Chapter Four
In the seemingly empty outskirts of Gotham, yet another figure was roaming about. A somewhat slightly short and dark-skinned woman with short white hair, blue eyes, and a peculiar red mark on her right cheek, while wearing a dark-grey body-armour-suit with a small white scarf, red shoulder-pads, and black polyester belts strapped around her torso and thighs. Noelle Avril, aka Fleur-de-lis of the Global Guardians.
She stood on top of a tor, a small rocky formation, and looked around for pretty much anyone in sight, from the distant trees of the forest to the equally distant and dimly lit town. Having received reports of sudden missing people at a seemingly increased rate, she was sent personally to help in on the searches. But as of so far, she had come to barely any luck, if even at all. However, she wouldn't exactly be along any further for too long, for as soon as she climbed back down the tor, her ears caught something, a single voice, a single word.
"Salut", such an utter by a low feminine voice close by was enough to make Noelle whip out a dagger in each hand from her belt.
Noelle gripped her knives firmly and tightly as she stood and posed while looking around for any sign of human life, or any life for that matter. Soon she spotted a tall, slender, silhouetted figure standing and with one arm and hand leaning next to the side of the tor.
"Who are you?" Noelle asked sceptically.
"Just a lonely soul like you, Noelle", the figure answered vaguely before walking into view, revealing to be a fellow white-haired woman like Noelle herself, but somewhat taller, with much longer hair, and in a dress of ochre red, black, and gold.
"How would you know my name?" Noelle questioned further.
"I just do, darling", the pale-skinned woman continued hinting. "I love your accent, by the way".
"Authentically French", Noelle professed while noticing the other woman's own accent. "And yours?"
"Austria", the woman answered back.
"So what are you even doing here?" Noelle still stood her ground.
"Just wanting to find some company", the strange yet enticing woman checked out Noelle and every detail of her. "And it seems I've found such".
As the woman approached her, Noelle soon found herself lost in the temptress' eyes, gazing back with head slightly tilted to the side and her arms slowly lowering down. Her mental strength and confidence had waned before this stranger's mercy. As Noelle was backed up against a rocky wall of the tor behind her, the woman laid her hands on the girl's suit, stroking and pressing into every line and detail of the outfitted costume.
"Ooo I imagine that suit must make you feel so super tight", the woman cooed, caressing those breast-plates.
"Oui", the entranced and cloudy-eyed Noelle whispered. "Oui, cela fait".
"Have you ever wanted to just reach down and touch yourself? To satisfy that tugging achy feeling deep inside?"
"Oui", Noelle confessed once more.
"In that case..." The seductress paused as she planted her lips deep against Noelle's own. "Allow me to do the favour for you".
The women's tongues reached and embraced each other as Noelle dropped her knives loose to the ground. The dominating woman unclamped the belt clips on Noelle's torso before unzipping the V-neck suit as much as it could allow. Eventually, she finally reached down inside with her right hand and gradually made it to Noelle's tight warm wet folds. Gazing and smiling with dark glee, the woman began gently rubbing the girl's sex, causing Noelle to gasp and flinch up a bit.
Those slender fingers plunged deep inside her, pumping back and forth within, and hooking up. The pale woman continued kissing Noelle almost tenderly while her free left hand loosened the scarf to show much more of that dark delicate neck. She ran her tongue all around said neck, up to the girl's ears, jawline, and even that cheek mark shaped like an actual fleur-de-lis. Noelle slammed her fists back against the walls of the tor, grunting and groaning.
"Oh merde, oh merde!" Noelle moaned some more in her native French language. "Putain, putain, putain!"
"You're into other girls and women as well", the woman knew. "I can tell. I shall give you all that no one could".
The woman paced up her fingers even faster and rougher, breaking down this otherwise tough-looking girl with a fragile centre. Noelle had always been into other women, but such an opportunity like this never seemed to come to her, or she come to it, until here and now.
"Putain, je veux jouir, je veux jouir!" Noelle moaned even louder and higher. "Merde, je vais jouir! Je suis sur le point de jouir!"
Soon enough, Noelle finally came in her own suit and against this woman's arousing hand, barely letting out a yelp from her drooled lips. With a smile of twisted joy and satisfaction, the woman pulled back her hand once more and tasted all of the savoury liquid, but that only quenched half her thirst. With the scarf loosened earlier, the vamp planted her canine fangs into Noelle's neck with little to no defence, guzzling just enough of that mortal blood. A few bits of blood had splattered on Noelle's suit, a darker shade compared to the bright red of her shoulder-pads.
Once the other half of her thirst had been quenched as well, the vampiric woman licked up any remaining blood left stained on Noelle's neck. But even after all the cum and blood, the woman still wasn't done with Noelle, she would never be done, ever.
She then slit her own wrist, spewing some dark blackened blood of her own, and leaked over Noelle's open lips. Such tainted blood made their way across Noelle's tongue and down her throat, taking over from the inside outward. Noelle chocked, coughed, and gagged from the dark bitter taste as her body convulsed. Her eyes widened from shock and trauma before shutting tight and dark tears leaked from them.
"Resistance will only prolong the inevitable", the woman uttered. "My power can be yours as well... ...and it shall be".
Dark veins rose up to Noelle's chest, neck, and face, crawling like snakes from hell. Her once warm and sweaty skin within the suit became cold and chilling like cruel heartless ice. Her voice passed its last wheeze and and her heart beat more rapidly than humanly possible before ceased entirely altogether. Dark liquid drooled from her lips, and her eyes soon opened again. Her once sweet blue eyes had now turned a piercing yellow with black sclera, and her canine teeth had grown into long strong fangs.
Smiling at this latest turning and corruption, the vampiric woman cupped her cold hands around Noelle's cheeks and gazed deeply into her eye-to-eye. "Welcome to my power, Noelle Avril", she spoke sinisterly before offering another deeply sealed kiss. "Now come once more, what has no beginning has no end".
And so, the two walked and carried on into the direction of the city skyline, unknowingly leaving behind two small daggers laying among some patches of rock and grass.
Soaring slowly, safely, and softly through the blue twilight sky, silhouetted by the full moonlight, flew by a feminine figure with short dark-purple hair and skirt, silvery armoured chest plate, and a long white flowing cape. Laura Klein, the Moon Maiden, gracefully surfed the Gotham skyline while eyeing down at the streets below. This city wouldn't exactly be the first place she would venture to, but even she had to admire its strange yet alluring beauty, especially when bathed by the rays of the moon.
Atop one of the shorter skyscrapers, stood three superheroines in colour schemes of black, purple, and yellow: the Batgirl, Orphan, and Spoiler. Recognising the dynamic trio, Moon Maiden then floated downward towards them. Looking upward to the dark yonder, the three caped crusading knightesses soon spotted the lesser-known yet underrated superheroine drifting downward towards them.
"Hello there, Moon Maiden", Batgirl greeted with a slight wave.
"Batgirl, I presume?" Moon Maiden greeted back in return as she touched down gently and carefully upon the hard floor of the building roof.
"Yup, just glad someone like you turned up as well", Batgirl nodded with a brief smile before it faded out just as quickly. "Several people here in Gotham, including some of our friends are somehow disappearing one by one, becoming lost ones in a way. Supergirl, Power Girl, and Thunder have already offered to help out, but apparently even Thunder has gone missing too".
"Has she?" Moon Maiden realised.
Orphan nodded with confirmation as an answer to such a short question.
"Any suspects?" Moon Maiden asked.
"My guess would be someone like Nocturna or Scream Queen", Batgirl speculated. "Or perhaps even both in cahoots, it wouldn't surprise me honestly".
"Especially since we were chasing after one of them not too long ago", Spoiler acknowledged. "There's no way it could be coincidence".
"Maybe so", Moon Maiden replied. "But sometimes, the most obvious may end up being the most incorrect".
"That can be true", Batgirl herself couldn't help but agree to an extent.
"So what shall be our plan then?" Moon Maiden asked.
"I think this", Batgirl paused before casually pointing at Orphan. "Orphan, you go check and search through the East side of Gotham for any clues. Moon Maiden, you do the same for the North side. Spoiler, the West. And me, I'm going South".
"Seems like a plan, as cliche as it may sound", Spoiler nodded and pouted her lip with somewhat approval. While Orphan too nodded and put up a thumbs-up sign in agreement.
"Splitting up, huh?" Moon Maiden thought it over, especially in the way Spoiler put it simply. "You sure that would work?"
"I know it may not be ideal", Batgirl admitted. "But as long as we still manage to keep in touch, plus it's likely we'd be able to cover more ground in less time".
"Very well then", Moon Maiden accepted anyway before taking off once more.
Searching the streets of Gotham City, a young darkly-complex girl with short brunette hair sped at frequent flashes of light. She wore a dark-grey-blue and white top with matching dark-blue domino mask and leggings as well as yellow boots, purple lipstick, and white gloves and bracers. But before she could speed up any more further, she was halted by a strange yet almost beautiful tall woman right up ahead of her.
"Sorry, Nora", the pale woman spoke
"That's okay", Nora said back before quickly noticing how she was referred to by name. "Do I know you?"
"You mayn't know me exactly", the white-haired woman said.
"But you know me", Nora acknowledged.
"Why yes I do, I heard about you for some time", the woman admitted. "You're XS, one of those young, bright speedsters". She gazed down and up at this other girl facing her. "One most especially adorable".
"Thanks", Nora took the compliment at least before asking again. "Do you have a name?"
"Marcilla", the woman greeted herself.
"Interesting name", Nora complimented back.
"Indeed", Marcilla nodded before slowly walking towards Nora. "You're not in a rush, are you?"
"Well, I was on a little mission and uh..." Nora couldn't help but look at that slender body approaching her, almost derailing her train of though. "And uh..."
"Oh, is it urgent?" Marcilla stepped even closer to Nora, staring and smiling into her.
"Urgent?" Nora repeated as she looked up at those bright-blue eyes piercing through her and pulling her in, ending up lost in them. "No. No, I suppose".
"Then we have plenty enough to know each other..." Marcilla back Nora softly against a wall and stroked her smooth cheeks. " feel each other".
"Yes... I suppose so..." Nora said softly with heavy dilated eyes. The rest of the world seemed to slow down if not halt altogether around her.
Almost immediately, Marcilla's lips planted into Nora's as their eyes closed shut. The pale temptress cupped her cool hands around Nora's warm neck, pressing their bodies together into a foreplay. She was hungry for her, in more ways than one. The submissive Nora placed her gloved hands around the seductress' hips, gently and softly without force. Marcilla's tongue dipped its way into Nora's mouth to embrace and massage her tongue.
Nora could feel something tugging and aching deep inside her, something growing more warm and wet, something wanting to be opened and touched so badly. She couldn't even bother to question and wonder who this woman really was and why she was doing this to her, this sensual pleasure was already enough to sway her over and relieve her mind of any free thought. A warm hint of a blush crossed the girl's face, not even the smears of her lipstick could hide it.
While Marcilla's lips and tongue explored Nora's face and neck, her hands explored most of her nimble body, from her subtle curves to her small breasts. Each and every deep touch and stroke sent yet another signal through Nora's nerves and into her brain, and coming out in humming moans. The elder woman rubbed deep into the soft leather of her victim's suit, building and feeling the growing warmth beneath.
Moving and crouching downward, Marcilla unzipped and pulled down Nora's leggings and briefs, exposing Nora's centre and thighs into the cool crisp air. Sniffing the sweet aroma from the wet folds, Marcilla licked her grinning lips before going forth and slipping in her tongue and fingers, forcing Nora into a flinch and gasp.
"Oooo, wet for me already?" Marcilla cooed, in which Nora frantically nodded. "Good, cause I shall make you even wetter". She continued flicking her tongue and thrusting her fingers into the delicate slit, all at once. Much to Nora groaning and shaking, almost vibrating even.
Nora's brown eyes dilated and even flashed a bit of red before squeezing shut while her hips bucked and thrusted back hard against Marcilla's face and hand. The chilling air was sucked into a long sharp inhale through Nora's teeth before gushing as an exhaled breath of hot bothered air. She dug her gloved fingers through the white hairs of the woman dominating her and held tight as much as she could, feeling her legs already starting to wobble like pillars of jelly, and nearly giving way were it not for the woman supporting her with hands clutched about the buttocks.
"Ooogod, I'm getting close!" Nora whispered audibly enough. "Please don't stop, please don't stop!"
"Oh don't you worry, love", Marcilla murmured in between tonguing, suckling, and kissing. "This won't be stopping, it will never stop, and you'll never want it to stop".
As Marcilla's fingers and tongue went faster and harder, so did Nora's breaths and hips, almost as fast as the XS herself. The deeper Marcilla went, the heavier Nora felt. The seduced speedster nearly leant back and arched up her neck and torso, her bones ached and her muscles tensed and stiffened more and more with every rapid moment. She would've fallen back and tumbled over had it not been for Marcilla's strong grip and the wall behind her. Sweat started to profuse from her body, sending chills down her skin. Her penetrated sex grew even more warm, already about to burst.
Then at last, with one last shriek to high heaven, the excessive Nora finally came and released. Her lower lips spewed a few drops of clear crystal liquid onto Marcilla's tongue and fingers, not one ever missing a shot. While she still held Nora straight up in place on her feet, Marcilla licked off and guzzled down the precious nectar with ease, smiling and humming with satisfaction, but it would only be half or even third the satisfaction.
Once she had cleaned up the cum with her own tongue, Marcilla then gently blew at each of Nora's thighs, almost stroking her nose along them. She could sense the sweet blood heating within, just exactly what she'd like and expect. Unveiling her sharp-tipped canine fangs, Marcilla took a good long bite into Nora's left thigh, sucking and tasting the blood while Nora weakly groaned, unable to put up any resistance. Such blood tasted just as equally warm and sweet as the sexual fluid.
After she achieved a good enough taster, Marcilla pulled and zipped Nora's leggings back up into place again. Then she moved back up straight on her own feet, facing Nora proper again. As she had done many times before and will do many times more again, Marcilla slit her own palm and pressed the freshly open wound into Nora's open mouth. Thinking of no other option, or even any thinking at all, Nora went ahead and slurped in as much of the blood as she and her mouth cold take. As she ingested the dark nectar, she felt a sudden convulsion deep within herself, a cold chilling sensation crawling down her oesophagus and her spine. Like sharp bits of ice cutting her from the inside.
Her body started trembling and shivering again, and her stomach nearly contorted. Her hanging lips began gagging irregularly, while blackened red tears leaked down from Nora's eyes, staining her domino mask and uniform. Black veins slowly rose and spread up her skin and body, like a snake's venom flooding her systems. Her heart beat and thrashed frantically and furiously, as if trying to break out from the cages of her ribs.
Marcilla watched all this with utter twisted delight, as with all her previous victims. She knew that while someone like Nora would put up a good enough fight, but as proven, even she would only be prolonging the inevitable. Whatever defences Nora had remaining within herself had already been broken down and away entirely, whether from Marcilla's seduction and hypnosis, the overwhelming orgasm, and the ever more overpowering metamorphosing. And in some strange twisted way, this pain and pressure almost felt a bit pleasuring. Not even the Speedforce had ever made her feel anything remotely like this.
Once it all felt like it couldn't get any more intense and agonising, her trembling, her gagging, her floundering heart, all ceased, everything. Nora could almost feel nothing, inside herself or outside. No longer living nor dying. Her once warm brown eyes had become cold bright-blue, surrounded by sclera of purest black. With her tongue, she felt and noticed her canine teeth had grown into impressively sharpened fangs that might've easily cut her tongue if she weren't careful enough.
Realising what she had become, what Marcilla truly was, she looked up and focused at the other woman again, who continued to grin and stare back into her.
"Wh- Wha- What am I- What am I feeling?" Nora stammered and shuddered.
"You're feeling my power, my pleasure, my passion", Marcilla answered poetically. "My lust".
"Power... Pleasure..." Nora repeated with a monotone whisper, her breath flowing from her freely. "Passion... Lust..."
"Yes, my dear", Marcilla said. "And you shall spread our power and lust to all worthy of it". She then gently pulled in Nora, by the chin with a few fingers, for yet another soft, deep, and enticing kiss. To which Nora returned and reciprocated. "Will you serve me, Nora?" Marcilla asked.
"Yes", the turned Nora spoke and answered.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the city, within a large storage building shed by the docks, a solitary figure heaved and pushed at a few metallic crates, grunting with with movement. Said figure appeared to be somewhat feminine, with eyes and spiky hair of glowing bright-green, and even a few spikes stuck out from her spines, back, and arms as well.
Just then, she heard a distant whooshing sound, one all too familiar to her, and it was coming from within the building. She frantically looked about the place with a hinted scowl in her face, expecting something or someone to pop up and ambush her. Running around a corner, she halted in her pace the moment she spotted another figure far ahead yet still clear in sight.
There stood a seemingly youthful teenage human-looking girl with long wavy magenta hair and emerald-green eyes, donned in a mostly cyan long-sleeved high-neck bodysuit leotard with matching golden-yellow gloves, boots and shoulders, as well as a stylised 'MA' on her chest and silky sash around her pelvis that ended with a long smooth ribbon that hung down from her right hip, both of which matching the same magenta as her hair.
"Of course you'll always find me, Miss Action", the crystal-woman recognised and scoffed. "Even here in this murky city".
"It took a bit of time to track you down across the Atlantic pond, Kryptonita", Miss Action said casually. "So why hide out here of all places?"
"What reason do you think?" Kryptonita sassed back. "They say Gotham is the haven for rogues and criminals".
"Gotham, really?" Miss Action crossed her arms in disbelief while cocking a brow. "The home of Batman and his friends?"
"At least those guys don't know I'm here as long as they're busy with their own foes and business", Kryptonita said back as she cracked her own knuckles.
"Well I know you're here", Miss Action stood into a pose and smiled. "You're my foe, and you're my business".
"Then I'll have to take care of you first", Kryptonita growled with gritted teeth and a Kubrickian stare before dashing furiously at the hero with arms and hands morphing into sharp spiked weapons and a rising yell.
Already feeling the radiating pain not only emanating from the kryptonite-enhanced human, but also heading directly towards her, Miss Action lifted herself off her own feet and levitated away and out of potential attack. Kryptonita jumped, swung, and almost slashed at the nimble Kryptonian, albeit still missing every instance. Miss Action turned and flipped as she kept floating at a few several feet above the ground and away just enough from the Kryptonite radiation. She then fired a few bursts of heated lasers from her eyes at Kryptonita, who in turned dodged each and every attack.
However, in the heat of the fight, one of Miss Action's lasers of heat managed to strike at least a bit at Kryptonita, leaving a short yet deep crack in her right shoulder and causing her to cringe and grasp onto her bloodless wound. She stared back up at the heroine with even more indignation emitting from her glaring eyes before she turned tail and ran off with a guttural huff.
Noticing her retreat all of a sudden, Miss Action quickly followed while still keeping herself above the ground and away enough out of close sight. Kryptonita ran and stepped over a few crates before landing back down to the ground and heading directly for a pair of twin steel doors up ahead. Hearing that same whooshing sound behind her again, she made way for the door without hesitation, not even bothering to open it properly and instead slamming through it.
Hearing a sudden bashing and clattering of metal close by, Miss Action flew down in the direction she recalled Kryptonita rushing on. She landed onto her feet as she noticed the doorway slammed open, with the doors heavily dented and broken straight off the hinges. The young Kryptonian superheroine rushed outside and looked around in the harbour to see at least hint of glowing green, but the foe was nowhere to be seen.
Miss Action exhaled heavily as her shoulders dropped, a hint of the physical pain felt by just being near such a being of pure living kryptonite still lingered whille gradually waning. Peering from behind one of the many steel shipping containers, Kryptonita watched that flying girl take off into the air again, before she went off on her own into the direction of the city.
Standing and waiting all alone in one of the many train stations in Gotham, Ava Sharpe kept a firm and focused look at any and all around her, already fully aware of what had been going on lately. She shivered and shuffled about in her black suit jacket within the chilling air as a gruff breath emitted from her lips in visible vapours.
"Tis a pity that someone as pretty as you would be out here in the cold, so late and so alone", a sultry feminine voice caught off Ava by a bit of surprise as she quickly turned to see just close by an oddly yet fancily dressed pale-skinned white-haired woman in red attire, standing a few feet apart from her.
"I would've said similarly about you", Ava spoke back.
"Name's Lari Calm", the woman introduced herself proper with an elegant bow. "And you must be..." She paused, even if she knew the other woman's name just by mind.
"Ava Sharpe", Ava introduced herself in return.
"Sharpe, such a fitting name for someone like you", Lari smiled with crimson lips.
"Same with yours", Ava returned such a compliment. "So what do you really want exactly?"
"I only wish to keep you warm and safe", Lari slowly strutted closer to Ava with a swinging hip, nearly catching the blonde's fluttering gaze. "It may be a while until the next train comes, if even at all".
The Calm woman's hypnotic voice filled the Sharp woman's ears as she gently pressed her up against a lamppost, enthralling the otherwise strong-willed blonde. Running a few fingers down Ava's smooth hair, Lari emitted a warm breath onto her submitting victim's face before their lips eventually attached. Ava's hesitant hands find their way onto Lari's lower back,
Humming with delight, Lari's own hands surrounded Ava's neck like an encircling protective wall before they went down to unbutton her skirt and jacket, one by one. She then carefully pulled them apart like opening curtains, to immediately notice that Ava seemed to be wearing no bra at all. Her bosoms unveiled and her nipples hardened in the chilling atmosphere.
Lari faintly chuckled as she rubbed and massaged the nipples with her spidery fingertips, while their tongues moved and melded together, unable to pull apart. Then her right hand moved even further down, running a red nail softly along the lower torso before reaching the trousers, where she unbuckled the belt and unzipped before slipping inward.
Finding her source and target right away with luck, Lari then penetrated the warm clit with two quick middle fingers, drawing out a breathless moan from Ava's gaped mouth. Curling and tightening her arousing grip, Lari slowly pumped her palm and hand right upon the charging sex. Ava's breath kept on hitching as her hips flinched and thrusted in reaction to the fingers, starting to ride them already.
"Has anyone ever touched you like this before?" Lari's whispered into Ava's ear with a slithery tongue. "Because I'll make you even better".
Ava's eyes soon rolled up as her lids fluttered before closing altogether as she inhaled hard air through her teeth and her grasp onto the back of Lari's dress tightened as well. In such a state, Ava wouldn't be able to give away a clear verbal answer, but her rolling body did it for her.
Lari herself marvelled at such a writhing sight as always, especially her ears tasting the sweet moans. She thrusted her grinding fingers even harder and faster into the wetness, causing Ava to groan some more. She can feel the liquid heat build up even hotter right between those legs, knowing it and she would come very sooner.
Moving down her head as well, Lari purred and glazed her tongue all over each of the breasts, nibbling ever so softly and stirring up Ava even closer to the edge. Ava arched up her neck and chest before letting out an echoing yell and coming down with gushing liquid from her slit. Having achieved the next step, Lari gradually slowed down her fingers before releasing them to taste the cum.
Victim in bliss, Lari swiftly dug her fangs into Ava's right breast, causing the blonde to gasp from the physical shock, as the white-haired woman slurped up a good amount of blood, suckling like a child feeding off its mother's milk. Squeezing her eyes shut, Ava grunted and flinched for a brief instance before her body soon turned cold once more and her legs nearly gave way. Still holding the blonde in place and close to her, Lari ran one of her fanged canine teeth across her own right wrist until her dark nectar started to leak through.
She then moved her gashed wrist right up to Ava's open mouth, offering her own blood in return. The substance ran down her lips and tongue until it entered its way into her body, causing her stomach to burn like cold fire. Struggling to stand up still, Ava kept feeling a deep arousing ache tugging in her very form as dark purple veins crawled up her skin. A dark liquid leaked from her eyelids and drooled from her quivering lips while sharp fangs started to peer from behind. Then Ava's eyes finally flashed open, this time not of a positive blue and white, but of a negative inverted yellow and black. Staring back at the mistress of darkness, the turned Ava offered another kiss to her as a sign of complete submission and obedience.
"Seek out the Lance girl", Lari ordered. "More pleasures shall be waiting..."
To be continued...