MAY - Day 2 of 14
Dear diary,
Today is day two of being grounded. Ew. That word makes me cringe. I've been trying to get Nat to use "house arrest" but she just ignores me.
Being on house arrest is the worst punishment ever. I can't do anything fun on my laptop and I can only watch TV for an hour a day. That's only one and one quarter episodes of National Geographic. Or four episodes of Doc McStuffins plus ads. I can use my phone, though. Oh, by the way I have a phone now because of "safety reasons." Only Nat made Tony put like 30 restrictions on it which really sucks. I can't hack into government databases or play Candy Crush.
Today my day was dry and boring like an old piece of toast (we are learning similes in school right now). This is what happened: Woke up. Went to school. Came home and played with Taco. Did my homework because there was nothing else to do. Watched TV for five minutes. Made a sandwich and ate it. Tried to teach Taco how to do a handshake but she just jumped around and barked at me for an hour. Dumb dog.
When Nat got home and I told her all about how boring my day was, she only reminded me that I needed to write a letter to her about all the things I did wrong to earn this torture. I have to type it so she can read my handwriting. Can you believe that, diary? So rude! My handwriting isn't THAT bad.
Today Chelsea said I should try keeping a diary to collect my thoughts or whatever. She really annoyed me by bragging about her fancy fifty dollar diary made out of dead animal skin or something, but I'm bored enough to try anything. I bought this diary from Walmart for like fifty cents so there you go, Chelsea Manchester.
What do girls like Chelsea talk about in their diaries anyway? Probably boys. Speaking of boys, Jonathan is being so weird. Today at recess he told me he liked my hair. I didn't know what to say back, so I ran away.
DIARY! You would not believe the amazing idea I just had. I'm going to start learning Russian again. I already have a lot of vocabulary memorized, only I'm not so good at speaking. The only things I can pronounce perfect are swear words, which aren't good for making polite conversation.
I'm bored of this now.
Cat Gray
Day 3 of 14
Dear Nat,
I'm very sorry about what I did. I won't do it again.
Except I don't even think what I did was that bad. It's not like I asked to get kidnapped and be forced by a horrible man to do all these things! People have done worse things.
At least I didn't commit genocide or torture baby animals. You should be glad I've never tortured baby animals. Hurting animals is a sign of psychopathic behavior.
Some of the kids at school show signs of psychopathic behavior. You'd think that the high schoolers would be better than the elementary kids, but it's the opposite. You should hear some of the things the fourth graders do. I'm an angel in comparison.
Brady said that he once fed his brother's fish to the family dog. Can you believe that? Not even the cat. I don't even think dogs like fish. Taco's never had fish before. Should we buy her some so she can try it?
Day 3 of 14
Dear Nat,
You're so mean. You told me I had to rewrite this entire letter because it wasn't good enough.
So fine. Here is my apology.
I should have told you about the Oscar thing right away. I also shouldn't have lied to you a lot about school and stuff. I should have never kept it from you that someone was hurting me, or look through your things without permission, or stole from Tony.
Lying is wrong and sneaking around is wrong and a lot of things are wrong. Is that what you want me to say?
Oh right! I'm also sorry for getting kidnapped. Not actually getting kidnapped, but stowing away on your mission when I was supposed to be at school. Now I know not to hide myself in the back of a very cramped trunk because really, I could've suffocated and died that day. I would like to go out in a much cooler way. Maybe in a violent gun fight or fighting ninjas on top of a moving train.
Also, sorry for calling you mean.
This is an excerpt from the chapter I'm writing now. It's a little short since it's just a snippet that doesn't really fit with everything else. Super busy rn with college apps which is why I've been dead for the past few weeks? Months? I don't even know at this point. I have like three drafts of chapters though so hoping to put something out soon.