Hiiiiii~ Another chapter is here!
Don't have much to say other than thank you to my newest patrons: N, Snocklad, Irelandboy!, Jean Luc, Agnes109 and Firman Hermawan. Y'all rock!
Next update is To Love a Sword
That is all,
Author NimtheWriter out!
Beta read by Shigiya and Fluffy Slayer
Beta read by Shigiya and Fluffy Slayer.
"Why did you wake up at this time, sister?"
Nestled comfortably in a lavish living room, two blonde women were enjoying their afternoon tea. One, draped in gossamer fabric that scarcely veiled her naked body, wore delicate gold bracelets that chimed sweetly as she picked up her teacup.
However, if her appearance inspired pure adoration and awe in any fortunate onlooker, then the one sitting across her exuded a pure and unadulterated wave of freedom and lust. It was a paradox in itself. Her naked pristine skin, free of blemish, was open for all to see, safe for her most intimate areas, which were covered by delicate golden chains resembling jewelry more than anything locks of her hair fell onto her breasts and nether regions, supposedly for covering her modesty, yet that is a far cry from the truth.
A natural allure that made even Celestine question herself, despite never having cared before.
Within the room, there was an array of paintings depicting Feoh in its humble beginnings as a small village, as well as the previous rulers. It served as a testament to the Kingdom's history, notably the Arcturus family's contributions in preserving them. Yet, in the midst of this atmosphere silenced by tranquility, the disposition of the sisters was anything but serene.
"Hmmm~ even after a few centuries, the taste of tea remains unchanged. I have savored delicacies from beyond the Emerald Oceans, yet it's a shame that this particular kingdom most likely no longer exists." Serafina spoke gently, her finger tracing the rim of the porcelain cup.
Gazing at the Kingdom of Feoh from the window beside her, she released a wistful sigh. "It's been so long. Much has changed and people move on as the world makes other plans." From her vantage point, everything was harmonious; the picturesque scene of green buildings encircling the main castle, the verdant mountains in the background. All this brought her immense joy. Birds chirping and the gentle breeze ruffling her hair, exposing her lustrous body, only added to the serenity engulfing the scene.
"It has," Celestine answered, her voice notably subdued. "Trajanius has faced many conflicts in recent years. Last I heard, it has expanded its reach and brought some of the coastal lands under its banner."
"The Holy Aurelian Empire…" Serafina's face became clouded with concern at the mention of that nation. "Were it not for the recent incidents in Eostia, then my fate would have been tied to that empire alone… fFollowing a path similar to yours, sister."
"You will not go there?"
"Not yet," she shook her head thoughtfully. "My awakening wasn't supposed to happen for at least another century. Assuming the role of the High Goddess as the prophecy foretold this early on.. It could have disastrous repercussions. Tell me, who is the current ruler?"
At that question, Celestine rummaged through her mind for the details she had received from Kaguya many moons ago. "I believe it was a member of the Lelan family."
The Holy Aurelian Empire was composed of seven royal families, each wielding enough power to seize the throne upon the king's death. She couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between their system and that of the Seven Knights. Given the intense competition for the throne, it was rare for any one family to maintain control for more than a single generation.
How they managed to function, let alone thrive, in such a politically hostile environment was beyond her comprehension.
"Then it is far too early for me to set foot upon that land. My vision showed the emblem of the Quechaff family adorning the streets at the time of my originally intended awakening. Either way, I had to interrupt my slumber to aid you. The Holy Aurelian Empire can wait."
"Why now of all times?"
Unfortunately for Seraphina, the Goddess Reborn did not share her sister's sentiment. The disturbing thoughts plaguing her mind rendered her gravely silent, to the point that she refused the tea and food set before them.
"What do you mean, Celestine?" the elder of the two responded, confusion marring her face as she tilted her head slightly. Even in moments like these, her appearance, widely regarded as a mirror image of their Goddess Reborn, radiated a maturity the younger sister knew she had yet to attain.
Whispers of envy flooded her thoughts, emphasizing the delicate features of her sister's face— her sparkling aqua eyes, silky hair, and slender yet curvaceous build that sanctified her overall image. She was no stranger to how people admired her, often considering her the pinnacle of beauty — knowing that when compared to her sister, she fell short, and that thought alone returned with a vengeance when the latter kept insisting on aiding Archer.
"You have been asleep for centuries since I last checked up on you. Even during the war between me and Olga, with the devastation we brought to the lands and people, you never interfered or tried to contact me. Even when I was at my weakest, neither you nor our sister lifted a finger. Yet, out of the blue, you appear and decide to help Shirou." Unbeknownst to Serafina, Celestine's hands tightened under the table. Though her voice remained calm, an ever-growing sense of discomfort and suspicion gnawed at the younger sister's heart regarding the motives behind the other high elf's sudden presence. She took a moment to calm herself, lest she start to lash out.
"Do not get me wrong, I am more than glad to have you here. When I first heard your voice, my shoulders felt lighter, having someone else by my side to help me deal with our kingdom's troubles. But why now, of all times? When you yourself said that you weren't supposed to awaken for another century. And why... and why... and why…"
'And why are you seeking to aid Shirou of all people.' She wanted to say that, but her words fell short. The young woman did not trust herself to finish the sentence without revealing a bit of her true emotions.
"You don't need to feel uncomfortable asking such questions, sister. I understand perfectly why you might be confused after everything that happened. I will not defend myself for not coming to your aid against the Dark Queen in the past or helping to mitigate the travesty that resulted from your battles with her. I was still deep in my slumber and could not have intervened then or for the next few hundred years."
"Yet you are here now."
Having appeared at a moment when Shirou needed help, a role she believed was hers alone, as she had healed him before. Yet, when the Goddess Reborn got to him, he was sleeping peacefully on Serafina's lap as she focused on completing her task.
"I had a dream, more accurately, a nightmarish vision that haunted me just before I opened my eyes within the cave. I saw a world filled with darkness, the very soil beneath our feet covered in blood, and all our kingdoms burning and turned to ruin. A red sky engulfed the world in a feeling of pure despair, depravity, and chaos, with the death of millions of humans and other species resonating in the air. It was something I had never witnessed in my life, and I felt I was tasked to help you prevent it."
"The very soil soaked in blood? A red sky and kingdoms in ruins?" That certainly differed quite a bit from the visions she had divined. Other than the life of Shirou, the Goddess Reborn only foresaw darkness every time she tried to predict the outcome of the Kuroinu's battle against Olga. It was a sensation that made her feel uncomfortable, cold, and devoid of warmth. Not the hellish vision her sister described, but rather an overwhelming sense of loneliness and void. Yet these visions stopped the moment he came into the picture.
"It is related to Shirou," she stated, not even bothering to phrase it as a question, knowing what he had revealed to them recently. "You woke up because you needed his help."
"I cannot say with any certainty. The origin of Shir… Archer remains a mystery even to me. All I know is that he was sent here for a specific purpose by an unknown entity to fulfill the role of a protector… or guardian. I couldn't pry any deeper due to my promise not to meddle with his mind, so I had to settle with asking these questions myself. But I do recall catching a glimpse, by pure chance, of a dead wasteland filled with smog in my dreams. Though it was very brief, I could not determine where this particular place was or whether it was another vision of Eostia's future."
With those words, Celestine's demeanor plummeted. Her sister saw a glimpse into his world, a core part of him that had previously been known only to her. The bond that they had was at a level impossible for anyone but themselves. She had seen him at his worst and accepted him wholeheartedly. For someone else, completely unrelated to the matter, to even catch a glimpse was a feeling she abhorred, and she was certain neither did he.
'She was right, in the end, everyone will go after him, and he will keep helping them again and again without expecting thanks in return. At this rate… history will repeat itself.' She couldn't forget the words left by that young child-like entity, her mind wouldn't permit it.
Having learned more about Shirou's origin… or rather gaining a better understanding of his character and the duty bound to him, Celestine could see it clearly as day. His presence was a beacon to those seeking his help, but not to aid him in his plight. These people were planning to drop the weight of their responsibilities on his shoulders without even caring about his well-being.
And she suspected her sister to be just like the rest of them.
"I have everything under control," she whispered, her tone gaining a sharp edge. Though Celestine was initially happy to see her sister face to face for the first time in ages, she now feared that her presence could hinder her own plans substantially. "The Princess Knights and I have worked together with Archer to handle any problems that come our way."
"So you say, but from what I have heard, a majority of your allies have treated him as a threat more than anything else. Even now, I can tell that some of them have vastly different impressions of him than you do. It will be easier for us to handle the threats posed by this Beast by joining forces. I believe that is why I was called in the first place."
"But how can you possibly help in the first place?" Celestine blurted out, her words sharper than she meant them to be. Thankfully, her sister remained unperturbed, remaining serene and smiling throughout her outburst.
"I am well aware of my limitations. Despite my nature, I can do very little to confront this danger to our world. I was never suited for combat, and I doubt that will change anytime soon, no matter how hard I tried. That is why I came with the goal to aid Sir Archer, for I believe he is the key to saving us from this future. I am willing to dedicate my entire being to aid him."
"You can't!" Celestine exclaimed, leaping from her chair and slamming her hand on the table. Tea and snacks tumbled to the ground, staining what little clothes she had. Her eyes blazed with near-hostility towards the woman on the other side of the table. "Shirou first came to me for help! Me! I promised to assist him in any way I could, so you don't need to concern yourself with this matter!"
Taken aback by the sudden outburst, Serafina was at a loss for how to respond to Celestine's reaction. "Y-You don't seem to understand, sister. I'm only offering my aid without undermining your efforts."
"I have heard enough," the blonde said, not giving the other a moment to complete her sentence before immediately walking out of the room. This left her twin in a state of shock at her reaction, speechless and unable to say anything as she watched her leave.
"Ce-Celestine?" Wrought with worry, Serafina wondered if she had touched a nerve to provoke such a reaction from her sister.
As Celestine marched down the hallway, she struggled to calm her raging heart that had been set ablaze. Her conversation with Serafina had made one thing clear; her sister had no intention of returning to her slumber, and quite the opposite, was intending to become even more involved with Shirou. It seemed that, for some reason, Serafina believed she was needed by his side more than herself, despite her powers being limited to restoration and healing.
"He is going to reject her. She will only be wasting his time with all of this," she muttered, picturing the white-haired Bowman shaking his head at her older sister's proposition. Unlike herself, Serafina had yet to earn the bowman's trust, and she would fail to understand him as deeply as Celestine did.
Believing herself to be the key to defeating this beast was a mistake. Serafina was far too naive, and this was the only explanation for her insistence on working alongside Archer. Regardless, she needed to see him, it had been far too long since their last conversation. One of her handmaidens had informed her of his last known location, and to her surprise, he was closer than she had imagined, near the woods.
But just before she could make her way there, the sound of hurried footsteps drew her attention. A group of Knights were rapidly making their way towards her. "Celestine-sama, it's an emergency!"
A number of women and handmaidens rushed in, supporting a Knight who was in critical condition. Blood splattered all over her pale face and body, not to mention her reddened sight raised many questions in the Goddess Reborn's mind, but her chief concern was to save the knight.
"Quickly, bring her over here." With the throne room nearby, they headed there without questioning it. Prioritizing healing, Celestine gestured for the Knight to be laid on the ground. "Give me some space."
Heeding her words, the Knights obeyed and stepped back as the blonde elf placed her hands over the barely conscious knight. Her hands began to glow with a faint white light. "What happened?"
"We have been attacked! Jana found her near the manor assigned to Claudia-sama! She's not the only one in such a state, the other Knights are injured as well! Many of Grave-sama's personal guards were also killed!" One of the Knights spoke hastily, spilling every detail.
"Claudia's manor? Is she alright!?"
They froze momentarily at the tone of their Goddess, before gathering their wits and shaking their heads collectively. "She wasn't there, we saw her leave the manor early this morning to meet Kaguya-sama. But… but…"
"Just say it!" Celestine snapped, annoyance sipping into her voice.,Perhaps it was the conversation she had with Serafina a few minutes ago or the events of the night of the Beast's attack, but in the end, Celestine could feel her emotions becoming more volatile.
"... Former General Grave Levantine was found dead in the dungeon… we couldn't find the assassin."
The silence that descended upon the room was palpable. The initial chaos vanished as they all awaited their Goddess's response, having never faced such a scenario in their lives. Yet, what greeted their ears was Celestine's soothing voice, which managed to calm their nerves to some extent.
"Go inform Claudia immediately, she must know of this as soon as possible. The rest of you, take the other girls to the cathedral, they will be treated there. Prevent anyone from entering this room while I'm treating her. There is a dangerous poisonous spell within her, and while it has no effect on me, it may be deadly to all of you."
At first, many in the group wanted to argue and remain by her side. The mere idea that an assassin could kill one of their generals within their own territory without anyone realizing was bone-chilling. However, the stern gaze from their Goddess was one they did not dare defy. Reluctantly, they filed out of the room, the golden doors closing firmly behind them, leaving Celestine alone with the critically wounded Knight.
A few minutes trickled by until the Knight finally managed to regain some semblance of clarity in her foggy eyes, fighting against the effects that threatened to drag her into unconsciousness.
"Ce-Ce… Celestine… -sama…" her voice was faint, barely audible even in the quiet room where a single pin drop could be heard.
"Be at ease, everything will be alright."
Celestine showed a smile on her face while her eyes continued to stare at the woman with clarity. Not a ripple of sadness or grief was evident in them when she heard of Grave Levantine's passing, not in the least.
He had been a long-time ally of her cause, having fought by her side ever since he was a young soldier . Granted, they were never as close as how she was with Claudia, maintaining only a level of mutual respect and understanding.
In a way, she even admired the general for his tenacious effort when battling against Olga's forces in the past. Representing the light she'd seen countless times in the hearts of humanity and the will to never back down, even against unfavorable odds. In his prime, he was the perfect example of a true general, becoming an almost living hero amongst the people in his Kingdom.
Yet the revelation of his assassination didn't affect her in the slightest.
'Claudia will be devastated, she already endured so much with the recent attack against her husband.' Even now, her primary concern was Claudia's feelings.
'Should I cry or comfort Claudia when she gets here?'
A strange sensation this was, she knew this news to be devastating and terrible for everyone involved, yet she couldn't muster any sadness for it. Any attempt to convince herself otherwise became a blank thought… 'He's someone who wouldn't have approved of Shirou's presence, let alone grant him an audience.'
Grave was a hard man to earn trust from, but was also known for his ruthless justice, often executing criminals with a guillotine. Celestine recalled witnessing one such event in the past, when he had captured and executed a few criminals. Barbaric and unfair as it was, she had allowed it to happen then, knowing the population was suffering and she had to endure the scene for the sake of her people.
To help them gain some confidence back when they were forced into a corner.
If that man had learned that Shirou not only killed the Kuroinu but also brought Olga safely over to Feoh and protected her… then the outcome was obvious.
"Cele… Celestine-sama… I-I… I saw them…"
The spell plaguing the Knight's body wasn't a poison — just an enhanced sleep spell. Celestine sensed this through her own magic, recognizing the familiar touch of the caster's mana in the spell. "Olga." She whispered.
Only thanks to her own blessing was the Knight able to temporarily resist the effects of the spell.
'Why would Olga kill Grave? She stands to gain nothing but increased enmity, as everyone would suspect her immediately.'
The woman's eyes widened, and using what little strength she had left, she nodded weakly. "Y-Yes, … ut…b-but she —as not al… ne… —er…"
Her voice grew weaker, growing fainter as the sleep spell began to reassert its hold. "I'm listening." She drew closer, her ears just inches from the Knight's lips.
As a few fragmented words slipped from her mouth, Celestine's eyes widened in shock.
That same cold sensation gripped her heart, fueling her frustration.
In the end, everything that girl said will end up becoming reality. For whatever cause, whether it be selfish or selfless, they were all willing and ready to use him at any given opportunity.
Celestine's hands came to rest upon the Knight's eyes, her smile gone, replaced by a steely resolve.
"You can rest now."
The knight's haggard breathing grew shallower by the second till no sound was present in the room anymore.
"Got something to say to me?" Archer asked, his voice tinged with disbelief as he stood in the middle of a small field right outside the Castle. Having just returned with Olga in tow, they found Chloe idling by, waiting for their arrival with a complicated expression on her face.
Strangely enough, even Brynn was present. Though he wasn't worried, given that she had learned early on about what was about to happen to Claudia, he found no reason to hide such a matter from her or anyone. What intrigued him more was her reaction, pure hatred for the Levantine head, especially after Archer's insinuation that he was associated with Draco or the pig brothers from possessing Radomira's aphrodisiac.
Before Chloe could answer, a shadow burst from the treeline, nearly knocking him off his feet. Though he shot a frown at Radomira, the latter remained unfazed, clinging to him stubbornly. "You took forever to return! Where were you!?"
"Dealing with a potential threat." He said dryly, carefully examining the girl's face as a new detail caught his eye. "Are those… bruises? Tell me who did this."
The girl's tail went rigid as she averted her gaze; she then buried her face in his chest. "I-It was a stupid, mean, and stinky brat who punched me! So I punched her back!"
"What? I told you to not wander around the lower part of Feoh! With Draco still on the loose, she is probably still plotting to capture you." If that creature, the one who shared Saber's face, managed to get its hand on her, then Emiya could only dread the chaos that would ensue.
He was certain Draco was after Radomira for her ability to produce the aphrodisiac. Where the regular smoke was enough to make him feel like hell, an enhanced version, tainted by the influence of a Beast, would spell disaster for all of Eostia.
Worst of all, he couldn't think of any conceivable Noble Phantasms in his armory that were capable of countering such a thing at a large scale. In the worst case scenario, he might be forced to destroy the entire Kingdom to contain the fallout… a method he despised considering and wished to avoid unless absolutely necessary.
"I can handle myself!" Radomira exclaimed, "If I'm in danger then I can just fly away!"
"You know that won't work against most enemies, let alone a Beast." he sighed. Even after witnessing a fraction of the creature's power, she still clung to such beliefs. "Hah… you're still a child after all."
"I'm not! Look!" The girl stood on tiptoes, the top of her head barely reaching his chest. "See? I'm taller and look at my chest, they're bigger!"
He didn't, merely flicking his finger at her forehead. "You're spending far too much time with Maia. Just stay away from that part of Feoh, or else no more pizza for you. Now, go to bed. Something tells me things will get hectic soon, and I'd rather you not be involved."
"... Fine. But I fought the brat for your sake!" she declared before flying away towards the tower, with a distinct pout on her face.
"Someone is getting rebellious," an amused voice chimed in from beside him. Olga stood with her arms crossed, the pose further emphasizing her ample chest, which seemed ready to pop out of her purple 'armor' at any moment. She was spectating the entire scene with a smirk on her face, one he had grown accustomed to seeing from the haughty dark elf.
"I don't see any reason for that smirk, Olga. There is a high chance you'll either be executed soon or locked in a cell for the rest of your life."
She shrugged, causing her ample bosom to bounce enticingly in her 'armor'. "Oh please. You know as well as I do that it won't happen. Even if it does, it will be well worth it for that bastard's life. Celestine may be naive but she's not foolish enough to have me killed." Holding a small orb between her fingers, she radiated confidence. "Besides, I have my own little form of insurance here. Celestine and the Princess Knights should be grateful I'm actually helping them weed out the snakes. Can't believe I would ever find myself in a position to do such a thing. How the mighty have fallen."
Archer rolled his eyes at her.
"Self-deprecation aside, tell me what's going on with Radomira. This is not normal." Once again, he was astounded by the rate of her growth; she was now looking like a young, well-developed teen. He suspected it was only a matter of weeks or months at most before the child Tiefling he protected would become a full-grown woman.
"Do you fear that her sudden growth will cause her to die soon?"
A part of him did harbor such questions, nothing guaranteed that her rapid growth would halt or even slow down.
Seeing his concern, the Dark Queen gleaned the answer she needed. "Don't worry. At most, it's just her Tiefling physique and magic making her adapt to the environment around her. I doubt she'll become an old woman and die of old age any time soon, perhaps in a thousand years or two. They are magical beings, these Tieflings, stranger than elves, certain demons, and even a handful of gods, so don't assume her growth rate is similar to that of a human. She's also eating much more than anyone here, unlike in the past, when she survived on crumbs of moldy bread. You can always try that method if you want to slow it down."
"Absolutely not," his answer came swiftly, shutting down any notionOlga might have entertained, even if she hadn't meant it seriously. "I was only worried about it being harmful to her in the future or a condition that needed to be cured. If it's natural, then I have nothing to worry about."
"She's also taken an interest in her powers, specifically the ability to induce lust with her aphrodisiac," Olga added.
He shrugged, seemingly unbothered "It's a part of her, I suppose. It's better she learns to harness it than have it slip out of her control."
If she continued to fear it, then it could cause more trouble in the future.
"I don't think that's her goal," she said quietly, giving him a deadpan stare as she scrutinized him. "Are you certain you aren't exuding some pheromones of your own onto those around you… specifically towards women in general?"
Goosebumps spread across his skin, giving Olga a bewildered look. "Pardo—"
"—STOP IGNORING ME, HUMAN!" Chloe, unable to stay on the sidelines any longer erupted with frustration. "I want you to teach me swordsmanship!"
"Not again," he groaned, bracing himself for the inevitable barrage of complaints. He anticipated accusations of negligence in protecting Olga, despite their safe and unharmed return.
Given Grave's status as an important figure, he had expected tight security, nothing he couldn't handle — even if the elderly man was thrown inside the dungeon. Olga insisted on accompanying him, despite not needing her help to handle the Knights and mercenaries. Her goal was primarily to gather information, more than anything else.
"What?" Brynn and Olga responded in unison, their reactions contrasting starkly.
Archer was momentarily taken aback, while Olga hummed with interest; he got a sense of déjà vu again. He felt a brief moment of nostalgia, reminiscent of when a stubborn and naive former knight had begged him for mentorship. Now, faced with a similar situation, the emotions were different, but the goals remained strikingly similar.
"What? Are your ears not functioning properly, human? I asked you to take me under your tutelage and impart all your knowledge on swordsmanship" There was a harsh tone in Chloe's voice, almost growling despite everyone's reactions.
"Who the hell do you think you are, talking to my master like that!" Brynn had swiftly moved in front of her master, unable to tolerate what she saw as the dark elf's insolence, glaring intently at the dark half-elf's face. In return, Chloe glared back with equal intensity "You don't just ask someone for help and then insult them in the same breath! Not in a million years would he ever take someone like you under his care!"
"What's that supposed to mean!?" Chloe shot back, her anger rising. For a moment, Archer was sure that he saw lightning sparking between them.
"That you are unworthy and a liability to him. I'm pretty sure you would use everything you learn from him to backstab him at the first opportunity," Brynn continued unwaveringly. "In case you have forgotten, both you and the Dark Queen are prisoners! If it weren't for how forgiving and kind my master was, and the fact that we're dealing with a greater danger — you would have been turned to dust long ago."
In the background, Olga chuckled with amusement as Archer watched the scene unfold, taking a seat while massaging his temples. "It is always something new when I'm with you," she remarked, observing the white-haired man's evident fatigue.
"I should be worried about you corrupting my subordinate, and taking her as one of your mistresses," she continued, watching the two women butting heads, ready to stab each other over the insults on their masters. "It will only be a matter of time before you develop a romantic relationship with your apprentice. Hopefully, I don't catch you under a waterfall with her and my dear Chloe, copulating like wild animals."
'That came out of nowhere, it was quite different from her usual barbed words.' He couldn't help but frown at that. "What are you on about? You make it sound like I am trying to pursue every woman I meet."
"But that's precisely the case. Most of the Princess Knights harbor some form of interest in you, with a few teetering on the edge of obsession. And don't get me started on those two degenerates," Olga replied briskly, thinking back on the wandering Elf duo. "This only bolsters my previous theory that you might be emitting some kind of aphrodisiac. Or perhaps, you're just exceptionally skilled at masking your true nature and are, in reality, a shameless philanderer."
"You're still harping on about that?" Archer grumbled, his eyes fixed on the two elite warriors yanking each other's hair like brawling alley cats, "Grace and Anna, quirks and all, aren't those kinds of people. Need I remind you that if it weren't for them, our journey back would have been far more arduous? Also, by your own admission, you basically admit that you are also one of these women." He would rather bury that particular memory, preferring it remain tucked away in the recesses of his mind.
He should have used a rope to tie Olga and Chloe back then, but he had far more pressing matters to address.
Olga didn't flinch at his words. She rested her face against her hand, gazing at him intently. "If that were the case, what would you do?"
"I would end it right here and now," he replied instantly, wary of Olga's line of questioning. "Don't tell me you're honestly…"
Thankfully, she waved off his concerns. "Come now, who do you take me for? I am neither a blind goddess with the mentality of a child nor a delusional redheaded mercenary who thinks she can keep you by her side forever. It was just a question born out of curiosity. But I must say, I'm a bit offended that you answered so quickly without hesitation. You certainly aren't so strict or direct with that red-headed buffoon."
"Maia is a complicated case. I already made it clear to her that, apart from a purely physical relationship, I have no intention of forming any lasting emotional bonds. It would be far too cruel to her, and a disgusting move on my part to let such a thing develop."
Unfortunately for him, she wasn't convinced in the slightest and even scoffed. "For a human, you have certainly given me a new perspective."
"Oh? How so?"
"That it doesn't matter what species you belong to, nor whether you have divine origins. All men are idiots."
"I honestly expected to hear that from Alicia or Chloe rather than you."
"Then let me rephrase myself: you are blind and surprisingly ignorant about the female psyche," she said with a small, smug smile that clearly unsettled Emiya. He had no intention of delving further into whatever misunderstanding Olga had between him and the other Princess Knights. Before he could utter another word, two presences abruptly invaded his personal space.
"Master, do not fall for the temptation of this… this… this criminal! She will only betray you in the end!" Brynn hurriedly exclaimed whilst shoving the other girl beside her as she tried to get close to Archer.
"Don't listen to her, human! By teaching me, not only will I be able to protect Olga without needing your presence, but I will also owe you a favor, which is not something you will ever get from me otherwise," Chloe countered , knocking Brynn away with a shoulder tackle.
"Keep talking and that same dirt will find its way into your mouth, you bitch!" Brynn shot back, her eyes blazing with anger as she prepared to back up her threat.
"Bring it! I won't allow this disgrace to continue in front of my lady. And I will prove that I am a far superior student compared to a pathetic human!" Chloe growled, looking ready to knock some teeth out.
The two women clashed like fire and water, leaving Archer with no choice but to look at Olga with a desperate, pleading gaze, hoping she would intervene. However, she simply ignored it, clearly savoring the chaos. Left with no alternative, the Counter Guardian knew he had to resolve the issue himself… again.
"Alright, both of you need to calm down," he said, stepping between them and pushing them apart to prevent an all-out brawl. "Leave this matter to me, Brynn. I'll handle it."
"B-But…" Brynn began to protest, looking like a scolded puppy, but Emiya's stern gaze quickly silenced her protest.
Turning his attention back to the scowling blonde, Emiya scratched the back of his head with a weary sigh. "I'll repeat what I told Brynn before: I can't teach you my fighting style. It's just not possible."
"Why not!?" Chloe's face flushed red as she complained, stomping her foot in frustration. Olga, watching the spectacle unfold, seemed to take pleasure in seeing her most loyal subordinate throw a tantrum.
Emiya knew that a simple refusal wouldn't satisfy her. Instead of explaining why it was impossible, he simply traced a sword in his hand, conjuring an exact replica of Chloe's weapon.
"Wha-! When did you steal it!?" she exclaimed, checking her waist to find her sword still there. "What!?"
Chloe still lacked a full understanding of the powers of his magecraft, as she hadn't witnessed his abilities in action enough to grasp their true scope. Ignoring her evident confusion, Archer pressed on. "I know for a fact that no matter what I say, you won't let this matter drop anytime soon until I waver. Since you're so adamant on becoming my apprentice, let me show you why I'm not the best teacher for you."
He ignored the jealousy and betrayal in Brynn's eyes, her mouth hanging open in stunned silence. A reaction to which Chloe smirked in triumph, as if she had won some personal victory. Brynn seemed speechless at how easily he acquiesced toChloe's demand after she had struggled so long to learn anything from him. Chloe, on the other hand, was basking in glory after Archer shot down Brynn's pleas.,
"Alright, I'm not the same as I was before. Ever since we've been here, I've honed my skills to prove to you just what I'm truly capable of." SAs soon as the words left her mouth, she surged forward, aiming for an overhead strike without hesitation.
'I should congratulate her for her bravery at least,' Archer thought.
Despite witnessing him single-handedly take down the entire Kuroinu, as well as the battles against Alicia and the Beast, Chloe still charged at him without a hint of hesitation. Some would call it pure arrogance, which, in this case, worked in his favor spectacularly.
Unfortunately for her, that was all he was willing to acknowledge about her move. With a swift jolt, he sidestepped her attack, allowing her blade to glide harmlessly past his shoulders. In an instant, he was behind her, the flat of his sword gently tapping the back of her neck, a clear indication that he could have inflicted far more damage.
"Damn it!" Chloe cursed, spinning around to launch another attack. But her eyes widened in shock as she saw him now wielding a long spear instead of a sword. The sudden change in weapon threw her off, and before she could react, he struck her stomach with the wooden end of his spear, sending her sprawling backward and knocking the air out of her lungs.
"N-Not yet," she muttered through gritted teeth, clutching her bruised stomach. Anger welled up inside her as she saw Emiya approaching, this time without any weapon in hand. "Aargh!" Letting out a primal scream, she charged at him once more, her movements wild with desperation.
She noticed how he remained unfazed.
As she closed in, he deftly caught her wrist in an iron grip. The strength of his hold was unyielding, and in one fluid motion, he used her own momentum against her. With a swift maneuver, he swept his leg under hers, tripping and sending her crashing to the ground.
Chloe hit the dirt hard, the impact jarring her senses. She lay there, panting, her mind a whirlwind of frustration and humiliation. How could he defeat her so easily? Yet in that very moment, a tingling sensation spread across her body, one she hadn't felt for a while.
It was almost… intoxicating.
"A-Again!" Chloe reached for her sword, but her attempt to push away the confusing sensation of pleasure failed as her opponent simply kicked it out of her grasp. "Damn it!" She was supposed to be a skilled swordsman, yet here she was, bested in mere seconds.
"If I were to give you any advice, then listen well. You need to control your emotions, that's a basic lesson any swordsman should know," he said, standing over her. Even from her angle she couldn't see a trace of sweat on his face. "Rushing in without a plan will always lead to your defeat. Unless you possess monstrous fighting instincts that can compensate for that recklessness."
Chloe glared up at him, the sting of his words cutting deeper than any blade. "Why can't I land a single hit on you?" she demanded, her voice trembling with a mix of rage and desperation. "How can I protect my Queen if I can't even touch you? I can't stay the way I am…"
Emiya sighed, extending a hand to help her up. "Mastery isn't merely a matter of brute strength or lightning speed. It's about reading your opponent, adapting to the ever-changing flow of battle, and keeping a clear head. You have raw talent, but you need to refine it."
She hesitated, then grudgingly took his hand, letting him pull her to her feet. His words stung, but she couldn't deny their truth. She had allowed her emotions to cloud her judgment, and it was her downfall.
"Practice, patience, and discipline," Emiya continued. "These are the foundations for anyone aspiring to improve in any field. It's the same guidance I offered Brynn here. She has polished her skills through observation, sparring, and hopefully, abandoning a particular style she adopted recently."
He shot a stink eye at the brunette, who for some unfathomable reason had chosen a fighting style that exposed her vitals to bait her opponent into a trap. The irony of her using such a flawed technique was not lost on him. He had used it once against Lancer, but never in this world. How she had come to embrace something so similar seemed like the world's way of tormenting him.
A storm of frustration, anger, and disbelief swirled in Chloe's mind. She began to doubt her skills as a swordsman, questioning if all he could impart were mere basics.
"You're not lacking by any measure," he said, seemingly plucking the thoughts from her mind. He crouched beside her, gazing intently into her eyes. "In fact, I'd even say you're above most of the knights I've met. You'd have given Brynn quite a challenge before she met me. Heck, you definitely are more than capable of beating the girl from back then without breaking a sweat."
"Archer!?" Brynn couldn't believe her ears. How could her master say such things about her!?
"It will take far too much time, I can't protect Olga-sama like this." Chloe insisted, making him sigh.
"You can protect Olga. But remember, she's not helpless herself, so don't coddle her like a fragile child. Mastery isn't achieved in a matter of days or weeks. That's not how it works," he stood up, folding his arms. "The reason I can't teach you everything I know is simply because it's not feasible. I don't adhere to a particular sword style; my technique is an amalgamation of various styles and stances I've accumulated over the years. Even then, I don't stick rigidly to it. Facing a stronger opponent demands adaptability and unpredictability. And I doubt you want me to remain here to teach you every weapon under the sun—from the sword to the spear, mace, or bow. Neither of us has that kind of time."
Chloe listened, slowly understanding his point.
He continued, "The simplest path to improvement is relentless practice. Don't set your sights on becoming a perfect swordsman; that's an unattainable ideal. There will always be someone better trained, or who knows a style that counters yours. Instead, focus on surpassing your current self, and eventually, you'll reach a point where you're satisfied with your efforts."
His explanation was straightforward, devoid of complexity or philosophical depth. Even though Unlimited Blades Works granted him a distinct advantage with its vast array of weapons and the techniques of its original user, it didn't mean he could wield them flawlessly from the start. Shirou Emiya had to learn, polish, and be tested to his limit repeatedly just to master a fraction of those skills.
Now, he was confident that, in a battle against even the likes of Artoria, he stood a good chance of emerging victorious using pure swordsmanship alone. Yet, in every other category, she surpassed him, as evidenced by the countless times her blade had claimed his life during the various summoning iterations.
For the little hungry lion, she often appeared around Emiya Shirou during peaceful moments, as if they were a married couple. But on the battlefield, she could easily turn into a monster when she, her master, or her food is threatened.
"Now that I think about it, Brynn is in a better position than me to impart what she learned so far."
"You don't actually mean that I should…" Chloe began, giving him an incredulous look and pointing at Brynn, who was now grinning widely.
"Yes, you need to train with her," he confirmed. Brynn, though still somewhat dissatisfied, took evident pleasure in Chloe's frustration. And this would give her an opportunity to demonstrate her superior skills by beating her rival on the training ground.
Unfortunately, his moment with Chloe had to come to an end as his ears picked up multiple sets of footsteps drawing closer.
"They are here," he said, throwing a look towards Olga who nodded, not at all surprised by the presence of the approaching guards.
"They arrived a bit later than I anticipated."
Both Brynn and Chloe ceased their argument, with the former attempting to position herself in front of him, only to be stopped in her tracks. "You'll stay with Radomira. It's best if you don't get entangled with this situation. It's bound to get messy. Your focus should be on ensuring her safety and avoiding being dragged into the chaos."
"...Got it."
On the horizon, a cadre of Knights appeared, led by Maia, the Princess Knight, who was clearly displeased to see him with Olga. Dismounting her horse, Maia strode purposefully towards the Dark Queen, Closing the distance until their ample chests pushed against one another. Olga's lips curled into a smirk as she met Maia's fiery gaze. "Aren't you supposed to be locked inside a dungeon or something?"
That response earned a light scoff, before the dark queen pushed back against Maia, their faces mere inches apart. "You have a moment to give me some space."
"Tch, you're lucky that Celestine-sama is so forgiving."
Her reaction was… tamer than what Archer was expecting. Not that Maia wouldn't have been biased with her view on the matter, regardless it was best to not let these two interact more than necessary. "I believe you didn't just come here to confront Olga did you?"
"...You're not fucking the queen bitch, are you?"
The urge to facepalm himself grew stronger by the second. "I think you already asked this question before, and once again, no."
"Then it's all good!" Her mood brightened instantly as she wrapped her arms around his neck and stuck her tongue out at both Chloe and Olga — the redhead's attention soon turning back to Archer. "Anyways, I know this is a bit sudden but everyone was called to the throne room, well… I don't know all the details, but there has been an attack."
For a brief moment, he and Olga shared a glance, clear that Maia was not aware of the details nor was she suspicious of their involvement. But the chances of Claudia suspecting his involvement and informing Celestine of it were high and basically guaranteed. So he was most likely going to be questioned again.
"Let's go then."
"Hiya, Archer!" Making his way to the main area, the group came across the energetic halfling, Luu-Luu, who revealed a large grin on her face the moment she saw him. "How's my favorite couple doing? Got into any mischief yet?"
Maia instantly blushed and started giggling silly, sounding like a love-struck maiden while hiding her blushing cheeks. "Hehehe, Luu-Luu, that is private~! But we're doing fine, the big guy just needs to take me on a date soon!"
Her answer drew a puzzled look from her fellow Princess Knight, who quickly shook her head. "No! I'm not talking about you, Maia. I'm asking how Kanshou and Bakuya are doing obviously! It's been so long since I've seen them. I still dream of them to this day."
She produced a scroll from… somewhere, unrolling it to reveal a perfectly drawn replica of the married blades, painted almost exactly as they were in reality. If that wasn't enough, Archer's eyes twitched when the girl pressed a kiss to the painting itself.
"I agree that Kanshou and Bakuya are beautifully made blades, but even this is a bit too far when it comes to… uh… admiring them."
"Are you saying you don't love swords despite being a magic swordsman!?" Now came a sudden burst of hostility, followed by Luu-Luu quickly stashing the scroll away. "To prove that you're not a faker, I will accept a copy of Kanshou and Bakuya as payment—OUCH!"
"This is not the time for that!"
Unable to hold in her outburst any longer and still pissed at the embarrassing misunderstanding earlier, Maia grabbed the halfling by the ear with enough strength to lift the poor girl up a couple of inches off the ground before dragging her inside the room.
"I'll be heading inside as well," Olga said, walking inside along with Chloe, leaving him outside for a few moments before he crossed gaze with another Princess Knight he hadn't spoken to in a while.
"Ah… N-Nice to see you, Archer." Lovely strands of pink hair that reached her waist, a beautiful white dress that complimented her figure. She smiled the same as before, brightly with an innocent aura around her.
"Prim," he greeted her curtly, noting that she was most likely unaware of Grave's passing, or she wouldn't have spoken to him so casually. "How are you doing?"
"I'm fine, but it has been rather lonely lately. I barely get to speak to anyone besides Alicia Onee-sama and Claudia-sama." Her hands rested on her waist, showing a small pout on her face. "You never bothered to come to visit me as well, Archer. Despite being in the same castle for several days, we've yet to have tea together."
He was glad to see that despite Alicia's open hostility and disdain towards him, it did not affect how Prim behaved. Though he suspected that will change soon. For now there was nothing he could do but handle the situation with the information he had gathered.
"Hard to visit when you're surrounded by someone after my neck."
"Fufufu~ you must be joking, Alicia doesn't hate you."
He was having a hard time believing that statement, even if she started to avoid him after that little incident of hers, he knew that at any given opportunity she wouldn't hesitate to throw him inside a dungeon prison or stab him with her rapier.
Noticing his expression, the pink-haired girl giggled once more. "Ah, how about this, after this, you pay me a visit. Onee-sama has already agreed to see you and is willing to discuss things over a cup of tea."
Hopefully, the tea itself wasn't poisoned.
"Fine, whether you still want me to visit after this, or if I'm even able to, remains to be seen. I believe it's time for us to head in, the others are waiting." With that, Archer made his way inside the room. The moment he stepped inside, the atmosphere shifted dramatically from the one outside the doors. With everyone now gathered, including Claudia and Kaguya all waiting for him and Prim to make their way inside, the latter taking a seat right next to Alicia while he stood in the middle with his arms crossed.
Claudia's face was deadly pale, her eyes staring absentmindedly on the ground as she struggled to maintain a composed facade, though it was clear she was failing. Strange, he expected her to raise a sword against him from the beginning, or at least look at him with rage and pure hate. Even Olga was closely observing the Princess Knight, her staff present in her hand ready to be used at any moment.
Kaguya on the other hand had her gaze on him from the moment he set foot inside, a myriad of emotions glossing within them.
Celestine smiled at him, her reaction being slightly different from what he was waiting to face. Serafina was not present, which he found to be weird in itself given her prior intentions of being involved in such matters.
Something felt off… really off.
"Thank you for coming, everyone," Celestine said, her voice carrying a gravity that starkly contrasted her usual cheerful and warm demeanor. "I have received some dreadful news that I believe we all need to hear."
'Here it comes,' knowing what was to come, Archer closed his eyes and went through every detail of what happened with Grave. Wondering how Claudia would react if he brought up what was about to happen to her if he hadn't intervened at the end.
"Grave Levantine, as well as several of his personal guards, were found dead early on today. Killed by the same entity that attacked Archer according to my vision and the remnant mana left on some of the corpses."
Everyone, including Archer and Olga, had the same reaction to Celestine's words.
"Are the preparations ready?"
Deep within the underground tunnels beneath Feoh, a grave voice spoke urgently as he ordered the hundreds of the men under his rule. Rows and rows of barrels were all lined up against the walls with an intricate series of wires connected between them.
The rusted oil lamps lit up the hall with enough light to showcase an old man in green clothing, his eyes hollow and almost distant. Strained and tired from countless sleepless nights, the terror of the monstrosity he had seen in the Pantielle mansion along with the news about Grave's death had taken its toll.
Beardsley hated how everything just kept tumbling down one after the other.
"I won't go down so easily, my goddess will be by my side."
With this, even if those people thought they had him cornered he would have a trump card up his sleeves.
"I will have you, Alicia, one way or another."
The next 5 chapters of Snafu, and my other Fate fics (Fate Coiling Sword with 3 chapters, A Fake Familiar Reborn with 3 chapters, Steel Eyed Faker soon to be 3 chapters, Hound having 3 and To love a sword having 4 chapters) are already available on my P treon. With 4 more Broly chapters at /NimtheWriter. Also, I post commissioned arts on each story, already posted a few on an Archer's Promise, Broly and Snafu.