A.N. to all who read this thank you for giving this a try! Also, this is my first fanfiction so please give me your honest opinions, all flames will be ignored. The majority (or entirety) of this fic shall be told in third person. Also, the Image for the fic is by Krossan on DeviantArt and will be the image I will use until I get a better one.
Read the authors' note at the end if there is any.
Disclaimer: I own none of the properties that appear or are referenced in this Fanfiction.
*Sound effect like a hiccup, or a boom*
Story Start!
Chapter 1 (Edited)
Wait, I have a maid... AND SHE'S A DRAGON?!
Waking up a young raven-haired teenager of 5'4, scrawny build, fair complexion and icy blue eyes groaned in pain and got up, albeit rather sluggishly, reached for his alarm clock that was beeping quite loudly, and making his head pound rather angrily. Heading to his curtains he opened them, only to immediately close them when the light seeping through his window nearly blinded him and made the pounding in his head almost ten times worse. Groaning he closed his eyes and tried to think on why his head was pounding so much.
Most of everything was a blank, the only thing he can remember was walking in the nearby forested mountain. Groaning he tried to climb back into bed.
"Danny!" His mother called up from the bottom floor.
Releasing a groan, he put his usual white t-shirt with a red circle, and blue jeans on and went down stairs with some annoyed grumbling, while also taking some stomach medicine that was on his bed-side table. Walking into the kitchen he saw his parents sitting at the table with slightly baggy eyes, and rather sheepish expressions (though his dad did also have a slight guilty look as well), with his sister looking rather angry as she glared at them with her own set of baggy eyes.
His mother, Maddie Fenton, is a woman with a curvy figure, aqua eyes, and short auburn hair standing at around 5'9, wearing her usual blue rubber jumpsuit, with long black gloves and boots, and a set of red tinted lab goggles that were wrapped around her neck.
His father, Jack Fenton, on the other hand stood at 6'9, which helped him appear not as overweight with the large and bulky frame he gained from eating a large amount of fudge over the years, wearing his signature orange jumpsuit with black gloves and boots, and a set of teal lab goggles that were also around his neck, with his hood down revealing his black hair with some white at the back of his neck.
His sister, Jazz Fenton, was slightly taller than him at 5'6, wearing a black long-sleeved shirt and a pair of aqua pants, and an aqua hairband that helped to keep her hip length bright auburn hair, pulled back.
"Jazz what happened last night? My head is pounding and I can't remember much, also why are you glaring at mom and dad?" Danny asked his sister.
"Well Danny, you know that foreign soda that mom and dad got us both for our good grades, and you getting into high school?" Jazz asked, her aqua eyes not leaving their parents.
"Yeah, why?" Danny asked back a little confused.
"Well apparently it had alcohol in it, so much so that just a few cups got us good and drunk. Luckily though, it appears nothing bad happened and we all just passed out in our rooms," Jazz replied, her glare not leaving their parents.
"Is that why my head is feeling like a pair of drummers are having a contest in my head?" Danny questioned his sister while he turned a glare to his parents.
"Yes, little brother it is. Now what do you two have to say for yourselves?" Jazz asked their parents with a withering glare.
"We're sorry Danny, Jazzy-pants. But we didn't know that soda had any alcohol in it, if we knew we would have just sprung for pizza, a night at the theater, and give you both a three-day weekend. Besides, that website was recommended and translated from Swedish by my older cousin 2 times removed Stanford. How about this Jazzy-pants, you and Maddie can go to that spa resort you two were talking about during summer, while we buy that gaming computer Danny had his eye on and a couple of games, and a four-day weekend from school?" Their father, asked with pleading dark blue eyes.
Jazz merely narrowed her eyes at him, before Danny spoke up.
"Hey Jazz, today is Friday and I just noticed that we all smell kind of bad. So why don't we take it, besides doesn't that Spa have a guest speaker showing up tomorrow for some reason?" Danny asked, wanting to get some more sleep.
Jazz merely held her glare for a few more seconds before giving a sigh, and acquiescing with a nod of her head while saying, "sure, besides Dr. Brian Johnson-Smith is going to be there for about three days, so it would be great to have a relaxing experience while listening to a rising star in the psychology field."
"That sounds excellent sweetie, Jazz you go take a shower while I pack for us and while we're on the way there we'll go and get some take-out from your favorite restaurant," their mother said, already walking out of the kitchen and heading upstairs.
"And while you're doing that, I'll call Stanford and give him a piece of my mind for not telling us that the soda was alcoholic," Jack said, while reaching for the phone, only for a knocking at the door to stop him.
Groaning, Jack went to the door.
"So, Jazz do you want my old computer?" Danny asked "It should be faster than the one you have right now, you'll just have to put it back to manufacturer settings after we get my new one all set and ready to go."
"I would actually like that Danny, I just got to find someone to either take my computer or donate it to a charity that gives to low-income families that can't afford much," Jazz replied, before getting up to get ready for a nice and relaxing shower.
Everything was nice and quiet until they heard their dad yell out, "SUFFERING SPOOKS!" Quickly they and Maddie, who was coming down the stairs to ask Jazz what clothes she wanted, rushed to the door and got the shock of their lives.
(As Danny was waking up)
She woke up as the sun started to peek through the tops of the trees in the forest, she had taken refuge in. Stretching her limbs, she released a light groan that shook the leaves around her, before flapping her wings and taking off into the sky, using magic to make herself seem invisible to all but the ones she will be working for so as to not cause panic amongst the humans if they saw her in the air.
As she was flying to the house of family she would serve, she looked down at the city to see if she could find out what maids' wear.
"Come to The Cozy Maid Café (1), where you'll be served by cute maids!" a mousey haired young woman wearing a black and white outfit that went down to her ankles, with a frilly white and black bonnet head band, a red tie, and a red ribbon being used as a belt that was tied into a big bow, advertised while holding a sign.
As she took in the looks of the young woman advertising a restaurant, memorizing the outfit she was startled to hear what sounded like roar right near her. Looking to her left she saw what looked like a giant bird made out of metal, an airplane she thought the one who hired her called them, and quickly moved her head and neck out of the way so she wouldn't cause an accident. Looking at the loud machine she idly wondered how something so loud could not make any noise until it was basically right next to her, before shaking her head and going on her way.
She kept flying for the next five minutes, looking for the building that was described to her, made out of bricks with a strange giant metal structure on top with a sign saying "Fenton Works" on the side.
'There it is,' she thought.
It was definitely a strange looking building, but she wasn't one to judge after all she basically slept in caves, forests, abandoned castles, and even the open sky at times, at least this building had a roof and four walls.
Using a spell that would make it so that normal humans would not come down this road, she landed and lightly knocked on the door with a claw.
As she waited, she thought of whether Danny had told them about her or not. Probably not considering he was rather drunk last night and has probably forgotten about her.
That strange shout drew her out of her thoughts as she looked at the man, she assumed was Danny's father. He was definitely dressed rather strangely, but seeing as he and Danny's mother worked with the ghosts of this world the uniform probably made sense. Oh, here was the rest of the family, well time to show off her human form.
A magic circle filled with alchemical symbols appeared, before in a red flash of light she changed from a green European dragon with central heterochromia eyes (2) with yellow on the outside and red on the inside with slit pupils, with black wings, and a light green underbelly into a 5'9 (5'10 including her horns) sixteen-year-old looking girl, with long blonde hair with flaming orange tips tied into pig tails that went down to her mid-thighs, red-orange eyes with reptilian slit pupils, plump breasts, large thighs, and a reptilian tail resembling the one she had in her dragon form, most of which was hidden under her now uniform that she copied from that girl from earlier.
Jumping up, causing her breasts to bounce, she cried out "Tada!" with a big grin on her face.
Meanwhile the Fenton family just stared at the scene they all had witnessed with mouths agape, several thoughts running through their minds, such as: 'DRAGON!', 'Illusion', 'Delusion', 'Lack of sleep' 'Will she eat me?', 'Who?', and 'I'M GOING TO BE EATEN!' before coming to the, rather logical, conclusion that this was all a dream.
Still in a stupor the Fenton family gave out various greetings, before moving to the side when the dragon turned human looking girl asked to be let in.
Sitting at the kitchen table the Fenton family stared at her (minus Jazz who was making some coffee for herself, Jack, and Maddie).
"So, why did you show up at our house?" Maddie asked the apparent dragon in the room, on guard because while the ghosts alarms weren't going off, that didn't mean that the dragon turned cute girl was not dangerous after coming to the conclusion that this was not a dream when she stubbed her little toe on one of the coffee tables in the living room.
"Oh, Danny hired me to be the families' maid last night," she replied with a grin.
"Wait, I did?" Danny asked with a frown of confusion while closing his eyes, that did sound familiar. "But where did we meet last night?"
"I'm not surprised you don't remember, though a little hurt that you don't, I've been told that some humans don't really remember much when they've drunk a lot. Anyway, we met in the forest on the mountain last night," she told him, with a slight air of superiority.
"Wait," Danny said, his brow furrowed in thought. "I think I'm starting to remember what happened last night."
(Last Night at around 11:30 P.M.)
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Danny laughed uproariously, wobbling as he walked through a nearby forest on the mountain near Amity Park, carrying three two-liter bottles of the "soda" his dad had ordered, and two glasses (you never know when you'll drop one by accident) "Man who knew hiking could be so much fun?!"
He stopped for a bit to look at a sign warning about bears in the area.
"Bears... tasty bears, BRING IT ON I'LL EAT THEM ALL!" he roared, quite hungry as he left without eating anything.
He kept on laughing as he stumbled around until he hit something and fell on his ass. Looking up he saw what he had bumped into. It was a Dragon, with a massive sword going through its' hip area.
"Human, out of what hole didst thou crawl?" the dragon asked.
Danny just stood there with a blank expression, before his eyes started to widen as his irises and pupils contracted, his body shaking a bit.
'Here it comes,' the dragon thought, ready for the obnoxious screaming, and promises of worship and sacrifices, but what happened next was something that she did not expect.
"A DRAGON!" Danny yelled, quite excited "HUG ME!" he continued to yell, running up and hugging the dragons' snout.
Only for said dragon to throw him off her snout and roar, "INSOLENT HUMAN, LEAVE OR I'LL DEVOUR YOU!"
"Alas, either way, I'm going to die as well," she said with a ruthful chuckle, "how pathetic is it, that the last being I'll ever see, and talk to is a hum-".
Only for him to interrupt her, "hey that weird way of talking has to be tiring, don't you ever get tired of it?" Danny asked, with the dragon replying with a "huh?" and a shocked expression.
"Do you need that thing taken out?" he asked pointing to the sword lodged beneath her scales and flesh.
"Uh, well..." the dragon mumbled, though her voice was loud enough that even then it was still clear to hear. Though when she felt him start to climb on her leg, she let out a "hey!"
"You fool! If a human touches a divine weapon, their mind will be torn- AHH!" she started to say, before yelling in pain, from the weapon moving around inside her, and shock, from seeing Danny grabbing at the weapon and seemingly still having his mind in one piece from the concentrated expression on his face.
"I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT DIVINITY, BUT IF THERE IS SOME KIND OF GOD OUT THERE, THEN MAYBE THEY CAN MAKE MY LIFE BE A LITTLE BIT EASIER!" he yelled, grunting in exertion all while trying to pull the sword out of her, with her shouting "NO, NO, NO, NO!" trying to get him to stop, partly before he succumbed to madness, and more than likely start killing her even faster, and partly because of the pain it was causing her. Before with a final grunt of effort he pulled the sword out of her hip, before it disappeared in a golden flash of light.
Her eyes widened as he fell onto the grass below them, before getting up and sitting down in front of her.
He slammed one of the two litter bottles down on the ground, before yelling at her, "EVEN IF THIS IS A DREAM, THAT GIVES YOU NO REASON TO ACT SO DAMN RUDE!" all while pointing at her.
"I'm sorry, though you saved me the only reason that I'm in this world is because I fled here after losing in a battle with the gods," she apologized and explained.
"I imagine the only reason why you were able to remove that sword, is because you lack faith," she continued, "I'm truly gratef-"
"WHO GIVES A DAMN ABOUT THAT?!" Danny shouted, "COME ON, HAVE A DRINK WITH ME!" he poured her a drink into one of the glasses he had ignoring her 'huh' and shell-shocked expression "LISTEN TO MY LIFE STORY SO FAR!"
Releasing an exasperated sigh, she summoned forth her magic circle and transformed into her human form, although with only a light brown traveling cloak to protect her modesty.
"Oh," he said looking a bit mystified "so you're a girl?"
"Yes," she replied "I am, but I don't like using this spell, and my name's Tohru," taking a drink of what was offered to her, she was amazed at the taste of it, it tasted like those grapes she had stolen from some elves, but it also had a kick to it that made her feel energized.
'Soda?' she thought, 'is that what this kind of alcohol is called?'
(Two hours later)
"DON'T ASSUME ALL DRAGONS ARE THOSE LOLICONS WHO DEMAND A VILLAGE'S VIRGIN DAUGHTERS!" Tohru went on, outraged at all dragons being put under one umbrella because of a few weirdos, while Danny cheered in the background.
There was silence for three seconds before.
*BBUUURRRRPPP* Tohru responded with a smaller belch of her own, releasing a bit of fire at the same time.
This culminated in the both of them laughing loudly, with Danny on his back kicking his legs wildly in the air, while Tohru was on her front pounding her fist on the ground.
The laughter was short lived though, as a rather depressing thought came to Danny "I'm so alone, sure I have family and two great friends, but my family is too busy to really do anything with me, my dad and mom are too busy with their "job" and building their "ghost portal" he said, in a melancholic tone and putting air quotes around the words job and ghost portal, "my sister is studying for college even though she doesn't have to study as hard with how many scholarships she has lined up already for her grades, her club activities, and her volunteer work despite not having graduated yet, meanwhile my only two friends are constantly at each other's throats every other week over their differences, and I'm constantly in the middle of them trying to make sure that they just don't start trying to kill each other," He continued looking at the ground, his eyes watering a bit.
"I'm alone too," Tohru said, "I'm alone in this world, none of my friends or family know I'm here, and they probably think I'm dead.
"So, you don't have anywhere to go?" Danny asked.
"No, though except for when my parents raised me until they thought I was strong enough to fend for myself, I was basically alone since the start (4)," Tohru replied.
"Then do you want to come to my place?" Danny inquired.
"I d-do," Tohru answered, her eyes widening as tears began to form.
"THEN BE MY MAID!" Danny exclaimed, looking into her eyes intensely.
"Your what?" Tohru asked, rather bewildered, her face set in an expression of shock.
"I'M TIRED OF DASH RUBBING IT IN MY FACE THAT HIS FAMILY IS WEALTHY ENOUGH THAT THEY HAVE A MANSION, AND MAIDS TO DO THIER WOR- oh" Danny started to rant, not noticing Tohrus' increasing blush when he asked her to be his maid, before he cut himself off.
"I forgot, my name is Daniel Fenton, but most people call me Danny," he told her.
"Anyway, I think it's about time for me to head home, do you want to come with me, or do you want to just show up tomorrow?" he questioned.
"I think I'll show up tomorrow, I have your scent, so I can just find out where you live," she told him.
"Yeah, but my scent is basically all over the city, how about you look for my house, it's made out bricks, has a huge amount of metal in the shape of a UFO on top, and a sign saying "Fenton Works" on the side," Danny supplied her.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then Danny!" Tohru said, rather excited.
(Back to the present)
After Danny had finished retelling the tale of how he met Tohru last night (minus the stuff about him feeling alone in the world), as well as telling them Tohrus' name, everything was quiet, until Maddie spoke up.
"Well Jazz is in her most important year of high school, plus Danny has just started high school, so they do need to study more now (5)," she said. "So, I guess we can hire her, but we will have to move stuff around in one of the guest rooms to her liking once she has some personal stuff."
"HUH?!" Jazz and Danny yelled.
"But mom, I thought we couldn't affo-" Jazz began to say before Jack interrupted her.
"Wait, you thought we couldn't afford to hire someone to take of the house?" Jack said in confusion, "we're actually quite rich, easily the richest family in town, after all you know the ops-center can transform into a blimp and a jet, the fees we need to be able to keep it here in town and to be able to fly it alone are pretty high, then there's all metal that surrounds it plus reinforcing the house to withhold the weight of the ops-center and the fuel for the ops-center to take off, the sign, all the materials for our experiments, tools, the Fenton R.V. and weapons that we have to keep on buying, especially the ghost portal that your mom and I are working on (6)."
Danny and Jazz were quiet for about 10 seconds, before they loudly slammed their heads against the table.
"Why didn't I see it, of course we're actually the richest family in town," Jazz said, amazed at the obliviousness she had about her family's finances.
"I don't know, maybe the same reason I didn't either, maybe it's the fact we live in an area that is aggressively middle class, or the fact that our parent's main job is ghost hunters, and that doesn't really pay the bills." Danny replied.
"Well Danny, I think you should probably show Tohru around town, get her used to the area after Jazz shows her some more normal clothes than the outfit she's currently wearing," Maddie said.
"Wait, I thought that this outfit would be okay, I saw another maid wearing it on my way here and just copied the looks of it, is there something wrong with it?" Tohru questioned, tilting her head in a cute manner.
"Well, that outfit is actually the work uniform for a restaurant that a really eccentric man in town had opened up after going on a trip to Japan last spring and saw a lot of maid cafes and figured 'why not have one made back home, they seem to make enough money here in Japan', so we can show you pictures of what maids actually wear along with casual clothing for when you're out and doing your own stuff," Jazz said, getting up from her seat to lead Tohru to her room.
"Well Danny you better take a shower really quick, you'll have to show Tohru around a lot of places today, I'll let you order that computer when you two get back, and don't worry about the school we called them and let them know that you'll be back in on Tuesday morning," Jack said, he and Danny completely unaware of the slight blush Tohru got at the mention of Danny cleaning up, with Maddie and Jazz seeing her blush before looking at each other with slight smiles and glints in their eyes.
"We might have to show Tohru how to cook, after all she is from another world so she might not know the same dishes as us, but I think until Jazz and I get back you two will have to make do with sandwiches, easy to cook meals, and take out, and show her how to work the washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, and all the other stuff," Maddie said, as Danny left the kitchen to get a shower.
"So, this is a computer huh?" Tohru asked, looking at the strange (for her) contraption.
"Yeah, it's pretty useful for many things, like keeping up with your friends' social lives, buying stuff without having to go into stores around the country, playing games, or in our case looking up pictures of stuff," Jazz answered, "and what did you mean earlier when you said you copied that outfit?"
"Oh, well these clothes are actually my scales, since I don't have any money, I figured that this was the best solution," Tohru answered with a smile and closed eyes, completely unaware of the wide-eyed blush she got from Jazz at the reveal that she was basically naked.
"Okay, we'll look at and print pictures of shirts, pants, skirts, jackets, hats, bras, panties, socks, belts, and bikinis until you have enough for a full wardrobe until we get you some clothes, though we will need to measure you to get clothes that fit you properly, we might need to go and get you personally tailored though for your maid outfit," Jazz said, doing her absolute best to not appeared flustered.
"What, why?" Tohru asked, not seeing the problem with her using her scales and making them look like clothing.
"Well to be completely honest, even though you use magic to make your scales look like clothes, how do you know someone else won't come here, someone without good intentions, and they use a spell or something that renders whatever kind of spell that makes your scales act like clothing useless?" Jazz asked, "not to mention I saw the way you were looking at my brother, and to be honest I approve of you more than a friend of his that is crushing on him, and if you were to start dating my brother to the point you two are physically intimate with each other, you can tease him a bit with certain kinds of clothes."
At first Tohru thought about it then saw her point, she was not the strongest dragon in any of the three factions so it was possible that someone could just nullify her scales to clothes trick and get her in trouble, then she got a huge blushing smile on her face when Jazz said that she approved that was quickly followed by an annoyed look when she heard that someone else was crushing on Danny, and lastly a rather perverted grin with some drooling at the thought of her and Danny in bed together.
Said perverted grin was wiped off her face when Jazz hit her with rolled up newspaper on the top of her head while saying, "no perverted thoughts about my brother while I'm around".
"Now then, let's find you some proper clothes you can turn your scales into to, and then after that get your measurements so we can order you some actual clothes when mom and I get back," Jazz said, before turning back to her computer and bringing up a couple of websites to look up clothing styles, types, patterns, and one depicting many different colors and shades.
(10 minutes later)
Having just got out of the shower and dried Danny was in his room putting on some deodorant thinking of what places to show Tohru around, when he looked outside and saw incoming storm clouds.
"Hmm, I'll have to take an umbrella with us, now what places should I show Tohru first?" he asked himself before putting on a pair of fresh jeans.
As he was putting on a white t-shirt with red and white plaid sleeves, he saw what appeared to be a laser coming out from the room next to his and hit the clouds causing them to disappear. Rushing into the next room he saw his sister looking at Tohru slack-jawed as said dragon girl took her out of the window with a giant grin on her face.
"What just happened?!" he asked, rather surprised and frightened.
"I just got rid of the clouds that threatened our little outing, after Jazz here bet that I couldn't," Tohru replied, a rather smug grin on her face.
"Jeez, how strong are you, Tohru?" Danny asked.
"Strong enough that if I wanted to, I could bring the apocalypse to this world," Tohru answered, closing her eyes.
"Please don't," Jazz and Danny said, rather terrified with wide eyes.
"I'll be downstairs, waiting for you Tohru," Danny said before leaving.
(15 Minutes later)
As Danny was on his phone playing a random game, he downloaded a few days ago he heard someone coming down the stairs and turned to look up and saw Tohru coming down wearing a black and red plaid half skirt over a pair of black knee length jean shorts, a crimson t-shirt, a dark purple headband making it appear as though her horns were a part of it, and a pair of dark navy-blue sneakers with black socks.
He was mesmerized, 'wow, I've never seen someone so beautiful, not even Paulina looks about half as good as her,' he thought.
"Hey Danny, I'm ready to go, what's our first stop?" Tohru asked.
Shaking his head, Danny spoke "well, we haven't eaten yet, so the first stop is getting some breakfast, then we'll go from there."
"Okay," Tohru responded with a shrug of her shoulders.
"So, what happened to your tail?" Danny asked.
"Oh, I just used the spell you saw when I transformed from a dragon to a more human form to get rid of my tail temporarily, it'll come back when we're here," Tohru answered.
"Well okay then, let's get to showing you around town," Danny said as they made their way to the front door.
End Chapter
Ending A.N.
Well, that took a while to write, about a few months at close to five thousand words before any of the A.N.s, I was thinking about introducing Kanna in this chapter but it was already getting long, so I'll introduce her either in the next chapter, or chapter 3, but now onto the numbered A.N.s, and yes, this chapter is a lot like how Tohru and Kobayashi met in canon, but it's still a good way for Danny and Tohru to meet.
1. In the anime the Maid Café is called Café Maid Cozy, which would normally be grammatically incorrect, if it wasn't for the fact it was clever word play, but it still bothered me a bit so I changed it.
2. Basically eyes with two colors, one outer color and another inner color connected to the pupil.
3. I actually find it weird that Danny wants to be an astronaut one of the hardest jobs to get in the world due to its' requirements, but gets a C average in canon so in this he gets perfect grades, at least before he gets his powers, but this will be explained more in the future. I honestly believe that Butch Hartman doesn't know much about astronauts anyway and just gave Danny wanting a cool job that many 14-year-olds would actually want as a character trait.
4. In Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (in the episode 12 flashback specifically) Tohru says that she was alone since the start, though this was retconned a bit in season 2 where she said that her parents spoiled her quite a bit before she learned the spell that lets' her take on a more human like appearance, and we learn that she met and traveled a bit with Elma before their rivalry, so that was changed a bit to be more accurate.
As for the whole "Danny feeling alone bit", well look at Danny Phantom canon, he's the social pariah of his generation in Amity Park due to his parents' obsession with ghosts, his only two friends have been shown to have disagreements that could lead to verbal arguments (which would have probably led to physical altercations if Danny wasn't there), he doesn't have as close to a bond with his sister and mom when he was younger what with one being busy studying for college and doing her best to get scholarships by helping around (although it doesn't say it in canon I feel like Jazz would actually do that to pad out her college application, maybe volunteering at a non-killing animal shelter, a soup kitchen or something) and the other being busy on her ghost hunter work.
5. I'm explaining this more so for anyone outside of U.S. that reads this because I don't know how other countries education systems work, but basically, we have two standardized tests here, the last of which is in your second to last year of high school that colleges and universities WILL look at and judge to see if your good enough to attend there, so your last year in high school is more so to reinforce and add last minute knowledge and for a bit of relaxation, and considering Danny is now in his first year he will need to study a lot more.
6. This is something I never understood about the Fenton family finances concerning canon, they aren't considered rich despite all the material they use for their experiments, weapons, and other stuff, but never have a real job, some get around this saying that they are at home inventors, but this really wouldn't work if you consider all their anti-ghost equipment that they made in the show, so yeah in this story they are the literal richest people in town by far, though I will expand on this later in the story.
Well, that's the end of the A.N.s, once again please tell me what you think, and where I can improve, updates may be infrequent because I work the weekend shift at my current job, play a weekly DND session with my friends, video games, and tend to wait for story ideas, speaking of which I have a Danny Phantom and Yu-Gi-Oh GX crossover in the works, but don't expect that out for a bit as I want to wait until I'm at either chapter 5 or 10 for this fic and get it cleared up and more than just dialogue at this point.
Stay safe, and have a good day, afternoon, night or whatever.
Edit: fixed some grammar stuff, added line breaks, and fixed the legend a bit so it aligns more with my later legends in other chapter.