I do not own To Love Ru
Yami,Mea and Oshizu were running like hell because they knew that big bruiser Zombie will only be down for about ten minutes calculated by it's body mass,size and height even if it'll move exetremely slowly judging by how that big thing couldn't even walk faster earlier when they faced it they were likely to encounter it again but want everyone together before it can.
They ran past hallways and classes everything looking like a blur as they were in a full on sprint and thankfully it seemed they would not run out of breath seeing as two or them were Transformation Weapons and the other was a centuries old ghost who was given an artificial body so that she could make friends and interact with them on an every day basis.
Currently the three of them had a look of strong concentration on their faces determined to meet up with their friends and get the living hell out of there because they were sick of all the Zombies and sick of running around chaotically feeling fear even Mea who usually likes danger had some fear for Zombies and so came upon a class hearing a familliar voice.
The group who were fighting of lots of Zombies left and right were very happy when the two Transformation weapons and ghost arrived and picked off all the remaining Zombies in the classroom and Yami explained the full situation to the large group of friends and teachers and so they went back into the hallway and walked in groups of two's,fours and sixes.
Momo and her sisters along with Rito waited till they were sure that it was safe to go out in the hallway and then unlocked the classroom door and stepped out into the hallway careful not to make too much noise or any noise at all if they could help it and they snuck the whole way through not wanting to attract attention to themeselves which would be bad.
Along the way they encountered the rest of the survivors and everyone exchanged hugs and handshakes glad that they were finally all together again then they went onward.