Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the Gamer. Please support the official release.
The forest surrounding Orochimaru's main hidden base in the land of Fire stood in eerie stillness when Tobirama and Jiraiya materialized beside Ox. The Anbu commander acknowledged them with a slight nod. "Glad you made it," he whispered.
Tobirama surveyed the area, his sharp eyes taking in every detail. "What have you observed? Any signs of movements?"
Ox turned slightly, his Anbu mask concealing his expression, but his voice was calm and measured. "No visible movement yet, but there are several defenses. Orochimaru has placed barriers and traps for unwanted visitors. And like in the reports, this lair is completely subterranean." Ox reported quietly. "But just moments ago, I sensed that someone inside became aware of my presence."
Tobirama stepped forward and scanned the area. The ground beneath him felt unnatural, the barriers woven into the earth itself. "He is certainly prepared."
Jiraiya crouched down and placed his hand on the ground. He closed his eyes and extended his Sage Mode sensory abilities. The natural energy flowed through him, amplifying his perception. "There's a heavy chakra presence inside," he murmured. "Actually, make that two."
Tobirama's eyes narrowed. He, too, could sense the chakras emanating from within the base. One, in particular, felt eerily familiar—a chakra he hadn't sensed in a long time. His breath caught for a moment.
As he focused his senses, Tobirama's eyes widened, his normally stoic face betraying a hint of shock. "There are two powerful chakras inside... one of them is... familiar. Extremely familiar.."
Jiraiya furrowed his brow. "Yeah, I know what you mean. The one with the smaller chakra... I've felt it before," he said, a hint of confusion in his voice. "But I can't..." The nagging sense of familiarity from that second chakra still tugged at his mind. He had fought many powerful enemies in his lifetime, but this presence… Something about it felt strange to Jiraiya.
The Toad Sage slowly stood and his expression hardened. He could feel what Tobirama felt. One chakra was immense, radiating power in a way that felt ancient and overwhelming. The other... he recognized it, but only faintly, like a memory from a distant battle.
"I've fought that chakra before," Jiraiya murmured, his brow furrowed in concentration. "But I can't place it..."
Fukasaku chimed in. "Try to remember, Jiraiya boy. If it's someone you've encountered, we need to be cautious."
Shima nodded. "And that other chakra... it's immense."
Tobirama's mind was racing. "No," Tobirama whispered, almost to himself. "It can't be..."
The chakra he was sensing was unmistakable, even after all these years. The weight of it, the sheer presence—it sent a chill down his spine. 'Impossible. This chakra shouldn't exist anymore… That damn Orochimaru. This is his doing.'
Jiraiya turned to him with concern flashing in his eyes. "What is it? Do you recognize that chakra?"
Tobirama's gaze remained fixed on the entrance of the base, his voice low and filled with a mixture of disbelief and suspicion. "I do. This is far worse than we thought."
Jiraiya tensed. If Tobirama was this disturbed, it meant something serious. "We're going in, right?"
Tobirama nodded, his usual cold demeanor returning. "We don't have a choice. But I have a feeling it won't be that easy."
The Sannin of the group extended his senses and sharpened them as much as he could. One of the individuals, the one Jiraiya felt was familiar, was strong but the other one. It was magnitudes above in chakra. The sage glanced around and it almost felt as if the entire forest was alive.
Jiraiya glanced at Tobirama and saw the grave expression on his face. "You sense it too, don't you?"
Tobirama met his gaze. "Yes. And if it's who I think it is, we're facing an enemy beyond what we anticipated."
Ox looked between them. "Orders, Lord Second?"
Tobirama considered their options. "We proceed with utmost caution. Our primary objective is to find and rescue Tsunade and Shizune. It's possible that they are under barriers and their chakra is being masked. So we have to search every inch of this place. And if Orochimaru is here, we'll deal with him accordingly."
Jiraiya nodded. "Yeah I agree but we can't exactly ignore these chakra signatures. We might be walking into a trap."
"I know," Tobirama replied. "Ox, have you identified any entry points?"
Ox pointed toward a concealed opening at the base of a large tree. "There. It's less guarded, but the barriers are strongest in that area."
"Leave the barriers to me," Tobirama said confidently. "I designed many of the village's protective seals. I can certainly break through Orochimaru's work."
Jiraiya smirked slightly. "Never thought I'd be teaming up with the Second Hokage himself. Strange times we live in."
Tobirama kept a stoic expression. "My existence was supposed to be a secret. This alliance was born out of necessity."
As they moved closer to the entrance, the oppressive feeling intensified. "Be on guard," Tobirama warned, his voice sharp. "The one who's inside that base… He has power unlike anything you've faced.."
Jiraiya smirked despite the tension. "Guess it's a good thing I've come prepared then."
Inside Orochimaru's base. Yesterday.
Deep inside the dimly lit, subterranean chambers of Orochimaru's hidden base, two figures stood side by side, their presence imposing even within the confines of the cold stone walls.
Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage, stretched his arms above his head, his joints cracking audibly. "Ah, it's been ages since I've felt this limber!" he exclaimed with a grin, his eyes sparkling with an almost childlike excitement. "Though I suppose being brought back from the dead will do that to you."
The other man looked at Hashirama with a mixture of disbelief and wariness. "You're the First Hokage," he said, his voice low and serious. "I never thought I'd meet a legend like you… not like this. Life—or unlife—sure has its surprises."
Hashirama laughed heartily. "Well, I didn't expect to be here either! But here we are, thanks to that sneaky fellow with the snake obsession." His expression shifted briefly to one of contemplation. "What was his name again? Orochimaru?"
"That's the one," The second man confirmed.
Hashirama had a twinkle in his eyes and he asked with curiosity. "By the way I can sense a trace of the Eight-Tails' chakra lingering in you. Why is that?"
The dual haired man nodded. "I was it's jinchūriki before... well, before I died. You can call me B. Blue B."
Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage, glanced at his companion with a wide grin spreading across his face. "So, you're the former jinchūriki of the Eight-Tails, huh? I gotta say, it's always exciting to meet new people! Especially someone with that kind of history." He scratched the back of his head, his grin only widening.
Blue B was silent. He glanced down at his reanimated hands, flexing his fingers as if testing their responsiveness. "To think Orochimaru would bring me back to life. He must have his own reasons. Can't say I'm thrilled about being his puppet though."
Hashirama nodded sympathetically. "I understand the sentiment. But perhaps we can make the best of it. After all, it's not every day you get a second chance at life. Even if it's under less than ideal circumstances."
Blue B studied him for a moment. "You seem awfully cheerful about all this."
"Why wouldn't I be?" Hashirama replied with a chuckle. "The world is full of new people to meet and things to experience! Besides," he added, leaning in conspiratorially, "I have a feeling that things are about to get interesting for us."
Blue B shook his head, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "You're not what I expected."
"And what did you expect?" Hashirama asked, tilting his head curiously.
"Someone... different," Blue B admitted. "The stories paint you as a god among shinobi. I figured you'd be more-"
"Serious? Stoic? Overbearing?" Hashirama interrupted, waving a hand dismissively. "I've heard it all before. Truth is, I prefer to enjoy life. Even this one."
Blue B's gaze softened. "Must be nice, seeing things that way."
Hashirama's eyes met his, and for a moment, there was a depth of understanding between them. "You've had a rough journey, haven't you?"
"You could say that," Blue B replied quietly. "Being a jinchūriki wasn't exactly a picnic. Darkness, fear, loneliness. They've been my constant companions."
Hashirama gave the man a sympathetic smile. "Everyone carries their own burdens."
Blue B only sighed, the weight of his past heavy was in his voice. "It's strange. Being brought back after everything… After enduring all that pain. I thought I finally left that behind and was free when I died. But now here I am again, protecting this place… and I don't even know why. I have no real control over anything again."
Hashirama sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, this reanimation thing is a drag. I don't like being controlled either, but…" He looked around at the chamber. "We have to figure out why Orochimaru brought us back. He must have some kind of a plan."
The two looked around and came up with a few theories but without much to go on, they remained in their position. Orochimaru gave them the task to guard that location and they had nothing else to do at that time.
Hashirama was curious about the time period after his death and B answered his questions to pass the time. Soon a day passed.
Few Seconds before Tobirama & Jiraiya arrived.
Hashirama's expression suddenly shifted. His eyes narrowed slightly as he looked toward the ceiling. "Do you feel that?"
Blue B straightened, his senses sharpening. "Yeah. Someone's out there."
Hashirama closed his eyes briefly, focusing on the chakra signatures. "An intruder at the edge of the perimeter. Strong, but trying to stay hidden."
"Think it's someone after Orochimaru?" Blue B asked.
"Possibly," Hashirama replied. "But wait..." His brow furrowed. "There are more now. Four distinct chakras. Two of them are particularly strong."
Blue B concentrated, his own sensory abilities kicking in. "You're right. One of them feels... familiar."
Hashirama's eyes widened slightly. "Well, isn't this intriguing! One of those chakras feels like my brother's."
"Your brother?" Blue B echoed. "You mean the Second Hokage?"
Hashirama nodded, a mix of surprise and delight on his face. "Tobirama! But how? Unless..." He chuckled. "Looks like I'm not the only one who got a ticket back to the living."
Blue B considered this. "And the other strong chakra?"
Hashirama tapped his chin thoughtfully. "It has a wild, natural energy to it. Almost like... a sage."
"A sage?" Blue B's eyes narrowed. "Wait, it must be Jiraiya of the Sannin. I've met him before in battle..."
The First Hokage had a grin on his face. "This just got a whole lot more interesting."
Blue B clenched his fists, feeling the weight of the situation. "Your brother… and the legendary Sannin. Orochimaru must have expected this. But why?"
Hashirama gave him a crooked smile, though there was a shadow of concern in his eyes. "I don't know, but we're about to find out." His playful side flickered for a moment. "You think we should give them a proper greeting? You know, something dramatic?"
Blue B gave him a flat look. "I'm not really the 'dramatic entrance' type."
Hashirama grinned. "Fair enough. Oh, this is getting exciting by the minute! First, I met you, and now my brother and a sage are dropping by."
Blue B couldn't help but smirk. "You have a strange way of looking at things."
"Why be grim when you can be excited?" Hashirama replied. "Besides, it seems we're about to have company. Shall we go greet our guests?"
Blue B pushed off the wall, rolling his shoulders. "If they're here for a fight, we might not have much choice."
The First Hokage shrugged his shoulders. "Who knows? Maybe we can talk it out."
Blue B raised an eyebrow. "You really think talking is an option?"
"There's always room for dialogue!" Hashirama insisted but then his smile dimmed. "But if Orochimaru forced our hands, then you're right. We may not have much choice."
As they moved through the winding corridors of the base, the oppressive atmosphere seemed to lighten around Hashirama, his mere presence bringing a sense of vitality to the otherwise bleak surroundings.
Soon they stepped out into the dense forest, the sunlight filtering through the canopy above. The air was fresh, a stark contrast to the stale atmosphere inside the base.
Hashirama inhaled deeply. "Ah, nothing like the smell of nature!"
Blue B scanned the surrounding trees. "They're close."
Hashirama grinned. "Time to see how my little brother's been holding up."
Ox remained silent, standing vigilant as the two legends assessed the situation. The mission had just grown exponentially more dangerous, and Ox knew that whatever they were about to face wasn't part of the original plan.
The air grew heavier, and the forest seemed to darken around them. Jiraiya's senses were on high alert. "Ok. This place is starting to give me the creeps," he muttered.
They reached the concealed entrance, and Tobirama began to weave a series of complex hand seals. His fingers moved with practiced ease, and faint glows of chakra pulsed against the invisible barrier. "This is advanced work," he commented. "Orochimaru has impressive skill."
"Can you break it?" Jiraiya asked.
"Given time," Tobirama replied. "But we may not have much."
Suddenly, the ground beneath them trembled ever so slightly. Ox tensed. "Someone's coming."
"We're not alone," Fukasaku agreed. "Be careful, everyone."
A few meters away, from the darkness of the forest, a figure emerged. He had long bi-color half green half white hair with matching eyebrows along with heavy-lidded eyes that gave the impression that he was tired. A purple mark in the shape of a diamond ran down the right side of his face. He also wore the standard attire of the Hidden Cloud shinobi including a flak jacket, over a long-sleeved v-neck outfit with bandages underneath. A fairly long sword strapped to his back and the two most disturbing features were pupil-less eyes and gray sclera and the cracks running through his face.
Jiraiya's eyes widened. "Wait a minute... I've seen you before."
The man stepped forward, a stoic expression on his face.. "It's been a long time since we saw each other, Jiraiya"
Tobirama studied the newcomer. "You're not Orochimaru. Who are you?"
The man turned his gaze on Tobirama and his eyes widened in recognition. "Hearing that you're back and seeing it are two different things."
Jiraiya snapped his fingers. "I remember now! You were the Eight-Tails Jinchūriki before Killer Bee!... You're… Blue B!"
The man's eyes flickered with surprise. "Ah, so you do remember. Our paths crossed long ago."
Fukasaku frowned. "Jiraiya boy, this isn't good. If he's here, things are more complicated than we thought."
Tobirama's expression remained stern. "Why are you summoned here? Do you know what Orochimaru is planning?"
The former 8 Tails Jinchuriki shook his head. "I don't know. For some reason, Orochimaru wants us to guard this location."
"Where is he?" Tobirama asked but before Blue B could reply, his body stiffened and he stood still. The Second Hokage sensed a shift in chakra in B's body. Then a voice Jiraiya and Ox were extremely familiar with came from that reanimation.
"Kukuku… This is unexpected. It is an honor to meet you… Second Lord Hokage."
Tobirama's eyes narrowed. "Orochimaru I presume."
Blue B nodded. "Yes… I've been wondering why I couldn't summon you. It seems now I have my answer. Danzo or Sarutobi Sensei. I don't know who summoned you but they must be desperate."
"Where's Tsunade and Shizune?" Jiraiya roared in anger.
Blue B had a sadistic grin on his face as he looked at the Toad sage. "They're with me. Don't worry. They're both alive. Although I must say, Tsunade has seen better days."
Hearing that taunt, Jiraiya's fists clenched and Tobirama's eyes narrowed.
"You bastard!" Jiraiya took a step forward but Shima stopped him. "Don't. He's purposely trying to anger you."
"Keep calm Jiraiya. This is just a provocation tactic." Fukasaku chimes in with a small soft tone.
"What do you want with Tsunade?" Tobirama asked, getting Orochimaru's attention.
The Snake Sannin chuckled. "Now that would be telling."
"It doesn't matter. I'll get the answers out of you once I find you."
Orochimaru had a playful smile on his face. "Doubtful. Besides, you won't be leaving here any time soon if at all."
Blue B then turned his head to the side and everyone followed his gaze. The Leaf ninjas suddenly sensed a powerful chakra appearing and coming from the forest behind B.
A second figure appeared at the entrance. Draped in armor reminiscent of ancient times, with flowing dark hair and a commanding presence, he exuded an aura of power that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. His eyes met Tobirama's, and time seemed to stand still.
Tobirama's breath caught. "You..."
The armored man smiled softly. "It's been a long time, brother."
Jiraiya looked between them, shock evident on his face. "Brother? Wait, is that—"
Tobirama clenched his fists. "Hashirama Senju."
Hashirama merely smiled as he looked at the group of Leaf ninjas. "Seems we're both walking in the realm of the living once more. It's good to see you again, Tobirama! "
Jiraiya was stunned. "The First Hokage? This is impossible!"
Anbu commander Ox was equally stunned. 'Never in my life did I imagine I'd be meeting two Legendary ninjas like them… First it was Lord Second and now him… A battle with the God of ninja… If the stories are true, I wouldn't survive if he goes all out.'
The toad sages on Jiraiya's shoulder were equally shocked. "This is unexpected. A powerful enemy like Hashirama Senju."
"It looks like I might not make it home in time to make dinner." Shima could help but say as she looked at the reanimated First Hokage.
"Forget dinner Ma. We'd have to consider ourselves lucky if we make it back alive and in one piece at all." Fukasaku knew how strong the legendary God of Shinobi was. He was cautious but he wasn't scared.
Fukasaku and Shima perched on Jiraiya's shoulders with serious expressions. "Be careful, Jiraiya boy," Fukasaku warned.
Blue B under Orochimaru's control, then turned to the Leaf ninjas. "Isn't this a great reunion? So touching. Now what do you say we get the festivities started."
The two reanimations suddenly stiffened and they began to emit chakra and killing intent.
Ox stepped forward, readying himself. "Lord Second, what are your orders?"
Tobirama quickly composed himself. "This changes nothing. Jiraiya and I will battle them. We'll hold them down. You need to complete your task. Search the base. If you find them, use my marker."
Ox nodded. "Understood Lord Second. Good luck."
Hashirama looked at his brother with a mixture of sadness and resolve. "I wish our reunion were under better circumstances. But I cannot allow you to proceed."
Jiraiya gritted his teeth. "If you're under Orochimaru's control, then we have no choice but to stop you."
Hashirama gave a solemn nod. "I expect nothing less."
The former Eight-Tails Jinchūriki sighed. "That damn snake. It wasn't enough that he killed me. But now he's forced me into battle… Jiraiya. I can't control myself. I won't be able to hold back."
Jiraiya nodded, determination filling his eyes. "Right. Let's do this."
Fukasaku and Shima began to gather natural energy. "Stay focused, Jiraiya boy," Fukasaku advised. "This won't be easy."
Shima added, "But we've faced tough odds before."
Tobirama glanced at his reanimated brother. "Hashirama, I won't let you stand in our way. There's a lot at stake here."
Hashirama's eyes softened for a moment. "I understand brother."
Blue B steadied his stance, a quiet determination in his eyes. "Let's get this over with."
Hashirama glanced at him, a hint of sadness in his smile. "Don't worry. No matter the outcome, perhaps we'll find some peace again at the end of this."
The tension in the air was palpable as the two sides faced off. The future of their mission was hanging in the balance.
Author's Note:
For anyone wondering, No. Hashirama doesn't know about Tsunade kidnapping and Orochimaru controlled him and blinded his senses when Jiraiya was asking about Tsunade to blue b.
Review the chapter. I would love to hear your thoughts.
And if you want to read ahead then head over to my patreón page. I've added up to 30 Chapters there…
Pa tr ..n c0m (slash) MonkWithAPen