
This crossover between Game of Thrones and the Hobbit is based on the fanfic by STARKILLER21, "Unexpected Allies". But with my own plot twists.

Like the aforementioned story, I will have the setting as if Westeros is watching the adventure unfold via a palantír.

The world of Westeros is once again one of the infinite worlds created by Eru Ilúvatar after Melkor's first defeat. Planetos and Middle-earth however share both a history and a bond with each other.

(Side note, there will be a couple OC characters at least in addition to the original characters. I do like the actors that portrayed the characters in Game of Thrones, but I'm going to color them as they appeared in the books.)


Westeros: "speech"/ 'thought'

Middle-earth: "speech"/ 'thought'



""Black Speech""


'Winter is coming.'

Ned Stark knew the words of his house just as he knew the beating of his own heart, and he knew they were coming true. He knew it from the crop reports, which were getting lower every season. He knew it from the increase in demand for furs, flint, firewood, and preserved goods. He knew it from how the sun made itself scarcer and scarcer with each day that passed, less than ten hours now. He knew it from the people migrating south, cramming themselves into Winter Town. It was only a matter of time until the Citadel sent out white ravens to make it official. 'I don't envy them; no one wants to admit the longest summer on record is ending. Still, the realm needs to be ready. Winterfell needs to be ready.'

How such a thing was done, Ned struggled with. He had been Lord of Winterfell for over twenty years now and he still found new challenges around every corner. He had never had to face a winter as Warden of the North; he could remember his father preparing for and governing through winters, but it had been Brandon who their father had passed those lessons on to. Ned had to make do with the simplified version, guidance from Maester Luwin, and what he could remember. So he stockpiled grains, preservatives, and dried meats -ordering his bannermen to do the same- while taking a careful appraisal of his coffers and tracking the prices of foodstuffs from both the Reach and Essos.

The grim fact was they simply didn't have enough of anything; not enough food, not enough coin, and not enough time to save more. Despite what the other six kingdoms of Westeros may think, the North was not poor. Just because they didn't have endless amounts of jewels, partake in the needless pageantry of tourneys, or build castles so large that they couldn't be properly maintained, didn't mean they were destitute. The North had fur, timber, and iron; its people were, by-in-large, a frugal and practical lot, they bought what they needed to survive with few indulgences and the trade was popular. But as they stood now, that didn't help much.

Alone in his solar, Ned's brooding thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of knocking on his door.

"Enter," Ned answered promptly.

The door opened to all Winterfell's resident maester, Luwin, to enter his lord's solar. He appeared to be slightly winded, as well as concerned. Clutched in his hands was a letter.

"Milord, we have received a raven bearing a letter from King's Landing. The letter itself bears the royal seal," Luwin quickly answered, showing Ned the letter.

Taking the letter, Ned quickly read the letter once, and then twice. His face adopting a look of surprise and disbelief, while his eyes appeared to have a small glimmer of hope. Looking up to Luwin, Ned promptly said, "Tell Catelyn to bring the children into the godswood, immediately! And have the visiting lords and ladies attend as well!"

As Luwin went about his task, Ned couldn't help but feel uneasy about what was about to transpire.

A couple moments later, Ned was in front of the heart tree, surveying his brood as they stood around him, with his ladywife of twenty years, Catelyn Stark née Tully, standing at his right. They were a good, healthy brood and he was immensely proud of each one of them: Sansa was a slightly taller version of her mother and her genteel ways ensured she'd make a fine wife, Arya was more like Lyanna than ever but Ned could never bring himself to be upset by her willful ways. Bran was intelligent, curious, and driven though not nearly as good of a fighter as he wanted to be, and little Rickon was the terror of Septa Mordane with his rosy cheeks, sweet smile, and vicious bite. But despite his love for them all, he couldn't help but feel sad whenever they were all together sans two heads. One of thick red-brown hair, and one of dark curly hair.

His eldest son Robb, and his "bastard son" Jon Snow.

Ned had lost his two boys, as well as his ward Theon Greyjoy, nearly ten years ago. To this day no one knows what truly happened to their disappearance as no one ever saw them again after they told a guard they were going to the godswood.

And since that day the Stark family has never truly recovered.

When Robb and Jon had disappeared Ned nearly went mad; he led days-long search parties into the surrounding forests, offered rewards for information that led to the safe return of his boys, spent hours kneeling in the snow at the foot of the Heart Tree in prayer, and nights in the crypts begging Lyanna's cold stone effigy for forgiveness which never came because whenever he slept he heard his lost sister weeping.

In those first six months, he had been more of a heartbroken beast than a man; he neglected his responsibilities and, to his eternal shame, ignored the pain felt by most of his children. Drowning in his own grief, Ned had left the hurt of his other babes to be handled by Cat; Cat who resented that Jon even existed.

This resulted in conflict between him and his wife, after she accused Jon of 'showing his true colours' and killing Robb, while Theon and Jon ended up killing each other. Either way, Ned had Catelyn live in her quarters for nearly a year, until they finally reconciled with the birth of their youngest son Rickon.

Sadly, things were never the same and the distance between them could obviously be seen.

This led to Ned offering his bannerman to foster their children, and the houses that accepted the call were Houses Mormont, Umber, Karstark, Glover and Manderly.

For House Mormont it was Lyanna Mormont, Maege Mormont's youngest daughter, who became best friends with both Arya and Bran Stark, but is closer with Arya than Bran, due to his friendship with Ned Umber, the grandson of Lord Jon 'Greatjon' Umber. Her older sister Lyra was also in Winterfell, serving as her sister's sworn-sword.

Alys Karstark, the granddaughter of Rickard Karstark is friends with Sansa and Jeyne Poole.

Lord Galbart Glover had sent his nephew Gawen to be fostered in Winterfell, while Lord Wyman Manderly had sent his youngest granddaughter Wylla. Wylla Manderly was a brave young lady, not afraid to speak her mind, with a sharp tongue to back it up. She was friendlier to Arya than to Sansa, and as such spent alot of time with the young she-wolf, her brother, Lyanna and Rickon, of whom she had a fondness for.

All of the fosterlings were in attendance as well, in addition to their parents and family members who were visiting at the time. Lady Mormont sat to his left with her daughters standing beside her, followed by Robett Glover, who was standing with his wife and son, Smalljon Umber with his son Ned, Lord Rickard Karstark with Alys and his second son Torrhen, and Ser Wylis Manderly with Wylla.

Ned took a breath before addressing the group in front of him.

"Everyone, I thank you all for coming at such short notice. This morning, a raven arrived in Winterfell from King's Landing, bearing a letter stamped with the King's seal."

Everyone in attendance straightened almost immediately when they heard this. This letter must have been of great importance if they all had to be informed.

"What did this letter say, my lord?" asked Ser Wylis.

"It is a summons to King's landing to attend a gathering of many of the great houses throughout the Seven Kingdoms." Ned answered. "All of the Lords Paramount, and their families are to attend."

Nearly the entire group gasped as they heard what Lord Stark had said. The last time all the Lords Paramount had been gathered in one setting had been the Greyjoy Rebellion, nearly ten years ago.

"And did the letter say what this meeting is going to be about Ned?" Maege pointed out curiously. Ned sported a pensive look before answering her questionin a solemn voice.

"The meeting is to address the truth concerning the disappearance of the children from ten years ago."

A loud gasp came from Catelyn's mouth, and everyone else was just as shocked. They all knew about the disappearance of Robb Stark, Jon Snow and Theon Greyjoy, but they were not the only children to have vanished. In the North, Domeric Bolton, only son and heir of Lord Roose Bolton had disappeared without a trace. Word had also spread from the Reach that the young son and daughter of Lord Mace Tyrell had vanished, as well as the young heir of House Tarly. No word has ever been heard of the missing children, until today.

"The letter also stated that this meeting has been organized by Lord Stannis Baratheon, at the behest of the red priestess who serves as his advisor."

At these words, the adults within the group became apprehensive. They had all heard about the mysterious red priestess residing on the isle of Dragonstone. When Stannis Baratheon's daughter, Shireen, had caught Greyscale and none of the maesters could cure her, it was the red priestess, having offered her services to Stannis, who cured the young girl. Since that day, the priestess, Melisandre, became one of Stannis Baratheon's close advisors in court with his wife even converting to the Lord of Light, who had answered her prayers on saving her daughter when the Seven did not. Her reputation in Westeros did not help when she slowly converted many to the Lord of Light after word spread of her abilities.

Rumours have even been said that both King Robert and Stannis have been seduced by the red priestess on more than one occasion, but nothing has ever been proven on either brother.

"I don't trust this red priestess," Smalljon bluntly stated. "Are you sure you have to go to King's Landing milord?"

"I must Smalljon. This is an order from King Robert, and I am honorbound to answer his summons," Ned replied. "Besides, I also intended to address the other Lords Paramount on preparing for the upcoming winter."

Every adult sighed, knowing fullwell how honorable their lord is. They knew that summer was passing and a great winter would be upon them soon. They will need as much food and supplies as they can get their hands on, as soon as possible.

"Very well Lord Stark. But who shall you take with you to King's Landing, and who shall remain to guard Winterfell and the North while you are away?" asked Rickard.

"I shall go with my ladywife and my three eldest children. Rickon is too young to make the trip to King's Landing, so he shall stay here in Winterfell."

"Aaauugh! But I want to come!" exclaimed Rickon, not wanting to be left alone.

"Do not feel sad Rickon. I'm going to have Wylla stay with you, until we return. Alright?" Ned replied to his son warmly.

"Okay. But only because it's Wylla!" Rickon answered, causing Wylla to giggle.

"Lord Stark. With your permission, I would like to stay here in Winterfell," answered Alys Karstark.

"Alys!" exclaimed Sansa in surprise.

"Please Sansa. Someone has to remain here to make sure Rickon keeps to his studies"


"Very well, Lady Alys. You shall remain here in Winterfell," Ned answered with a chuckle. He then turned to Lord Karstark. "Lord Rickard, would you be kind enough to accompany my family and myself to King's Landing?"

"It would be my honor, Lord Eddard."

"Lord Eddard, I shall accompany you as well!" said Ser Wylis, knowing fullwell that his father would want him to attend as well.

"Aye! Count me in as well, milord!" exclaimed Smalljon Umber.

"Very well Ser Wylis. Smalljon. I am very grateful for your support." Ned answered truthfully.

"My lord. I shall remain here with my wife and son to help defend Winterfell," said Robett Glover.

"Thank you, Lord Robett."

"I shall be coming along as well, Ned," Maege Mormont answered. When Ned tried to reason with her, she shrugged it off saying, "I am old, not infirm! So don't even bother trying to use that excuse on me. Besides, my girl Dacey can handle things on Bear Island for me, while I'm away."

With a sigh, Ned was forced to concede. He then said aloud, "If there is nothing else, let us prepare for our journey. We leave tomorrow at noon."

With that final word, everyon departed the godswood, until only Ned and Catelyn were left. Catelyn, with a look bordering skeptical and hopeful, went up to her husband and asked,

"Do you truly believe we will get answers?"

Ned looked down for a moment before looking his wife in the eye.

"I do not know," Ned answered truthfully. "But if there is even the barest chance of knowing what happened to boys. I have to take it."

Catelyn took a breath, then exhaled. "Alright then. Let us get ready for King's Landing."

Ned nodded, following his wife into Winterfell's keep. The next day, the company of House Stark set off for King's Landing, not knowing that what they would learn there would change the course of history.

And done!

Phew! This chapter took a long time to set up. I'm not really good with putting my ideas on paper, so please be patient concerning future updates.

Anyway, I wanted to post this chapter first, because STARKILLER21's story never really addressed anyone's reaction to the King's Landing summons.

I do not own Game of Thrones or the Hobbit Trilogy. Those belong to their respective copyright holders.