Disclaimer: I do not own any of Pokemon or Harry Potter's work and credit should be given to their creators.

AN: So here it is, the rewrite of Helena Potter's journey. Things will be the same but extended. Anyways enjoy the chapter.

Ch 1 A New Life

A young teenage girl, hair black as night, skin fair as a porcelain doll, and eyes green like emeralds sat miserably under a tree. Her hands covered her eyes as tears streamed down her face at the news she was told.

"Helena Potter," A boy with red hair stood before the young girl, his face was un-charming and making an unpleasant expression at her while ignoring her friend.

Helena Potter, the only daughter of James and Lily Potter and the Girl-Who-Lived groans at the voice speaking behind her. "What do you want Ron?" The black-haired fourteen-year-old asked the unattractive boy behind her.

"Can't you see both me and Hermione are going to our next class?" Helena states to the young Wizard,

Ron walks over to them like he owns the entire school giving both Helena and a bushy-haired girl a disgusted face. Hermione steps in front of her friend, knowing all too well of Ron Weasley's tricks. "You better not do anything to us like you did before," Hermione claims, not trusting the boy.

Ron smirks, crossing his arms. "This doesn't concern you, Granger. This is between you and my new fiancé." His eyes shift to Helena who was shocked by what he called her.

"Fian-no, I am not your fiancé Ron." Helena steps forward, staking her grounds against his claims. "Not ever or in my next life. I know for a fact that both your family and my Uncles will let me or you ever get married." She claims.

Hermione agreed with Helena, "That's right, you are rude, boorish, and worst of all unfaithful!" She stated the many reasons why he and Helena should not get married.

Ron gave a loud chuckle, looking at Hermione. "You're done?" He asked, completely ignoring the worst traits that the Muggle-Born describe him. "Cause that doesn't matter," He said.

Helena frowns, glaring at the red-haired boy smelling something off. "What do you mean?" She asked.

Ron took out an opened letter from the Headmaster. "The Headmaster sent me a letter stating that both you and I are to be wed after we graduate from Hogwarts." The red-haired boy stated, shoving the letter to the Witch.

"As you can see, Dumbledore deemed that in order to protect you from You-Know-Who; you must be wedded to a Wizarding Family," Ron explains with a mischievous smirk. "And me being the family of light, it's only natural for be life partners." He smiles,

Helena took the letter from Ron's hands, wanting to disprove his claims. However, she saw Dumbledore's seal of approval at the end of the statement. "N-No! Who could've signed this!?" The black-haired girl stated, letting Hermione take a look at it for a second eye. "It can't be Sirus, he's my Magical Guardian and Godfather now."

"Read the bottom, Helena," Ron said,

Hermione unfolded the bottom half of the letter, "Helena, this is your-"

"M-My Aunt and Uncle's signatures?" Helena's eyes look up at Ron smiling at the distraught news she got.

Ron folded his arms, "That's right Helena. Dumbledore has managed to convince your primary Guardian (your Aunt and Uncle) to sign over your life to me." The red-haired Gryffindor walks over to her, closer than he was before.

Helena steps back from the boy she dislikes at another level. "W-We'll see about this, I'm heading to the Headmaster's office right now!" She ran past both her friend and the red-haired boy.

Hermione looks behind Ron, seeing the black-haired beauty running down the halls. "H-Helena!? Where do you think you're going?" The Muggle-born asked her best friend. She saw her disappearing in the halls, disregarding their next class.

Ron scoffs, seeing the feeble attempt of the most sought out girl in the entire school trying to prevent the inevitable. "Try as she may, Dumbledore has already taken sides." He shrugs,

"You boorish boy, you always ruin everything!" Hermione turns around, trying to catch up with her best friend.

Helena ran down the halls, determined to get the matter between Ron and herself resolve before it was too late.

A greasy-haired man walks down the halls, scowling at every student he passes. His ears caught the sound of running echoing in the hallways. "Idiots, don't they know that running is prohibited in Hogwarts's halls?" He grumbles, approaching whoever is running down the hallway.

A familiar figure came into view, his eyes lowered seeing the familiar face of his only friend's daughter. "Ms. Potter, do I need to remind you of the rules of Hogwarts once more?" Snape sternly asked, seeing Helena coming up to him.

Ignoring the Potion Master's warning, Helena dashed past him seeing Dumbledore's office in her view.

Snape steps to the side, avoiding a collision with Helena. "Ms. Potter! Come back here!" He cried out, ordering the black-haired girl to return.

To no avail, Snape watches as Helena climbed the Magic stairwell to the old Wizard's office. The greasy-haired Wizard gritted his teeth, frustrated with Potter's daughter ignoring his authority.

"Damn girl, acting like her father every moment I see her," Snape grumbles, standing where he is. He then heard another sound running behind her, "Another one?" He turns around and saw the Muggle-born coming up to him.

"Ms. Granger…"

Helena ran up the stairs, entering the Headmaster's office where she saw him writing down paperwork at his desk. "Headmaster Dumbledore," She called out to him, walking inside calmly. "Can I speak with you for a moment?"

The old Wizard looks up from his paperwork, giving a Grandfatherly smile at the Girl-Who-Lived. "Helena, of course, you can my girl. Is there something you need?" Dumbledore asked the young Witch.

The black-haired girl walks over to Dumbledore's desk, standing firmly before him. "Headmaster, why did you and my relatives sign off on a Marriage contract? I'm sure Mr. and Mrs. Weasley would not stand for this." Helena stated.

"Helena, my dear." Dumbledore placed down his quill, looking at the young maiden. "You must understand, I did this so you can be safe from the Pureblood families that are aligned with Voldemort." He explains carefully.

"But why Ron Weasley? He doesn't even know how to treat a person let alone a girl right!" Helena states to the Headmaster of Hogwarts. "Plus he's been into more trouble than anyone."

Dumbledore looks at the young Witch who has gotten into trouble herself many times before. "Weren't you also gotten yourself into trouble as well, Helena my dear?" The old Wizard asked the black-haired girl. "If memory serves me right, those times were with Mr. Weasley mostly?"

Helena was taken aback by Dumbledore's statement, "Yeah, but those were just a coincidence! He's the one who followed me and Hermione into those situations! Even the Chamber of Secrets!" She stated.

"Which is why Ronald Weasley is the perfect candidate for you to be your fiancé," Dumbledore stated, still firm in the decision he made. "You two were together in many dangerous situations, in the end, it was the both of you that overcome them." He smiles, disregarding her worries.

Dumbledore smiles at Helena who disagreed with that notion. "I have faith that with Mr. Weasley as your fiancé you will be safe." The old Wizard stated,

"But I don't want to marry him, Headmaster!" Helena retorted back.

"Helena, please understand." Dumbledore stands up from his seat, walking to the young Witch. "This is for the Greater Good, not just for the Wizarding World but for your safety as well-"

Helena glares at Dumbledore, not believing what she was hearing. "Uncle Sirius won't have this! He's my Magical Guardian and-"

"I'm sorry, Helena. But Sirius does not have a say in this. Your Aunt and Uncle have agreed to the Marriage arrangements and things have been finalized." Dumbledore explains, looking at her, not taking into her consideration.

Helena steps back, approaching the door. "N-No, I-I-"

Dumbledore smiles, "My girl, don't worry everything will be-"

Helena swiftly turns around, running out of the Headmaster's office, not noticing that Dumbledore smirking behind her.

"And that's pretty much it, Professor," Hermione explains why both she and Helena were running in the halls.

"I see…" Snape crosses his arms, 'Damn that Dumbledore, so you're reeling in Potter by marrying her off to the least likely to get married. What are you planning,' He thought before his eyes caught Helena coming out of the Headmaster's office.

Snape and Hermione turn to the black-haired girl, coming out of the Headmaster's office. "Ms. Potter, what happene-" He paused, seeing the tears coming down her face.

Helena ran past both her friend and teacher. "H-Helena?" Hermione held onto her hand, watching her only friend running to the other end of the hall. "Helena, wait!"

Snape couldn't help but picture his friend, Lily running away as she did when they have that fight many years ago. Something he regrets for some time, after seeing that again…

Helena cries in her arms, feeling like no one cares what her opinion on certain matters is. The only person who cares is her one and only friend Hermione. She does have other friends, like Ginny who often steps in when she needs it since she did save her from the Basilisk in her Second Year. Luna Lovegood, she there whenever she wants to vent about being the Girl-Who-Lived nonsense.

Other than that, there aren't many boys around her age that aren't after her because of money or her title. One exception is Neville Longbottom, who is a sweet boy in her opinion that she finds herself defending him from the bullies (Mainly Ron and Draco Malfoy.)

Other than those girls and her Uncles and Ginny's parents, there aren't many friends in her life outside of Hogwarts.

Helena hugged her knees tighter, feeling that's the one thing to do she's allowed to. "I wish I could just…just run away. A place where no one expects or knows me for being a savior." She sniffs,

Her ears then caught the flapping of wings approaching her. Looking up to see what it was, Hedwig approached her with a letter in her mouth. "Hedwig? W-What are you doing out of the Owlery?" She wipes away her tears and held out her hand.

Hedwig landed on her owner's arm, handing over a letter to her. "What do you got there, girl?" Helena took the letter from her owl, opening it with one hand. She reads the writing that was inside out loud.

"I heard that you were going through a difficult time. If you truly want to get out of this predicament, then I suggest that you leave before it's too late. I heard deep within the Forbidden Forest that there's a mysterious ruin that takes people who are running from their old lives. It may be an old legend but it's something. I also procure you some gems and gold to help you back to your feet and leave your belongings including your wand. The Headmaster will track it and your owls too. "

Helena blinks, unsure why this person was willing to help her. She continues reading the note to get any hints about who this might be.

"Consider this as fixing old wounds, I hope you find what you are looking for. don't come back."

"W-Wait, does he mean that I can never return?" Helena got up, dropping a huge pouch assumed to be the gold and gems that this person gave her. She picks it up and places it in her pocket. "I can't just leave, my friends are-"

Helena paused, hearing Ron's voice coming down from the school's entrance.

Hedwig hoots, urging Helena to leave right away. "H-Hedwig, no I can't just-" Ron's voice was closer than before. The Snowy Owl just flaps her wings, wanting her owner to leave the school before she gets caught.

Helena slowly moves away from her Owl, getting what she means. "Are you sure Hedwig? I won't be here to take care of you."

The Snow Owl nodded, motioning for her to leave. "A-Alright. I'll miss you, Hedwig. Tell Hermione, Sirius, and Uncle Remus I'm sorry." She turns around and ran to the exit of Hogwarts's courtyard.

Helena's eyes look back, seeing Hedwig return to the Owlery where she most likely never see her again. "Goodbye,"

The black-haired Witch was lucky that Hagrid is out of the school grounds for the week. This means she won't encounter the Half-Giant anytime soon, but she does wish that she got a chance to say goodbye.

Helena stopped, now standing before the Forbidden Forest. "So…I'm really doing this…" She looks back at Hogwarts, thinking this is the place of no return. She turns to the forest, taking her wand out to defend herself. "Alright, there's no turning back now."

The young Witch steps forward, now entering the Forbidden Forest determined to get out of this Marriage Proposal.

Hours later, Helena treads on the forest's floor. She leaps over roots and jumps down from small cliffs,

Helena looks around the area, searching for this ruin that this person said was here. "Where is it? I'm already deep in the Forbidden Forest and yet I still see no ruin this guy was talking ab-" Just as the Witch places her foot down on the ground, it collapses under her.


Helena fell down the underground sinkhole, causing her to drop her wand behind her. She slides down further into the deep hole.

The young Witch saw a light coming from the end of the tunnel. Helena reached the end of the tunnel where she entered a strange underground cavern.

"O-Ow, my ass," Helena got up, rubbing her behind from sliding on the rough tunnel slide. Once she got a handle on herself, she looks up at the area she entered.

Helena gasps seeing the Mystical area, filled with nature but no animals around just plants. "Woah, this place is beautiful and majestic." Her emerald eyes drew over to an old looking open-air temple,

The pillars were broken, wrapped by vines, and plants grew in the cracks of the marble floor. But the most intriguing part is the large structure at the end. It was like an altar with a strangely designed mirror, almost like a golden ring with four points at each side. The glass was rippling like a pebble dropping in water.

Helena was warry of strange ruins like the Chamber of Secrets before. However something compels her to approach it,

The young Witch gulps, walking towards the ruins. Her eyes look side to side, seeing hieroglyphics with what seem to be eyes in circles. "Hermione would get a load of this if she was here," Helena chuckles, the three ancient pictures above the ring of creatures she never saw in books or lessons at Hogwarts.

On the left was a six-legged dragon with tattered wings, on the top, was a bipedal dragon with an orange stone embedded in its shoulder, finally was a four-legged dragon with a blue stone in the center of its chest.

"I never saw those dragons before in the Magical Creatures textbooks before." Helena steps into the middle of the ruin, taking a good look at those dragons. Suddenly the golden ring glowed, and the pictures of the dragons glowed as well. The six-legged one has a dark hue, the bipedal one has a pink hue, and the four-legged one has a blue hue.

"What are you doing here, Human?" A voice came out of nowhere, spooking Helena. "This place is sacred, a place that is long forgotten in this World."

Helena turns around, trying to see who was speaking to her. But when she did, a blinding light shines across the area.

"W-What is this light!?" Helena shouted as the light subsided. Helena peered her eyes open, seeing a white horse-like Creature with the same golden ring around his abdomen.

Helena could tell this was a Divine Creature, something that only is described in the bible. "What are you?" She approached the Creature, then she remembered there was a male's voice that spoke to her. "Wait, who was the one speaking to me?" She looks around for the man but it was only the Divine Creature.

"Unless it was-"

"Indeed, Human. Now tell me, what are you doing in this place?" The Creature asked the Witch. "No Human has ever come to this sacred place for centuries; I ask you how you found this place?" It asked her.

Helena blinks never heard a Creature speak to her before. "Um…some person sent me this letter telling me that I can get a wish for those who are looking to run away. I'm not sure but…"

The Creature cocked its head, finding it intriguing that there's a legend of this place. "You are correct, this place is where a few people are looking for a new life from their old one in the past. Why do you seek it, Human?"

"I-It's kinda obvious. I don't want to be here anymore," Helena stated, grabbing her arm as she looks to the side. "I was roped into a Marriage Proposal that I have no say or can do anything about it. Then this letter came and…well."

The Creature floats down to the ground, "I see, you do not want to get married to Ronald Weasley, Helena Potter." It closes its eyes, knowing why Helena's here.

Helena steps back, hearing the Creature saying her name. "H-How do you know my name? I didn't tell you anything about myself or why I'm here." She asked, her wariness has increased tenfold. Her hand approaches her pocket, about to take out her wand.

Her Emerald eyes grew larger, feeling no signs of her wand in her pocket. "M-My-"

"Wand? You have dropped it on the surface, the place you entered in." The Creature stated, "As for your other question, I know all and know what you desire. I am the one who created many Worlds and the life you all know."

Helena looks up at the Creature, speaking as if he's…"A-Are you…G-God?"

The Creature chuckles, finding that name to be humorous. "Indeed, but that's this World's interpretation of what I am. But I do have an actual name that I go by." It said,

"M-Might I know it?" Helena asked respectfully to the Creature who created her and the World.

The Creature looks at Helena, finding her curious and interesting. "My name is Arceus, the Alpha Pokemon."

Helena looks at Arceus, a regal name fitting for someone claiming to be a God. "I-It's nice to meet you, Arceus."

Arceus nodded, "It's nice to meet you too, Helena." He looks down at Helena, sensing her struggles in this World, "I have another question for you, Helena. What do you intend to do if I were to grant your wish? Do you have the desire to become famous and rich?" He asked.

"I don't really care if I'm rich. I just can't stand the people here trying to get with me just because of who I am." Helena states her resolve, she places her hand over her heart. "I want to start over; I want to make my own name in a new world where I can live how I want."

Arceus thought for a moment, he heard what the black-haired girl said. However, he knows her importance in this World, and taking pity on the young Witch the Alpha Pokemon came to a compromise.

"Very well, Helena Potter. I shall grant your wish to start over in another World." Arceus stated, seeing that destiny has shifted already by just being here.

Helena smiles, "Thank you, Arceus. You have no-"

"However, you must return to this World to defeat your greatest foe," Arceus stated the conditions she needs to fulfill for her to even go to this World. "I will not let evil run amuck in the Worlds that I have created."

Helena understood what the Alpha Pokemon is offering and the conditions to do so. "Alright, I accept your conditions," The female Witch accepted his proposal.

Arceus floats over to the mirror, he touches the rippling mirror causing it to glow a bright light. "Approach, Helena Potter to the mirror." He orders the young teen.

Helena did so, standing before the mirror. "What is this mirror?" She looks up at the Alpha Pokemon.

"It's a portal, it'll transport you to the World I'm sending you," Arceus explains, looking down at the Witch, "Note that this World has no Magic in it, but it's filled with Creatures that are like me but at a lesser extent. Only a few like me exist there too, living beside Humans harmoniously. They are called Pokemon." The Pokemon explains to the Human.

"Pokemon…got it." Helena nodded, approached the mirror, and gently touch it. "Does this mean I'll get transported to the same time as this one?"

Arceus shook his head, "No, you'll end up in a forest in the Hoenn Region. I'll provide you some knowledge of this World, but the rest is up to you." The Alpha Pokemon floats up in the air, going behind the Witch. "I'll send for you when the time is right but know that time moves differently in the World you're going to."

Helena nodded, taking a deep breath. "New life, here I come." She steps in, not looking back once."

Arceus saw the Witch entering the mirror, but soon it stopped. The three pictures of Pokemon above the mirror went back to their original stone color.

"I wish you luck in your new life, Helena Potter. This won't be our last meeting," Arceus flies towards the mirror, heading back to his own dimension.

Hoenn Region, Petalburg Forest

Helena opens her eyes, "W-Where am I?" She looks around her surroundings, trees and plants that are greener and the air smells fresher. "Wait, I remember now. Arceus said that I would be transported to a forest, but…" She looks around for signs of a City of any kind.

"I don't see any city-"



The young teen looks down and saw a pink caterpillar creature and a fluffy raccoon creature looking at her. The Pokemon approaches Helena, nuzzling on her shoes. "Aw," She kneels down, gently petting the Creatures. "What cute-looking creatures. Are you Pokemon by any chance?" She asked the two.

Wurmple nodded, "Wurm, Wurmple," he responded to the Human.

"Zig, Zigzagoon!" Zigzagoon also responded.

Helena smiles, petting the two Pokemons on the head. "Well, I guess you can't talk like me." She said, "Sorry to cut this short but I have to find the nearest City-"

"Brawly, Wallace, I'm going ahead!" A boy's voice cried out to some other people.

Helena got up, looking where that voice came from. "Where-"

"Wait up, dude! You might run into a strong Pokemon or someone!" A young surfer cried out to the other boy.

"Yeah, Roxanne and Flannery are still behind us." A flamboyant voice added to the other's statement.

"Heh, tell them to keep up! Pokemon are waiting!" The boy's voice grew louder,

Helena turns around and was suddenly greeted by a boy around her age jumping over the boulder behind her.

The teenage boy wore a navy blue polo shirt with the sleeves folded above his elbows. Dark grey pants with a black belt and black sports shoes with purple lacing. However, the most striking appearance was his Steel-blue hair and blue eyes.

Helena could only gape as the boy leaps over the boulder.

Steven looks down and saw a black-haired girl with eyes the color of emerald in a school uniform with a red tie around her color. He blinks, realizing that he lost focus. "Huh-W-Wa-WAAAHHH!"

Helena jumps, seeing the boy wobble in the air. "Eh? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHH!?"

The Steel-blue haired boy crashes into Helena, both falling on the grass.

"O-Ow, my head." Steven leans back, placing his hand on his head.

"Ow, my head," Helena moves back, sitting up from the ground.

Both opened their eyes, widening as their cheeks blushed upon seeing each other face to face.

AN: How do you like it? I decided to take a different approach than the one before. Please leave a comment or review.