(Author's Note)
Hey guys! Not QUITE the two chapters a month I had in mid when I gave that promise earlier, but chapter 30 is gonna need a little time in the oven first before it's ready to go. Would have more done, but Christmas time has made a mess of my schedule and free time.
SO, Welcome to the next Interlude chapter! Yes, you read the subject right! I await your vague threats eagerly!
Speaking of reviews, let's get onto them!
To Observing The Stars: It's both emotionally helpful, and soul crushing! But at least it's SOMETHING.
To Sinner and Redeemer: Mayhaps, though whose to say for sure as of right now.
To NightmareKnight1: More like "Hey, the hell do I say in this situation" to be honest. Byleth currently cannot social cue to save her life.
Thank you to everyone who left a review! They really mean a lot and REALLY help my motivation! If you have the time, why not leave a review!
With all that said, thank you all for your continued support and engagement with this story, and Happy Christmas Eve!
[December 24th]
The moment reality returned to normal, the weight of the last couple minutes fully crashed down on the thieves. As if dragged down by that weight, one of the blondes collapsed to her knees. "That… Please tell me that didn't just happen…!"
It was busy; crowded. People walked through the waves of bodies as they made their commute. The streets of Shibuya were the only response to the question put forth, drowning out the slowly growing silence between the thieves.
"What the hell…? This is some kind of joke, right?" The other blonde asked, body hunched over as he looked at the concrete below him with narrowed eyes, as if expecting it to open up any second.
"I… I couldn't sense him!." The smallest of the group noted, her eyes wide in horror. "He… Why couldn't I feel his signal-!?"
"No…! There's no way he'd…!" The words cut off as a gasp slipped out of the heiress' mouth. "Wait, what about the Metaverse!?"
"The Metanav… It's gone." The artist noted, looking at the empty spot on his phone screen where the app used to be. "Mementos must have disappeared as well…"
"Which means… Ren's-?"
"W-we need to calm down." The words were shaky, as if they were to convince herself just as much as the others. "This… It's just like what happened with Ryuji!"
The thieves looked between each other once more, a shared look of concern colored each of their faces. The possibility felt true, but flimsy.
Ryuji's fists clenched until his knuckles were white. "...Makoto's right. Standing around depressed isn't going to accomplish anything." He said, looking at the others. "There's no way Ren's… He wouldn't do that to us. Not after Morgana also…"
"Let's split up then. We'll cover more ground." Yusuke said, getting a nod from the other thieves.
"Ren!" Ryuji shouted, wandering the halls of the subway. His voice was hoarse, the constant yelling was starting to take its toll on his vocal chords. "Damn it!"
"No one's seen him either…" Makoto said, looking down at her phone as she walked over to the blonde. "We're hitting a dead end here."
"I can't just sit around and do nothing, Makoto!" Ryuji said, turning to her. He looked pleading, as if asking for some kind of plan or idea that the student council president could offer. "It's been, like, 20 minutes of this shit!"
"Neither can I!" Makoto shot back, nerves clearly frayed just as much. "But… One of us should have found him by now…"
"...I don't want to think what may have happened to him. Not here." Ryuji said, shaking his head.
"We should regroup with the others. They may not have found him, but they might have…" Makoto trailed off, choking back a sob that threatened to slip out.
Ryuji nodded. "I know. Let's head up."
The two made their way through the winding maze that was the Shibuya subway station. When they breached the surface they found the other four standing nearby the lottery station.
"Any luck?" Ann asked as the two approached.
"No… What about all of you?" Makoto asked.
"We checked the main street, and even by Untouchable, but…" Ann began, eyes misty. "Nothing."
"I searched through crowds here." Yusuke said. "But I was unsuccessful. Futaba kept close, but was trying to find our Leader's phone signal."
"...Any luck yet?" Ryuji asked, looking at Futaba.
Futaba looked down at her phone, eyes glistening with tears as she looked at the results one of her apps had given her. "...I'm not getting a signal. His phone isn't getting service."
"I… What do we do now?" Ann asked slowly, looking over at the others.
"...Damn it!" Ryuji shouted, kicking the ground in anger. "We won! So why is THIS our reward!?"
"We changed the hearts of the masses… But what a cruel cost." Yusuke said with a grimace. "I don't think my heart has realized what has happened yet…"
"Ren… Mona-chan…" Haru whimpered, her vision going blurry.
Ann let out a shudder as a chill ran up her back. "Great… As if it couldn't get worse!"
"It's snowing…" Futaba said as she blankly stared up at the sky.
"Merry freaking Christmas…" Ryuji muttered, glaring at the sky.
"I… Everyone, I don't want to be alone right now…" Haru said, looking over at the others with tears in her eyes.
"...We can't stay here, not like this." Makoto said, looking over at the others. "Not… We need someplace safe."
"...We need to tell Sojiro…" Futaba said, horror clear on her face as her complexion turned pale.
"Leblanc. We can… have our breakdowns there." Ryuji muttered, taking in a slow breath. "Come on. Sooner we get on the subway, the sooner we get out of the cold."
Sojiro looked up at the TV in the corner of the room, a smirk sitting on his lips as he watched the news talk animatedly about Masayoshi Shido and the recent call for his arrest. "Well… They actually did it."
"Hm?" Sojiro blinked, turning to face the front door as it suddenly opened, revealing the remaining six Phantom Thieves as they walked inside. "I'm surprised, I thought you'd all be…"
Sojiro paused. "You all look devastated." He said in concern. "And… Wait, where's…?"
"R-ren… He…" Futaba began as she tried to speak up, but the words were stuck in her throat.
"He's… He's gone…" Makoto said, her eyes looked to the side.
"Gone? What do you mean, gone?" Sojiro asked.
"The Metaverse… It was collapsing and then… He fell into it." Yusuke said, grimacing.
"...First Morgana… Now Ren." Ann said, dropping into one of the booths like a lead brick.
"...I wasn't fast enough to grab him." Ryuji said, shutting his eyes as the scene flashed to the front of his mind. "He was right THERE and I-!"
"Don't blame yourself over this…" Makoto said, turning to look at Ryuji. "None of us could do anything in time…"
"...Damn it all." Sojiro said softly, walking to the other side of the counter. He looked down at Futaba, who looked so much like she had back when Wakaba died at that moment.
"Sojiro… What am I going to do?" Futaba asked, looking up at him. "I… I can't do this without him…!"
"...I don't know." Sojiro said as he walked over to the girl and pulled her into a hug.
Yusuke looked over at Sojiro and then glanced at the sign by the front door. Sojiro nodded and jerked his head slightly in response.
"...We'll get through this. And until you all feel well enough to go home… Well, I suppose we're closed for now." Sojiro said, watching as Yusuke turned the open sign around.
Futaba sucked in a breath and pulled out of the hug, running up the stairs before grabbing the old laptop on the desk. She ran down a few moments later and turned it on, determination visible in her eyes.
"What are you doing, Futaba?" Makoto asked, looking at the girl in confusion.
"I… He can't be d… Gone." Futaba said, tapping away at the keyboard. "I'm writing up a program. The moment his phone goes active it'll alert all of us of his location."
"...Good." Sojiro said with a nod. "That kid… He'll pull through. He always has."
The thought echoed in each of the thieves' minds at that moment. It was grasped at desperately in an attempt to silence the ever growing alternative they couldn't say aloud.
That Ren was dead.
"...I'll make all of us drinks. You're all probably freezing." Sojiro said, walking behind the counter.
As the thieves sat on their fears, they did their best to keep calm. Even with Futaba working on some possible solution, they all knew there was only one thing they could do. Hope. Hope for a miracle. Hope that one wish could come true, as hopeless as it was.
For Ren to come home alive.
(Play Gentle Madman - Persona 5 Royal)
"The longer I go without finding him…" I muttered, searching through my connection to Mementos. "There's no telling what could happen."
It had been an hour since I had gained control. One hour was all the time I had to connect my Persona to the depths of Mementos and get this search underway.
I could feel him, he was here somewhere. The man who had helped me accomplish all of this. But it was faint. The signal moved so fast, it was hard to keep up with its speeds. It was linked to the Metaverse, the same way I was. He had taken control for a moment, but then was disconnected suddenly. Forcefully. And what good news that had been.
Because that meant that the tether was still there, keeping him tied to this reality. I just needed to find it.
"You've done so much for me… I can't let this go unrewarded." I muttered, digging some more as I tried to pinpoint the signal once again. "You deserve happiness, Ren. After everything that's happened…"
So determined, yet so unprepared. In that moment of distraction I was caught off guard by the sudden surge of strength from the signal. It glowed like a beacon, slowing down to match my speed before slipping away just as quickly as it appeared.
"No! I missed it!" I exclaimed, running a hand through my hair, sticking back a few messy strands. "But that surge… what was that?"
I narrowed my eyes and focused, my attention fully set on when another might occur. I was most thankful that I only had to wait a few minutes for the next one.
This one lasted longer, and was stronger too. The first surge was quick, like it had cut itself off mid move. This time it had lingered, but for as strong as the signal was, it was too diluted. Its source couldn't be properly gleaned from just the one surge, and before I had a chance to properly get a hold on the signal, it had vanished just the same.
"...I don't know what you're doing, Ren, but keep it up!" I said, smiling as I prepared for when another surge happened. I paused a moment later as I took notice of the signal. It was still faint, but it moved slower now. It was still too fast to be caught as it was now, but if it continued to slow with the surges?
"Then it's only a matter of time." I noted, smiling. "I can do this…!"
I turned my attention away from the signal for a moment and looked through the vast seas of the collective unconscious, finding my sights landing on the other Phantom Thieves. "All of you… I see, you want the same as I do. I promise you, I'll get him back."
I closed my eyes, feeling the power of my Persona humm inside of me as I felt the inner workings of my Palace begin to turn. "You have all done so much for us. Even if everything else is actualized, this will be the real deal. I swear, I will give them this wish, a real one, and make it come true. You will be their salvation, Ren... And I, yours."