A/N: It's the finals of the boys' All-Valley tournament! And it's also the penultimate (second to last) chapter of this story. I've probably said it before, but I've been planning who would win both All-Valley tournaments for a very long time. Hopefully you'll enjoy some of the changes that I've made to the All-Valley.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Karate Kid movies, Cobra Kai or anything else that I might reference.
There Can Be Only One
Jason walks onto the mat followed closely by Miguel.
Sensei walks over to them.
"I just wanted to say that I'm proud of both of you, no matter what happens. You did a great job getting to the finals, but only one of you can win." Sensei starts.
Jason and Miguel look at each other before nodding.
Sensei continues. "I didn't think much of you at first, but you've really proven me wrong. Hopefully that's not too out of line for me to say."
"It's not." Jason and Miguel say in unison.
Sensei smiles. "Great. I'm not sure if you guys need my coaching, so I'm just going to go over here and watch."
Jason and Miguel watch as Sensei walks to a different part of the mat.
The spotlights focus on Jason and Miguel.
They can see the spotlights flashing before Darryl introduces them.
"It might have taken some time to get there, but we've finally made it to the finals of the boys' All-Valley tournament! It's the final match to decide who will be this year's champion! And it's also the third time that two students from the same dojo will be facing off against each other across both All-Valleys! Will it be Jason Kreese from Cobra Kai Karate?!" Darryl exclaims.
Jason nods as the crowd cheers.
Darryl continues. "Or will it be Miguel Diaz, also from Cobra Kai Karate?!
They watch as Darryl steps away to one side.
"Face me, bow! Face each other, bow!" The referee issues his instructions.
Jason and Miguel face the referee and bow before they face each other and bow.
The referee calls for the match to start. "Ready! Fight!"
Jason and Miguel circle around each other looking for an opening to strike.
Miguel breaks the deadlock and lunges at Jason.
He tries to punch Jason in the chest, but the punch is blocked by an elbow.
Jason throws a punch at Miguel only for the punch to be blocked.
They exchange blows with steadily increasing speed.
Jason puts a bit of distance between them and attempts to aim a kick at Miguel.
Miguel moves out of the way and does a jumping kick.
Jason manages to get out of the way of the kick.
They start trading kicks before Jason grabs Miguel's leg and attempts to punch him in the stomach.
Miguel gets out of Jason's grip and lands a spinning heel kick that catches Jason in the head.
Jason drops down to one knee.
"Point! 1 – 0!" The referee calls a halt to the round.
Miguel watches as Jason gets back to his feet and walks back to his line.
The referee calls for the match to resume. "Ready! Fight!"
Jason is quick to go on the offensive.
He throws punches at Miguel.
Miguel blocks or dodges the punches.
Jason ducks a punch and tries to sweep Miguel's legs.
Miguel takes a step back and tries to stamp on Jason.
Jason gets out of the way and does a forward roll before rising to his feet.
Miguel watches as Jason turns around to face him.
They get into fighting stances.
Miguel quickly closes the distance between himself and Jason.
He tries to sweep Jason's legs, but Jason moves out of the way.
Miguel follows it up with a low kick that Jason evades.
He tries to kick Jason in the stomach, but Jason manages to block it.
Jason grabs Miguel by the leg of his gi and pulls him forward.
He drops down and punches Miguel in the stomach.
"Point! 1 – 1!" The referee exclaims.
Jason gets up and helps Miguel to his feet.
They get back on their lines before facing each other.
Darryl hypes up the crowd. "Jason Kreese manages to tie it up! And that display of good sportsmanship is definitely something that I like to see! They're both very skilled fighters, but only one of them can win!"
"Ready! Fight!" The referee shouts.
Jason and Miguel get into fighting stances.
Miguel runs forward before jumping into the air and aiming a kick at Jason.
Jason blocks the kick and tries to kick Miguel.
Miguel blocks the kick and counters it.
They trade kicks on the centre of the mat.
Jason attempts to hit Miguel with a roundhouse kick, only for Miguel to dodge it.
Miguel darts in and hits Jason with a punch to the chest.
The referee calls a halt to the round. "Point! 2 – 1!"
Jason and Miguel get back on their lines.
"Ready! Fight!" The referee calls for the match to resume.
Jason and Miguel get into fighting stances again.
They go back to circling around each other.
Jason breaks the deadlock pretty quickly.
He throws multiple punches and kicks at Miguel.
Miguel manages to block or evade the punches and kicks.
He tries to push Jason back, but Jason still stands firm.
Jason attempts to grab Miguel's gi.
Miguel manages to move back quickly enough to avoid it.
Jason closes the distance between them and goes back to throwing punches and kicks.
Miguel grabs Jason's leg and tries to punch him in the ribs.
Jason blocks the punch and gets his leg out of Miguel's grip before aiming a hook kick at Miguel that manages to catch him in the side.
The referee calls a halt to the round before Jason can follow up on it. "Point! 2 – 2!"
"Jason Kreese has tied things up for the second time in this match! Just when we thought it was over! There have been so many surprises over the course of both All-Valley tournaments! Unfortunately, there can only be one winner! And they're starting to run out of time!" Darryl exclaims.
Jason and Miguel get back on their lines.
The referee calls for the match to resume. "Ready! Fight!"
Jason and Miguel don't even bother to get into fighting stances.
They both charge towards each other.
Jason and Miguel throw punches at each other.
Miguel throws a punch at Jason, but Jason manages to block it.
Jason goes to kick Miguel.
Miguel grabs Jason's leg and tries to punch him in the chest before he gets out of his grip.
Jason blocks the punch and counterattacks.
Miguel uses both hands to block a kick.
He goes to kick Jason, but the kick gets blocked with an elbow.
Jason attempts to do a thrust kick but Miguel blocks it.
They go back to trading punches and kicks.
Neither one of them wants to back down.
Miguel tries to do the crane kick again, but Jason moves out of the way in time.
Jason darts back within striking distance of Miguel and tries to do a low kick.
Miguel manages to get out of the way of the kick and counters it.
They each take a step backwards.
Jason aims a front kick at Miguel, only for Miguel to block the kick.
Miguel tries to do a hook kick but Jason blocks it.
Jason jumps up and does a spinning kick.
Miguel manages to block the kick and counterattacks with a kick when Jason lands.
Jason blocks the kick with both hands.
He goes to punch Miguel, but Miguel manages to catch his arm.
Miguel tries to kick Jason in the chest, but Jason manages to break free from his grasp.
Jason tries to kick Miguel in the shins.
Miguel jumps up and does a spinning kick.
Jason blocks the kick with his arms and takes a step backwards.
Miguel closes the distance with another kick.
Jason grabs Miguel's leg and tries to elbow him in the chest.
Miguel breaks free from his grip and does a hook kick.
Jason blocks the kick and shoves Miguel backwards.
Miguel recovers and lunges at Jason.
Jason blocks a punch and counters with a jab.
Miguel blocks the jab.
They square off against each other.
Neither of them is quite sure of what it would take for them to win.
They're about to resume the match before the referee makes the call.
"Time!" The referee exclaims.
Jason and Miguel look at each other before looking at the referee.
Sensei looks confused. "What? Time? Already? Neither of them scored three points!"
"Jason Kreese and Miguel Diaz have failed to score three points within the time limit! Which means that the final match of the boy's All-Valley will be going to sudden death overtime for the first time since 1985!" Darryl announces.
Sensei calls Jason and Miguel over to where he's standing. "So, your match went into sudden death overtime. You've fought well and, honestly, either one of you could win. Just keep fighting with honour and respect. Because you're only opponents for today.
"Yes, Sensei." Miguel says.
Jason nods. "Yes, Sensei."
"Good." Sensei looks proud.
Jason and Miguel go back on to their lines.
The referee makes the call. "Ready! Fight!"
Jason and Miguel charge at each other almost immediately after the referee makes the call.
They launch punches and kicks at each other.
Miguel goes to kick Jason, but Jason manages to grab Miguel's leg.
He tries to land a punch on Miguel, but the punch is blocked and Miguel breaks out of Jason's grasp.
Jason grabs Miguel by his gi and tries to throw him to the mat.
Miguel manages to stand firm.
He breaks out of Jason's grip and does a spinning kick.
Jason blocks the kick and tries to grab Miguel's leg.
He grabs Miguel's leg and swings him around before letting go.
Miguel falls to the mat, but recovers enough to roll backwards.
Jason lets Miguel get back to his feet before charging at him.
He tries to land a dropkick on Miguel, but Miguel manages to block the kick.
Jason does a kip up and gets back to his feet afterwards.
They go back to throwing punches and kicks at each other.
Jason starts to push Miguel backwards.
He keeps pressing and forces Miguel out of bounds.
"Out of bounds! No point!" The referee exclaims.
Jason and Miguel get back on their lines.
The referee calls for the match to resume. "Ready! Fight!"
Jason and Miguel charge at each other again.
Neither of them wants to give the other person time to breathe.
Miguel throws a punch at Jason.
Jason ducks under the punch and does a forward roll followed by a leg sweep.
Miguel takes a step back and tries to kick Jason in the chest.
Jason grabs Miguel's leg and swings him around before letting go of him.
Miguel falls to the mat.
Jason drops down and lands an elbow on Miguel's chest.
"Point! 3 – 2! Winner!" The referee shouts.
Jason gets up and helps Miguel to his feet.
Darryl is quick to hype up the crowd. "Jason Kreese breaks the deadlock and gets the point he needs to win the boy's All-Valley tournament!"
All the Cobra Kai students charge on to the mat and congratulate Jason and Miguel for their match.
They also congratulate Jason for winning the boy's All-Valley tournament.
Jason notices Sensei walking over to where Robby and Daniel are standing.
Sensei tries to have a conversation with them, but gets rebuffed.
Darryl hands Jason the first-place trophy and hands Miguel the runner's up trophy. Robby gets handed a plaque for finishing third.
"Is there anything you'd like to say?" Darryl asks before handing Jason the microphone.
Jason nods. "I'd like to thank my Sensei. I owe him a lot and I couldn't have won without him teaching me. So, this is for Sensei Johnny Lawrence and Cobra Kai!"
The audience cheers.
The Cobra Kai students all cheer Jason.
Jason hands the microphone back to Darryl.
"Alright! Let's hear it for this year's champion!" Darryl exclaims.
The Cobras all walk off the mat.
Jason watches as Miguel walks over to where Sam was sitting.
He looks over at Claire. "I almost can't believe I won. Miguel put up a hell of a fight."
"You did great, too." Claire replies.
Jason smiles. "Thanks. I probably need to have a shower, though.
"That might be a good idea." Claire says.
Jason gives Claire a kiss on the forehead. "Awesome. I love you."
"I love you, too." Claire answers.
They walk past Hawk and Moon on the way to showing Bobby and Violet the trophy.
The boys eventually head to the boy's locker room afterwards to shower and get changed into their normal clothes.
Everybody agrees to have a victory party either tomorrow or the day after. And, there would have to be another party when summer starts.
Jason brings the first-place trophy outside with him.
He puts his sports bag in the back seat of his Dodge Viper and puts the trophy in the front passenger seat before getting into the car and driving home.
Cobra Kai had won both All-Valley tournaments, and there would be plenty of time to celebrate those wins.
It had been a hell of a year.
Jason had made new friends and he even has a girlfriend.
Things were looking up, for sure.