
I'm back and I would like to say that you are all so amazing and patient, so here's a new chapter of The Dream!

I would also like to say screw the schedule. I don't do well with one, but I need one, (Yes, I do know I'm weird.) so I'm gonna try to upload at least once a week, but it won't always be a Monday, so keep your eyes peeled.

Again, thank you for being so kind (except for some people, please be nice online!).

This is the first chapter of The Dream that I wrote! I'm a little nervous. The writing style might change and I might make some mistakes, please tell me and bear with me, I'm trying to improve.

Without further ado, enjoy the story!

"Ummm...Who are you?"

A 14-year-old boy was reading a journal on the kitchen table when Nico, Annabeth and Percy came in. The dishevelled man, whose name was Stanford, had welcomed them in (although he still had the weird gun in his hands).

"Grunkle Ford, put that magnet gun away! If they were from Bill, the shield would have stopped them." The boy put his book down as the man, Ford, ran a hand through his hair.

"Yes, yes sorry. I'm just really worried about Mabel. Three days, Dipper, three days!"

"I know. Believe me, I'm just as freaked out as you are. She is my twin after all."

"I'm sorry, what is going on here?! We come because Nico had a dream and there's some triangle guy, and all this other stuff! What is happening? Who are you!?"

At the best of times, Percy didn't exactly have the best self-control, and this was not the best time Nico thought to himself.

"My apologies. I'm Ford, this is Dipper, you're at the Mystery Shack and we have no idea who you are."

"Umm...What do you know about greek mythology?"

One long explanation and many pancakes later

"So, yeah, that's pretty much it. We're demigods and we're here to help you find Mabel." Annabeth said.

"Fascinating. Who did you say your godly parent was?" Ford obviously wanted to ask more questions but Dipper cut him off.

"Come with me. Grunkle Ford, I'll show them how to use a magnet gun and maybe take them on a mystery hunt, is that ok?" Dipper looked impatient as Ford smiled distractedly.

"Yes yes, of course. Be back at the Shack for dinner, and if you go to Crash Site Omega get some more glue."

"Of course."

In the woods

Nico and Percy were fighting off laughter as Dipper tried to reason with a highly stubborn Annabeth.

"Dipper, I am not going to tie myself to a tree!" Annabeth threw her hands up in frustration as Dipper rolled his eyes.

"Annabeth, it's just for a second. You're a pretty female, so the gnomes will want you as their queen. So you need to be bait. Their bark is far worse than their bite, trust me."

Nico couldn't suppress his giggles anymore while Percy was already on the ground, breathless with heavy, silent laughter.

"Dipper...no use...arguing...she's stubborn." Percy was trying very very hard to stop laughing, but he was failing miserably.

"Yeah, if Annabeth's made up her mind, there's no changing it." Nico personally thought that this was hilarious. But Dipper's next words stopped his laughter.

"Well...I've heard rumours that Jeff is bi...so maybe he'd take Nico as bait?"

Percy fell down again, gasping between laughs.

"Well, I could be bait, if you need it."

A soft voice rang out into the clearing as a patch of moss morphed into a human shape.

Nico was surprised. He didn't think there would be a dryad here, with all the primorial, dangerous energy. When he glanced over, Dipper looked confused.

"Um, who's this moss person? There's nothing like this is the journals…"

Sorry for the weird ending, but I do hope you enjoyed it. As soon as I can I will post another chapter.

Stay safe, healthy and keep your masks on!
