Kaz Brekker:
I didn't ever plan to get caught. It just happened. Apparently if your under 18 in Ketterdam the Stadwatch can take you to a foster home, or as I would like to call it. Hell.
They found me after we stole a priceless painting from the Van Eck household, not like the guy didn't have it comming. I was incharge of the dregs, though didn't get any of the credit, due to Per Haskell wanting all the credit. That idiot won't know what's comming when I bash his head in with my cane. Which he made me use.
I guess bashing in heads was going to have to wait, because I was about to be at my 24th foster home. We pulled up to a farm, with the name Fahey printed on the mailbox. Great.
As soon as we parked I grabbed my cane, opened my door and walked out. I didn't have a bag or anything so I simply followed the lady who found my "homes" as she had called them. None of them were homes though, each of them I got beat up worse, or even tortured to see how much I could endure before I died. Unfortunately for Rollins, the police found me and jordies body before I could be killed.
I pulled my gloves higher up on my hand, a nervous habit I had adopted. I walked to the door and rung the doorbell to be met with a loud yell, "Its unlocked!" it sounded like a teenager. I walked in to be gretted by a tall skinny zemini Boy, wearing bright green pants that were too short, paired with purple cowboy boots and a long neon orange vest over a yellow top. I looked him up and down to study him and determine if he was a threat to me.
"You must be Kaz! I'm so exited your here, we haven't had a new sibling in forever!" the tall boy said loudly, I tried to suppress my flinch at his loudness but it seemed he noticed. He muttered a soft, "sorry" then continued to yell some other names.
"Hello, Kaz. I'm glad to meet you. I'm Mr. Fahey but your welcome to call me Colm." the oldest man, with a striking resemblance to the boy earlier said.
I nodded in understanding.
"don't talk much do you?" the first boy said.
I hadn't been able to talk since the incident, and this had gotten me in plenty of trouble from parents that wanted a kid that talked. They all tried to force me to talk, but the most they had gotten was a scream of pain, or the word 'sorry'.
"Well, This is Jesper, the redhead is Wylan his boyfriend. Which I hope your fine with, cause if your not then your not welcome here." Colm said with a serious tone, I nodded and put up finger guns, a signal I had learned meant your bi, like me.
"Wait! Your Bi too?!" Said Jesper excitedly. I nodded in responce and jesper looked towards his father again. "We might have another member of the Skittles gang!" he exclaimed. I looked down at my shoes as Colm started talking again.
"Then we have Nina who is taller and loves waffles, so if you see anyone eating waffles lime their life depends on it that's Nina, then there may be a tall guy around, he's Matthias, he's actually a teddy bear at heart." Colm said fondly.
"Then last but not least Inej, she's quiet so sorry if you get spooked by her randomly appearing. She has been with us for a few years and has been healing from her past, so dont take it personally if she doesnt trust you for a while." I shook my head, and immediately thought about what could have happened with this Inej.
It was going to be hard to avoid contact or talking with any of these people but I vowed to try my best.
Soon enough I was being told to put my stuff upstairs. I was sharing a room with Jesper since they didnt have enough room for everyone to have their own room. I walked in and saw a bi pride flag hanging over jespers bed, which had a checkered pattern on it, with two stacked pillows. He had a lamp on his side table and a dresser in the corner of the room.
I looked over to my bed, it was plain and made with a pair of pajamas ontop of the comforter. I walked in, sitting down and subconsciously rubbing my leg.
"So this is the room! hey, do you want an ice pack for that. It looks like it hurts, what happened to it anyway?" jesper ranted.
I dismissed his question by getting up to find the restroom. I left the room too quickly to hear jespers protests. As I walked out I ran into a tall man with blonde hair and large muscles. He reminded me of on of my old houses, and then he grabbed my hand to pull me back up. I felt the water start to fill my lungs, I felt jordie dying underneath my touch, using his dead body to stay alive. The rotting flesh stuck under my fingernails for days.
I couldn't breath, I couldn't see. All I could do is protect myself with my cane. Whipping it around infront of me as I sit against the wall on the verge of passing out. Jesper unfortunately tries to grab the Cain and successfully grabs it after getting hit with it a few times.
I walk out of the room to see Kaz run into Matthias. Letting out a small laugh until I see the pannick and fear on Kaz's face. I rush over to see Matthias try to help him up, or to successfully make it all worse.
"kaz... are you ok?" I ask. Matthias standing there stunned. I reach for his shoulder and just get hit by the cane being used as w propeller to keep me away. After getting hit a good 6 times, all going to leave giant bruises, I get kaz's cane and call Da upstairs.
"Oh no, what happened?" Da asks in a soothing voice.
"He just ran into me. fell down, and when I tried to help him out he freaked!" Matthias says defending himself in his thick accent.
It finally made sence, the gloves, the extra layers in summer. Kaz had haphephobia, the fear of being touched and wa mute, both most likely a result of a trauma. "Guy's don't touch him, it's what triggered his pannick attack!" I inform.
Suddenly the shaking stops, and Kaz goes limp. I'm torn between being concerned or relieved. Da orders Matthias to pick him up and bring him back to his room, I follow. Deciding to be jn the bed next to him when he wakes up to explain.
I don't know how much time has passed, but I wake up in my own bed. I keep my eyes closed, not wanting to wake up to a dangerous situation. I feel someone's presence in the bed next to mine, so I stay still until it gets unreasonable and I slowly open my eyes to see who it is.
Just jesper, I think to myself. He's as harmless as a fly. I don't trust him. But I also don't feat him.
"Goodmorning sleeping beauty." Jesper greets. I clear my throat before realizing I can't actually talk. He seems to have the same realization and goes on to explain everything that happened. I cringe at how I had already shown my weakness and had only been here for a day.
What if Colm is mad, it's not like I don't deserve a punishment. I decide accepting it is the best thing to do. z
I walk down the stairs. following Jesper. When I get to Colm I kneel infront of him, putting my head down and staying completely still. This is what most of the 'foster parents' had wanted. But as I waited nothing happened. Maybe he wants to make it sudden, Pekka had done thats. I decide to put my head up to get a quick glance, to be met with Colms wet eyes. Why was he crying, was he that exited?
Finally Kaz comes down the stairs, I'm exited to foster another kid, but he just beat the record for, quickest to have a pannick attack after arriving. He limps down the stairs, his cane clicking on the ground to a steady beat. Before I have a chance to greet him and Jes, he is kneeling on the ground. His knees bent underneath him while his hands sit in his lap. Obviously a painful position for his knee and bent neck.
Whoever did this to the kid is going to pay. I start to feel tears soak my face out of shock. Jesper is standing in the doorway, trying to figure out what to do. Kaz then looks up at me, as if he's trying to figure out what I'm doing. Which might be hard because I don't even know what to do.
"oh, Kaz. Why are you on the ground. I'm never going to hurt you. I need you to know that." I say reassuringly.
Soon after I hear a coughing, and a quick breathy, "Sorry, Sir." The first words Kaz had said here and they felt like boulders hitting me after being on a skyscraper. Jesper is in the doorway with a recently appearing glass of water I must have not seen him leave to grab.
"Kaz, you don't need to call me Sir. Just call me Colm or Mr. Fahey or Da, or whatever you like more Ill respond to anything. And please get of the ground, you look like your knee is causing you alot of pain.
"Yes, si-Mr. Fahey." Kaz replies, getting off ground and drinking the water Jesper offers him. I can still tell how unsteady the kid is. I vowed that I'm going to help him and not cause him anymore pain.
How'd yall like Chapter 1, idk how many chapters it's gonna be, and I don't have a storyline yet, just going where it takes me. Leave a review please, thanks.
Thanks for reading,