Star Wars
Broken Alliance
Introduction Page
Fourteen years since the Battle of Endor, the New Republic has expanded across the galaxy. The Galactic Empire, a sliver of its former self, grasps to the last cluster of Imperial planets within the Outer Rim. Peace is on the horizon. Nonetheless, years of war have taken their toll, and even as freedom reigns, enemies are everywhere.
No one knows this better than Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. So when a routine rescue mission ends in tragedy, he—and the feisty Mara Jade—are tasked with discovering the identity of a Force-wielding assassin, one who's determined to rip apart the fragile threads tethering the galaxy together. The cost of failure is high: a final war that could destroy the New Republic—but the cost of success might be higher, as Luke must soon choose between the cause he's always sworn to protect or to protect all that he's always sworn to destroy.
Primary Characters: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade
Secondary Characters: Original characters, Leia Organa Solo, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Threepio, and Artoo
Timeline: This is a Legends novel, set a few months prior to Timothy Zahn's Specter of the Past. It is not "alternative universe"—it fits within the Legends canon.
Rating: K+ due to violence, some mild adult themes
Star Wars: Broken Alliance is completed and all chapters have been posted.
About the Author
Niralle worked as a professional staff writer for over ten years and has been a Star Wars fan since age nine. Her fan fiction, Star Wars: The Dividing Factor, is one of the most popular stories posted on theforce . net, and her last fan fiction, X-men: World of Gray, has over half a million views across three websites with over 500 reviews.
This book is written by a fan, for the fans. May the Force be with y'all.
To my beta-readers: Doug, Andrew, Boldizsár, Nikki, and Eric—thank you all for reading Broken Alliance and telling me what worked and (more importantly) what didn't. The book is stronger because of your feedback.
Praise for Niralle's Previous Fan Fiction
Star Wars: The Dividing Factor
"This is one of the most intense stories I've read, counting the official published books."
—MoriahthePariah, theforce .net
"It's an amazing story. :) I like the plot, the characters, the OCs, the writing styles, the back and forth and underlying happenings, etc. It was fun to read."
—Freefan1412, FFN
"This story is fantastic! It's actually better than some of the books."
"This is one of my classic, all-time favorite L/M fics, and I consider this on the level of profic as far as personal canon. Thanks so much for writing it and doing such a fantastic job."
—ThreadSketch, FFN
X-men: World of Gray
"I stumbled across this story not knowing what to expect. Certainly not publishable professional quality, which is DEFINITELY what this is!"
—Persephonii, FFN
"I enjoyed this story so much that I'm sad to see it end. It's such a rare treat to find fanfics that are this good, this in-character, this interesting and action-packed all the way through over 80k words."
—rebecca-in-blue, FFN
"I want to express my gratitude and awe at "World of Gray"; it's truly a masterpiece. The amount of research you have put into the floorboards of the story is staggering, although wonderfully so."
—Anon, FFN
"What an amazing read! Your Charles was so spot-on, it was incredible. I've been reading your story non-stop for the last 3 days."
—Lilynette, FFN
"You are so brilliant in writing. I envy you and there are lots to learn from you. I normally skim through fictions, but yours has me reading every detail."
—lacefun, FFN
End of Introduction
Please see Broken Alliance's Table of Contents to start reading!