Disclaimer : I do not own To Love Ru

Another one of my old fics,once again the app keeps breaking up sentences so if some sentences are broken off ya'll know


Momo woke up feeling as if the day is going to bring something new for her,she sat there pondering on what it was that's going to happen... and no she is not in Rito's bed this morning goodness knows she's not doing that since she isn't getting any thrill out of it anymore,been there done that she supposes.


On his way to his new school girls look at him dreamily this always happens so he just ignores them,no girl on Planet Earth is attractive enough for him,he is a Saiyan after all so only a strong girl would get his attention,fortunately apparently the three daughters of Planet Deviluke's king attend there.


Rito is sitting on his chair at the breakfast table in his kitchen getting the weird thought that an event even more "interesting" than usual was going to transpire today at school,he just shakes his head side to side quickly attempting to shake that strange thought from his head,nothing stranger than usual can happen

Ten minutes later

Third person view

Momo is being followed by her obsessed followers once again but now she feels important cause its male attention so her ego is being stroked by every word they say so although she feels sorry for them because she doesn't and won't ever return their affections she can't help but revel in all of it.

Kaune was relieved the school halls were relatively empty as most learners were still outside the building and were walking around the schoolyard,he was walking around the hallways when he saw a girl that made him stop in his tracks,she matched the description of one of Gid's daughters,she saw him.

Momo walked around the school a little after her followers decided that they were satisfied with how much they praised her for the morning and she felt fulfillment for the morning,she spotted a guy with Spiky Black hair,Black eyes and what seemed like a monkey tail,she was convinced he's a humanoid alien.

Kaune : Hi there you must be Gid's youngest daughter aren't you?

Momo : Good guess I suppose you've met my dad then,your cute I bet you get that a lot.

Kaune : I do get that a lot... and a lot of stares and yes I've met your father he seems quite powerful.

Momo : I'm Momo Deviluke I'm half Devilukian and Charmian I'm from Planet Deviluke.

Kaune : My name is Kaune Veldar I'm from a warrior race called the Saiyans from Planet Vegeta.

Momo : That explains the monkey tail I've met a few Saiyans before and they can transform.

Kaune : Oh yes they can become Super Saiyan,those still with tails can turn into giant apes called Oozarus.

Momo : They've saved the Earth from powerful threats but I only got to Earth after it once blew up.

Kaune : They are the ones who taught me how to access Super Saiyan and it's higher forms.

? : Hey Momo who is this guy is he new to the school cause I've never met him.

Momo : Yes Rito-San don't worry tho he is a good guy believe me.

Kaune : Nice to meet you my name is Kaune Veldar I'm a Saiyan.

Rito : Likewise I'm Rito Yuuki and I am a human

Rito says noticing the Monkey tail

After meeting Momo Deviluke and then Rito Yuuki in who's house Momo says she and her sisters live,he could see she likes this Rito guy since she had a very friendly and special way of speaking to him,after pointing his observation outtto Momo when Rito went to class she said it's true but she's given up.


Rito : How do you know Momo or did you two just meet by coincidence?

Kaune : I met her father and he told me about his daughters and I ran into her just now.

Momo : Yeah Rito-San that's how it happened and Kaune me and my sisters live with Rito.

Rito : It is exactly as Momo says anyway I've gotta go see you later Momo and also cheers Kaune.

Kaune : See ya man

Momo : Bye Rito-San I'll see you later as well then and say hi to Haruna-San for me.

Rito then proceeded to walk to his class just as the school bell rang leaving Momo and Kaune alone,Momo looked at Rito's retreating form and sighed in slight frustration which Kaune heard and he could sense that something was wrong,it was clear to him that Momo likes Rito but she sounded so dispirited.

Kaune : You like Rito ne Momo? But it seems from that sigh you haven't had good results huh?

Momo : Everyone seems to notice it even you who've just met us both but he does not.

Kaune : When was the last time you attempted to make a move on him then?

Momo : I've stopped trying I decided it's a lost cause and not worth spending my time on.

Kaune : He must be very dense not to realise what you feel for him.

Momo : He is but what's done is done and to be honest I think I could learn to like you that way.

Kaune : Surprising from a beautiful girl like you "I could use this to make them an item."

Momo : Well your quite attractive yourself anyway I gotta get to class in a few minutes bye.

Kaune : Okay then be seeing you.

Momo turned around and walked off to class looking at least slightly happier.

Flashback over

Kaune then saw Momo enter the class and the rest of the guys in class turn to stare at her.

Momo : "I think I may have quickly developed a small crush on the new guy Kaune."

Momo remembered how her heart beat when she looked at him after Rito had left.

Momo : "I think I'll invite him to Rito's house after school to hang out a bit."


Break time

Kaune spotted Momo and decided to go and keep her company.

Kaune : Hey Momo you look like you could use someone to talk to right about now.

Momo : Yeah I would appreciate your company quite a bit right now.

Kaune and Momo sat together and conversed while eating their lunches.


Kaune was on his way home when he was approached by Momo.

Momo : Hi Kaune would you like to visit me at Rito's home then you can meet the rest.

Kaune : That sounds like a plan I don't have anything else to do anyway.

He saw that as a perfect opportunity to make Rito feel jealous and make him like Momo.


Momo and Kaune fell into step behind the other residents of

the Yuuki household,after a while they got to Rito's home and Momo introduced Kaune to the others and asked him if he would like to join them on the beach which he accepted without even a moment of hesitation.

It was warm and sunny on the beach,Kaune and Momo were having a conversation and she used every excuse she could find to touch him and then Lala asked Momo and Nana to stand with her for a family picture,suddenly a big slimy green thing popped out of the ocean and swiped the three girl's bikini tops.

That left the three Deviluke princesses topless causing them to cover with their hands,Momo and Nana summoned Plants and Animals respectively from their D-Dials Momo's Cannon Flower plant shot at it and Nana's animal head-butted it,Kaune went Super Saiyan 2 and blasted the green thing away with one hand.

That left them all impressed and then Kaune reverted,Lala having learnt some sense of decency hid the most important part of her breasts against those of Momo and Nana hid hers against Lala's back,Momo then asked Kaune to take their picture with Lala's phone which he then did so as thoroughly awestruck as he was.

After the sisters tied their bikini's again the next few hours consisted of Momo and Kaune chasing each other and laughing mirthfully because of how much fun they were,Momo sneaked some longing glances at Rito which him and Kaune noticed, Kaune then looked at Rito and nodded to him to talk to Momo.

Rito wondered why Kaune was signalling him to go and talk to Momo,he took a moment to remember all the times she teased him,every time she snuck into the bath while he bathed,everytime he woke up with her in his bed,evertime she saved his life,she always seemed to focus solely on him.

He tried to piece it together like a puzzle which to him it was Momo always was a mystery in his eyes,he pondered why she always tried to be alone with him then he remembered a day Momo came into the bath with him,he remembered her telling him about the Harem Plan he had a sudden epiphany.

His face had a look on it that made him look like he had a sudden realisation about something,he briefly wondered if he was seriously dense or if how much more hectic his life has been since she and her twin Nana came after Lala and straight into his life had made him not realize it,he figured it was the former.

A few minutes later Rito was still standing still with shock and looking into the space in front of him and his heart beat rapidly in his chest,how could he not have realized,the thing that made her so shy around him suddenly at the festival that she didn't want

to tell him,he could sense that her reply was an excuse.

Rito hit the palm of his hand against his forehead realising how blind he'd been to Momo's feelings for him she had been in love with him this entire time, he looked over to her and saw her laughing heartily and using her fingers to lightly graze the skin of Kaune on his arms,he suddenly felt jealous at the scene.

Rito : (heartbeat speeding up) "she seems to still like me if her glances are any indication at all."

Momo : Oh Kaune your funny can you do that 2nd level transformation again please.

Kaune : As you wish,first I will stand back(backs up)haaaaaa! He powers up to Super Saiyan 2.

Momo : Wow that's pretty spectacular Kaune you Saiyans sure are powerful.

Kaune now stood with a bright yellow aura that seems like it's being forced upwards by a really strong wind and violent sparks of white electricity arc around him,his eyes formerly Onyx were now Teal Green with a Turquoise Blue shine,his now golden hair spiking upwards and everyone stared,Momo was mesmerized.

Off to the side stood Rito and watched with amazement as Kaune stood there with his golden aura and surrounded by lightning and his muscles bulged to twice the size they were before,make no mistake the guy was completely ripped but his transformation made him look even more so.

Kaune : Momo you might want to stand back a couple of metres I can top up my SSJ2 form.

Momo : Okay Kaune I knew that wasn't the full Super Saiyan 2 form(stands further back)

Kaune : Here I go(he goes into a power up stance)Haaaaaaaa!(The whole beach shook).

Thankfully the only ones on the beach were Rito,Lala,Momo,Nana,Mikan,Yami and Mea as well as Kaune himself and they were all used to the world shaking beneath their feet,the electricity and aura grew more violent,Kaune bulked up even more,Rito ran over and shielded Momo from the wind.

Momo : Rito-San why are you placing yourself in danger to protect me from this wind?!

Rito : Momo I've finally figured it out,I am now aware of your feelings for me!

As Rito admitted as much as him and Momo suddenly looked towards Kaune as the wind and shaking had died down,they saw him looking completely ripped like a Greek god,the electricity and aura was much more violent than before,they all heard a click as a pic was taken,he powered down again.

Momo : (Looking at Rito) Rito-San what will you do about my feelings now that you know.

Rito : I think I can give that Harem Plan of yours a try so will you be one of my girlfriends?

Momo : Of course Rito-San I've long dreamt of this one day I

love you Rito-San.

Rito : I think I've fallen in love with you too so I will say it I love you too Momo.

The two kissed and then they both went over to where Kaune was still standing.

Rito : Thanks for the eye opener.

Kaune : No problem Rito.

Momo : wait you helped?

Rito : yeah he did

Momo and Rito

embraced,squeezing each other tightly.

Please don't flame me too much.