Dark Lord's Equal in Remnant

Within a forest seemingly in the middle of nowhere quite the distance away from a little area known as Patch within an empty clearing suddenly a young man appeared as if he was always there.

This young man who didn't look a day over 17's very presence seemed to change the air within the forest, to those who were able to sense the subtle charge within the vicinity it would undoubtedly be known as magic sadly within this day and age there were only a precious few who still retained the senses however to those who had their soul awoken they too would sense that the world seemed more vibrant, more real around the young man.

The young man blinked his deceptively glowing green eyes, he honestly didn't expect his spell to work, for you see it was by no accident that this figure appeared within this forest oh no he was utterly bored and tired with the people from the place he came from; and as such sought a path away from said annoyances upon however discovering such a way did not exist he simple decided to make one.

He could feel it within the air of this world, taste it and you could even say see it, this world was devoid of his type of magic but then again from what he had discovered from the various world's he saw during the trip here that wasn't something too odd.

Most places he saw though only for a short time was more than enough for him to get a grasp on how the laws of magic worked within those realities, unlike his own where anything and everything was possible as long as one had either the knowledge, power and enough desire to do so most worlds had very strict limits imposed upon it's magic.

His own world did indeed have 'magical laws' however as he said before if one was knowledgeable enough and powerful enough those boundaries and laws could be pushed and broken with little to no consequence he would know after all the man he was destined to vanquish had pushed further against those laws than anyone before him splitting his own soul seven-fold for immortality; delving deeper into the obscure and mystical nature of magic than anyone before him with his only consequence being that once dead he would forever be trapped within in-between worlds unable to move on yet unable to visit the land of the living unless he felt true remorse.

Something he expected would never happen considered the man in question. In fact most magical laws back home such as those pertaining to Gamp's five transfiguration laws where mostly due to the wizards and witches at the time not fully understanding what they were trying to do and as such creating false limitations.

His type of magic was heavily based upon, knowledge, imagination, will, emotion, intent, sense of self and power.

Those seven things where the base of his magic, however if you are lacking in an area another can make up for it and vice versa.

regardless of that, this world he could feel had magic once upon a time; not now however it felt dormant or rather asleep he could though sense that there were some who still retained this world's particular magic, a magic that from what he could tell was heavily Light and Dark based.

He could tell that something most likely this realities local divine were the source of this magic, most likely giving it the concept of Light and Dark instead of the elements which may seem like a minor difference but was actually quite large.

One must understand that the divine concept of Light and Dark is different than the element of light and dark, one is purely an element of creation holding its own formidable power, however the divine concept of Light and Dark holds so much more it represents Creation and Destruction in it's most base form in which anything is possible.

His own magic was heavily conceptual based being able to make even things that are intangible, tangible such as the killing curse which forces the concept of Death on a being even 'Amortal' which isn't to be confused with 'Immortal' which means to live for ever 'Amortal' means unable to die as the being has never lived to begin with these beings belong outside of the realm of Life and Death and yet if a wizard was determined enough, powerful enough to use a killing curse on such a being it would force the concept of Death on a deathless being.

After all Wizards were not the top of the food chain on his world for no reason, the muggle myths of Gods came from somewhere after all even if in more modern times they became lazy; within even the weakest of wizards was the potential to become such a thing albeit given enough perseverance and determination.

Regardless he shook his head, swiftly moving his thoughts away from the nature of the magic of this world,

He started to slowly wander off in a direction he chose at random not really caring whether he ran into people or not there was likely nothing on this world that could harm him unless he allowed it too, He could sense that there was some sort of cursed beings roaming around constructed by the rather impressive Dark magic to his senses they felt similar in nature into what could best be described as a mixture of a Boggart and Dementor.

He would have to actually confront one to see what it's capabilities where in his world creation of beings like that out of pure magic was heavily reprimanded after an incident in 1763 with a rather uninspiring and banal dark witch with the name Juana.

She had created these rather interesting beasts that even if killed would just disperse and later reform the strange thing was these beasts would only hunt those who harboured feelings of the negative nature which was considered strange as she was after all a dark witch it was of course ultimately her downfall and a rather nice fellow known as Alonso the Amical had deconstructed the magical matrix sustaining the constructs.

Even though it seemed rather unthreatening it was the potential for what such magic could do that lead to most IWC to impose rather steep restrictions upon that type of magic.

This I should note is just a writing exercise for myself so do not expect anything fantastic or great nor should you expect regular updates or any update at all as even at this moment do I know if I will write another chapter for this.

However anyone who reads what little writing is here and enjoys it or perhaps gains inspiration from the idea you are welcome to take the premise and do your own thing I only ask that you credit where you gained your inspiration from.