Author's Notes: After talking with the original author and receiving their ok. I have changed Harry's sponsor; instead of the Speed Force I will be using THE SOURCE (which are revered by the New Gods in DC Comics). I'm using the SOURCE instead of my original plan to use a combination of Life Force and the Sphere of the Gods (source of all magic within DC universes). After some further research into DC Comics (canon) I believe that the Source (as a sentient energy) would have enough awareness of the Multiverses (both DC Comics 52 Multiverses and others like the one that Harry Potter would inhabit) as well as having enough power to open a portal bridge to cross two completely different Multiverses.

A/N #2: to my readers who have already read the previous version of this chapter - I want to apologize to you for making such a monumental change to the story after I had already posted chapter 1.

A/N #3: For those readers who had already read the original story "Of Wizards and Kryptonians" by Kryptonian Lightening I wish to inform you that with the changes to this chapter I will have completely (except for a few plot ideas) abandoned Kryptonian Lightening's story.

Chapter 1 – New Beginnings

Sphere of the Gods

Harry awoke with a sudden start and a bad case of the cold sweats. The teen felt around him to find his wand. Instead, he felt the soft plush material of comforter and sheets. Wearily, Harry sat up to find himself in the familiar four poster bed and dorm room that he had spent six of his seven years in the Wizarding world living in during the school year.

'This can't be' Harry thought 'the Gryffindor tower was destroyed in the first wave of Voldemort's attack.'

Harry tried to stand but a dizzying wave of disorientation overcame him causing to sit back on the bed. He put his hands in head as he tried to stave off the wave of nauseous. In his mind, images of the final battle against Voldemort and his forces replayed until he witnessed the final memory of his confrontation with Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest.

'I'm dead!' This thought entered his mind. 'But I don't feel dead.' It was at this second that he caught his reflection in full length antique mirror that stood off to the side of the room.

Feeling less dizzy, Harry stood and observed the astonishing changes in the mirror. Gone was the short scrawny with glasses that he was used to seeing in the mirror. Instead, Harry observed how he stood at over 6' foot now and with a manly figure of ultra-lean muscles of a seasoned Olympic athlete. The clothes he wore, a skintight black t-shirt and black jeans accentuated his broad shoulders and rippling biceps and thigh muscles. The black shirt stretched across his muscular chest and six pack abs and held the symbol of the Deathly Hallow symbol on the left side of the shirt that stood prominently over his heart.

A ray of sunshine broke through the curtains drawing Harry's attention the scenery outside his dorm window caught his attention. He peered out the window afraid that he had somehow dreamed his death and that the battle was just beginning. Harry looked out upon the grounds of his childhood home, expecting to see the castle in ruins as debris was strewn with dead bodies littering the ground. Instead, he observed the familiar scenery of the Great Lake and manicured castle grounds with the Great Lake and Forbidden Forest and mountains that surrounded Hogwarts Castle.

There was an eerie sensation that crept up his spine at the picturesque environment lacking in the joyous sounds as groups of his fellow students milled about in the courtyards below. A weird sense of loneliness, not in a sad, emotional way, more like accepting a fact, like cement finally setting in the pit of his stomach. "If this isn't Hogwarts, then where the hell am I?" Harry questioned as he turned around to find that the dorm room was devoid of any other furniture except for the one four poster bed, a trunk, a desk and chair and the standing antique mirror.

A sudden panic filled him at the room being devoid of his friends' things. Harry dashed from the room in search of another soul. His search took him from one side of the tower to the other before finally ending with a cry of despair as he sank to his knees in the fully furnished Gryffindor Common Room or what resembled the cozy sanctuary.

By now, Harry was desperate for answers and beginning to feel hungry when a silver platter with fruits arranged in fancy crystal goblet with gold rims that looked like they belonged to some wealthy aristocrat. He could have sworn it wasn't there a moment ago. The thing that caught his attention, however, was the white envelope propped against a cup, addressed to "Harry Potter" in neat, cursive handwriting. Harry couldn't explain it, but he just knew, in that moment, that his life was about to get a lot more interesting.

Harry reached for the envelope with his name on it and broke the seal.

Mr. Potter,

You are probably wondering who we are, why we have brought you here, and where you are. I assure you that we intend to answer all your questions.

To answer the first question of who we are is to also answer the question of what we are. We are an unlimited and vastly ancient energy that all life in exists within the universes, known as The Source. It was many – many eons ago, when the first universes erupted from the void of nothingness that we were first created.

In our numerous eons of existence, we, along with an entity known as, The Presence, were responsible for bringing forth another primordial cosmic force, called The Seven Forces of the Universes. The Seven Forces are the essential positive energies responsible for the wellbeing of the Multiverse where all its elements operate in harmony with each other.

It was your ability to survive being touched by Death Force as a mere babe that originally brought you to our attention. And so, we watched as you grow into adulthood and confidence as a magician with both fascination and trepidation for your Earth's future. Why, you may wonder, did we watch with trepidation?

We did so, Mr. Potter, because the wizards of your universe created a spell that wielded the very primordial energy source that when used against a target would render instant and final death for anyone or anything including immortal gods of old. While it had fascinated us that you survived. It was the fact that you avoided being corrupted by the negative energies of the Death Force that won our admiration and deep respect.

Such a feat was made even more remarkable by the fact that you had unknowingly been carrying around a piece of another being soul and yet did not succumb to its corrupting affects. Then to willingly sacrifice your life and survive yet another encounter with the Death Force, we feel, should be rewarded. And so, we investigated what your life would have been like if we did not intervene and felt that such a remarkable mortal should be given a chance to live an extraordinary life; instead of the mundane existence that others had planned for you.

As such we brought you across the void that separates each cluster of Multiverses into our own Multiverse. In the hopes, that you will not only live, Mr. Potter, but you will thrive and be a positive force for good in the universe that will be your new home. It is in this place within a metaphysical reality, known as the Sphere of Gods, that we have created this place, this sanctuary or you.

Though you have nothing to fear and are completely safe within this new realm created just for you. We wanted to make you feel more at ease, we built this realm to be an exact replica of Hogwarts Castle, as well as its grounds, the Forbidden Forest, Great Lake, and you will even find a replica of Hogsmeade village.

You may change and even expand the realm to make it more to your liking an example of this would be the addition of any animal that you may wish will come to inhabit the realm. Any food or beverage you desire, or any article of clothing that you have need of, will be appear before you. The castles library is filled with any magical or mundane book that was ever written.

As we said before this is a reward, Mr. Potter, not a punishment. As such we know that mortals can get lonely and as such your are more than welcome to visit any of the other realms or to even travel to the 52 Earths. However, we would recommend that you choose Earth-38 because we have located the closes thing to an alternate reality version to yourself. This version of you was also orphaned at a young age but was raised by his godfather. He does not possess magic as you do, though he does possess the aptitude to learn magic. If you do decide to merge with him beware that the two of you will become inseparable and indistinguishable for one another.

If you do decide to merge with your alternate self, we would recommend that you learn all everything can about Earth-38 reality, it's inhabitants, both human and alien alike. The castles library will be of assistance for this endeavor. You will also find that along with the existence of immortals, Gods, magicians, and aliens that exist in this Multiverse there is also several Superheroes and Supervillains.

We have come to understand, in our observations, that you will always fight for those who will not or cannot fight for themselves. As such, we took the liberty of healing your physical body of the years of maltreatment that you had suffered; either by your relatives' hands, or from the neglectful inaction of Albus Dumbledore to see that you had proper medical attention beyond what the school's matron could provide. In doing so we have taken the binds that suppressed your magical core and unleashed your full magical power.

The trace amounts of the Basilisk Venom, Phoenix Tears and raw Gilly weed that you ingested plus the splinter of Hungarian Horntails tail that embedded in your left shoulder over the years have now fully merged with your body bringing it to the peak of human perfection and in some cases, you will find that you achieved an enhanced human or superhuman abilities. For this reason, we highly recommend that you begin a training regime to help you learn about and control your new powers.

We will be watching you, Mr. Potter, if you have any need of us.

After finishing that letter, Harry felt a headache developing and spent the next few hours in shock, Harry spent the next month trying to return to his friends, to no avail. He, then, started to accept his fate, as hurtful as it was and started to discover the capabilities of the plane of existence he was on.

Scene Change

In his explorations of Hogwarts Realm, as he had taken to referring to this place, Harry found every manner of books, muggle and magical, listed from A to Z. Though the first book that appeared before him on a table in the library detailed a history of Earth-38. Apparently, the Source wanted Harry to read this book first. As time passed for the next few hours, Harry, found himself learning about the new Earth he would inhabit and its citizens, human and alien.

As The Source predicted, Harry, became intrigued by the idea of the various superheroes, supervillains, and alien races that inhabited his future home world that he discovered while thumbing through a book on Earth 38. Knowing that he already planned to merge with his alternate self on Earth-38, Harry, though it would be best to conceal his identity "I don't need another bloody 'boy-who-lived' situation on my hands." He, also, wanted to learn about the extent The answer to how to train both his magical powers and newfound enhanced/supernatural powers came to him when he went looking for this Hogwarts version of The Room of Requirements.

In the Room of Requirements, Harry set up a replica of an Olympic gymnasium with track, gymnastic equipment and Olympic sized pool and dojo to practice various fighting styles. To Harry's surprise the magical room even offered constructs of masters of various disciplines or study. His fighting instructors included Bruce Wayne/Batman, Nyssa and Talia Al Ghul, Malcolm Merlyn, along with Ra's Al Ghul himself and others. Harry learned acrobatics and gymnastics from the original Robin, Dick Grayson. While he was taught about this Multiverses magic and occult from John Zatara, Merlin the Magician, Dr. Fate and Nabu and many others. These were just a few of the instructors provided by this version of the Come-and-Go Room.

More surprise teachers were to come when one day, a month, after arriving in the Hogwarts Realm a gateway opened and through it stepped the most ethereal women, he had ever laid eyes on. His visitor, to his astonishment, introduced herself as Aphrodite. The goddess informed him that the inhabitants had felt the shift in energies within the Sphere and were eager to investigate the change.

After the month alone, Harry, was glad for any company. So, the two spent a delightful afternoon together. More visits from Aphrodite would happen over the weeks to come. Sometimes she would come alone and other times she would bring the other goddess with her. After the first visit these goddesses would eventually find their way to the Hogwarts realm on their own.

The Source POV

For the next three years, the Source, watched Harry train and prepare himself for Earth-38, the Source can tell that he was about as ready as he'll ever be. Then waiting until Harry had succumb to slumber one evening the Source began the process of merging Harry with his alternate universe counterpart on Earth-38.

Harry's POV

Harry was wearing the superhero suit that he found in a package left on his bed. Now he was doing his daily run on the track as he remembered trying on the suit for the first time after he read the note that was attached.

A/N #4: I have moved the scene describing Harry's superhero suit until the next chapter. I will make special notations for readers on where they can skip past the suit's description.

A/N #5: I hope to have the next chapter posted by the end of the weekend.

Information (canonical):

The Source | DC Database | Fandom

Death Force | DC Database | Fandom

The Seven Forces of the Universe | DC Database | Fandom

Sphere of the Gods | DC Database | Fandom