Chapter 4: Building A Community
Once Chiyo had stopped fussing over him and finally allowed him to leave, Yagi headed straight for the orphanage to resume his inspection. On the way, Yagi passed a furniture store and stopped, "Oh yeah, I was supposed to get new beds for the kids." Yagi thought to himself.
The store he had stopped into looked as run down as the orphanage but Yagi shrugged it off; "Beds are beds! How bad could it be?" He asked himself as he entered the store with confidence. Yagi would come to regret that statement as he peered in to see darkened furniture, with dust collecting on them. The wood seemed to be rotting. Heck, he could smell the rot!
"Ah, how can I help you mister?" The salesman asked, taking notice of Yagi.
After a long and unbelieving pause, Yagi replied, "I, uh, I was looking to buy some beds."
"Ah, one of the higher-income ones in this part of town huh? Most prefer sleeping bags here," The salesman said with a laugh as he led Yagi to the beds. Yagi's heart sank hearing that. He had thought that helping the orphans would be enough because the kids would grow up to be inspiring adults, but what about the adults right now? The orphans aren't the only kids in this shitty neighborhood, so what about them?
"Something wrong?" The salesman asked, seeing Yagi's wide eyes.
"I was just thinking about something," Yagi said quietly as he took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, "Baby steps Yagi, baby steps." He said to himself. That was what Tsukauchi had said to him as well.
"Well, here we are!" The salesman showcased the beds to Yagi with a grin.
Yagi looked at the beds with shock, "These are your beds?" he asked pointedly.
"The best ones we've got!"
Yagi gaped, horrified. The beds were barely standing. The foot of the beds was practically demolished and any contact with them would guarantee a trip to the hospital to get a tetanus shot.
"How can anyone lie on these? They look like they are going to fall apart at any moment!" Yagi argued.
The salesman looked annoyed, "Are you new here or something? That kind of thing is reserved for those rich guys. In this area, this is the premium stuff!"
Yagi barely suppressed a growl of anger, "I think I'll just look somewhere else," he excused himself.
The salesman snorted, "Yeah right. This is the only furniture store around. You have to go to the loaded part of town to get better furniture and good luck with that considering how expensive it is."
Yagi stormed out without a word, not angry at the salesman, but rather at himself. How could he have been so blind for all these years as All Might? "Am I really the symbol of peace?" Yagi asked himself. Sure, he hadn't seen a lot of villains in the area but it was still depressing to see the lifestyle. Was peace worth it if the people weren't happy?
Yagi explored the rest of the locality and sighed, seeing that there really weren't any furniture stores in the vicinity. He decided to visit the 'richer neighborhood' as the salesman had called it, and was glad to find better beds with a price that reflected the quality. Without wasting any time, he bought the beds he needed.
"So, where would you like the beds to go, sir?" The manager asked Yagi as the last of the beds were loaded onto the moving truck.
Yagi handed him the address. The manager's face paled, "Sir, this address is difficult to reach."
"How so?" Yagi asked, "The roads are more than wide enough for the truck."
"No, no not like that." The manager shook his head strongly, "It's just a bad neighborhood with thugs and villains. My truck might get damaged or stolen with all the furniture."
"I assure you the neighborhood is safe. Poor it may be, but quite safe," Yagi reassured. The manager still looked hesitant, so Yagi sighed, "Of course, if you want to, I can just go to another furniture store…"
"NO!" The manager nearly yelled, "I mean, no problem, we'll deliver it." The manager replied, not wanting to lose such a large sale.
Yagi had decided to tag along in the moving truck and was taking a nap to catch up on some sleep. He hadn't done much but moving around the furniture store by itself strained his injuries. He was snoring away gently when the truck came to an abrupt stop, sending him flying into the dashboard.
Yagi groaned in pain as he pulled himself up, "What happened?" he asked in a daze.
"Villains!" The driver said, panic in his voice as he pointed to a roadblock ahead. Yagi immediately went into serious mode and surveyed the attackers who were rushing at the truck quickly. There were only four of them and they looked to be small-time thugs rather than full-fledged villains. Still, he couldn't just transform into All Might without giving away his identity.
Yagi cursed as one of the thugs ran up the hood of the truck, armed with an iron bar in an attempt to break the windshield. Yagi quickly snapped out of his thoughts and hurriedly ducked, dragging the driver with him.
He quickly caught the swinging iron bar and used his strength to disarm the thug and painfully throw him off the hood. Though he was still in his wounded, Yagi form, Torino had done well to train his base strength and the martial arts he had learned could still be applied in this form. Not to mention the fact that Yagi towered over the thugs and had the strength to match his height.
Yagi quickly exited the truck and winced as someone elbowed him in the stomach. Thankfully, it was on the opposite side of his wound and he managed to recover quickly enough to bash the attacker's head with the stolen iron bar. The other two thugs quickly realized what was happening and tag-teamed Yagi.
Though the attackers were weak thugs, Yagi found himself on the defensive, struggling to keep up. He really had gotten overly reliant on the sensory perks that the All Might form gave him. Nevertheless, Yagi wasn't the number-one hero for nothing. He used his experience to evade the attacks and attacked the thugs' shins with his iron bar, causing them to trip in pain.
The thugs lay there, clutching their broken shins in pain. (Yagi didn't want to risk them getting up and unleashing a hellish quirk that would force him to use the All Might form.)
Once Yagi was sure that the thugs wouldn't be trying anything, he opened the back of the truck, "You guys ok?" he asked the movers who nodded in amazement and fear.
"THAT WAS SO COOL!" Yagi heard a kid yell behind him in awe. Yagi turned back to see that the truck had stopped close to the orphanage, and most of the orphans had seen the fight and were looking at him in awe. Even Hitoshi, who still hadn't warmed up to Yagi, was looking at him amazed, "I thought you didn't have a quirk?" he asked.
"I don't," Yagi replied with a smirk.
Hitoshi looked intrigued, "You mean I can be strong like you even without a physical quirk?"
Yagi nodded, "I don't see why not."
Hitoshi smiled warmly at that as his mind started daydreaming.
Yagi was unsure of how he had suddenly gotten through to Hitoshi but turned his back to the movers, "Sorry about all this, but can you unload the beds? I'll recompensate you for the truck and all this trouble." Yagi promised.
The movers nodded dumbly and started their job.
"Whoa, you actually got us beds!?" One of the younger orphans asked cheerfully.
"Of course, I did! I promised, didn't I?" Yagi grinned.
"Yeah, but Yoshino-san promises us toys too and then we don't get them."
Yagi glared at the caretaker who looked embarrassed, "I try but with the lack of money, we can hardly afford food."
Yagi stared indecorously, "You don't have food?"
"Well no. We have barely survived this past week with some crackers and whatnot." The caretaker replied.
"You should have told me!"
"I was going to… but then you fell unconscious in a pool of your blood." The caretaker excused.
"Not to worry, I'll get some food now!" Yagi gave a trademark grin and turned.
"Not to be inconsiderate mister, but what about the villains?" The driver who Yagi had saved asked.
Yagi winced, "I forgot about them!" Yagi laughed, "I was just about to call my police friend for that!" He excused himself, "Maybe tie them up for now though." He ordered the orphanage staff, seeing that the knocked-out ones were slowly starting to stir.
The staff moved to tie up the thugs while Yagi called Tsukauchi, "Yagi? Are you alright?"
"Of course! Why do you ask?"
Tsukauchi snorted, "You're a bleeding zombie at the moment. Why the sudden call then? I'm quite busy."
"Well, you see, some thugs had attacked the orphanage and I fended them off but-"
Yagi was cut off as Tsukauchi shouted in panic, "YOU WHAT! YOU SWORE NOT TO BE ALL MIGHT AGAIN TOSHINORI!"
Yagi winced fearfully at that. He was glad that Tsukauchi cared about him so much, but it was pretty scary when he started lecturing him, "No, no!" Yagi quickly excused, "They were pretty weak, so I fought them off normally. But I still need someone to arrest them or something,"
Yagi heard Tsukauchi audibly sigh in relief on the other end, "Well, all the other units are busy. I'm halfway through a sting too. Just tie them up for now. I'll send some patrol officers to collect them and then be back for an investigation."
"Thanks," Yagi said as Tsukauchi cut the call.
Yagi then went to the nearest store to grab some groceries. Though the furniture store was bad, Yagi doubted groceries would be very terrible. Groceries were practically the same everywhere, though they differed in quality. As long as it wasn't rotting, it would be ok for now.
Alas, Yagi's expectations were too high once again. Though the store did have food, they looked to be on the verge of rotting. Edible for sure, but he doubted they tasted good. Not to mention the prices were threefold as opposed to the retail price.
"I know, it's disgusting," The cashier, a very old man, said, noticing the look of disdain on Yagi's face.
"The groceries themselves aren't too bad since I'm going to cook them right away, but the prices!" Yagi exclaimed.
"You look like you know this neighborhood with the way you walk through the roads, but you haven't been to lower-income areas like these in ages, have you?" The old man chuckled, "In any case, prices like this shouldn't be a hassle for you, considering all the beds you bought."
"Oh, you saw that huh?"
"The entire neighborhood did. Huge trucks like that aren't really something you see here."
"There aren't many groceries here, and they don't look very good either, but I need to feed the kids something. So, I'll take all that is here." Yagi said.
The cashier nodded and slowly started to pack the groceries, "So tell me kid, why come back to this place all of a sudden? If you made enough money to get out of here, I don't see why you would want to return to this hell hole."
Yagi stared at the old man. He was really observant, but his questions didn't seem harmful. His tone was kind and the man looked inquisitive, as if Yagi was an enigma, "I felt like I had to give back to my community."
The old man laughed, "But right when All Might retired, you appeared. That's not entirely coincidental if you ask me. Are you trying to fit into the symbol of peace's shoes in another way? Yoshino was saying that you worked for All Might,"
Yagi was really nervous now; the old man was unusually smart. If he had more information, he could have sworn that his identity would be out by now, "It's nothing like that. I was All Might's assistant for many years and now that he's retired, he's trying other ways to help me. One of those ventures is this."
"So, a publicity stunt?"
"No," Yagi replied, a bit annoyed that everyone was thinking that, "If it was, there would be cameras everywhere."
The old man shrugged, "You never know. Here's the groceries," he pushed a few bags to Yagi.
"May I ask you a question?" Yagi asked.
"Go for it."
"Why don't you get better groceries since you are paying the suppliers so much? I don't think the prices are so high to get more profit. You don't seem like the type of guy to do that."
The man chuckled again, "Look kid, I don't know how you have survived so long with such a mindset. Neighborhoods like these are breeding grounds for thugs and villains because they are so low-income. They'll do anything for money. So, the Yakuza can easily hire people for organized crime. No supplier is going to risk their lives for a bit of extra money to get here. Every 2 weeks or so, we send someone uptown to get all the stuff we need. The guy buys stuff at the normal rate and then sells the stuff to us for a profit, and then we resell for a small profit too, inflating the prices."
"But what if the suppliers were escorted or something?" Yagi asked.
"Police escorts are too expensive. And regular patrolling here is going to end up with a dead officer when a criminal inevitably goes too far. And then there will be gang wars and police bust-ups. Even though things are bad here, at least it's peaceful for now."
The words stung Yagi like poison. "Peace? Is this what I envisioned as All Might?" Yagi contemplated as felt his heart sink. Resisting the urge to cry, he took the bags and left, muttering a quick thanks. However, that wouldn't be the worst thing that Yagi would hear, that would send him into a spiral of thoughts.
Outside the store, Yagi was met with a host of families looking longingly at the comfortable beds being unloaded and carried into the orphanage. While the children at the orphanage were playing with glee, understandably happy, the children who had parents looked longingly.
One of the mothers saw Yagi carrying groceries and quickly approached him, "Please, can you spare some food for my daughter? She hasn't eaten in two days." She said and presented her malnourished daughter, who was struggling to be awake.
The sight made Yagi feel as if he had been punched in the gut, "I understand but the children at the orphanage haven't eaten in a week. I need to get them the food too." Yagi said, the words tasting like poison in his mouth. He hated having to refuse someone like this, especially when he had the chance to get more than enough food. But the resources made it impossible at the moment.
"Then, please take my daughter too!" The mother pleaded.
"She's not an orphan?" Yagi asked, confused, "I'll get some food for her soon too. Don't worry!" Yagi assured.
The mother didn't feel reassured by Yagi's statement and felt that Yagi was just trying to get out of helping, "Please, she's an orphan too actually. I was just lying to get some food for myself. So, please take her with you!" The mother begged.
"Please stop lying and trying to send your child away! Having a mother is worth more than food!" Yagi reprimanded the mother solemnly while looking at the depressing scene, "Here," Yagi handed the mother some non-perishable food.
Instantly, the rest of the families swarmed Yagi, begging for food, and using their children to attract some empathy. Yagi squirmed anxiously, not knowing what to do, "ENOUGH!" He suddenly yelled, "I don't have enough food for everyone. So please let your children come to the orphanage and I'll feed them. I'll bring groceries for the rest of you too! But, please, just wait!"
That seemed to appease most families who hurriedly sent their children with Yagi. Some of them forced their crying children to go with the tall stranger.
Yagi felt disgusted that he had to choose between who to help first and who to help later. He dropped the groceries to the caretaker and gently ordered the staff, "The beds have all been unloaded?"
"Yup," The truck driver responded.
"Good, let the movers set them up. I need to borrow the truck. I hope you can still drive after that attack?"
"Yeah, but I don't think the boss would be too happy."
Yagi waved it off, "I'll pay extra."
The truck driver was hesitant, but even he felt sad seeing the scene in front of him. And it did seem like Yagi was trying to help. So, he nodded determinedly and started the engine.
"You know, you guys didn't have to come with me, right? I'm more than capable of running an investigation by myself." Tsukauchi said as his squad headed towards the orphanage.
"Yeah, yeah," Sansa said, "But someone's gotta look after people in these areas. Not like heroes are gonna drop by to help." Sansa replied with contempt.
Tsukauchi smirked. As they neared the orphanage, Tsukauchi heard yelling and someone on a loudspeaker, "Step on it!" he ordered.
The driver nodded and as the car turned, Tsukauchi could feel a headache coming on. It seemed that Yagi was trying to hand out food and that had led to a mini stampede as people tried to get food first, in fear that it would run out. Yagi, with his megaphone, was desperately and miserably trying to sort out the crowd.
"Yagi, you idiot! This is why you need police protection before handing out donations!" Tsukauchi whispered to himself, "You guys know what to do. Sansa, you're in charge of handing out the food properly." Tsukauchi ordered as he hurried towards Yagi.
The police were quick and sorted the crowd fairly quickly, using their megaphones. The crowd didn't want to upset the police and cause extra patrols to run through the area. That would be bad for their 'activities'.
"Tsukauchi! Just in time! Things are a mess," Yagi said, collapsing in a nearby chair.
Tsukauchi motioned Sansa to overlook the handing out while he hunched down next to Yagi, "You look even more tired."
"I am." Yagi sighed, "Honestly, after seeing all this, I feel like a disgrace!"
Tsukauchi winced. He knew exactly why Yagi thought that but allowed Yagi to speak his feelings. Yagi whispered "How can I call myself a symbol of peace, when there are people still struggling to get their basic needs? How can I be the number 1 hero, when I have failed all these people!? Sure, I did save people's lives, but is life like this even worth it? I'm a failure." Yagi sunk into his chair, depressed.
"No, you aren't." Tsukauchi assured, "All those things are what All Might did! The failure is All Might, not you. I mean, just look! As All Might, you did save people, but now as Yagi, you are making a real difference!"
"Am I?" Yagi asked sarcastically, "There are more neighborhoods like this, and thousands of people like this too. How do I reach them all as Yagi, if I failed as All Might? All Might, whose entire motto is saving people within reach. Well, guess what? These people were within my reach and I failed to save them!" Yagi said bitterly, angry at himself.
Tsukauchi sighed at that. He had thought that helping the orphanage would have helped Yagi see that being a pro hero wasn't the only way to help, but he had seen just how useless All Might had been instead.
"Was I really just pulling a publicity stunt all along?" Yagi asked quietly.
Tsukauchi inhaled and then punched Yagi on his head, "Idiot!" Tsukauchi hissed quietly so as to not be overheard, "All Might was there for a different purpose, and you are here for another purpose. All Might was there to ensure villains could not affect people's lives but he failed to acknowledge that a lot of people didn't have good lives in the first place. But now, as Yagi, you have the money and the chance to improve people's lives! You have the chance to be a better symbol of peace! I mean, you make more money than you can spend. Even after retiring, your merchandise is bringing you millions per month, so spend that doing good, you stupid!" Tsukauchi lectured and hit his friend lightly again to get his point across.
"But it feels so overwhelming," Yagi replied.
"Like I said, baby steps. Well, more like giant steps, but we're going to take it one thing at a time. Besides, Mirai was right you know? You have to stop doing things yourself. You've got me, Recovery Girl, Nedzu. Heck, the whole police department will gladly help if you just ask." Tsukauchi assured.
Yagi considered that for a while, "You really think I can do it?"
"Yes, because this time, it's Yagi who's doing it. And Yagi's the one who had that dream of being the symbol of peace, not All Might."
A/N: Sorry for the long pause in the middle. But I'm back now and with a long chapter too. I did think of something sadder to put in at the end but I forgot it while taking a break. Nevertheless, hope the ending is good enough, though I kinda feel like I botched it.