I do not own To Love Ru
Rito's Point Of View
Momo! I yelled just as Momo ran straight into a horde of Zombies I couldn't believe it but I have faith in her anyway here comes a horde so we all take off running so we don't get ourselves cornered again.
Nana's Point Of View
Momo... how could I let Momo do something as foolish as run straight into a horde of those Undead?! She is so reckless but I hope she can use her plants to protect herself from those things.
Lala's Point Of View
Momo is so brave to have done what she had to get us away from that horde luckily she has her D-Dail with her like always but we can't get complacent,"Momo hold on we'll find you and get you to safety."
Yami's Point Of View
Damn Princess Momo always puts others before herself I admire her courage and resolution and wish I had the same like how she tries to get the other girls with Rito when clearly she is in love with him too.
Mea's Point Of View
I know Momo will get out of this situation without a hitch completely unscathed physically that girl just seems like she's damn invincible anyway's let's make mince meat outta some Zombies.
Third person Point Of View
Yami and Mea gave each other a silent understanding look only conveying one message and then their hair turned into bladed weapons that gleamed in the bright sunlight shining through the windows of the hallways and cut the whole horde of Zombies into ribbons but another horde was on it's way and they needed to keep up a quick but steady enough pace.
The group decided to split up into two seperate groups one to find Momo that was Lala,Nana and Rito,the other group had to look for Dr Mikado,and Tearju and that group consisted of Yami,Mea and Oshizu.
Meanwhile somewhere in the school hallways in a corner of two walls hid someone behind a mass of vines and was breathing slightly heavily but kept their breath as silent as possible as to not be detected by the Zombies...