Hello everyone tis I the Author and I want to start by saying thank you so very much for the love that this story got in such little time it means a lot to me i just like writing and sharing ideas that come into my head so i would like to share some future plans for you
1)Jaune x one piece(He'll be a member of the straw hats tell me what devil fruit you want him to have)
2)Jaune as king ghidorah it'll a similar variation of the NE ZHA animated movie
3)Ulquiorra x rwby
4)Jaune x SCP (React fic)5)Jaune acceleratorand morenow onto the
comments there is a guest that said and i quote
"You know I was expecting a badass Jaune because he's Acnologia, but instead what I got was a wimpy self hating whiny Acnologia because he's Jaune, who like to simp over a bunch of people he only knew for few months over 400 years ago and giving them undeserving praise also"
i would like to say that this can't be further from his character he's not self hating that he degrades in self he he hates the monster he became and i think this comment came from when he realised he didn't deserve his powers he meant this because he didn't use them to make proud of his friends and family he used them to kill and destroy
how is he wimpy exactly when did he whine?
Jaune is NOT a simp he thought Weiss liked him by saying "cute boys like tall blonde and scraggly over there" he never simped for her he's just looking out for her as a friend if he was a simp he'd have taken advantage of weiss being alone at the dance and make his move but he didn't
what undeserving praise?
now this one made me laugh
"Jaune's reaction after waking up.Hold on! Did that pink-haired twink just one-shot me! HOW!? This is bullshit! That guy is bullshit! I call hax!Also, wouldn't Acnologia blitz and explode the entire RWBYverse? Even Salem would just be blasted into orbit, unless Jaune just decides to dick around for 20 chapters."
lol anyway yes AcnologiaAura amp GODLIKE you're correct he WILL be dicking around only using a bit of strength to find "Worthy" opponentsso the plan for the next 3 chapter or so will be past events after that will be building up to Acno/Jaune's Arrival to Haven his journey it'll be about 5 chapters or so.that's it for now i'm gonna try to release a new chater as soon as I can be safe everyone in these dangerous times