"So Scott, have you seen enough?" The Professor exuberantly questioned Scott Summers, his eyes locked on the two teens who performed marvelously in front of the crowd that ogled at them. He was more than pleased and satiated by Peter's and Laura's performance on The Danger Rooms Adaptive Room's hardest settings which was made even more difficult by his most prized student taking the helm of it.

Beyond the glass Professor Xavier watched through, mechanical arms with various lethal attachments such as razor-sharp claws and buzzsaws chased after Peter with the sole desire of tearing him to shreds.

Turrets from the ground, from the walls, and even above him were targeted to utterly obliterate him.

Rotating knives and projectiles raced at him.

Flamethrowers sought to incinerate him while the walls around him quickly changed to accomplish their desire to crush him.

Peter Benjamin Parker for the first time he stepped foot in the mansion, never felt so at home.

Chapter 19: What's Up Danger?

"Close but no cigar!" Peter taunted his spectators, soaring through the air, illuminated by the bright orange explosion of amalgamated arms he left behind with a great big smile on his face.

Laura was down below, proving equal prowess in agility and speed as she dodged the rotating knives which sped past her before dismantling a turret with ease.

Beforehand, Peter disclosed to both him and Logan all of his powers, telling them that he would not show his wall-crawling ability which would give away his identity immediately, but even without such a staple power, he conducted his introduction with flying colors.

Everyone in the Institute was in attendance at the debut of Peter and Laura who in this short display shattered all of their high expectations with ease – and in Peter's case, with a laugh.

They were all situated in the control room, with the Instructors not surprised by their performance though surprisingly, Logan had the most reaction out of all of them. It was subtle, but he watched how Laura performed with great interest which was even extended on to Peter.

"They're good…" Scott noted, watching on as Laura and Peter continued to dismantle the room without any sign of pressure or exhaustion.

There wasn't even a spec of sweat on either of them.

The only one who could do such a feat on physical prowess alone was Logan, which given Laura's unknown relation to him, was unsurprising. The girl of few words and much less patience for everyone who apparently was not Peter Parker had all the abilities and capabilities of Logan, save for his adamantium skeleton, but that was made up for her speed and extra ability to see in the dark and at a microscopic level. She could not lift a ton as he could, but by her own words, fueled by adrenaline, the petite girl could lift about eight hundred pounds for a very brief period before collapsing.

She conducted this exercise with no reaction save for the flat stoicism which was always on her face but with the way she moved, the way she proceeded, he noticed – and was impressed, that the girl instantly analyzed and adapted to his patterns.

Scott could not decipher if she was even trying due to the only reactions she had were reactions Peter spurred with his actions and words.

Peter was a different monster.

He couldn't tell if Laura was taking this seriously but he most definitely knew Peter wasn't.

He made that apparent early on in this exercise much to Scott's dismay.

Despite his enthusiasm which Scott wanted to be turned down a bit – and by a bit he meant a lot, Peter was equally as impressive as the girl once known as 'X'.

He had several powers that at the very least rivaled members of the team, and at most, outclassed them by worlds.

Peter was reactive though, spontaneously changing his movements.

Now with his lightning reflexes, he could do it, but doing it with his eyes closed?

"...They're really good…too good…" Both of the two were sixteen, turning seventeen, the youngest one's here aside from Kitty and yet Scott was pondering if their experience rivaled his own. Laura's combat expertise was equal to that of a grandmaster in multiple martial arts, and she quickly altered her moves to fit the environment before it even began to change.

That was something that could only be taught.

And Peter acted all carefree – he had this air of mundanity. He wasn't daunted upon being explained just how dangerous The Danger Room was, was not surprised by Kurt's appearance, and was most definitely not someone who had just received their powers three days ago.

And no, it was not because he was from New York.

He's done stuff like this before.

The Professor was hiding something – they all were. Scott noticed their expressions, this whole exercise was more of a spectacle than an observation of their skill which would dictate if they would join the team or not.

"Or maybe they just have real talent," Logan sneered at Scott who paid no attention and ignored his incessant attempts to belittle him. He watched the teenage duo's movements as they unspokenly worked together to deal with the room at a much higher efficiency.

They've fought together before.

Whatever it was, Scott knew that this was far from just the two having real talent – which they both also had, but they had more…they had experience…their eye's displayed maturity that rivaled that of the instructors.

…There was more to Peter Parker and Laura Kinney.

"They're good, but not that good. We do the hardest difficulty all the time," Bobby – who was the only one who was not visibly impressed, said with his arms crossed, denying the impressive and undisputable feats the two performed.

"Not on our first day, or as two…" Kitty said with her attention fully focused on the two who conducted a test meant for four with a lack of difficulty. Where her partner reacted to their display his own way, Kitty reacted starkly differently. The teenage girl who had superpowers and was part of a super team, was still a teenage girl, and there was something about watching the two who were her peers – the same age as her, pay more attention to the brunette boy's jokes than they did the difficult try out.

She scratched her nails.

The teenage girl looked at the other teenage girl.

The vastly superior teenage girl.

She was wowed by everything Laura did.

The way she moved, the way she acted, how perfect every one of her moves was. She had an idea that she was skilled in fighting but to see just how skilled…to see how beautiful she was…

Kitty knew that the quiet girl was already pretty due to her face but her attire which exposed much of her body and her skin – her perfect bewitching proportions.

The slender girl had muscular arms which were still as lean as hers, a thin waist that contrasted against her wide hips and powerful thighs that in comparison to hers Kitty was left looking like a stick...left looking like nothing...

Kitty should've been happy that Laura was now getting a chance to join the team, that she was able to express herself and talk to someone who was special to her and Kitty was but...somewhere in the recesses of her mind that would never be unearthed, Kitty found herself beginning to wish that Laura continued to remain to herself.

"On za cont-hrary, Bobby, I believe zey are zpectaculahr," Kurt ogled at the show which captured his full attention. He admired their capabilities unabashedly, with no hint of sarcasm or self-belittlement – no hint of being threatened by their skill.

"Of course, you would think that, Kurt," Bobby scoffed.

"I think that too, Bobby. The both of them are just what we need…" the twenty-two-year-old Jean Grey said, eyeing the boy and girl duo that intrigued her. Their skills were already captivating but the dynamic they had with each other left Jean amused. She found it adorable actually how different – how human X – Laura, became around the lively boy who she could definitely see the appeal of after meeting him in person.

And she was beginning to see the appeal of the girl – outside of her looks, as she cleared through more mechanical arms before they could touch the boy.

"Unless you want to prove otherwise," she goaded the blonde-haired boy who she knew loved showing off as well.

"Gladly," Bobby stood up to the challenge proudly, looking between his girl and blue-skinned friend, "You guys with me?"

"Zuhre," Kurt nodded his head with a growing smile, "I vould lofe tu fight alongside Petehr and Lauhra for za fihrst time," he stated with unbridled optimism, excited to test his merit against those who could give him a challenge.

"Not what I meant but –"

'It's not what you meant, but it's a good idea…" Scott interjected, turning his gaze onto the man who had just illuminated a light bulb within his brain.

"Bobby, Kitty, Kurt, go get changed and join them in there," Scott suddenly ordered the three which prompted various different reactions.

"D-do I have too?" Kitty asked hesitantly but all she received as a response was a stern look which affirmed that he was as sure as can be. This raised the girl's already volatile anxiety to skyrocketing lengths. Witnessing Peter and Laura, Kitty dreaded somewhere in the back of her mind embarrassing herself in front of them by not being as good as them. She wanted to impress them after all, she's only been a bother to Laura up until now and Peter had given her an unexpected gift which made her smile.

She wanted to be friends with them, to be able to prove herself to them, prove her worth, prove her spot...

"Of course, you have too, we have to do this stuff every day, or did you forget that?" Bobby Drake interrupted her thought process, answering her anxious and doubtful question with his contagious overconfidence which she often was a victim of.

"Well…I'd like a break," Kitty slowly retorted, her hesitance slowly morphing into unstable confidence upon remembering the various exercises she had done.

"A bhreak? Did you fohrget vhat ve ahre? Ve'hre X-Men, Kitty, Ve do not get bhreaks even if ve vanted,"Kurt encouraged the young girl, uplifting her further as her friends encouraged her to join them.

"Well...I would like one...but... 'we don't get breaks'..." Kitty chuckled, submitting to her friends encouragement that subsided her insecurity.

"I'll go too, if you don't mind, I haven't done a training exercise in days," Jean told the boy she loved before growing a small excited grin on her face and adding, "Besides, it seems like it'll be fun," with rampant excitement, she joined the chosen team after receiving confirmation that it was alright to do so.

This left only The Professor, Scott, Logan, and Ororo in the room.

Ororo was pleased with the display, Laura and Peter could most definitely hold their own – as she expected. Their display further bolstered her expectations and she hoped that they would continue with that trend upon working with the others in the next trial.

The creeping tension that filled the air took up the rest of her thoughts.

With fewer people in the room, the tension that had far passed the border of hatred for one another was easily felt, and Ororo found herself praying within her mind that for once, the usual pattern which all were victims to witness would not arise on this special occasion.

"What are ya' planin,' Summers? What more do you possibly want to see?" Logan impatiently hissed.

The gods decided that once again, Ororo would have to endure.

"I want to see if they're good on a team, Logan," Scott snapped to the man who never did a thing he said, "The two are good on their own, but if they can't work with the others then I can't let them join the team," Scott declared with the same distasteful tone before adding more fuel to the quickly growing fire, "I already have you, I don't need two others who'll disobey orders and endanger not only themselves but the team aswell."

Logan growled, his relaxed and smug mood soured as soon as the boy opened his mouth, "You got something ya wanna say, Summer's?" He menacingly asked, walking towards the boy with a threatening glare which was reciprocated.

"I do, actually," the boy said back, "I don't like how the both of them can just breeze through the hardest exercise the adaptive room has like it's a cakewalk, especially Peter, who supposedly just got his powers three days ago. No one has ever done that before," He frustratingly stated, sparking the reaction Logan wanted.

But he was also getting angry from their encounter as well.

"No one save for me, bub, and I'll tell you the reason why," Logan eagerly and angrily said, pointing at the boy with an accusing finger, "It may be hard for your little brain to conceive, but those two aren't pansies like you. When the goin' got tough, they didn't have Chuck to bail them out – to baby them – they dealt with it. I'd like to see you try and do the same," Logan snarkily challenged, believing firmly within his mind that without The Professor constantly telling Summers what to do, the incessant bother who wanted to know everything he possibly could would implode.

And he'd implode badly.

"That's the thing, it is hard for me to conceive since I don't know anything about them. I'm not a fool, I can already tell that these two have more life experience than the others despite their age. Laura cleaves through the Danger Room like an expert, while Peter acts like he's done all this before," Scott voiced his thoughts.

"I can't lead – much less plan, what I don't know," Scott aggressively stated with a vein slowly appearing on his head. He trusted The Professor – he trusted him with all his heart – with his entire existence, but what he was being asked to do was impossible.

"Hate to break it to ya' but ya' already can't lea-"

"Logan, that's enough," the Professors raised his stern voice, silencing any bickering that may persist between the two whom he so desperately wished to learn to co-exist with one another.

The Professor turned to Scott with an exhausted and understanding expression, "Scott, I know as a leader you want what's best for everyone – it's why I appointed you," he declared to the boy with a proud smile, "And I'm not surprised that you managed to pick up on the both of them so soon but there are just somethings we simply cannot share because we have no right to," None of the people in the room had the right to share the knowledge they had over the two – they didn't even have the right to know about it, the only reason they did being because of Logan who was connected to them. It was Logan who gave them a brief run down of Laura's past, Logan who told them that she was out with Spider-Man which gave them the deduction that Peter was the infamous hero due to the girl being next to him when he appeared on their radar.

"And there are some things we have to look over, given our situation," The Professor finished, accepting the undesirable situation his team was in.

Scott scowled behind his glasses, "But Professor, I told you that next time we-"

"You may not know them but I do, Scott," Ororo spoke up with her fair voice, "Laura bequeathed to me her name before she did anyone else here, and I have seen Peter's type once before," she added with a longing smile, "They are both fine additions to the team," she sincerely and soundly declared.

She knew – given where Laura came from and her mind which was groomed for the sole purpose of combat, that she would have trouble listening to Scott.

But there was little doubt that she would not listen to either her or Logan.

And she knew that she would listen to Peter, but she couldn't say if Peter was any different.

But she did know he would protect the others, given who he was – who he reminded her of.

Scott looked at Ororo before turning his attention back to Logan and The Professor who shared the same expression.

Realization dawned upon him when he registered Ororo's words.

"You've already made the decision….haven't you?" he accusingly asked his well-dressed mentor who indicated traits that he and the others already came up with a consensus and critical decision without consulting him.

The Professor nodded slowly, "Yes, I've made the executive decision to add Peter and Laura to the team already," he admitted, causing Logan to smirk at the boy's surprise.

"This ain't a tryout, this is for you to see what yer' gunna be workin with, Summer's," he smugly informed the young man who grit his teeth in frustration.

Unaware of the bickering they caused, Laura and Peter continued to effortlessly deal with the task they were told to do.

Upon meeting The Professor in the living room after donning old gym wear which he fortunately had, and Laura with her black sports bra attire which had the misfortune of pulling his gaze, Peter Parker was once again astounded as he entered another world upon taking the accessible elevators which he only believed went up, down.

He was pulled into an underground base constructed of steel corridors and rooms that housed all the possible equipment and resources that would aid The X-Men on their missions. There were multiple labs in which they found McCoy who was so lost in his work that he forgot Peter had arrived, an equipment room where uniforms and various weapons of all kinds – even guns used for training purposes, were stored, and a hanger which housed a S.H.I.E.L.D. RS-150 Blackbird – a gift from Nick Fury.

What the three sublevels had to offer was honestly a lot for him and he was beginning to forget most they had to offer but what he remembered was that outside the labs, there was a locker room for the boys and girls each where all the stuff they would required on missions would be stored to make deployment seamless, a uniform room which contained spare suits, a huge circular room for a machine called 'Cerebro' which amplified The Professor's powers and allowed him to do a whole sort of things like scan for mutants on a global scale, and The Danger Room – a highly advanced room equipped with a deadly arsenal to equip The Professor's students with the skills to survive in dangerous situations.

That was all he could remember before his brain started rotting.

Now he was in The Danger Room – obviously, and though he found it fun, he was really wondering where all the danger was.

Laura was quickly getting bored, the thought that her time was being wasted getting ever so present. Why did she have to partake in this display of skill when those who mattered – those who were important, already knew of both her and Peter's capabilities?

They were already a part of this team.

This was all pointless.

Her desire would come in the form of a confusing close.

Both she and Peter were left watching with curiosity and mild surprise with the abrupt ending of their exercise which came with no warning nor explanation. The two looked at each other, trying to make sense of what was happening and wondering if they were done or not.

The room they were in had returned to default, all the weapons, structures, and rubble being pulled behind the walls and underneath the floor until they were left in a vast room of nothingness.

Laura looked at a spot on the now blank metallic wall which once had a window the others watched them through.

Peter shrugged, completely out of his depth and not even bothering to understand, fine with waiting and wondering what would happen next.

What would happen next would leave him utterly baffled as the metallic floor and walls faded out of existence, placing the two into the center of an abyss.

Their illuminated bodies stood together as they looked around at the never-ending darkness that unnerved Peter to the point that he made sure that Laura was behind him, and once he did, the second question he asked her was if he was the only one seeing the infinite black.

Laura attested that he was not the only one immersed in the shadows.

But this was not the end of their perplexity as soon the room began to reconstruct itself. The night sky with twinkling stars was the first to come into existence, followed by the pavemented ground which quickly became a park with grass and a man-made pond that had multiple fountains.

Out in the distance were buildings that strayed far from typical American architecture.

Laura knew where they were.

She knew what this was.

A tower was the final thing to materialize into existence.

"The Eiffel Tower?" Peter gawked at the three-hundred-and-thirty-meter-long iron tower that illuminated the night sky.

"This is a simulation," Laura instantly concluded upon witnessing crowds of people fade out of existence once they were out of the assumed boundaries of the simulated area.

"Okay, well, one – it would've been really nice to get a warning or something, and two – why is it so good?" Peter noted, taking in the chill fifty-nine-degree weather which was starkly different from the blazing and dehydrating summer heat.

"Because it's the best," the confident voice of Jean Grey stated, stepping into the room through the entrance doors but due to it being a simulation, her entrance along with Kurt, Kitty, and Bobby made it seem like they had entered through a portal.

Each of them were wearing uniforms of matching colors though they were vastly different, appealing to the wearer's tastes.

Jean wore a predominantly yellow costume, which had a giant navy blue chevron that started at her metallic shoulder pads before narrowly pointing past her pelvis. The thick outfit which Peter definitely knew was not spandex had blue metallic bracelets, a blue belt that had the same 'X' insignia Laura had on hers, and a blue headpiece that framed her face.

Kitty was next to her, donning a navy blue bodysuit which had a yellow shoulderless top that had a small skirt at the bottom, yellow boots, and yellow arm warmers that had large blue cuffs. She had an "X" insignia at the center of the red belt she wore, and one on both her shoulders.

Oh, and she also had a Katana.

Kurt also had a pair of swords – two fencing swords, Laura noticed.

Peter thought it was cool.

Now he wanted a sword.

Kurt's outfit was the most visually different among them which intrigued Peter.

Instead of yellow and dark blue, he wore red and black.

His costume had a similar pattern to Jeans; a predominantly black costume that had a red chevron sprout from his protruding cloth shoulder pads, but the difference between the two was that he had a deep black v-shaped collar that reached past his chest.

He had long white gloves and boots which had red metallic cuffs that clung to his skin-tight costume that also allowed his tail to roam freely.

His attire gave Peter the hope that if Spider-Man were to ever join the X-Men, he'd be able to keep his iconic color scheme and pattern.

Bobby didn't wear a uniform, instead, he was encased with chilling ice which obscured his identity and freakishly seamlessly followed his body's movements.

There was a giant "X" engraved into his frosted chest.

"The Danger Room uses technology that only exists here to create hard light objects that can simulate any area. It works in tandem with other pieces of tech within the walls to make it not just look like we're in Paris, but smell and feel like we're in it too. This is what it's primarily used for, what you did prior was The Adaptive Room, what The Danger Room used to be before it was upgraded," She lectured with a warm nostalgic smile.

"Ho-how does it work?" Peter asked, blown away by what she had told him.

Kitty shook her head, "Y-you're going to have to ask Hank if you want to know the full proper details but I would warn against it, unless you can handle a five-hour lesson about niche physics," Kitty informed the brunette boy, speaking from experience with a hint of pride at the fact that she understood that lesson clearly.

"It'z hreally intehreztink, zough I did not undehrztand any of it za fihrst time," Kurt brandished his swords along with Kitty, warming up their joints so that they could wield their weapons as best as they could.

"I still don't understand it," Bobby joined in, stretching his hands and arms nonchalantly, intentionally not paying attention to Laura and Peter as if they weren't worth acknowledging.

This did not go unnoticed.

"You don't understand a lot of things," Kitty chided with a chuckle, her statement causing the boy to pout.

"I understand you like to rub in what you know," Bobby pointed at his girlfriend who was two years his younger and ten years more knowledgeable.

"If you could, you would too," Kitty retorted with a chuckle, lost in the world they shared with each other though her words left Bobby scowling.

"It'z alhrit mein fhriend, vehre all good at zomethink," Kurt fruitlessly sought to lift up his ice-glazed companion though his encouraging words that were ignored.

Peter wanted to say something but he felt like he would've been intruding.

Laura was wondering when they would stop wasting her time and continue with the next test.

A microphone was tapped, gaining everyone's attention.

"Alright guys, let's listen to what they have to say," Jean silenced Bobby who continued to speak despite the gesture for attention.

"I hope your unplanned trip to Paris wasn't disorientating, Laura, Peter?" The voice of The Professor echoed throughout the land of Paris.

"Still better than taking public transit," Peter replied, causing a small laugh to escape those around him.

"What is the goal of this?" Laura raised her voice, wanting to get to the point.

"It's a very simple simulation. Paris is under attack by Hydra. The goal is to work together to triumph over the endless hoard," and as The Professor said this, the foes they were meant to deal with appeared in great numbers, "You may begin when ready."

The group of X-Kids along with Jean walked past the two newcomers with confidence on full display.

"You guys are good, but watch how the professionals do things," Bobby confidently snickered, cooling the air around him subconsciously with just his eagerness to wow the two alone.

"LET'S GET THIS STARTED, PROFESSOR!" Bobby excitedly yelled at the man who began the countdown at the boys behest.

"3" a female computer voice began to count down, its blank and stoic infliction echoing throughout the entire room.

"Do your best you two," Kurt encouraged the two who were busy listening to the words spoken by his friend.

Laura would show that fool Drake that he was not better than her and Peter excitedly chuckled.

Oh, Bobby definitely reminded him of Johnny.

He wondered if he could get him to tick like he used to.


Jean levitated in the air as everyone got prepared, getting into their respective stances.


Peter gave a glance to Laura which was reciprocated.

She had the same idea he had.


Everything was set into motion.

Screams of terror could be heard along with the gunfire of Hydra soldiers.

Kurt hastily teleported with a 'bamf.'

Jean soared in the direction of the enemy.

Bobby used his ice powers to freeze the air, creating a path of his choice to slide around the battlefield.

Kitty hopped on the ice path with him.

Peter and Laura raced toe to toe with each other, dead set on proving the notion that they were rookies or inferior in any aspect wrong.

Facing against the array of masked green and yellow soldiers, Jean was the first to make her move. Lifting herself high into the air with her telekinetic power, she raised everything that was not a building off the ground, tearing lamp posts from hardened cement, lifting up the surrounding cars and trucks, and whatever else that could be found on the streets of Paris with her palms before bringing them back down, raining down the heavy metallic objects onto the front line of the simulated army, utterly annihilating it and allowing for the others to engage.

Bobby, Kurt, and Kitty all took advantage of the opening and went on to take the enemy head-on in a high-speed rush which the enemy could not compete with.

Blinking from one foe to another, Kurt left a trail of smoke in his path as he annihilated his foes with an impressive display of mastery over his two fencing swords. With agility that rivaled Peter's, Kurt twirled, dealing with multiple foes at once, using his nimble physique to dance around and leap off them ecstatically.

Kitty hopped off the frozen air and rushed the array of Hydra soldiers with Kurt, the blue imp soaring through the skies with aerial acrobatics as she battled them on the ground. She did not have the speed Kurt had, nor did she have the level of mastery over her own weapon, but she was competent – proficient, and still had many more years to get better. Her powers of tangibility made up for her lack of skill, allowing her to render portions of her body intangible and dodge the armaments that blasted through her while also sending out attacks of her own.

Kitty slashed and thrusted at her hard-light foes, finding her rhythm and peace just as Logan had taught her.

Both her and Kurt had prowess in the martial arts, incorporating their lower limbs in their string of attacks when the slashing of a sword was not needed.

Bobby and Jean relied on their devastating powers to level the enemy.

The ice-encased boy slid above and around the battlefield, freezing large portions of foes before they could close in on his teammates while the levitating redhead would shatter said ice constructs Bobby would make to rain down thousands of icicles.

Kitty phased her torso to avoid a holographic blast and spun herself around, dead set on splitting another one of her attackers in two, but someone else beat her to it.

They even split them into threes.

"Hey!" Kitty abruptly exclaimed, losing her sense of rhythm along with her footing due to Laura who paid no mind to her, blitzing through all of Kitty's intended foes in the blink of an eye, leaving Kitty stupefied.

The girl shook her head though, regaining her composure and confidence to continue with her own display of skill.

She ran towards the next group of soldiers which were near her.

An amused laugh above her caused her to cease that motion as well.

"First come, first serve!" Peter's voice boomed over the girl, reaching the group she was approaching before her and beginning his brisk and agile assault which had a little added flair just for the sake of being theatrical.

He annihilated multiple foes at once, using all his limbs just as Laura was doing to deal with the innumerable amount of enemies.

Kitty was just left standing there, utterly speechless and thoughtless as her gaze was stuck on the two who had just stolen not just her targets, but her spotlight – her moment.

Peter's speed attracted someone else though…

"I'm juzt az fazt and agile az you," Kurt declared in a friendly competitive tone, joining Peter and helping him take out thirty foes in less than thirty seconds. The blue elf raced the Caucasian vampire, the two speedy mutants partaking in an unspoken competition with one another to see who was the fastest.

Peter bounced around as Kurt teleported multiple times a second, keeping the both of them neck and neck and clearly amused.

But neither of them were going their fastest.

"Kurt, I want you to know I like you," Peter made sure to let him know during an aerial rotating kick that powered through multiple foes at once.

"I like you tu, Petehr," Kurt genuinely said with a smile, performing a sweeping slash that took out those Peter didn't before landing next to the boy, their backs making contact with each other.

Future Peter Parker would look on and embarrassingly regret what he would say next.

"But as fast and agile as me?" He quoted with a growing grin.

He had abruptly continued his assault, upping his speed as Kurt humbly watched with dazzled eyes upon witnessing the boy's lighting dash that deleted all his foes in a streak of light he had to use all his attention to keep up with.

"Not even on the worst day of my life," Peter winked before leaving Kurt behind with a single bound.

But where the teen girl was left disheartened and regretting even believing she could stand in the same ring as him and his companion, the German-born man smiled at the American boy's capabilities and uttered, "Amazink…"

Heart pounding, body over-energized, and finding this simulation much more fun than the previous one, Peter Parker landed right at the heart of the simulated enemy forces and increased his ever-growing number of foes he felled with a smooth flow of attacks and movements which left him untouchable.

Laura was close by, ridding the battlefield of enemies at a rate that even Bobby – who was sliding above her, had to push himself just to stay at the same pace as her.

She roared, exterminating another group of simulated soldiers which added to her number which was now greater than that of a small army before proceeding to take down more. She swiftly eradicated all the foes before her before turning to the ones behind her.

"What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" She stopped herself, keeping her arm frozen in the air as green eyes met blue ones who had dealt with them for her. Peter stood behind her, an over excited grin plastered on his face as his own battle brought him back into the girls orbit.

Not surprised by either the quip, nor the act, Laura continued the motion she had stopped, bringing her arm down in his direction which spurred him to move out of the way of her slash which cleaved the Hydra soldier who was right behind him.

"Focusing, which is something you should do as well," Laura scolded, not wanting to be doing this redundant and useless simulation more than she had to.

But she knew she had to, which was the only thing keeping her from walking out and spending her time doing more productive activities.

"Hey, I'm putting more effort into this one. I even went as fast as I could to one-up Kurt," Peter defended himself, planting himself behind her and assisting her as they knocked down all who stood in their way.

"You're putting more effort into showing off," she cleaved through three soldiers.

"Isn't that the whole point of this?" he rhetorically asked his raven-haired partner while dealing with another set of hard-light enemies.

"Finally, someone who speaks my language!" Bobby commented above them, the only one of the original four who was even remotely close to them, "Now I wanna see if you swing my league, too," he challenged the two, using well-known physics to up his speed as he slid on his ice construct.

Peter welcomed the challenge and with fire in his eyes, he turned to his companion whom he was surrounded with.

A companion that was none too pleased with Drake's challenge.

"Wanna show him that he's not in ours?" he asked the girl who was already intending on doing such a task to prove a point.

"I want to end this as soon as possible," The both of them could end this simulation in less than a minute if they operated at maximum capacity, fulfilling all she desired at the moment.

"While also showing that we're better?" Peter added the part he knew Laura left out.

Laura didn't respond.

"Wanna keep score?" he asked with a smirk that displayed his fangs as his stingers came out once more with the rampant excitement that was just waiting to be unleashed.

Laura looked over her shoulder, staring at the fanged boy who was so eager to display a glimpse of their full potential…

And she smirked.

"What do you think?" was all the girl said before letting out a mighty roar which was accompanied and contrasted by an enthusiastic laugh.

If Kitty hadn't felt outclassed before, she certainly felt outclassed now.

Here, the proud girl who was astonished and looking forward to proving and standing amongst those who were her age was left feeling like a first-generation toy standing next to the sixth. She couldn't even follow the boy and girl duo since the speeds they were going at caused her brain to go into circles the moment she even tried to understand where they were.

Bobby in his competitive nature tried to compete, speeding up his slide but he wasn't meant to go at their pace with his means of travel and upon turning, the impetuous boy went soaring off the side of his frozen air slide and crashed onto the ground as the two he competed against ended the simulation by themselves.

When the boy of ice recovered from his fall and got up onto his knees, he noticed that he was no longer feeling the pavemented streets of Paris, but the smooth metallic floor of The Danger Room once more.

He took his gaze off the ground…

And standing far away from everyone else was the brunette boy who flashed his mutated vampiric canines with a self-assured grin as the raven-haired girl who accompanied him stood behind, looking over her shoulder with her typical stoic gaze.

"Seventy-one," Peter declared his score to Laura, seething his stingers back into his body and crossing his arms.

"Seventy," Laura stated her own – inferior score which caused Peter's grin to grow more upon his triumph over her.

"See who wins when their no-"

"Nine," She added, eagerly awaiting his quick boast which she intentionally wanted to arise so she could shut it down.

His look of disbelief amused her greatly.

On top of fighting skills, he needed much more training when it came to his stingers.

She turned to where Logan was, making eye contact with the man who gave her his approval at her combat prowess who he had the misfortune of experiencing firsthand.

Ororo had a similar expression as well, pleased at her display.

Her expectations had been met by both of them.

Even the less than-desirable ones.

With the only two people whose opinion mattered to her expressing their satisfaction, Laura turned to the exit, sparing no glance to those she passed.

Peter followed her, doing the exact opposite.

"That's it, right? We're done?" He asked with uncertainty, looking around and giving those in the vicinity a thumbs up but all they did was stare at him and the girl he was with. Their answers – or lack of, wouldn't matter, he was going to leave regardless cause that's what Laura was doing.

He passed by Bobby, recalling the boy's words, and in typical Peter Parker fashion, he looked down at the seated boy from the side and flashed a smug fanged grin, "Looks like I'm not in your league after all," he taunted with an amused laugh, following Laura out of the room and leaving the frozen boy in the dust and completely frozen – even his heart, as both him and Laura disappeared with the exit shutting behind them.

Scott watched with his eyes as narrow as deep as they possibly could at the two who ended a team simulation by themselves.

He turned to the others, giving them a look that displayed what he was thinking.

"Is this who you really want to be on the team?" Scott conveyed through his ruby red glasses.

The Professor nodded.

Scott walked away.

Next: Fighting Crime, Bleeding Webs

How were my X-Men? I'm not as big an X-Men fan as I am a spider-man fan but I hope i got everyone right, Scott Summers isn't a moron, Kurt is wholesome, Jean is lovable, Iceman is Iceman, Kitty is a teenage girl and i'm not a girl but I heard somewhere girls make other girls insecure and let's be honest here, by design, Laura Kinney is beautiful so instead of shying away from that, I'll use it for narrative.

I've rewritten Chapter 7 and 8, just changed up all the lines so I don't use 'as' every sentence while also making scenes more clear and the Laura and Peter moment even better because the rooftop and the alleyway are quintessential moments. I just made everything better overall, same with chapter 5 but the improvements arent that noticable because that chapter was solid.

I think I did a good job in showing the dynamics but what do you guys think?

Anyways, I think I've found a solid schedule, upload one chapter once I'm done with the next to keep up a flow, now I was going to launch the previous one now but I inted so, who cares.

Anyways, Thanks to Starman and Jspiderfiction and well, all of you cause you all review and read and like my story.

Review Part time:

NothingSpecial43: I think you got on the right time since my writing in the past was trash - but I've gotten better - I think, and I'm glad I could make you cry.

Mistyagami: I always appreciate the reviews, they most defnitly preformed here

Neith12: Yo, Gobby is my favourite so I'm glad you like his parts

To the guest who said I have Talent, that made me smile, thank you

To the other guest who said I spend to much time, you are right, but I want to flesh the characters out cause they deserve that and are important for the arc, especially Johnny

I appreciate all the reviews btw, I read all of them and I'm glad whenever I get one - like unironically I check my notifcations to see if I've gotten one once a day.

next one is a fun one.

Let me know how im cooking with the story and stuff in the reviews.
