would return to this story and I'm not going back on it! I'm also determined to give this story the reboot it deserves, not to mention finish the story!
To the newer readers for this story, yes this is a Sonic OC fic but this is a story I've had in my head for aboooout 10 -11 years now, but it's one that I've wanted to share with you guys for quite some time! ^^
Also, writing tips are welcome but straight up insults/rudeness is not allowed! :X
Now with that out of the way, see you guys next chapter! 8D