Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit fan-based Crossover. Amphibia and Kamen Rider are owned by Disney and Production Toei Company respectively! Please support the official releases!
In a red moon-lit marshland, a small village of large anthropomorphic frogs was going about their evening when a black hole with a purple rim appeared high in the sky. No one took notice of it at all, especially when a volley of small heated up objects fell from the hole and impacted a nearby mountain, slowly setting it on fire as a larger, more bird-shaped object made a collision course for the center of the village! It was only then that some of the frogs took notice and fled from the area as it crashed and left a crater twice in diameter! Minutes after the crater cooled down, some of the frogs went over to the hole and saw a 'human' wearing a phoenix-themed suit with long peacock feathers running down his back, segmented colors of red, yellow, green, and purple running down the helm's 'cheeks', and a gold logo of said mythical bird on his chest. One of the frogs, a cyan-colored female with a hair bun, went into the crater to examine the being when she heard him groan. The frog then took a closer look at the helmet before seeing if it was removable… and it was. She and the other frogs gasped as those around the crater saw the face of a Japanese man with dirty-blonde hair!
Anne and Ankh
(500 years later, 2019)
Centuries later in the same village, it had became a town with a larger population as the current inhabitants went about their day as an elderly, well-dressed red frog was 'driving' a giant snail, who was dragging a big wagon with a pinkish frog wearing a light jacket and black pants but wore no shirt, and a magenta pollywog wearing a bow while inside a bucket. "Wo, Bessie." He said to the snail as she stopped, allowing him to turn to his grandkids. "All right kids, I'm gonna do a little shoppin'. You watch the cart-" "You got it, Hop Pop! I'll defend this cart with my LIIIIIIFE!" The older frog kid declared loudly as he was pounding his chest with enthusiasm! Only for Hop Pop to tell him that he was speaking to 'Polly'. "What? Polly's a baby." "You're a baby!" Polly retorted while pointing her stubby limb at her brother. "Polly's got more responsibility in one flipper than you have in your entire body, Sprig." "Ridiculous. What makes you think I'm irresponsible?!" Sprig demanded as Hop Pop reminded him of all the times he showed his irresponsibility.
In the kitchen of their home, Sprig was checking a pot full of liquid (probably soup or stew while Hop Pop and the man from five hundred years ago, now wearing a white, beatin up shirt and red pants, were cutting up vegetables. Apparently the lid needed to stay on as Sprig tried to take a peek inside, causing it to suddenly explode! "Sorry." Sprig said to the two just as the lid landed on his head with an audible clank.
Next, Hop Pop was in his room taking a nap when Sprig, riding a cow-like caterpillar, crashed through one of the walls yelling, scaring Hop Pop half to death!
Lastly at night, everyone was ready to sleep when Hop Pop discovered the lights were still on. "SPRIG, WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT LEAVIN' THE LIGHTS ON?!" Hop Pop yelled as gigantic fireflies became attracted to the house and started bumping into it, causing everyone to scream!
(Present day)
"Okay, so yesterday was a bad day." Sprig claimed as Hop Pop simply hummed sarcastically, grabbed a sac from his side and hopped off of the wagon. "Polly, make sure Sprig stays in the cart." Hop Pop orders Polly before heading into a store, where he greets a 'Mrs. Jonkins' warmly. "Wish there was a way to prove I'm not such a goof-up." Sprig said depressingly after sighing when moments later, a cyan frog wearing a similar getup to Sprig's with one eye closed and a hat came running out of the forest, screaming! "MONSTER! Th-th-there's a monster in the woods! I seen it! I SEEN it!" The frog stated in a British accent while panicking as various other frogs came to investigate as a toad in fancy clothes tells him to slow down and tell them what he saw. He then began describing the creature while using leaves and sticks from the area. He said it had a huge head, a weird stubby bump on the middle of its face, and long, spindly limbs, causing everyone to gasp in horror when they all heard a screech before seeing a wasp-like raptor running and stopping behind the with the 'human' on top, now sporting red Maximilian armor covered in red and green feathers and a helmet with a Native American design and with a long, horizontal spike on each side. "What's going on here, Wally?" "I've nearly escaped a monster from the woods." Wally told him as he pointed to the description he made, leaving the knight in shock! "It can't be." He muttered as he dismounted and demanded a deeper description. "Well thanks to the lamps on the road, I saw it had puffy hair that made up most of its head, it wore clothing, and its skin was light brown. Why Ankh?" Wally asked as Ankh nodded at the information before turning to the group. "People of Wartwood, I know what you're dealing with now, and I can tell you with confidence that it poses no threat to you. In fact, when I bring it back, the creature will be under my protection." Ankh declared before mounting his beast again and ran into the forest as some of the frogs cheered him on.
Meanwhile, Sprig had decided that he was going to help Ankh find the 'monster'. But before could commence with the task, Polly stopped him. "Hop Pop said that you had to stay in the cart. You know you can't take me!" Polly declared as she flexed her arms, showing off her big, veiny muscles! "Oh, oh. Polly, look. Candy!" Sprig said as he pulled out some bug-shaped candies from his coat pocket and tossed them into the air before they landed on the cart floor. And as she saw them, Polly knew what she had to do… "BRIBE ACCEPTED!" Let her brother go off while she gorges on sweets! But not before telling him not to die.
As the two were searching for clues of the creature, Sprid eventually came up to a small clearing. "Seems the beast roams these parts. Probably a good place to-AHH!" Sprig was interrupted when a snare was set off and hung him upside down! Just then, he heard wrestling from the tall grass before he turned to see what it was when the one who set the trap showed itself. A human girl that matched Wally's description almost perfectly, minding the fact that she had a poorly made bandage on her left arm that looked like it was just torn from her magenta skirt, a white T-shirt with the initials 'JB' inside an arrowhead, scratches all over herself, and a sharpened stick as a spear! "Caught ya! Though you got the best of ol' Anne, eh? Well you didn't!" Anne declared aggressively when she and Sprig both heard a screech before Ankh and his pet suddenly landed between them! "Step away from the frog!" Ankh ordered as he then got off of his ride and removed his helm to show his face. "I… I don't believe it. Another human!? Thi-this is amazing!" Anne states with a hopeful tone in her voice when Sprig declared to her that he tasted awful. "What? I'm not gonna eat you!" "You tried to eat Wally!" "I tried to ask 'Wally' for help! He took off screaming the second he saw me!" Anne told him offendedly when they all heard a sudden deep screech coming from a ways away but closing! "It's coming back!" She as Ankh whistled to his pet before pointing to the rope around Sprig's leg. The raptor snapped the rope before its owner grabbed Sprig midair and leaped onto it's saddle-covered back. "Get on!" Ankh shouted as he gave Anne a hand to pull her up and behind him. "Hold on. Striker, let's ride!" He commanded as Striker ran from the beast falling the trees, forcing Anne to hold onto Ankh's waist for dear life!
Soon enough, Striker spots a log big enough to hole all of them before sliding under it with everyone still hanging on! Minutes later they heard the creature walk past them, thankfully not seeing them through some of the holes in the log. Even more fortunately, they were able to see the beast as it walked away. A giant red Mantis! Seeing they were in the clear they all sighed in relief. "So you have a history with that thing?" "Yeah, and it's not a pretty one." Anne told Ankh before Sprig asked if she was okay. "Not at all. I'm starving and exhausted." She told him as she huddled herself up to make more room. "Then you're in luck because I'm here to offer you a place to live." "YES!" Anne yelled as she suddenly lunged at Ankh and embraced him for a second before realizing what she did and pulled herself back, blushing. "Sorry about that." She muttered awkwardly before Ankh smiled and extended his right hand, which looks avian in nature, out to her. "I'm Ankh Planter. This is Sprig Planter." "It's nice to meet you stranger." Sprig declared as Anne smiled in return and gave them her full name. "My name is Anne. Anne Boonchuy." She said before shaking Ankh's hand, feeling its leathery skin. "Wow, that feels weird." "Thanks." Ankh said when they heard Anne's stomach growl. "So, do either of you got anything to eat?" "Sure do." Sprig says as he peels off the side of the log, showing dozens of normal-sized insects which grosses her out a bit. "Things that aren't bugs?" "No bugs, eh?" He asked as he stuck his tongue out at one of the bugs and ate it. "Don't worry, some of these bugs taste like what you might've had on earth. But until then, we'll have to hunt around for a bit. Oh, the little red ones!" Ankh said just as he spotted a bug with a red sac on the end of it on his knee before plucking it and popped it into his mouth, grossing out Anne even more. "Hm! The acid really makes them tangy!" With that out of the way, Sprig, Ankh, and Striker exited the log as Anne peeks out and looks at them. "How do I know I can trust you?" "Because you have no other choice. And let's be honest, the 'choice' is more of an ultimatum." Ankh stated nonchalantly as he waited for Anne to make a decision. "You know what Ankh, you're right." She said before following them.
Meanwhile back with the cart, Hop Pop exited the store when he spotted the newly made mob with the toad spearheading it. "When I say "kill", you say "it". Kill." "IT!" "Kill!" "IT!" "Another day, another mob." Hop Pop said as he got up onto the cart. "Come on, kids, time to-what the!?" Hop Pop stopped when he noticed Sprig was gone and Polly was on the cart floor, laying outside of her tipped over bucket and with candy all over her face! "I DON'T HAVE A CANDY PROBLEM! YOU HAVE A CANDY PROBLEM!" "Polly, where's Sprig?!" Hop Pop asked fearfully as Polly tried to recollect with subpar results. "Uh, something-something monster, something-something Ankh, something-something woods." "Oh, if your boy went into the woods, he's as good as eaten if Ankh doesn't find him first. That beast wasn't the only thing I saw while running for my life." Wally stated when Hop Pop asked why they were all just standing around before he grabbed Polly and jumped off the cart! "HANG IN THERE, BOY! HOP POP'S A COMIN'!" He yelled as the mob followed him! "Harvest the toenails for medicinal purposes!" Wally shouted out randomly.
Meanwhile back with the group, Sprig handed Anne a bucket of assorted mushrooms and roots as Ankh looked for any landmarks to not get turned around. As she rummaged in the bucket until she pulled out a purple root and ate it with a noticeable crunch to it. "Hey, this is pretty good." She declared before she ate a few more when Sprig asked a couple of questions. "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU AND WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!" "I'm a human being, and I came from another world!" Anne answered while shouting the last part loudly, causing an echo. "Either that or this is a dream." "Doubtful since I never woke up when I thought this was a dream." Ankh states as he walks to them. "Really, how did you get here? Because I have no clue how I did." Anne asked as Ankh paused in his tracks while his eyes began moving fast until he closed them and reopened them. "Like you I came here by accident, but I was in Japan, where a vicious battle took place…"
(Flashback, Japan, 2010)
(Ankh: A friend of mine named Eiji and I were fighting against a powerful enemy who was obsessed with destruction.)
In an open field near dozens of sewer tubes, a warrior that resembled the form Ankh arrived in when he appeared in amphibia, but toned down significantly, charged at a humanoid monster that looked to be a mix of a T-Rex, Triceratops, and a Pteranodon. The second he got close enough, he began attacking the Kaijin when suddenly, a spectral version of Ankh sucker punched the creature, surprising them both. The warrior, now confirmed to be Eiji, snapped out of his shock and pressed on, landing many successful hits on the Kaijin as Ankh periodically got a hit in before dozens of grey coins flew out of his hand and into the small shield, causing it to glow! Eiji then delivered an energized punch to force it back a yard away, forcing the Kaijin to take to the sky and flee into a giant floating pyramid with six multi-colored rings surrounding it as Eiji Pursued.
(Ankh: We won the fight and saved not only the nation, but the world.)
Now inside, Eiji and a now winged Ankh both fired an attack at the Kaijin, the former firing a ring made of purple coins and the latter fired a simple but powerful fireball as they merged and struck its body!
(Ankh: But at a cost with the accumulated power clashing.)
However when the attack landed, it did explode. Rather it turned into a collapsing singularity that began to rip apart the Kaijin before sucking in every last piece of the Pyramid! Unfortunately this included six purple coins inside Eiji's shield, three of which broke apart, and three red coins within his belt. "ANKU!" He screamed in fear as they flew into the vortex!
(Present day)
"And now I've been looking for a way to get back home. Though it looks like I'll have some help from someone who wants to go home as much as I do." Ankh finished before seeing Anne look depressed. "Wow. That's really sad." She stated as Ankh nodded before taking a deep breath. "So, what's your story Sprig, what were you doing in the woods?" "Proving that I'm responsible!" Sprig stated proudly until Ankh asked "how" rhetorically, leaving Sprig to realize that he forgot. Suddenly the mob showed up and surrounded Anne before Ankh got in front of her and swung his right arm 360 degrees and formed a circle of fire to keep them away! "What do you all think you're doing?!" "Whoa, dude! You can make fire?" Anne asked Ankh as he waited for an explanation when the Toad walked up with a cane in hand. "Well when you didn't show up, we feared the worst and came to avenge ya." "YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT, TOADSTOOL AND HALF OF THIS TOWN KNOWS IT!" Ankh yelled angrily when, as suddenly as the mob showed up, everyone heard a roar similar to the one the group heard a while back. When they looked to where it came from, they saw a humanoid mantis leap from the bushes and screeched at them, causing many of them to scream at the sight of it! "What the hell is that thing?!" "It's a Yummy, but that's impossible! Unless." Ankh stated before coming to a realization as the mob began to stack on top of each other, attempting to scare it off, which failed as the Yummy just ran around them and threw two energy blades at Anne and Ankh! As Anne braised herself Ankh shielded her, taking the full brunt of the attack as they went flying backwards while the fire blew out!
"Anne, Ankh!" Sprig shouted as he was about to run over to see if they were okay when he heard a whistle from the Yummy as the same mantis from before showed up and swatted the frogs away! "It's gonna eat our guts!" One shouted in fear. "No!" Anne shouted as she got back up and charged the Yummy, attempting to punch it when it grabbed her fist and hoisted her up to its face! "Let me ask. What were you hoping to gain from this?" "A kick to your chin!" Anne stated as she did just that, kicked the unsuspecting Yummy's chin, causing coins to fly out of its head and forcing it to let her go as she swept its legs before stomping on where the sun wouldn't shine! "Now call off your pet! I know how to make this as painful as possible!" Anne told it as her eyes briefly flashed blue before returning to brown! "She's holding her own." Ankh muttered as he got up and saw the mantis was approaching Anne, who was too focused on the Yummy! Fortunately just as Anne notices the now attacking mantis, Ankh turned into a bird made of fire and created a pulse that forced the Yummy, mantis, and Anne apart.
"Anne, if you're going to fight them, you'll need this." Ankh told Anne after he returned to normal and shaked his right arm a bit before a black belt buckle with cyan stripes and three slots fell out before he caught it and slapped it onto Anne's waist, forming a silver belt with two accessories on opposite sides.
Track playing: Greeed Showdown from Kamen Rider OOO
"Anne, the only way to survive is to use the Seal." Ankh tells Anne as she was shocked by his display of firepower. "You're not human, are you?" "No. Now place these three Core Medals… into here." Ankh explained as he pulled out three Medals, a red hawk, a yellow tiger, and a green grasshopper, before pointing to the Seal with his free hand. "You'll have power beyond your wildest dreams." "Don't do it! Using those will cost you your life." The Yummy warned Anne, causing her eyes to widen at the warning when Ankh then made Anne face him. "No matter what you do, there'll always be risks. Trust me, it's safe to use them for helping others in moderations." He told her as he let go, letting Anne think while rubbing her face. "So even the easy way would be hard too? Okay then." "NO!" The Yummy yelled as he tried to throw another energy blade at her, when a ball of mud hit its eyes! "AH! My eyes!" "Guys, now!" Sprig shouted as Anne placed all three Medals into the Seal, causing it to turn crooked just as Ankh snatched a device from her belt and presented it to her. "Swipe this across the inserted Medals and say "Henshin"." Ankh told her as she took it and did as he said, causing it to make three dinging noises, each one more pitched than the last before almost 'shutting down'. "Henshin."
"Taka! Tora! Batta! Ta-to-ba! Tatoba Tatoba!" The belt sang as a jingle as numerous images of Medals spun around her until it stopped at the selected Medals as a black suit with the combined images of the Medals on the chest, yellow claws folded up on the arms, and green bug eyes on the helmet.
Track playing: Regret nothing Tighten Up from Kamen Rider OOO by Shu Watanabe (Short Ver.)
(Tatoba, Tatoba! Tatoba, Tatoba! Tatoba, Tatoba! Tatoba, Tatoba!)
"Whoa! I feel energized, like my old self!" OOO marveled just as the Yummy jumped at her to strike from above, only for OOO to block the attack and extend the claws on her arms, slashing its chest and causing it to bleed Medals before OOO kicked it into the mantis!
(If I hadn't done it that time, ah! If I'd just been able to do that "What if" is a hypothetical statement, nothing will change in reality!)
OOO then leaped forward as her legs flashed green, causing her to jumped far and kick the Yummy's Medals out before locking a striking mantises claws in place for Sprig to wrap it in a rope he took from one of the other frogs!
(If I gave up, thinking "I'm weak", and I let regret accumulate! To the point that there's no turning back! I won't be able to take back even my actions!)
OOO then drop-kicked the beast away as Sprig got off after tying its legs together, forcing it immobilized as it toppled over. "You'll pay for that!" The Yummy declared as it charged at the two!
(Pretending to not see, recoiling, passing by; that's too bad! As a person, or as myself, I don't want to do that! There's only one unbreakable promise:)
"Put it on my tab." OOO said confidently as she saw what would happen if she swiped the Medals again. "Scanning Charge!" The Seal shouted as OOO was put into overdrive as she jumped high into the air as three rings appeared below her, causing the Yummy to stop in fear!
(If there is a light seeming to be extinguished in front of me, I want to protect it with these hands! I can go nowhere; I don't have a place to escape to! I have to face it and fight, regret nothing!)
As OOO fell back down, she picked up speed and power as a pair of wings appeared on her back while the Yummy futily ran! "Seiya!" OOO shouted as she slammed into its back, sending it into a tree just as it exploded into a huge mass of Medals while OOO landed next to Sprig effortlessly! "Hm, now that's what I'm talking about." Ankh said as he saw that Anne took to it like a fish to water.
(Tatoba, Tatoba! Tatoba, Tatoba! Tatoba, Tatoba! Tatoba, Tatobaaaa!)
OOO then turned to see the towns folk coming out of hiding as some of them seemed confused while others seemed to recognize the suit. Now able to relax a bit, OOO then turned the Seal back to the original position and pulled it off, causing the whole suit to disappear.
Anne then looked at the Seal before turning to Ankh as he walked over. "Here, you probably want this back." Anne assumed as she held out the Seal to Ankh, who tells her that wouldn't be necessary as he then turned to the frogs. "People of Wartwood, and Mayor Toadstool, I give you your new guardian, Kamen Rider OOO!" Ankh declared to them as the mob gasped in shock before some of them began arguing against the idea. "What if it goes nutty tomorrow and starts eating people?" "No gonna happen, buddy." Anne tells Wally as Hop Pop walks up to the three with Polly on his head. "Don't worry yourselves silly. I'll keep an eye on em', both of em'." "And if you have a problem with Anne here, then you answer to me!" Ankh told the mob as they began to simmer down. "Have it your way, you two, but I don't like it. Alright boys, pack it in." Toadstool told everyone as they began to head back home while dragging the mantis with them. With the mob leaving, Ankh went over to where the Yummy exploded while Anne decided to follow. "Looks like I'm back to causing trouble for the family again, huh?" "Trouble? Sprig, distracting that monster to buy time for this one to save us was some of the bravest and most responsible stuff I've ever seen. (Polly: It was also really dumb!) Yes really, really dumb." Hop Pop tells Sprig proudly. Unfortunately he immediately let it go to his head as Ankh and Anne returned, with the latter carrying a bunch of Medals in her arms. "Well, according to Ankh, I'll be stuck here for a couple of months. Is that true?" "Oh, I'm afraid so. This valley is surrounded by mountains that are impenetrable this time of year. It's suicide to try crossing those mountains now. OOO or no OOO." Hop Pop told Anne as she sighed.
(Hours later, Planter farm)
Night fell as Hop Pop showed Anne where she'll live, the basement. "Now that Ankh gave you the tour, you can make yourself comfortable down here. Breakfast is at sunrise." He told her as he climbed up the ladder leading to the living room. As she got started unpacking, Sprig showed up with a handful of stuffed animals. "Hey. Gettin' comfy? Brought some toys to keep you company. I'm too old for these. Oh, except for this one. Oh, and this one. Oops, this one too. Sorry. This one as well." Sprig said as he picked up the toys and gave Anne a warm smile. "I'm glad you're livin' with us, monster." "Yeah, me too, weird little frog boy." She retorted jokingly before Sprig climbed back up while dropping the bird-like toy, telling her to not let the bedbugs bite. "Seriously, they can drain a body in seconds." Sprig warned her as she verbally winced at the fact. However once she knew she was alone, she pulled out an ornate box with a key on the side of it and there grey gems on the lid. She then took a deep breath before closing her eyes and prepared to open it. "Come on, come on." However when she opened it, nothing happened at all as she did this a few more times. "Looks like I'm gonna be here for a while."
To be continued!
Count the Medals
Anne: Hawk (X3), Peacock (X3), Condor (X3), Tiger (X1), Grasshopper (X1)
Note: I'll be honest, I never intended to publish this before the others updated, but when I realized that Amphibia was ending a week ago. I decided to upload this story as an homage to the great show that has now left us. Of course I have made some changes. I made the girls 15 years old as they were originally supposed to be, some of the choices the characters make will change, and lastly, this story will go into dark themes like trauma and other madness.
Kaigu-hunter: I hope you enjoy! ;)