Culter Spring, D11 Male

"Come on, it'll be fine!"
Summer seemed nervous. "I don't know, what will they think? Am I dressed ok?"
"You are just as beautiful as the day we met. Just as beautiful as the sun and the stars. Moreso perhaps. If they cannot see the beauty I do, then I don't even know what to make of them. Trust me, if anything happens, I will defend your honor. And because I know you are gonna say it, I know you can defend yourself, but it's my family, and I should take care of you."
Summer blushed. It wasn't easy looking through poetry and romance novels, especially when I didn't get what half the words meant, but it was worth it to be able to express my adoration for her. I opened the door for her, and took a deep breath.

"Oh… you must be Summer," my mom said hesitantly. "Well, come on in, you must be so cold. After all, you're dressed so…" she trailed off. I saw red.

"What the heck? Why would you say anything like that?" I burst in anger.

My brother Marc got up from the chair he was in nearby.

"Hey watch your tone Culter. Don't talk to my mother that way!"

"She's my mom too!"

"Well you don't deserve her, bringing that type of girl around here!"

My fist smashed into his face. My mom screamed and Summer gasped as I tackled him to the floor and began pummeling him. I wasn't sure I had ever been so angry. The things they were saying… some might not see them as so bad on the surface, but it was the way they said them. I couldn't rationally explain it, but it wasn't just in my head. I was pissed. And they knew what they were doing. Maybe they even wanted this, to scare off Summer so they could force me into an arranged marriage. Joke was on them, because Summer had seen me fight plenty, and had even held her own more than once. I got off Marc and grabbed Summer's hand as we rushed out the door. I was done with them.

Summer was less worked up than I, and she was rubbing my back as I gasped for air after the exertion. I looked at her, and felt it in my heart how much I cared, how angry I was at them for treating the most wonderful person this way. I would do anything to give her a good life.

"Summer. I'm going to volunteer tomorrow."


"I can win, and we can live in the victor's village away from them. You know I have what it takes."

Summer seemed hesitant, but she knew I was right about this. If there was one thing I was good at, it was fighting. Either way, there wasn't anything she would be able to do to stop me. I wouldn't do it without her saying it was fine first. I didn't want to do it for her when she didn't want me to. We talked about it through the night and agreed that I would volunteer. She was scared, and so was I, but it was for the best.

Soleil Kingston, D11 Female

Of course I was nervous. Who wouldn't be? The Hunger Games were a death sentence. Especially for someone like me. Crap. Of course I would be the one going into the games. When Acorn Chavez was reaped, it was sad. He was nice enough. But then some guy volunteered. It was practically unheard of. A volunteer? Then my name was called. Please. Please let there be another volunteer. I couldn't do this. I had no chance. I was going to die. Alone. Painfully. Scared. I held all that inside me. I stepped up to the stage. I smiled politely and shook my head when I was asked if I had anything to say. My eye twitched. Inside, I was freaking out. Alarms blared and imaginary little workers ran about my head trying to figure out what just happened. There was no biological preparation for being reaped. The Hunger Games were an abhorrent, abominable, awful creation of the Capitol designed to keep us in line. I was already in line. I always did what I was told, and I never stole or lied or hit or anything. How was this fair? I wasn't the one who needed reminding.

WOW WHAT'S THIS? ANOTHER UPDATE ALREADY? Yeah I'm bucklin' down and getting through this. I really enjoyed writing Culter, so he got a longer POV. Soleil's is decently long too but it is kinda generic. I'll try to add more in the future.