No More Fun and Games 2
Chapter 1
Day 1
Fry heard the familiar sound of the Planet Express ship's engines as it left
Vektor 5, and felt more than a touch of sadness, because he knew that he
wouldn't likely hear them again for quite some time.
Fry: (to himself) Well, at least when I hear them again, it'll be because
I'll be going back home, and Leela and I will finally be able to be with one
another again.
He smiled to himself, as Leela's voice, which could be pretty loud when she
wanted it to be, had carried awfully far indeed. A lot of people had smiled
when they had heard her yell at the top of her lungs
(Flashback ends)
Fry had a feeling that she was talking about a certain preacher, though she
hadn't actually said that, so he couldn't be 100% positive. But, he had to
hope, and at least she had said that she loved him, and he loved her too, so
what could go wrong?
Meanwhile, the Planet Express ship was flying back to Earth, at a much
slower speed that it had been going earlier that day. Inside, Hermes was
sitting on the couch, softly humming a tune, while the ship's captain,
Turanga Leela, was thinking quietly to herself.
Leela: (Thinking) Well, I finally told Fry my real feelings about him, and
it wasn't so bad. He didn't laugh, or make fun of me, or anything. I just
wish that I'd just had the courage to have told him all that before he got this stupid
idea that I didn't respect him.
Just then, another part of Leela's mind spoke up.
Leela 2: Well its not like we've ever encouraged him that much, is it? How do you think
he felt when you were going on your date with Chaz, and you told him to take care
of Nibbler- and to be sure and pick up after him if he did any "business"? Did
you honestly think Fry could've picked up after Nibbler? His "stuff" weighs
thousands of pounds!
Leela 1: I know, that was just dumb of me. I guess I got so used to Fry
being around me, that I started to take him for granted. Oh, how am I going
to get through this next year? I'm going to miss him every day, and, oh,
that damn robot had better not sell any of his stuff! I'd better step on
it, or Bender will have everything in his apartment gone by the time I get
there. I'm going to keep it all at my place and that way I know it'll be
At the same time, a third little voice spoke up inside her. This was the side of herself that she hated, but had always seemed to come out whenever she was around Fry
Leela 3: You know, why do you even bother with Fry? There's a whole bunch of more available guys out in the universe. You can do so much better for yourself Turanga!
Leela 1: Ha! Like you've been a big help. I listened to you when Zapp and I
had our night together, and I've regretted it ever since then- that I even
felt sorry for that pompous oaf! And then, I listened to you when Adlai
operated on me and gave me two eyes. Sure, a lot of guys looked at me then
that would've just stared at me before, but Fry told me that I had always
looked beautiful with just the one eye. He's always accepted me for the way
that I am, and I'll always be grateful for that!
Leela 3: But Zapp's one of the most famous people in the DOOP! You couldn't
do better than if you married a king or something! So, he has a few faults,
but he is a famous captain.
Leela 1: Yeah, he's famous because he's been lucky, but what happens when
his luck runs out, and he finally gets busted down to garbage duty? Fry at
least tries his best, and I've always admired him for giving me a
perspective on life that I never had before with anybody, including Sean.
I'm lucky to have met someone that loves me, and I'll gladly accept that any
day over somebody famous or rich.
Leela 3: Ha! You think that he'll be faithful to you, stuck up there for a
year. I'll bet there's lots of good looking girls who'll be trying to pick
him up! You're kidding yourself if you think that he won't be all over any
of them!
Leela 1: (Out loud) Why don't you just be quiet!
Hermes stopped humming to himself, and looked over at Leela
Hermes: Oh, sorry Leela, I didn't realize that I was being so loud.
Leela (Embarrassed) Oh my! I, I'm sorry Hermes, I was just sort to
myself, and it got a little out of hand. I didn't mean you at all. Please,
forgive me.
Hermes: That's ok Leela. I know that you're already missing Fry. But
don't you worry none. I have a feeling that he'll do fine back there. He's
in one of the safest fleets in the universe. No one messes with GBB
delivery ships, because you don't want to get on their bad side, if you know
what I mean.
Leela: (Smiling) Yeah. I know what you mean Hermes. I him so
much. I never though that I'd feel this way about anyone. And then, when I
finally do, then he and I have to be apart for so long. I just hate this
feeling .
Hermes: (Sympathetic) I understand that feeling, all too well. You know Leela, I am a little curious though. I mean, from what you said to Fry earlier, and from what you told me, about finding the robot preacher? Were you really serious? I'm asking this, because, well, you and Fry haven't even really dated or anything like that up to now. I know that he loves you passionately, but, neither of you have really had a relationship with each other. Do you think that the two of you can make it work out well enough?
Leela: (Thinking hard for a moment) I know that I sounded pretty impulsive when I said that, but, at the same time, I did mean it. You know Hermes; Fry and I have been together pretty much since he woke up from the freezer. It's strange, even before this happened, I'd recently been thinking about all the time that we've been together. Did you know that every time that we'd all go out together as a crew, it was always Fry who was sitting with me? Even if it was just going out somewhere after work, I always felt lonely, if Fry wasn't there with me. It seems like I couldn't imagine being somewhere and not having him there. I think, that maybe Fry and I have been closer than most married people that I've met, oh, no offense Hermes.
Hermes: (Smiling) None taken Leela. I always thought that you two seemed to fit well together. I guess the both of you have probably spent more time with each other, getting to know what's important to the other than most people do. Don't get me wrong though, I think that the two of you make a great couple, and I'll look forward to seeing the wedding, well, seeing it again! You know, Leela, I guess Fry has loved you
for as long as he's known you. I don't think that you'll have to worry
about him not doing his best for you. In fact, when he does get back, you two should take off for a while, just the two of you alone together. In fact, I'll mark the date on
me calendar. I imagine that you two will be quite busy during your time
Hermes winked at Leela as he said that, and Leela blushed slightly, and
smiled shyly.
Leela: I'll take you up on that offer Hermes, and I'll let Fry know as soon
as I have some free time today. So you'd better not try and forget, because
I know I won't.
Leela smiled as she said that, and gave her own special kind of wink at Hermes,
who smiled back at her. At that moment, an alarm went off; letting them
know that they were coming into Earth space, and that it was nearly time to
land. Leela laughed to herself.
Leela; (Thinking) I'm going to enjoy myself when we finally get back together
Fry, I just hope that I don't wear you out too quickly, ha ha ha.
At that moment, that little voice that she had grown to hate spoke up again.
Leela 3: (Sarcastically) Huh! I bet he'll get plenty of practice back
there! I'm sure that he'll have all kinds of women wanting to help him with his deliveries
Leela 1: (Thinking) SHUT UP! Just. Shut. Up!
Leela 3: .
The Planet Express ship entered the Earth's atmosphere and glided down
towards home, and Turanga Leela felt that she had finally come full circle.
Everything was going to be okay.
Meanwhile, Fry was going through his check-in procedures, and feeling a little nervous about it. As he looked around, he finally started to realize just how huge this place really was.
Fry: (To himself) Wow. This whole thing looks like it's just one huge depot. I wonder how far up and out everything goes.
Even as he said this, he looked up and saw that there was what looked like a delivery sled floating alongside a storage area, taking on what he guessed was cargo. It didn't look much bigger than the small ones that he had used at Planet Express, but then, as it started to descend, he realized that it was bigger than he thought. A lot bigger. After it came down near the ground, he saw that the sled was at least as big as the PE ship, and that what he had thought was just a person driving it was actually a person in a powered armor suit.
Fry: Holy Crap! That thing's huge! Am I going to have to drive something like that around? I'll end up wrecking it big time! Oh man, what've I got myself in for.
Fry felt a nudge, and turning, saw that the guy behind him was motioning him forward. He looked and saw that it was his turn for him to sign in. He walked up to the table and looked at the man sitting there. He had a fairly short haircut and gold wire rimmed glasses, and a plain looking, dark gray uniform, with a GBB patch on the sleeve, and a name tag on his left side that read, Rosa.
Rosa: (Hurriedly, but not rudely) Please answer the questions that I ask you in order to verify who you are and the reasons that you're here. First off, your name, last name first, first name last?
Fry: Philip J.
Rosa: Ok. Date of birth?
Fry: March 5th.
Rosa: All right. Can you show me the hand with your career chip in order to verify that the job that you're taking on here and the one in that's on your chip both match up?
Fry: Ok
He sticks out his hand and Rosa holds out what looks like a futuristic version of a calculator, only with a larger screen on it. He runs it up and down it Fry's hand, listens to it beep, and then looks down at the readout.
Rosa: Well, everything seems to check out. All right, go on down the passageway to your right and stand in line, and you'll be signed up and given your new uniforms. You'll have to turn in all of your civilian clothing, except for personal effects, such as photos or things of that nature.
Fry mumbled his thanks and turned past him to go down the corridor, when he felt somebody next to him. He turned and saw another man who looked to be about his age, with shorter dark brown hair, and a face that was a little craggy, but still young looking.
Fry: (Holding out his hand) Hi. My names Philip Fry, but everyone calls me Fry.
Man: (Reaching out and shaking Fry's hand) Hey. My names Chris Cross, but all of my friends call me CC.
Fry: (Smiling a little, in spite of himself) Ok, um, CC. It's good to meet you. What part of Earth do you come from?
CC: (Laughing himself) Oh, I'm not from Earth. I'm from Alpha Centauri 4. Born and raised there. I've always wanted to have a chance to go out into space, and when my grades weren't good enough for me to join the DOOP space fleet, then I decided to try and go into the GBB. At least this way, I can go into space, and can work on getting my space legs under me. Then, maybe I'll try to join the DOOP again I cant't wait to finally have a chance to be in a deep space ship, you know, besides just being a passenger on one.
Fry: Well, I worked on a delivery ship for a while, but I thought that I'd try my hand at something a little bigger and with more responsibility too.
CC: Well, we're in the right place for that. Did you see those floater lifts? I can't believe how huge that thing was.
Fry: Yeah, I hope that we'll be able to start out small, before we have to drive those.
CC: (Laughing again) Don't worry, you don't drive those unless you've been here for at least two years, and I'm just planning to do my year first, then I'll see how things are working out before I decide to re-up again.
Fry: Yeah, I'm just going to work here for a year. I've got someone waiting for me back home.
CC: Oh yeah? Well, do you have a picture of them?
Fry: (Pulling out a picture of Leela that he'd had for several years now) Yeah that's her, the one with hair.
CC: Hey, she's got only one eye too. If it weren't for that, she'd be a total babe.
Fry: (Curtly) Yeah well, I think she's beautiful, no matter what.
CC: (Apologetic) Oh man, hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that at all.
Fry: That's ok, I know that she's kind of used to hearing stuff like that from other people. I guess I've just gotten so used to seeing her like that, that I don't notice it anymore. But she really is special to me, and well, I love her so much.
CC: Well, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here, instead of spending all your free time with her?
Fry: It's kind of a long story, but it boils down to me having to prove something to her, if you know what I mean.
CC: (Understanding) I got you, Fry. Well, we've got a year to go, so you'll have a lot of time to talk about it, okay?
Fry: (Smiling) Yeah, I guess so. Well, let's go finish checking in, and find out what they're going to do with us first.
CC: (Smiling as well) I heard that!
Together, the two of them walked down the hallway and stood in the line, continuing to talk with each other, both a little anxious, but excited, and grateful that they'd made a new friend.
DAY 14
Fry rubbed his eyes sleepily as he got up, and got ready for today's training. Even after spending the last two weeks here, he still hadn't got used to the idea of waking at six o'clock in the morning, especially when it was still only 10 p.m. at night on Earth. But, he figured that he'd be able to do it, since so many others had done the same thing before he'd arrived there.
Fry: (To himself) I not gonna quit. I'm going to show Leela that I can be grown-up, and I will win her respect for me, even if it kills me. Ah, wait, that's not right, I the heck with it now, I'm too sleepy to think about anything but sleep.
Just then, a pillow came flying inbound and hit him square on the right side of his face.
CC: (Tiredly) C'mon Fry, we've got to get to this course on time.
Fry: (Still sleepy) Aw, come on CC, it won't hurt to be five minutes late will it?
CC: Hell yeah! We're going to learn how to operate our Personal Delivery Transports today, remember?
Fry: (Bolts upright) Oh yeah! Well come on, what're you waiting for, let's go, let's go, c'mon.
Fry leapt up of his bottom bunk bed and got into his uniform quickly, while CC rolled his eyes for a moment, and then grinning, got up and hopped off the top bunk bed that he slept on
CC: Okay Fry, let's get ready and go. I've always wanted to learn how to fly a PDT since we got here.
Fry came out of the communal bathroom, toothbrush still in his mouth, and mumbled something.
CC: What? What'd you say?
Fry: (Taking out toothbrush) I said, yeah, so have I.
CC: (Handing Fry a glass of water) Ok, ok, here, rinse and let's go. I'm hoping that pretty brunette's going to be there today. I've been meaning to ask her out, and I figured that if I did well in class today, then I'd be able to give her a good impression.
They went out of the room and started towards the flight deck where the course would take place, both of them making sure that the other was dressed according to regulation. Fry and CC were turning out to be a good match with each other, they both liked a lot of the same things, and while Fry was still a little slow on occasion, he made up for it with his tenacity. On the other hand, while CC usually picked up on things pretty quickly, he could get easily frustrated if he didn't make a connection right away. Then Fry's own ability would kick in, and the two of them found that they were able to help the other along. They arrived at level 42, flight deck 12, and saw that while a few others had already arrived there, that they didn't appear to be late.
Fry: (Looking around) Hey CC, isn't that the girl that you've been talking about?
Two girls came walking over to him and CC. One of them, the brunette that CC liked, had a nametag that read Sawyer, while the other one was a taller Asian girl with glasses and a tag that read Chung. Fry looked down and smiled a little, Fry was on his uniform as well, while CC had Cross on his tag. After greeting each other, they all stood around for a moment, in that awkward manner people have who know of each other, but have never done more than introduce themselves to each other. Finally, the girl named Sawyer spoke up,
Sawyer: (Brightly) Hey there. I'm Jessie Sawyer, though all my friends call me Jester, cause I like to cut up all the time. My friend's name is Li Sen Chung, though she likes to be called Lisa.
Lisa: (Shyly) Hi, nice to meet you.
Fry: Hi. My name's Fry and this is my friend CC.
They all shook hands, with CC blushing a little when he shook Jester's hand, though if she noticed it, she didn't say anything.
CC: So, are you here to learn on the PDT's today, too? I thought that there'd be more people than this.
Lisa: (Perking up) Well, I understand that there's only a few people in classes at a time, so that the instructors are able to devote more of their time to each student, and that there'll be less chance of an accident that way as well.
Fry: That makes since. So, that's the PDT, huh?
He pointed to a little spacecraft that stood off to the side of the flight deck. While it seemed sort of on the smallish side, it looked fast and powerful just sitting there on the deck. Fry walked up to it and slowly looked it up and down. It was the same dark gray as his uniform, and looked like it would blend into the darkness of space with little problem. It reminded Fry of some sports cars that he'd seen in the twentieth century, though he'd never had the money to be able to buy one. Well, now he had the chance to drive something faster in reality than anybody from his time would have thought possible.
Just then, another person came into the room, a woman who only looked a little older than himself, though she still would have looked very lovely if she'd been somewhere in civilian clothes. Fry looked closer and saw that her name was Chandler.
Chandler: (Speaking with a gruff voice) Hello, my name is Lieutenant Kei Chandler, and I'm going to be your flight instructor on your Personal Delivery Transport, or PDT. Now, I've been flying these things for nine years now, and they're one of the easiest things to fly in the whole of the galactic order. They have radar detector and avoidance systems, and with their semi smart brains, can only be flown into something if you wrestle the controls away from them and deliberately fly them into something. Okay, let's get suited up, and get ready for launch.
Everyone looked surprised and Jester raised her hand.
Jester: Excuse me ma'am, do you mean we're going to fly one, today?
Chandler: That's right. One thing I've found over the years is that the best way to do something is to just jump right in and learn it. These are easy to fly, and there are radar controlled guidance beams that will keep you away from each other and the flight decks. Just relax, and have fun with it. Nothings going to happen to any of you. I haven't lost a student in the nine years I've been teaching this, and I'm not about to start today, so, let's go.
She clapped her hands once as she said this, and then looking at each of their nervous faces, gave them a wink. This seemed to relax everybody and they all started to get in to their flight gear. Fry thought that it seemed sort of like the flight gear that he saw pilots wear when he watched old movies about the Air Force on TV when he was young. He was surprised to see that even though it was very tight, it felt comfortable and snug, though he saw that it still showed a little more of his gut than he would have wanted to show off. He then turned and saw the girls in their suits and immediately turned away for a moment. Both of them fit well into their suits, very well, and he didn't want to end up staring at the two of them. Just then he heard what he thought was Lisa's voice.
Lisa: Nice butt, Fry.
Fry quickly turned his head and saw Lisa with her hands over her mouth, so she would stop giggling, while Jester had a big smile on her face. After a moment Fry realized what they were doing, and relaxed himself. They were his coworkers and hopefully would become his friends too, and there was no need for him to act all embarrassed in front of them. After all, they would likely be together for a while. He looked over at CC and saw that he was in a lot better shape than he was, and thought about how he needed to get into better shape, which would also surprise Leela too.
Chandler: All right, enough horseplay, let's get ready to go. Hop into the available crafts, and get ready to launch
Fry and the others all got into a PDT and strapped themselves in.
Fry: Wow! This feels comfortable and secure. I can't wait for this to be in space. It feels like it can fly itself.
He then thought back to what Chandler had said and realized, it probably could if it wanted to.
Suddenly he looked over and saw Chandler with a headset on, pointing to it, and hurriedly picked up the one from his side and put it on.
Chandler: (Through the headset) All right everyone, let's get ready to launch. Follow the instructions on the front panel, which is a simple five- step procedure to get into space. Now, let's go.
Fry felt the familiar feeling of the ship lifting up, and found himself staring up at a sky full of stars. Then, the next thing he felt was a sudden rush of speed and then it was as though he was floating in a dark ocean, with occasional groups of lights hung together, and others spread out in between them. He looked over and saw the others ship's off to the side and some distance apart.
Chandler: (Over the headset) Okay everyone, let's go, We'll try some simple maneuvers at first, and then work on some more complicated ones as the day goes on. Now, let's go.
With that said, Fry turned the ship a little from side to side, marveling as it responded almost immediately to his touch. When he heard Chandler's voice over the headset, telling him to go in certain directions, then he did as she asked, and was thrilled to see that he was flying the ship, and that there was nothing to it.
Fry: (Grinning) This is great! I want to do more!
Chandler: (Over headset) That's great Fry, and don't worry, you look like you're a natural on this. Just remember, even though there's a big difference between these small one-man craft, and the bigger ships, if you remember to just keep you head, then you'll do fine. Now, let's practice some harder maneuvers, and then we'll call it a day.
Fry was puzzled over this, until he looked at his wrist computer and saw that it was nearly 1 p.m. Man, had he been out in space all this time and didn't even realize that he'd been gone this long?
Fry: Oh man! I can't wait to write Leela and let her know what I've been doing; she's going to be so proud of me. I can't believe I'm doing it, and I'm proud of me. Yee-ha! I'm going to have a pilot's license and everything!
They all continued for another three hours, and when it was time, Chandler recalled them back to the base, making sure that she talked each of them in and that they had no problems with landing. Once they were all back on the flight deck, then Chandler debriefed them all.
Chandler: (Pacing back and forth in front of the small group) Well, all of you did very well out there today, and I've been looking over all of your reports and records up till now, so all of you go on and get some rest for today. Be back here tomorrow at seven, and we'll practice some more, and if you do well enough, you should have your licenses by the end of the week. Dismissed. Oh, and Fry, will you stay behind a moment?
Fry stopped and turned back to the others and mouthed, see you later. They nodded and walked on, excitedly talking among themselves.
Chandler: Fry, I've been going through your medical records, in particular you r brain scans, and have noticed that you have some minor damage to parts of your brain, it's nothing really serious, but, we do have equipment here, that can repair it, without any difficulty at all. Now, I'm no doctor, but from what I've read here, it'll help your memory and coordination, and will make you an even better pilot than now. I say that because you seem like you're a natural at this, and I think that you could eventually pilot one of the big boys someday, if you decided to stay in the GBB.
Fry thought hard for a minute.
Fry: Would I still be the same person that I am now, I mean aside from my memory, would it change my personality, or anything like that.
Chandler: Good Lord, no! As I said, it'll just help your memory and coordination, and you'll be a better pilot because of it. You don't have to make the choice right away, though I think you'll do better because of it.
Fry: Okay, I'd like to think on it please.
Chandler: Very good Fry. I'll see you in the morning.
Fry: Okay, thank you ma'am.
Fry went out the door and walked around the passageways for a bit, thinking hard. Then he realized, he needed to talk to Leela, and get her advice.
He walked up to a videophone, and dialed up the number for Leela's wrist computer. He listened to the beeps, and was relieved when he heard Leela speak into the microphone.
Leela: Hello?
Fry: (Excitedly) Hey Leela, it's me, Fry.
Leela: Fry? Is that you? Are you all right?
Fry: (Soothingly) Its okay Leela, I just wanted to talk to you. I.I missed hearing your voice, and I needed some advice.
Leela: Okay Fry, just tell me how I can help, and you know I'll do what I can for you. Oh, wait a minute while I hook into a video-unit so I can see right, here we go.
With that said, Leela's image appeared on the video screen, and she smiled when she saw Fry. Fry smiled back at her and put his hand on the screen for a moment, just so he could imagine that he was able to touch her face for just a moment, and Leela, realizing what he was doing reached her own hand up to the monitor as well.
Fry: Leela, they told me something about me here, and about how they can help me, but before I make a decision, I need to tell you about something. Do you remember when I had the worms?
Fry started to talk to Leela about everything that he remembered when he'd had the worms, and how he'd been so happy when he and Leela shared their first real romantic kiss. Leela smiled and then frowned as she heard this, still remembering her words to him after they had embraced
Leela: Oh Fry, I love what you've become.
Flashback ends.
Leela almost smacked her forehead, she couldn't believe that she'd said that, especially after all she and Fry had been through, She then realized that Fry was still speaking.
Fry: .So I used the new knowledge that I had to help make the little version of me and went into my body. I traveled to my brain and challenged the worms emperor to a fight, in order to get them to leave my body. Well, during the fight, I kind of damaged a few parts of my brain as well, and threatened to sever my medulla oblongata, if they didn't leave.
Leela looked at Fry in shock, and put her hand up to her mouth. If he'd cut that, he would have died.
Leela: (Haltingly) Fry, do you mean to say that, that you'd have killed yourself, because you wanted to see if I was in love with the before you?
Fry: Well, I thought that that'd be the only way for them to leave, and I had to know, you know?
Leela: Fry. I'm so sorry. I wish I could take back so many of the mean things I've said to you over the years.
Fry: Leela, it's okay. I know what you mean, and I'm sorry that I did so many stupid things over the years too, but, you know, that's all the past now. I guess the real reason I'm calling, is that my trainer told me that they could fix the damage I did to my brain, you know, so I could have a little better memory and coordination. They said that it wouldn't effect my personality, but I wanted to ask you, if you think maybe I should do it?
Leela bit her lower lip for moment, before she looked Fry in his eye and asked him a question
Leela: (Slowly) Fry, if you do this, would you be doing it because it's what you want to do for yourself, or because you think it's what I want you to do?
Fry stood there for a moment, before replying.
Fry: Leela, I never really thought of it like that, I guess that I want to do what ever makes you happy. I hope that you and I can be able to have conversations about anything, and that my attention span would last a little longer, you know, stuff like that.
Leela: (Smiling softly) Fry, whatever else happens, I'll love you. If you would want to do something like that, then I want you to do it because you want it for yourself, not for me, or for anyone else. I think you're great the way you are, so I just want you to be happy, okay?
Fry: Okay Leela, I understand, and thanks. You always know how to help me when I've got a problem.
Leela: (Softly) That's all right Fry. You've helped me more than I know how to tell you. Now listen, how about we get together on the Internet in a few months, and we'll spend a little more time together.
Fry: That sounds great Leela. We'll make a date, and I'll do my best to keep it, ok? I'd better go now, but I just want to say, I love you.
Leela: I love you too, Fry. See you soon.
With that, Leela signed off, so Fry wouldn't have to see the tears starting to form in her eye.
Leela: (To herself) Oh, I hope that he'll be all right while he's there. I can't believe that he'd do something so insane, and brave, and loving all at the same time. Damn it, you'd better take care of yourself Fry, because if you get hurt while you're there, then that'll be nothing compared to what I do to you when you get home
Leela then turned and went purposefully back to Planet Express. She had some frustration and emotion to work out, and the punching bag was waiting for her.
Meanwhile, Fry had turned off his unit, and stood thinking for a moment. Then he dialed up the office number of Kei Chandler. A moment later, her face appeared on the screen.
Chandler: Fry, is that you?
Fry: Yes ma'am, I just wanted to let you know, that I've made my decision.
To be continued
Well, this is the first chapter in the follow-up to my first fanfic. I want to give a big shoutout to Hil, for all the help that she's given me during the course of writing this. I also want to say that any suggestions on ways to improve my writing skill would be greatly appreciated. Any suggestions that you have should be made up and sent to my e-mail address, wbc31 , and I'd appreciate any feedback. Thanks for letting me post this, and I hope to have the second chapter up later on, where things start to get a little complicated for our couple.
Always remember, while there's life, there's hope.