Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit fan-based Crossover. Amphibia and Kamen Rider are owned by Disney and Production Toei Company respectively! Please support the official releases!
A few days later, Ankh was in a deeper part of the hidden basement, full of boardgames, with the box containing the Purple Medals in his hands. "Damn, I'd hate to use Emma's storage room like this; hiding the Purple Medals." Ankh said as he placed the box behind a few stacks. "But what choice do I have? It's either this or continue risking the possibility of them turning Anne into a host for the Dinosaur Greeed. Though it might evolve into something worse, considering there are now two mythical Core Medals." He states before walking out of the room as the door closed just after he got out, entering a room designed to be an armory as he passed by suits of armor that resembled large frogs. Moments later, he was in his room as Striker was sleeping soundly in his pin.
Afterwards, as he walked out of the house, he bumped right into Anne, holding Polly and Hop Pop's wallet. "Care to explain?" Ankh asked rhetorically as Anne chuckled sheepishly.
Track playing: Anything Goes from Kamen Rider OOO by Maki Ohguro (TV ver.)
(You count the Medals: 1, 2, and 3! Life goes on, Anything goes, coming up OOO!)
Now outside of the house, Anne stood in front of the Ridevendor and pulled out a Cell before inserting it into the machine and pressing the big button.
Now in the town, OOO was riding through the town, enjoying herself as she then entered the woods!
(Don't bother with unwanted or short-lived dreams! A free state... That's alright, I guess! (Starting now: the show we're waiting for! Count the medals: 1, 2 and 3!))
As she drove, OOO's suit blinked into six different forms with a different color for each. Meanwhile back at the house, Sprig had placed down three green Core Medals, one at a time, next to his slingshot before jumping out of the window!
(Fate will not let go of you! In the end, you just have to go on! (An unknown development, give me energy! Count the medals: 1, 2 and 3!)
Inside the hidden basement, Ankh was looking over the box holding the six purple Core Medals for a second before walking away from it.
(It's ok, tomorrow's always blank! Your value is something you decide yourself! (OOO, OOO, OOO, OOO! COME ON!))
Meanwhile at Toad tower, Uva, Mezool, and Gamel were standing next to a prison cell as Kazari leaned on the bars when a flash of lightning showed Sasha chained up inside, looking upset!
Back in civilian form but in a white and pink t-shirt with an orange flame symbol and light blue jean shorts, Anne swiped the reader across the Seal. "Henshin!" She said as she changed forms cutaway-like four times before she appeared at the front of the tower and struck the ground with the Medajaribā, exploding the ground around the toads closest to her!
(Anything goes! That heart is what gets heated! Search for what gets overflowed!)
Now wiping out the toads, OOO changed forms rapidly, launching gorilla-themed gauntlets, swinging Shautas wipes, and swinging the MedajaribÄ 360 just before reality splits in two for a second before fixing itself!
(Life goes on! If you get serious and fight! You'll never feel like you've lost!)
Using the Tajador Combo, OOO was now facing the four Greeeds, Grime, and Sasha in a suit of armor with the Planters by the Rider's side! The two groups then charged at each other, moments away from making contact!
To make a Greeed
"Ankh! Hi! Uh, I didn't see you there. I was just going to spend the day with Polly, get her some girl time." "Girl what?" Ankh asked as he looked confused. "It's a day to reset for girls like me and Polly. A day to unwind from the grossness here." Anne explained as Ankh now understood. "So a day to pamper yourselves and relax." He clarified as Anne clicked her tongue and pointed at him with Hop Pop's wallet in hand, showing him that he was on point before Ankh swiped the wallet away. "Hey!" "If that's the case, then you don't want to use Hop Pop's wallet. His money's no good." He stated as he pulled out an IOU from Hop Pop's wallet before putting it away and pulling out his wallet, which was red and covered in small feathers. "Use mine, it has enough money for whatever you want to do." "Sweet thanks!" Anne said as she was about to grab the wallet, only for Ankh to jerk it back. "One more thing, Anne. I can tell you're trying to change Polly from who she is, but I want you to know that's not gonna happen. Polly's always been a wild card, even when she was a tadpole, so just try to consider what Polly would want to do. Please?" Ankh asked as Anne then looked at Polly, who was looking bored. "Okay, Ankh. I'll try to add in some things that Polly wants." She told Ankh, who then gave her his wallet. Anne then picked up Polly and headed out.
A few minutes later, Ankh was setting up a cauldron when he spotted Maddie, with a sack, walking down the road. "Hey, Maddie. I got everything ready for your final test: a cauldron full of water, and a spoon to stir the ingredients." "Finally, I get to create a Greeed! I've been wanting to make a Core Medal set ever since I made my first Cell Medals." Maddie claimed as she pulled out a Cell Medal with a frilled lizard facing forward. "Great. We can get started then. I assume you remember the ingredients to make a set?" Ankh asked as Maddie placed the sack down and opened it, showing it to be full of snapdragons, Marsh orchids, a small branch from a willow tree, a patch of lizard skin, and bark from an Acacia tree. "Perfect. Now you just need to remember the order they go in, and you are golden." He told her, as she then cracked her hands.
"So, I couldn't help but hear that we were gonna do something fun. What's it gonna be? Toad rustling? Snake punching?!" "Actually, I was thinking about doing something else first. And that is..." Anne paused as she walked up to a building and kicked the double doors open before crouching. "A spaaaaa." "What?" Polly asked as Anne walked inside with Polly in-hand, spotting a couple of frogs floating around in a pool with cucumber slices on their eyes before they reached the counter. "Two of your fanciest spa treatments, please." "That will be..." The green frog at the counter paused as she played a tone on a xylophone. "10 coppers..." She paused again as she played a higher note. "Each." She finished as she lifted one of the bells and rang a much smaller one underneath, making a deep gong. Afterwards, Anne paid the amount as another frog came out with two towels. "I don't know, Anne. This seems boring. Why don't we do something fun instead?" Polly asked right before she took one of the towels and smacked the frog with it, laughing at 'em! "Polly, there's more to life than spitting and hitting stuff." "Really?" "Besides, with me, we'll run into something fun regardless." Anne told Polly after she picked her up. "Promise?" "Right after this, we'll go for a hike, maybe run into a Yummy or three." She claimed as Polly chuckled.
Back home, Maddie began mixing some of the ingredients in the order shown earlier. Unfortunately, this order caused the water to electrify and explode into vapor. Miraculously, the cauldron was still intact. "Nope."
Back with Anne and Polly, Anne, who was currently OOO in the Tatoba Combo, was the woods fighting a Yummy that resembled a grasshopper with a man's face while Polly was on the back of a Yummy that resembled a swallowtail butterfly, forcefully steering it into numerous trees and through a bunch of branches! "Somebody help! HEEELP!" It screamed out right before a giant dragonfly came out of nowhere and ate the Yummy in one bite, causing Polly to fall while laughing like a mad woman! "Scanning Charge!" The Seal shouted as OOO then dropkicked the Yummy, causing it to explode, before she jumped towards Polly, catching her before she hit the ground! "That! Was awesome!" "I told you we'd find trouble." OOO stated as she changed back. "Where to now?" Polly asked, expecting another heart-pumping adventure.
Instead, they were at a hair salon called "Hair are Frogs". There, Anne was getting her hair straightened out as Polly was throwing combs at a diagram of hair styles before two of the employees stopped her. Afterwards, they went to a store called "Fancy Olde Dresses" where Anne was now wearing a long, dark lime and yellow dress and Polly was, unfortunately, wearing a stuffy, oversized dress that completely restricted her movement. Seeing this, Anne swapped the dress for a wig with a long braided ponytail, getting Polly to look at her confused until she motion hand in a whipping motion, now getting Polly to gasp as she got the idea as she used the ponytail as a whip!
Meanwhile, Maddie was attempting her fifth try with the test with what little of the ingredients were left. "Come on, Maddie, this is your last chance." She mutters to herself before she puts the last of the ingredients in, this time putting the bark in first. Afterwards, the water inside began to bubble while turning to a milky gray color. "Finally. Now all that's left is the skin." "Yes. But there's one more thing before you proceed. You'll still need one final ingredient. A symbol of your desire, to give it a personality." Ankh informed her before she looked at him in shock before nodding, understanding what he meant. "There isâ one thing I have." Maddie stated hesitantly as she reached into her person before pausing for a moment. "Are you alright? I can get something else if you wish." "No. I can do this." She told Ankh before pulling out a necklace and hanging it over the cauldron alongside the scale. With a deep breath, she then dropped the necklace into the water, causing it to ferment and become solid until the only thing left in the pot was an orange Core Medal with a Frilled Lizard looking forward with its frill open. Afterwards, Maddie leaped onto the edge of the cauldron and stuck out her tongue to grab the Medal and place it in her hand. "Good work, you created your first Core Medal." Ankh declared as he carefully plucked the Core Medal from her. "Great, now how do we bring it to life?" "Unfortunately, we have to repeat the process two more times with a different reptile before dropping them into a pile of Cell Medals." Ankh explained. "And you didn't tell me this, why?" "Because I wanted to see you handle making one for now. Now that you've succeeded, we can collect enough ingredients to make two more Core Medals to create a new Greeed." He informed Maddie before she sighed. "Okay. So when do we resume?" She asked as Ankh looked at her with a smile.
(2 hours later)
After Maddie left with the new Core Medal, Ankh went into the woods with his zewihander to train. He swung downward while stepping back, stepped forward while thrusting, and spun his body around while keeping the sword mostly still before swinging it sideways. "Ankh, ya there? I can't seem to find you." A Batta Candroid said with Anne's voice as Ankh pulled it out of his person to respond. "Hello Anne, how was your spa day?" "Oh, you know, got some manicures, clothes, and hairdos. We even fought some Yummies. Unfortunately, they only gave a single Medal each." Anne informed as Ankh readjusted his grips on his sword, holding it close to the guard and blade before walking home. "How was your day? Did Maddie finally make a Core Medal?" "Yes, and we'll be repeating it two more times before we wrap up her studies with creating a new Greeed." He explained. "A new Greeed?! Are you sure that's a good idea? We've already seen what they can do!" "Don't worry. Greeeds may all share the same goal of being complete, their means always vary depending on the individual." Ankh informed her.
(Planter Farm)
"And you can vouch for it?" "Trust me, some Greeeds are capable of some good." He tells Anne as she was now on the couch, placing a hand on her back before popping it loudly as she groaned in pain. "What was that?" "Oh! Right, uh. Before we went home, Polly and I stopped by a massage place and..." Anne paused as she remembered being twisted into a figurative pretzel. "Let's just say I can now put my legs behind my head." "I see. If anything, your new flexibility might help later on." Ankh claimed as Anne hung up on him and proceeded to lay on her back while groaning for a second before Polly hopped over. "That was the best girl's time I've ever had! If it's like this every time, I want to do that every day!" "NO!" She screamed in panic as Polly reeled back in shock!
To be Continued!