Hello everyone, Friday's scenes have inspired me to start yet another new story I'll probably never finish lol. This is a twist to Willow's maternity storyline that I'd love to see but probably won't happen. Please review, gives me motivation!
(Very minimal editing since fanfics are just for fun)
Chapter 1- Seeking Closure
"And about the identity of your birth mother," Sam said softly at the fair. "If and when you decide to look for her, count me in." She smiled warmly at Willow. "We'll find her together."
Willow slowly nodded, Sam becoming fuzzy in her vision.
"Mommy! Mommy!" Scout dashed over to them and hugged Sam's side. "I won."
"You did?" Sam kissed the top of her head. "I'm so proud of you."
"They gave me a big blue ribbon." She looked up at Willow. "Hi Willow. Is Wiley here?"
Willow began to shake her head, but her knees wobbled, and she grabbed onto the chair.
Sam reached for her arm. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I just need to sit."
She sat down and closed her eyes.
"It's over here, Mommy," Scout said. "But I want Willow to see too."
"Willow, have you had anything to eat today?" Sam asked.
Willow shook her head. "I'm sure that's all it is."
"I'll grab you something. Scout, baby, sit with Willow for a moment. Then we'll go see your painting."
"Okay, Mommy." Scout plopped down beside Willow.
Willow sighed. "I'm sorry, Scout. I don't mean to spoil your special day."
"You're not. But Daddy says breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I like Cheerios."
"Me too." Willow rubbed her temples. "I like chamomile with my cereal."
"That's Mommy and Grandma's favourite tea."
"Here you go, Willow." Sam handed her a granola bar and a water bottle.
"Thanks. I feel so silly."
"Don't. Rest up before Leo's presentation."
Willow took a few sips of water. "I think I'm fine now. I'd like to see Scout's painting."
Scout's face lit up. "Yay!"
She led them past several paintings and stopped next to a scenery of a beach and a white unicorn's head poking out of the water. A large blue ribbon hung from the top of the canvas.
"Wow, Scout, that's beautiful," Willow said.
"I agree," Sam said. "Is the unicorn swimming?"
"Uh huh." Scout beamed and Willow noticed her front tooth was hanging by a thread. "It's taking swim lessons like me."
Sam pulled out her phone and took a picture of Scout next to the painting.
Dante squeezed Sam's hand softly as Scout skipped ahead of them through the park. Danny and Rocco trailed behind them tossing a baseball back and forth while they walked.
As they approached the playground, Sam noticed Willow pushing Wiley on a swing.
"Mommy, can I go on the swings with Wiley while Danny and Rocco play catch?" Scout asked. "Pleeease."
Sam laughed. "Sure."
Scout ran over to Willow and Wiley and hopped on the swing beside them.
"Go on with Scout, I'll throw the ball around with the guys," Dante said and took off to the field with Danny and Rocco.
"Danny and Rocco said my face might fall off when my tooth comes out," Scout told Willow as Sam walked over. "And that I have to give my tooth fairy money to my big brother."
Willow raised an eyebrow.
Sam groaned. "They're making up things to you again, are they? Well, don't listen to em'." She shook her head and turned to Willow as she pushed Scout on the swing. "Last week they told her she had to hold the globe above her head, or we'd all fall off the planet."
Willow laughed. "Oh boy."
"Wiley, wanna go on the slide with me?" Scout asked.
"Yeah!" Wiley hopped off the swing and followed Scout over to the slide.
"So, how are you today?" Sam asked.
Willow shifted her feet awkwardly. "Well, I was going to call you. I've decided to take you up on your offer. I want to find my birth mother."
Sam smiled. "That's good. Find a little closure."
She exhaled deeply. "I hope so. Just don't want to be disappointed. But I guess anyone is better than the woman who kidnapped me and handed me over to Shiloh."
"Well, it might be good to give your birth mother a chance. When I found my mother, we didn't get along, but now I don't know what I'd do without her."
Willow tucked her hair behind her hair and Sam noticed some bruising along her forearm.
"Hi Willow." Dante walked over and chugged down some water. "Say, we should try to make up for that double date that didn't work out last week."
Willow smiled. "Sounds like fun."
Dante and Sam piled their suitcases into the trunk and climbed into the car.
Sam rested her head against her hand and stared out the window. "Do you think the kids will be okay? I haven't left them for a while. Not like when I was with Jason…"
"I'm sure they're fine. They're with Drew, Ma, and the rest of the Quartermaines. We shouldn't be gone for more than a week."
"I hope we find something."
"Friends of Peace and Love is bound to have something," Dante said as he began driving "As long as it's true that that's where Harmony and her husband were when they received Willow."
"Stole… that's the story anyway." Sam fidgeted in her seat.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. My mind's just wandering."
"Is this hitting a little too close to home?" Dante asked.
"A bit. It is kind of similar to me and my mom. But I don't know… feels like more than that. I just feel drawn to this case."
"Understandable. Well, if have no luck in Colorado, we won't give up."
Michael walked into the carriage house and spotted a very pale Willow staring at her phone. "Well, Grandmother and Olivia have taken Danny, Scout, Rocco, Leo, and Wiley to the aquarium. Maybe we can do something just us today."
"Oh, yeah." Willow broke her gaze.
Michael stepped closer and glanced at her phone. She was looking at another article of them and Nina. He frowned. "Let's forget about her today. Want to go for lunch?"
She nodded. "Sounds perfect."
He opened the door for her when she suddenly collapsed to the ground. "Willow?" He dropped beside her. "Willow! What's wrong?"