"I do," Harry claimed, grinning softly down at his teary-eyed fiancé.

Ginny looked up and regarded him, searching his face for something, Harry grinned stronger in response. The ginger turned her head to scan the crowd, Harry noticed her bottom lip was quivering.

Harry followed her gaze to the crowd and thought he saw a flash of platinum blond. She seemed to have found whatever she was looking for because she turned to look up at Harry grimacing.

"I don't."

Harry Potter never dreamed he would be left at the altar.

The venue was dead silent aside from shocked gasps from the guests as Ginny Weasley ran down the lane between chairs, her white gown streaming behind her. Harry didn't think he heard her correctly, he couldn't process what had just transpired. He barely registered as Hermione rushed from her spot as bridesmaid and ran after Ginny, followed by Molly and the rest of the bridesmaids.

Harry had stood frozen, watching the crowd staring back up at him before everyone broke out in chaotic chattering. Opened his mouth to speak but nothing would come out, he felt Ron grab his shoulders to try to lead him away, but Harry pulled himself forward and followed the crowd out of the church. In his dazed rush to get out of the venue, Harry vaguely noticed Tom Riddle stoically exiting behind him.

Harry had to squint in the midday light, but he could still see Ginny hoping on the back of Draco Malfoy's broom and holding on as they soared away.

Blood rushed through him and Harry apparated before anyone looked away from his ex-fiancé.

! The Altar!

Harry didn't know how long he sat beside the Black Lake at Hogwarts, watching as the giant squid occasionally breached the surface. The early summer air was warm and sweet, and the school was empty of students, it should have been a very calm scene. Pink and yellow hues painted the sky as the sunset, reminding a bitter Harry that he should be married and heading on his honeymoon by now.

He was replaying the scene over and over in his mind for hours, watching the woman he loved fly off with Draco Malfoy. Harry had done everything right since he defeated Grindelwald in his last year at Hogwarts, almost exactly two years ago. He had helped rebuild Hogwarts, started his career as an Auror, and proposed to Ginny, it was how he would finally get the peace he's been wanting since the dark lord killed his parents.

Ginny had wanted the same things as him, or he thought she did. She had cried with Molly when he proposed, beginning to plan their life almost immediately. Harry thought he had done everything right and Ginny looked happy.

Looking back, he supposed it had all changed at Ron and Hermione's wedding months ago. The burrow was decorated beautifully, and the press had been kicked off the premises, so it was only friends and family. Hermione had cried most of the day and Ron had a constant goofy grin, it was exactly as they wanted. The year they had spent on the run from Grindelwald had felt like a different lifetime.

Harry had been smiling all day as best man, standing proudly beside Ron, but whenever he looked over to Ginny standing with the bridesmaids, she was smiling but it never reached her eyes. He hadn't thought much of it at the time, he had accepted her "I'm fine Harry" as a response when he asked her about it, but he should have pushed harder as that was the first time she had spoken to Draco Malfoy.

Malfoy who Harry had testified for in court (though he cannot bring himself to regret that, even now), and who he welcomed into the Auror training program with him when no one else would, had been stealing his fiancé.

A burst of anger filled him, and he found the largest rock he could, lobbing it into the lake with all the strength he could muster and imagining it was Malfoy's head.

"I do not think the Merfolk would think kindly of a stone to the head." A silky-smooth baritone cut through the silence surrounding the lake.

"Bugger off Riddle." Harry pushed back with less venom than he would have had during their Hogwarts years. He didn't flinch when Riddle sat beside him, but he noticed that the ex-head boy had taken off his formal outer robes and was just wearing a light button-down.

"It's a public school, Harry," Riddle countered smoothly, picking up a smooth rock and turning it around in his long fingers. "And who will save you if the Merfolk decide to drag you into the lake?"

Harry doubted very much that Riddle would do much of anything if the Merpeople decided to drag him into the lake, or if he'd want to stop them at this point, but he had no energy to fight with the git. Riddle had been the Slytherin golden child, some had even thought Riddle was a descendant of Salazar himself and had been top in the class for almost everything their entire time at Hogwarts but had spent more time than necessary trying to make Harry's life harder than need be.

Harry's opinion of the Slytherin had lightened during the war when Grindelwald stormed Hogwarts and killed Dumbledore, Riddle had taken out almost half of the dark lord's inner circle or 'Alliance' himself and saved dozens of students who stayed to fight. Riddle would have made it out without injury, but Krall had cast a circle of Fiendfyre and managed to get Riddle's wand, leaving the Slytherin stranded.

Harry had luckily managed to get the head boy out of the fire, but he had been hit on the leg and was unable to fight any longer. He had left the boy with his invisibility cloak and left to face Grindelwald.

Riddle was given an order of Merlin at their graduation ceremony and then had disappeared to travel; Harry hadn't thought of him much in the two years that had passed.

Riddle seemed content to sit in silence as Harry thought, magicking the sand at his feet into tiny iridescent snakes that faded into dust after a few moments. Harry watched quietly for a few peaceful minutes, enjoying the sound of the waves lapping at the lake edge before them.

"How bad was it there after I left?" Harry asked softly.

Riddle shrugged. "As chaotic as you could imagine. Half of the crowd believe it was staged and the other half headed straight for the food bar."

Harry sighed and buried his head in his hands, he had no idea how he was supposed to face the mess that would be waiting for him.

"Oh, and there are about a dozen people out looking for you," Riddle added indifferently.

"And of course, you sent word as soon as you found me," Harry grumbled.

"And bring the Weasley brigade here? I think not," Riddle responded simply. "I was simply paying a visit to our old school before returning on my travels when I stumbled upon your sorry sight."

Harry relaxed slightly, glad that Riddle wasn't going to attempt to console him. The Slytherin didn't seem to have much stake in the situation, and it was comforting, he didn't think he could handle being coddled by Hermione and the Weasleys yet.

"Why did you come back to Britain?" Harry pondered out loud, hoping to have something else to think about other than his trainwreck of life for a little.

Riddle let his magic fade from the sand. "I'm not staying here for long, I have a few more things I need to accomplish before I can return."

"Like what? What have you been doing?" Harry asked curiously, not caring if he was coming off as rude for prying, Riddle was rude for interrupting his pity party.

Riddle turned his head slightly and flashed him a dazzling smile that made Harry's stomach twist uncomfortably. "Lots of things. Much more than Hogwarts taught. I apprenticed under Nicholas Flammel for a year."

Harry cocked an eyebrow, intrigued. "Dumbledore's friend? The guy who created that stone- I can't remember the name."

"The Philosopher's stone." Riddle provided reverently. The tone of his voice made Harry turn to give him an appraising look, the other man had a slight smile on his face, but his eyes were dark.

"The eternal life stone," Harry nodded, remembering a lecture Snape had once given them on it. "What, are you trying to live forever? What would you want that for?" Harry shuddered at the thought of outliving his friends and Ginny- he shied away from the thought of her as fast as he could.

Riddle leaned back and batted his eyelashes innocently, a look that the Slytherin probably thought was endearing. "Why, how could I ever expect to take over the world if my years are numbered?"

Harry scoffed and shook his head, not giving Riddle the satisfaction of laughing at his joke but he decided not to push. "Well, you can be some other savior's problem, I've had enough of mad dark lords for one lifetime." He leaned back with Riddle, watching the squid glide lazily across the lake.

Riddle hummed in amusement and shifted his leg so it grazed Harry's softly, causing a shiver to shoot down his spine. Harry shot the other boy a quick look, earning a fiery look from the Slytherin. The sensation reminded him of their school days in dueling club, the intense look Tom would give him after one of their more chaotic duels. His face grew warm, and he had to shake the image from his mind, squashing it down with the rest of the strange things he felt during their time at Hogwarts.

Since his fifth year, he had been with Ginny, so he had never tried to look too far into the warmth that spread through him when Tom Riddle looked at him for a little too long.

Harry sighed. "Really Riddle, what are you doing here? Come to rub it in?"

The Slytherin seemed to be choosing his words carefully, Harry was used to Tom's quick reactions, but the other man was quiet for a few minutes. Harry was ready to stand and leave when Tom finally spoke. "You tend to get yourself in trouble when left alone for too long."

Anger surged through him, and Harry pushed to his feet. "I can take care of myself just fine, thanks."

Long, slender fingers wrapped around his wrist and Tom sighed. "That isn't what I mean, Potter. Sit down."

Harry frowned down, not moving to fit down again.

"Do you really feel like going back right now anyway?" Riddle questioned; his thumb stroked over the pulse point in Harry's wrist.

Harry felt heat pool down in his stomach and pulled his hand out of Riddle's grasp quickly. He thought about leaving but Riddle was right, he had nowhere else to go. He couldn't see the Weasleys, and he definitely couldn't go back to the rooms he shared with Ginny.

With a huff, he sat back down beside Riddle, deliberately leaving space between them to be safe.

Riddle seemed pleased, giving a bright smile and looking amused at the space Harry left between them.

"I think this was the best thing that could have happened for you, Harry," Riddle said nonchalantly.

Harry gave him a scathing look, "I don't really care what you think Riddle. That ruined my life." Panic started filling him again and he glared harder, "Just because you don't want a normal life or family doesn't mean I don't."

Riddle didn't seem fazed by his hostility; he was amused by it, and this only made Harry angrier. "You were pretending to be something you weren't. Weasley set you free."

Harry paused and considered what the other man was saying, turning so their knees were brushing. Tom seemed to be getting excited by the conversation, his eyes were bright. "Come now, Harry. Do you really think you were only meant to settle down and spend the rest of your days filling out paperwork getting fat off butterbeer and boredom? With pub nights and the same boring sex as the only exciting parts of your week?" Riddle leaned forward so they were both facing each other, their knees brushing. He lowered his voice and whispered, "You're anything but boring, Harry."

Harry stared back into the Slytherin's deep brown eyes, processing everything the man was saying. Without looking away, Harry replied firmly, "I killed a dark lord, I don't need any more excitement in my life."

"Come now, Harry, excitement doesn't have to be risking your life," Riddle said smoothly and shifted closer; his dark eyes were intent.

He smelled like oak and parchment and something odd Harry couldn't place but brought back memories of Hogwarts. It was comforting and electrifying blended, and Harry felt his heart race.

"And what does Tom Riddle classify as excitement?" Harry answered back. "Hanging out with rocks and old men?"

That earned a grin from the other boy. "Exploring every bit of magic, pushing the boundaries never thought possible, getting lost in it." He paused and Harry leaned in slightly. "Learn to set your inhibitions aside to be open to becoming great."

Harry recoiled slightly. "I don't want to be great; I just want to be happy."

"The two are not mutually exclusive, you do not have to choose one or the other." Riddle cocked his head slightly, regarding him. "You're so bound up, Harry."

"I am not." Harry frowned.

"When was the last time you did something that you wanted to do? Rather than what people expected of you." Riddle's question hit Harry harder than expected and he looked down at the sand.

Harry wasn't prepared to answer as he honestly did not know, but Riddle grabbed his chin tightly and forced Harry to stare into his dark eyes.

"You did not actually want to marry Ginevra Weasley," Riddle said softly as if it was an obvious fact Harry should know. "You just knew they wanted you to."

Riddle was right. The conclusion washed over him and suddenly Harry could barely breathe, he had no idea what he was doing. He cared for Ginny, and he wanted to be a part of the Weasley family, so of course he would marry Ginny. If that life isn't what he wanted, then what does he want?

He didn't need to listen to this. It is the same thing Riddle always did, try to mess up his life.

My life is plenty messed up already, Harry thought with a sigh. He didn't know why he bothered even listening to the Slytherin git, he had to leave get out of here. His head was throbbing and he just needed it all to go away.

He got to his feet and backed away from the man in front of him, intent to getaway. Riddle was pushing too hard, looking for answers that Harry didn't have. Harry walked past the Slytherin, to get outside the Apparation wards.


Harry stopped as fresh anger surged through him. "What the fuck do you mean Riddle? You can't just show up here and turn my life upside down then expect me to stay."

Riddle got to his feet elegantly and stood before him, not cowed in the slightest but seemingly excited. Harry wasn't short but Riddle towered over him, his magic thick and brushing against his skin in frenzy. "I did not turn your life upside down, that was your ex-fiancé who I'm sure currently has her legs wrapped around Malfoy's waist."

Harry shoved Riddle hard, causing the larger man to take a step back before collecting himself with a smirk. "You don't know anything Riddle! You need to shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about."

Riddle wasn't fazed but rather pushed himself back into Harry's personal space, infuriating him further. "I know Malfoy has had a lover for months," he grinned slightly as Harry tried to through a punch, catching Harry's wrist in strong hands.

Harry struggled to pull back his hand, but Riddle's grip was like iron. Riddle continued, "What? Are you imagining the times you were fucking your fiancé and she was imagining it was Draco Malfoy inside her instead?"

Harry cast a wandless knockback jinx, sending Riddle back a few feet.

He quickly pulled his wand out and pointed it at Riddle, but the Slytherin was just as fast, landing in a crouch and grabbing his hand.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry growled angrily.

Riddle parried away the spell with ease before returning a spell with lightning speed, his eyes were intent and alight.

The duel commenced lighting quick, Harry throwing curses with all the pent-up fury of the last day. His eyes were narrowed, and he was hell-bent on wiping that fucking smile off Riddle's face. The other man seemed to have the same idea and wasted no time in battering Harry with spells.

The two men traded blows at a frenzied speed and Harry felt exhilarated for the first time since the war.

Riddle was fast.

He was faster than Harry remembered, his spell repertoire had grown vastly as well, the Slytherin's movements were viper-like in earnest. Harry was thankful for his fast reflexes as he had to jump and drop to the ground often to dodge the curses that shattered his shield charms. It was easy to let his instincts take over and the rapid pace pushed all other thoughts from his mind.

Riddle had the offensive advantage, constantly barraging Harry with a myriad of spells that he did not recognize. The Slytherin's breathing was rapid but did not give Harry an opening to attack, but Harry was fueled by a lake of anger that seemed to have built up longer than he'd like to admit.

This duel was more intense than any they had in Hogwarts, it was more emotionally fueled but Riddle was different, it was like fighting the wind. The strength behind Riddle's spells as they rocketed past Harry was shocking and he knew if he took the brunt of one then it would be debilitating.

Adrenaline coursed through Harry's veins as he fought, his head was clear of everything except his next move. It was freeing and he felt better than he had in weeks.

Harry was silently cursing himself as he rolled through the grass, narrowly dodging a gleam of yellow light that rustled his hair as it shot past, he was so out of practice. He had allowed himself to get soft after the war and was paying the price as Riddle had only improved.

Riddle seemed to realize this as well and grinned brutally, "Arresto Momentum." The spell was fast and caught Harry as he tried to twist away.

Harry felt his movements slow as he was met with resistance, it was as if he was submerged in the lake while trying to fight.

Panic filled Harry as he realized he couldn't dodge, he tried to cast as quick finite, but Riddle would not give him the chance, throwing another curse that Harry had to shield. The Slytherin was grinning brightly, but Harry noted that his chest was heaving as well.

Harry knew he wouldn't be able to maintain a shield, Riddle's curses were too strong. Once a curse would shatter his shield, Riddle would immediately send another before Harry could pull up another shield.

Without thinking, Harry heaved himself forward and crashed into Riddle, they hit the ground with a thud.

Immediately the spell slowing Harry's movements was gone and he quickly clambered on top of the Slytherin. The larger man had the air knocked out of him but made a move to grab his wand, which rolled to the sand beside Harry's, but Harry grabbed his hands and slammed them into the ground beside his head.

The air was electrifying as they panted, staring at each other.

Harry felt emotions begin to flood back through him and terrified, he did the only thing he could to keep this euphoric feeling.

He smashed his lips into Riddles clumsily.

Riddle's lips were smooth but solid as the other man surged up to meet his kiss. As Harry's grip loosened on his wrists, Riddle grabbed onto his hips tightly and sat up, so Harry was sitting on his lap. Harry felt years of pent-up tension flood into the kiss and had to hold on tight to not drown in the intensity of it.

The kiss was exactly what he imagined it to be, it was rough as they bought fought for control, Harry threading his fingers through Riddle's hair and pulling hard as the Slytherin was most surely leaving bruises on his hips.

Tom's mouth left him and attacked his neck, leaving Harry breathless. A voice was screaming in the back of his mind that this was crazy, and they were in public, but he wanted to escape for a little while longer before he had to return to reality and pushed the voice back.

Riddle's fingers found their way under his shirt, teasing their way along his abdomen before ripping his robes and exposing him to the evening air.

Riddle's magic was cool as it surrounded them like a cloud and teased Harry's skin. Harry should have been concerned at the sheer power of Riddle's magic, it was stronger than he had ever believed possible for someone so young, but the adrenaline was addicting. His own magic twisted with Riddles, like two dragons in battle with Harry and Tom lost in the storm.

"It feels like fire." Harry felt Riddle murmur against his skin in wonderment.

Harry felt himself agree but had no ability to do anything but moan and grind against the rather large bulge beneath him. He bit down on Riddle's shoulder hard enough to draw blood.

With a growl, Riddle flipped them, so he was on top, looming over Harry, his face twisted in hunger. The grass brushed against Harry's bare skin, and he realized Riddle magicked away their robes. Panic broke through the haze of lust in his mind, and he moved to push the Slytherin off of him.

Riddle crashed his lips back on Harry and pressed his full weight down and grinding their hardened lengths together, pushing the breath from the Gryffindor's lungs. Dazed, Harry noted that his backside suddenly felt cool and empty, and he realized what was about to happen.

"Riddle wait," Harry panted but couldn't help himself from grinding upwards.

Riddle paused and stared down at Harry, his eyes almost black. Their magic continued swirling, more lazily. It felt like he was in the center of a tornado and was struggling to breathe.

"This is crazy," Harry breathed.

Long fingers, cool fingers worked their way up his chest to rest partially around his neck and Riddle leaned down so their lips were almost touching. Harry almost whined as Riddle lifted his body to hover, their only point of contact being the hand at his throat.

"You want this, Harry." Riddle's voice was rougher than usual with need. "You know you have wanted this for years, you just never let yourself have it."

Harry couldn't help but think of all the duels over the years, the tension as Tom would stand a little too close in the hallways, the extra brush of his fingers when being handed a quill.

Riddle was right.

It was difficult to admit but Harry knew he wanted Riddle for longer than he'd admit. Riddle was the antithesis of everything he had built his life towards, his goals, but their magic had always called to each other, and Harry was tired of fighting it.

"Say yes," Riddle demanded in a hiss.

With a whine, Harry nodded.

Much to his disdain, he wasn't rewarded with any more contact. He looked up and Riddle was frowning down at him in contemplation.

"Come with me, learn all magic has to offer together." Tom pressed and the statement seemed to be significant to the man.

Harry wasn't in the right mind to promise anything, but he nodded, desperate for contact. He didn't have anything anymore, and the current center of his world was Riddle's hard body that was way too far away for his liking.

"Say it." Riddle pressed. "Say you will."

"I will go as long as you shut up and fuck me already," Harry replied harshly.

He received a dazzling smile in return, Riddle's magic was absolutely glowing.


Harry looked up at the evening sky above them, the early stars beginning to shine as the sun dipped below the horizon. He felt warm and more content than he had in weeks.

After a few minutes of laying together, Riddle pushed himself so was laying beside Harry, their arms touching.

"If our every duel ended like that in Hogwarts, I would have brought you with me the moment we graduated." Riddle joked softly; his usual smugness intensified.

"If all our duels would have ended that way, I wouldn't have been able to walk straight to face Grindelwald," Harry replied earnestly.

Riddle laughed and rolled on his side, so he was facing Harry, his eyes dark. "I'm holding you to your word, you know." Harry frowned in confusion. "About coming with me."

"Why do you even want me to come?" Harry asked, not taking his eyes off the darkening sky.

Riddle was quiet for a minute before answering and rubbing his lower leg. Harry followed his gaze to see the injury he had received during the Battle of Hogwarts when Harry had saved his life. "Because there's no one else who would ever belong at my side, who could ever hold a candle to you. I've known that since we were 14." His voice was blunt and sincere as if he was speaking about the weather.

Playfully, Harry shot him a grin, "oh so I'll be your sidekick?"

Riddle reached over and stroked Harry's cheek with a ghost of a grin, "As if I would ever need a sidekick. Anyway, it would be awfully boring to take over the world alone."

Harry laughed and leaned over to kiss him.

It's not the future he planned but maybe it's where he was supposed to be.


Tom sat in the corner of their small bed, his gaze trailing along his black-haired lover's face.

Harry looked younger while sleeping, Tom thought curiously and traced the outline of his lips. Harry often fell asleep first after sex, which Tom preferred, it left him time to himself. They had been traveling together for almost a month and were currently in Peru.

The silence of their tent was broken by soft scratching at the door.

Tom silently stood and pulled the entrance flap aside to see a large tawny owl that he recognized immediately. The owl was holding a letter, which he took and gave the owl a small bowl of treats before its flight back to Europe.

Tom peeled open the letter, ensuring the Malfoy insignia was twisted beyond recognition.

My Lord,

I have returned to the manor, leaving Weasley in Paris. They are trying to return to Britain to find Potter but does not know Potter left.

I will standby and await my next duty.

D. Malfoy

Riddle lit the letter on fire, watching it slowly burn to ashes before returning to bed with the Gryffindor.

He had no intention of surrendering Harry to anyone not when it had taken so many years to finally make the boy his.

A/N – Thank you all for reading! This has been up on ao3 for a month or two if anyone switches between both and this looks familiar.

Oh, and I am currently working on a full story (between 10-15 chapters) of a Harry/Tom AU, I have half of it written but am waiting for it to be finished before I post it – rough summary below. I'm not sure if I'll be posting it on ffnet but it will definitely be on A03. I am planning on having it finished in the next two weeks.

Anyway, thank you all for your reviews/ comments. I am an accountant who dabbles in writing, so I know it's not very professional sounding.

Summary of upcoming fanfic:

After his mother's death, Harry believed he was the only Parselmouth left alive. His world was shifted when an altercation with the future minister for magic Tom Riddle leads him to rethink his place in the world, initiating a deadly game of cat and mouse but what game is Tom Riddle really playing? Eventual Harry/Tom, enemies to lovers, so much sexual tension