Disclaimer: I do not own Attack On Titan or anything related to it...

Writer's Note: This is my first time writing a fanfiction, so bare with me if there are any grammatical errors of some sort or if it seems plain.

Chapter 1

The Survey Corps' goal has always been to know what laid outside the walls. To some, this may have been a simple task filled with thrill and adventure, but it was the deadliest job that anyone could do.

The world outside the walls was filled with man eating humanoid monsters called titans. These titans ranged from 3 to even 15 metres tall. They had plagued the world for a hundred years.

The Survey Corp's job was to get rid these titans so that humanity could reclaim back it's land. They would set out to fight these titans, but the death toll was very high. Only 15% of those who set out would return while the rest were eaten alive by the titans.

But after so much loss and hardships, the titans were eradicated and humanity finally knew peace. Or so it seemed.

It turned out that the people living inside the walls weren't the last of humanity, but merely a fraction. They were a special race of humans called Eldians that could turn into titans, living on an island called Paradis...and the rest of the world hated them and saw them as a race of devils.

Upon learning this, the higher ups in the government sent the sole survivors of the Survey Corp's consisting of nine individuals to scout the island. These scouts were Commander Hange Zoe, Captain Levi Ackerman, Floch Forster, Connie Springer, Sasha Braus, Jean Kirstein, Armin Arlert (The Colossal Titan), Mikasa Ackerman and Eren Yeager (The Attack and Founding Titan).

They travelled on horseback for a seven hours straight to the edge of the island and came upon a small harbour with a large wall. Their eyes were filled with wonder as none of them had ever seen the sea. Sasha and Connie splashed each other and got some water into their eyes while Jean drank some of the sea water. The result was their eyes stung while Jean gagged from the saltiness of the water.

They spent the next few hours exploring the shore and swimming that It quickly turned to dusk before they knew it. "Ok, lets set up camp for the night and get a fire started." said Hange.

"Wow, I spent so much time swimming and having fun that I didn't even notice that I was hungry" Sasha said while clenching her stomach.

"You forgot that you were hungry?" Connie asked. "Guess there's a first time for everything." he snickered.

"Shut up Connie before I smack your big bald head like a ball." yelled Sasha.

"At least it's bigger than both your breasts." retorted Connie.

"Take that back. My breasts are perfectly fine." Sasha yelled as she held her chest.

"I'm just saying, all I see is a flat board like the ones in class." teased Connie. "Maybe even flatter." he added. Before he even knew it, Sasha tackled Connie and started hitting him.

Their friends watched them wrestle on the sand while laughing. "It's nice to see them return to being carefree." said Mikasa. "That's until the enemy comes back and tries to kill us all" Floch interrupted.

"Let's just enjoy this for sometime before we go back to our duties." Armin said.

"He's right though." said Eren. "Sooner or later our enemies will cross the sea and invade us and kill every single Eldian on this island. And we'll be nothing but sitting ducks ready to be slaughtered."

"Hey." Jean interrupted. "Just like Armin said, let's enjoy this moment while we can. The whole thing with our enemies, we'll cross that bridge when we get there."

"Jean's right." Connie said as he and Sasha had finished their little fight.

"Yeah. We've gotten stronger and we've got the thunder spears that took down Reiner." Sasha added. "And I'll be damned if I die without a fight. If I'm going down, I'm taking with me at least three of them with me to the grave."

"Plus we've got our favorite suicidal raging maniac and Captain Levi." said Jean as he put his arm over Eren's shoulder. "One look at you two and I'm sure they'll be shitting their pants" he added as they all laughed.

"Hey brats, what's so funny?" Levi asked as he approached them.

"Nothing captain, just Sasha and Connie messing around." Eren answered with a small smile on his face.

"Dinner's ready." Levi said. "We eat up and go to sleep. We'll be leaving at first light since some of you smell like salt and need a shower." he added while looking at Sasha and Connie.

They headed to the campfire where they saw Hange placing a bowl of stew on the ground. "I hope you guys worked up an appetite cause we are going to have my famous vegetable soup." said Hange as she gave everyone a bowl. "And don't be afraid to ask for seconds, there's plenty more.

Sasha looked at her bowl of soup and frowned. "What's wrong Sasha?" Hange asked.

Sasha looked at her with a pout and said, "There's no meat."

Everyone looked at her incrediously. "I recall you eating an entire kilo of meat just yesterday brat." Levi said.

"But that was yesterday. Today is another day for meat." said Sasha with a pout.

"I don't know what you're complaining about Sasha." smirked Eren. "The stew's got plenty of potatoes in it...potato girl."

"I thought we swore never to bring that up ever again." gasped Sasha with a panicked look on her face as Mikasa, Jean and Armin chuckled.

"That's a good one Eren." Connie said as he wiped a tear while laughing.

As he was laughing, Sasha hit Connie's head which elicited a loud smack. "Stop laughing at me Connie." she said.

"Hey! Why'd you only hit me?" Connie whined as he rubbed his head. "Eren's the one who brought it up."

"What, you were closer and I can't exactly hit Eren with Mikasa here. She'd probably throw me over her head if I hurt Eren." Sasha said as Mikasa hid her face with her scarf to hide her blushing face.

"Potato girl? What's up with that?" Floch asked.

"Don't call me that." yelled Sasha as Jean snickered.

"I think what Floch was trying to ask is how did the name potato girl come to be." Hange said.

"On our first day on the training grounds, Instructor Shadis was grilling us with this whole intimidation routine when Sasha saw it as an opportune time to take a bite out of a steamed potato." said Jean. "Twice."

"You really did that?" Floch asked Sasha as Hange and Levi looked at her.

"Hey, don't judge me. It was gonna get cold, so I thought to eat it while it was still hot." answered Sasha. "Plus, I gave him half of it."

"More like a third." Connie snickered.

"And Keith didn't kick you out?" Hange asked.

"He probably saw that she had guts to pull that off on her first day." Levi said.

"In the end she had to run til sunset as a punishment." Armin said with a smile.

"Alright, let's finish up and head to sleep." Levi said. "We leave at dawn."

They ate their meals in silence with Sasha not asking for second's but third's and went to sleep.

When morning came, they packed up and set off home on their horses. They arrived at the walls in the afternoon. They rode through Shiganshina and Trost to the castle in Mitras inside Wall Sina.

Upon their return, an emergency meeting of the government and military personnel was called so that the scouts could debrief them of their findings.

The meeting was held in one of the larger rooms of the castle that could accomodate them all. There was chatter among the military personnel attending as they waited for their commanders and queen. They were all curious as to what news the scouts found outside the walls.

The sound of the door being opened brought silence to the hall as four commanders and the Queen walked in. They all stood and bowed their heads in respect to the Queen as she took her seat.

Two commanders sat beside the queen as the other two sat on the seats set aside for them on the other sides of the room.

"I hereby call this meeting into order. As we all know, the scouts departed to survey the southern part of our land as most of the titans seemed to come from said area." said Queen Historia. "They have returned and we wish to know of their findings. Commander Hange, the floor is yours."

Hange and the rest of the scouts stood up and bowed their heads. "Thank you your Grace." Hange bowed. "As we rode to the edge of the island, we spotted an abnormal titan which was dragging itself towards the walls as it had little feet that could not support it's weight. We killed it when we were returning to the walls.

Just like Eren saw in his father's memories, upon reaching at the shore, we saw a harbour that we believe is where the Marleyians brought Eldians to turn them into titans. There was also a wall that was roughly 40 metres tall that I believe was built so that they would be safe from the titans as it's imposible for a titan to jump or climb that high.

As of now, we do not know when the enemy will return but we must stay vigilant. I'm sorry but that is all we could find at the moment."

"We appreciate you perfoming this task Commander Hange" said Commander Darius who was seated on the right side of Historia. He was an old man in his fifties with grey hair and grey beard and moustache. He also wore a pair of glasses and he was the Commander-in-Chief of the three Regiments.

"I suggest we set up a base near the shores so that we can know when the enemy returns or even catch them by surprise" Historia said.

"I concur with Queen Historia." Commander Pyxis said. He was the commander of the garrison regiment with a bald head and gold eyes. "The sooner and earlier we know when the enemy lands on our shores the better we can defend ourselves."

"We'll have to ramp up production of our ODM gear and weapons to prepare ourselves." Commander Nile Dawk of the Military Police said. "Do we really have the manpower?" he asked.

"We have a 70% increase in the cadets recruitment. I'm sure there will be enough manpower even after the weak have been weaned out." said Shadis, the head instructor of the cadet corps. He was seated on the seat to Historia's left.

"And I will personally talk to the heads of the steel manufacturing department about ramping up production and see if they can work with Commander Hange in making metal plates that can withstand direct gunfire to properly protect our soldiers." Historia said to the nods of everyone present.

"If that is all, I hereby adjourn this meeting. I believe we have much work to do in the coming months." said Historia. They all rose and bowed their heads and started heading out.

Historia approached Eren before he could leave. "Hey Eren, it's been a while since we saw each other." she greeted him.

"I suppose so. With your responsibilies as queen and me helping out with recruiting members to the scouts since the new cadets induction ceremony, we haven't really seen each other." Eren said.

"Would you care to join me for some lunch as we catch up?" Historia asked.

"Well, I can't exactly deny the queen, so yeah I'm up for it." answered Eren with a smile.

"Great." she said as she turned to her guard. "Could you kindly inform the kitchen to send up some food for Ser Eren and I in the balcony." she told him.

"Yes my queen." said the guard with a bow and went to inform the maids.

They walked to the balcony in silence and each took a seat. The scorching sun was overhead but the clouds offered some shade and reprieve from it's harshness. "Really, Ser Eren." Eren started the conversation.

"It's the whole nobility rule. Since I'm queen I have to address others by their title or such" said Historia with a sigh.

"But seriously, Ser?" Eren asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It came up in the moment." she anwswered. "And I think that the title is well deserved."

As they were talking, the cooks came to their table and laid some plates and glasses and served them their food and drinks. Upon finishing their task, they bowed and left them to their meal.

"So what've you been up to lately?" Eren asked as he took a bite of his food.

"Most of my time. I've been stuck with paperwork for some bills passed by the councils and reallocating and distributing land to the people hoping that we can get atleast an extra harvest so that they don't have to suffer through hunger." she answered. "And I've also been visiting the orphanages and helping out when I can."

"That's great, you're doing a good job." he said. "It's nice that the people have a ruler that genuinely cares about them instead of lining up their own pockets. We can't afford to be selfish at the expense of those who look up to us for leadership and support. Most of the nobles should learn from you."

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you sound like a benevolent king." she teased him.

"Don't worry, the nobles will get in line and do what's necessary for the survival of Paradis." he said. "I have faith in you."

"That's easier said than done." she said. "They only care about themselves and how they can get more power and wealth...I honestly don't know if I can reign them in." She was worried about the nobles. They only saw her as a figurehead for the military to be in power.

"You're wrong." Eren said which shocked Historia."You care about the people and they know it. Even the military commanders see you as a capable leader."

"How?" she asked.

"You took control of the debrief meeting without even knowing it and you brought up great suggestions for reconnaissance and the defence of our troops. And you also are trying to cushion the food shortage by giving more farming land to the people. If anything, you're the best monarch Paradis has had for a hundred years." Eren passionately said.

Historia's eyes were brimming with tears as Eren talked. She was glad that at the least she had a person who defended her.

"Thank you Eren," she said. "but I don't think that the nobles see any of that."

"Why do you care what the nobles think about you?" Eren angrily asked.

"There are rumors in the court." she said as she slowy pushed her plate aside. "The nobles want to turn me into a pure titan and devour one of the enemy titans so that we can have a titan with royal blood. And not to mention they are constantly pining me with marriage proposals."

"It's not like they love or care about me, they just want to climb the social ladder and gain more power." Historia cried with tears running down her cheeks.

Upon seeing Historia's tear streaken face, Eren reached over the table and held her hand. "I won't let them lay a finger on you. If they want you, they're going to have to go through me first." he said with conviction.

"Thank you Eren for your support. I really needed that." said Historia with a sad smile as she wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

They went back to their meal while making idle chit chat. "Eren, I'd like to ask you a question." Historia said. "Sure." he said.

"It's more of a proposal really." she nervously said while playing with her fingers.

"Historia, it's alright. You can ask me anything." he said with a small smile.

Historia closed her eyes and took a deep breath to steel her nerves. She opened her eyes and looked at Eren and asked, "What would you say about a marriage between us?"

Finally done with the first chapter. Please R . Constructive criticism is welcome. Fav and follow and hopefully I'll upload a new chapter soon.