
Tony Stark woke suddenly from a deep sleep, lying absolutely still as he used his senses to determine what had awoken him and where he was. The last conscious memory he could recall was gyrating on a dance floor in some unnamed club, with a pair of super-model want-to-bes draped on him. While to the rest of the world, Tony gave the impression of being a mad genius, half the time drunk or stoned half out of his mind, and sometimes rightfully so, but most of the time it was a front. A public persona he used to keep the world at bay; to keep anyone from getting too close.

He hadn't thought he'd had enough to drink to pass out and Tony remained motionless as he let his senses stretch out, as the special training from the British SAS and other protection experts had drilled into him. During his childhood, Tony had been kidnapped on several occasions, each time had ended up with him being battered and bruised when Howard had refused to pay the ransom. He could feel his restless energy surge through him, like electric current under his skin, but he could sense nothing out of the ordinary. Opening his eyes slowly, Tony could make out the glow of the digital clock sitting on his bedside table, the green numbers spelling out 4:17am, and concluded he was in his New York apartment. The shadows stayed still and Tony could make out the shape of his open bedroom door.

Taking a chance, Tony threw back the covers and swung his legs out of bed, somewhat surprised to find himself wearing only his underwear. Memories from the charity gala held last night at Rockefeller Center were hazy and he shook his head in an attempt to clear his mind. As he reached the door, Tony stood motionless while he listened intently, but there was only the slight hum of the refrigerator and the whirl of the fan motor blowing cool air from the HVAC system. Easing himself out into the short hallway, Tony moved silently towards the living room.

A flickering glow caught his attention as he walked by his office, the door slightly ajar. Entering cautiously, Tony could see an odd shaped package on his desk, a blue aura flickered across the top where what looked like a thick piece of paper lay. As Tony stepped closer, he could see it was a note and the handwriting was very familiar. He reached to turn on the desk lamp, his hand trembling as he began to suspect where the packaged originated.

i My Darling Tony,

I need you to say the following phrase aloud before reading the rest of this note and remember your Latin, son:

Obstructionum memento magicae removere/i

Tony frowned, reading the first sentence again, recognizing the flowing writing as his mother's style. He repeated the phrase in his mind several times before taking a breath and saying it aloud.

i"Obstructionum memento magicae removere!"/i

A pulse of something jolted through him and Tony grabbed his head as his mind was inundated with a flood of memories, overwhelming him. Snippets of memories with people he'd forgotten existed, his mother's secretly tutoring him in magic, and his cousin James from England. Summers spent learning about his mother's hidden heritage, the relatives who lived without technology, and Tony having to reconcile magical theory and technology. So many scenes ran through his head, it felt like it was splitting open.

After several excruciating moments, Tony found himself on his knees, his head in his hands. iMagic/i! The secret Tony had shared with his mother, a secret his father would have never accepted for his son and heir – a secret Howard never knew about. He winced as he thought of his mother's behavior when he was a child, acting aloof, playing socialite, and how it had been false front, one to stop Howard's suspicions when they were off together. His mother had taught him about the wizarding world, a place she'd take him to visit every summer without his father's knowledge. Where he learned about the hidden society of magical beings, creatures, and gotten to know his cousins, James and Sirius.

Taking a deep breath in an attempt to quell the churning in his stomach, he stood and lifted the parchment off the package, running his fingers lightly over his mother's writing. The wrapping around the package fell away as he did, revealing a wand of ebony and a small basin with iridescent liquid within it. iA Pensieve!/i He gingerly picked up the wand and his magic seemed to leap out from his chest, a surge of warmth flowing through him as Tony held it for the first time in years. The feeling brought back many wonderful memories he had ruthlessly buried in the back of his mind and Tony drew several deep, ragged breathes as he struggled to get his emotions under control.

iMy son,

Please bambino, review the memories in the Pensieve as soon as you can, as this package has been charmed to be delivered to you a month before Harry's fifth birthday. This is something Lily and I felt needed to be done as a safeguard to protect both you and the baby. As Lily says, Dumbledore is too interested in Harry, suspiciously like an obsession, and she is concerned they are being set up for something horrid.

James and Sirius seem to feel Dumbledore can do no wrong – again, something questionable for a pair of Aurors. Neither will listen to suggestions of leaving the country and even changed the Secret Keeper for the /iFideliusI Dumbledore cast to that loathsome Pettigrew man.

Anthony, if you receive this and we are all gone, please find Harry – you will be his last hope.

All my love, Mom/i

Tony blinked and frowned. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he did know what he needed to do. With iron resolve, Tony leaned forward until his nose touched the iridescent fluid in the small basin.

Tony found himself standing in front of a merrily burning fireplace, which gave off no heat.

iReally, Tony, I don't like this plan you and Sirius have come up with!"/i

Turning around, Tony jumped to the side when it appeared he was going to step on a baby seated on the floor, amid a pile of wooden blocks. A young woman with fiery red hair and flashing green eyes was addressing a younger version of himself, laying on the floor next to the baby.

iI'd much rather you leave the country with Harry, Lily! Come to the apartment in New York – or better yet, the new house in Malibu will be ready in two weeks! No one knows about it and we can put up a Fidelius there!"/i

Lily crossed her arms, more in self-comfort than being obstinate. iJames won't hear of it. He believes Dumbledore will keep us safe. /i

Tony watched himself add a few blocks to whatever it was baby Harry was building. iI know James is close to the man, Lils, but between that stupid prophecy and Sirius' brilliant idea of making Pettigrew the Secret Keeper. That man is just weak, Lily, and I don't trust him!

"Pa'to! More!"/i

Tony watched as Harry handed his younger self another block to put on what appeared to be a tower, which he immediately did. Lily watched them; her expression sad but determined.

i"While I agree with you, Tony, about Peter and Dumbledore – he's been overly inquisitive about Harry and whether he's shown any accidental magic yet—" /i

As if on cue, Harry help his hand out and a blue arch-shape block floated into it. He gave Tony a drooly grin, all four teeth gleaming in the light. iPa'to!/i

i"Well done, Harry!/i

Tony heard himself say, watching as his younger self reached to tickle the baby.

i"But I don't know how you giving up your memories of us and Harry, especially being one of Harry's fathers, is going to help keep us safe!"/i

Younger Tony rubbed a hand over his face with one hand, as he held out another block for Harry. i"I have thought it through from every angle, Lily! I may be a genius, but I'm not as strong magically as you or James or Sirius!"

"You aced your OWLs and your NEWTs, Tony!"/i

Tony heard himself sigh.

i"I self-studied, Lily, excelling at the subjects which didn't require much wand-work: Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Potions, History, and Astronomy! I suck at Charms, Transfigurations, and Defense. I haven't done any study into the mind arts, Lily! Someone like Dumbledore or that asshole who is targeting you wouldn't have a problem getting into information about you from my mind!"/i

Tears welled up in Lily's eyes, spilling silently down her cheeks as she watched his younger self scoop Harry into his arms and move to wrap his arms around both of them.

i"Please, Tony, just promise me, if anything happens to James and I—"/i Lily shook her head to keep him silent. iYou WILL take Harry and raise him. Promise me!/i

Younger Tony nodded. iMake sure you put it in your will so no one can keep him from me, and I'll make sure he is raised the way you want. I'll even make Sirius live with us—"

"Oh no you won't!/i Lily screeched, grabbing Harry from him. i"I will not have Sirius teaching him pranks to use at school!/i

The memory faded out and another began as Tony watched. He saw himself help Lily and James use a potion, containing James' blood and Tony's sperm, to get pregnant with Harry, making him a third parent to the baby. The hilarious pout Sirius Black pulled when Tony, James' first cousin on his grandmother's side, was chosen for the potion over Sirius, who was merely a second cousin. Another memory of Lily being pregnant and finding out they were having a boy, then Harry's birth, and his naming ceremony. Finally, a memory of Lily talking into a mirror, as she held a fourteen-month-old Harry , telling Tony they were still in hiding and pleading with him again to make sure he took care of Harry if anything happened to them. And she was conspiring with his mother, Maria, to make this time delayed package for him through Gringott's.