A new set of drabbles since I've been on a Twisted Wonderland kick. And so I present the new drabbles!

Also, this is a Fem!Kyo Sohma and Leona pairing.

Kiyone Sohma didn't exactly have what one would call an easy life, but nothing compared to having to share a dorm with that arrogant, spoiled, annoying as hell lion-kin known as Leona Kingscholar.

Thanks to a few specialized medications, she was able to handle 'that' time of the month without worry of being caught out. Night Raven knew of her curse, as they had members of the Sohma clan in their halls before, and certain exceptions were quietly put into place...especially once the headmaster realized that he had mistakenly allowed a female member of the cursed clan to be enrolled.

Most of her fellow Savanaclaw members knew that if they saw an orange cat wandering the halls, to quietly pick it up and take it to an empty room until the smoke cleared.

As this wasn't the first time a Sohma had been in the school, Kiyone was given a special necklace that would transport her clothes to a pocket dimension to avoid any accidents.

Her main headache was avoiding that damn Leona though. The guy was a second Prince and a total pain to be around.

Besides, with her 'deal' with Akito, the idea of romance wasn't in her cards.

Since Leona was so damn lazy, and Kiyone had a weird ability to track him down, the professors often bribed her with extension on her homework or a potential re-do if she were to find the errant prince and get him to work.

The idea of making Leona's day harder was all the motivation she needed, really.


Leona sat up in a huff, wondering where the hell the water came from.

"Professor Crewel asked me to insure that you brought your paper in on time," said Kiyone smirking. "Too bad for you, someone was kind enough to show me how to bribe the fairies in charge of the automated system."

Leona glared at "Kyo", anger in his eyes.

"You really have some balls, pulling that on a prince," he snarled.

"So what? You might be royalty but in this school it means nothing. You're still a student same as everyone else."

Besides, she mentally added to herself, Akito's tantrums scared her more than what this overly pampered brat ever could.

Leona glared at her, and she smirked impassively back.

He growled as he went to deliver his paper so he could properly nap. He swore to himself the second he became Housewarden he'd make Kyo suffer.

So when he saw Kyo reading something intently on their phone, Leona couldn't resist snatching it from the other's hands.

He stared.

"What the hell is this?"

"Give that back, you ass!" said Kiyone, face bright red.

Leona was having too much fun playing keep away. Kiyone had been an utter nuisance to him for ages, and this seemed like something the other person was keeping secret. Wouldn't it be fun to expose them?

However...what he found wasn't some embarrassing video or secret, but what looked like a comic of some sort.

Kiyone managed to regain their phone and glared at him.

"It's a manga. It's a comic from my home country, and the series I like the most finally updated," Kiyone said annoyed.

"Manga?" he repeated.

Kiyone rolled their eyes, then pulled up their preferred site to read. After a moment, they found a series that would likely appeal to Leona that was highly popular.

"Here, try reading the first few chapters," Kyo said.

Leona humored them...only to end up hooked.

"Where can I find the rest of this series?" he asked a few weeks later.

Kiyone had a smug look on her face, for good reason.

"There's an anime too," she informed him. Leona looked openly interested.

"So you're a fan of the villainess genre?" he asked. Kiyone sputtered.

"How did you..."

"I looked up the series you were reading and what type it was," said Leona. It was more interesting than schoolwork.

It wasn't like she could explain that she empathized strongly with the villainess in genre. Someone outcast for circumstances beyond their control while the 'heroine' lived happily ever after despite openly cheating with the love interest that she knew damn well was already engaged to someone of appropriate rank.

Kiyone could understand completely why the villainess would often snap and try to 'correct' the behavior of the heroine...and somehow they were the bad one?

Leona smirked at Kiyone. He leaned in close and went to swipe their phone again. He wanted to see what else they had on their phone.

Kiyone tried, but he was faster than her.

"Talk about pathetic. You only have two numbers saved on here?"

Kiyone went to snatch her phone back, only to come into contact with Leona and the curse activated. Kiyone swore profusely and since there was no way she could hold the phone in her cat form, she decided to do something far more effective.

Leona winced a bit, but gave her an unimpressed look as she had her claws fully extended into his hand and was trying to bite through his leather gloves.


You could imagine his amusement when Kyo tried to speak through the leather, but the words were highly muffled. It took him a second to realize the other had cursed him out.

Leona carefully, but firmly detached Kyo's jaw from his hand. She reluctantly removed her claws as well.

He looked at Kyo oddly with an interesting expression on his face.

"You're a girl?"

Kiyone glared at him.

"You know from the way I'm holding you, I can see everything right? From what we were told, the curse only changes your form, not your gender," deadpanned Leona.

"Screw you," she said flatly.

"How did you get into this college anyway?" asked Leona, honestly curious.

"My...dad...signed me up and no one realized the error until after I had already been sorted. He wasn't told it was a boy's school until I commented on it when calling home, and since I was already here there wasn't much of a point sending me back early," admitted Kiyone.

The headmaster was surprisingly nice about the entire matter, and so long as she didn't try to deliberately seduce students with the intent on marrying into a powerful or influential family, the teachers were willing to ignore the matter. Besides, it was rather hard for her to get knocked up with that curse of hers.

She was able to pass the entrance exams, pay all the school fees and the Dark Mirror had sorted her properly into one of the houses. By their rules, Kiyone "Kyo" Sohma was a full student...even if she was a girl.

It still didn't change the fact that she was an annoying pain in the ass for him.

Leona was heading to one of his preferred spots to nap when he spotted it. Kiyone had a book out and was clearly about to fall asleep any minute. The weather was perfect and there was a light breeze. Add in the shade to keep out the worst of the sun, and it was the perfect nap spot.

He watched with dark amusement as Kiyone lost the battle against a nap, and ended up lightly dozing.

This was the perfect chance for a prank.

He carefully snuck up next to her, and the moment her head ended up falling on his shoulder, her curse activated.

Kiyone woke up briefly...but settled into Leona's chest as she was rather sleepy. It didn't help that he was stroking her ears in just the right way that it was making her drowsy beyond belief.

Leona found it rather soothing, hearing Kiyone's breathing against his chest. He fell asleep easily, and the two spent the afternoon napping.

When Kiyone woke up, she was horrified to realize she was on Leona.

"You bastard, why am I on top of you?!" she hissed.

"Be quiet...I was having a nice nap," said Leona without opening his eyes.

Kiyone did a quick assessment and realized to her horror that if she tried to leave, her curse would activate again and she'd have to change around Leona with nothing to shield herself. It pissed her off that he had pulled this stunt on her.

Leona, when he did finally get up, picked Kiyone up and dumped her in the first empty room he could find and waited for her to switch back.

She glared at him in annoyance. He merely smirked, as he found it entertaining to annoy her. He couldn't explain why, just that he enjoyed watching her react to him and others.

"You two! You better have a good explanation for being such bad puppies and missing my class!" said Professor Crewel.

Kiyone nearly jumped before immediately placing the blame exactly where it belonged.

"This idiot thought it was hilarious to trigger my curse and wouldn't let me go until after his afternoon nap," she said without hesitation.

The teachers knew of her curse, and a common house cat was hardly a match for someone like Leona. Leona gave her an annoyed look but since he wasn't denying her claim, it meant that most of the blame was now on him.

"Detention, both of you," said Crewel annoyed.

"This is all your fault," said Kiyone annoyed.

"You're the one who took a nap there," said Leona smirking at her.

Kiyone glared at him, as she hadn't appreciated the shock of waking up on his chest like that. Regardless of how comfortable it had been. Scrubbing cauldrons was never fun.

Once they were back in the dorm, Kiyone headed straight to her room to crash. It wasn't much, but it felt more like home than her old room at her adopted father's house ever did.

The next morning...

Lilia Vanrouge was an odd case, and Kiyone knew damn well he wasn't as young as he looked. Their friendship had started after she found him in multiple history books and openly asked him about the matter.

Lilia had seemed more amused than anything, and it spiraled from there.

"I think Leona has a crush on you, honestly," said Lilia amused as she complained for the past fifteen minutes about how he was driving her bonkers.

"You've got to be joking...he's an unrepentant ass," said Kiyone without hesitation.

Lilia seemed vastly entertained by her immediate response.

"Some boys pull on girl's pigtails, others harass them to show their interest."

The ancient faerie looked beyond amused at the expression Kiyone had on her face hearing that. Then again considering her curse, it was likely this was the first time a male had shown interest in her as a female before without being chased off.

The fact Leona was not only aware of her curse but was well used to females with a similar nature as Kiyone didn't hurt either.

"That's ridiculous," said Kiyone. "Why would someone like Leona be interested in someone like me?"

"Maybe he finds you cute? You are the only actual female in the school after all," Lilia pointed out.

"He's a prince, he could date whoever he wanted and no one would comment so long as they never get pregnant. It's as if someone like Malleus took an interest in me," she deadpanned.

She found Malleus oddly relaxing to be around, even if she found his inability to use technology normally vexing at times. He had been 'concerned' when she started hanging around Lilia so much, but after a brief discussion the two had become something close to friends.

It didn't hurt that Lilia seemed to recognize the curse she was under, but was being stubborn about explaining the specifics of it.

"How is Malleus handling the cell phone, by the way?" asked Kiyone changing the subject.

Lilia had a slightly humorous expression on his face.

"He keeps locking himself out of it because he forgets the password," said Lilia.

Kiyone had an exasperated expression on her face.

"He does know he can set it so that it can scan his face as a lock, right?" she asked.

"You can do that?" said Lilia surprised.

Kiyone borrowed Lilia's own phone and showed him how to set the screen lock so that it would only open to his face. It was so much simpler than remembering a password.

He was still terrible at figuring out how to use his phone though.