A/N: I want to thank Vashonbeader for her help in developing the Hogwarts Charter.

Story Arc 5, Chapter 5

When Ted came home from work, he had a smile on his face. "I was right, Griselda Marchbanks did have a copy of the original Hogwarts Charter. When I asked her for a copy of it, she had this grin on her face that would scare a dementor. She asked me then if Harry had taken up his legacies. I feigned ignorance, but she just cackled as she made a certified copy for me. I think she has an idea of what we're up to."

Sirius said, "Well if anyone should know, it would be her. I think she gave Albus his NEWTS."

When Ted unrolled the parchment for everyone to see, Harry immediately remarked, "It's in a foreign language!"

Sirius laughed, "It's Latin, Harry. You should have picked some of it up by now just based on the spells you've learned so far."

Remus waved his wand over the document and said, "Translatus Anglica"

A new roll of parchment was laid by the original one and words began appearing on the page.



Now comes this day four sorcerers of great renown: Arglwddi Godric Gryffindor, Duc Salazar Slytherin, Dugesau Helga Hufflepuff, and Ban-diuc Rowena Ravenclaw petitioning for the authority to establish an institution of learning for the training up of young wizards and witches. Said institution is to be named Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The location of this school shall be hidden and only known to those with the ability to detect it. It shall hold to these tenets:

I. The school shall be independent of government oversight.

II. The school shall be open to all children who have reached the age of eleven years and have shown the appropriate talents and abilities regardless of parentage. As soon as a child is identified as being qualified for the school, they shall be approached by a member of the faculty to determine their suitability for schooling. Students not meeting the minimum requirements for reading and writing shall be brought to the school and provided the appropriate tutoring before formally attending. Once accepted, a student shall remain for a maximum of seven years, unless there is an overwhelming reason to extend. This shall be at the discretion of the Head of the school.

III. All teachers must be Masters of their specialties to ensure a quality education is provided. If no Mastery is available, then an evaluation of their qualifications will be conducted by the Head and a minimum of four senior teaching Masters. Teachers will be selected based solely on their ability to teach. Students apprenticed to a Hogwarts Master shall be allowed limited teaching authority as determined by the appropriate Master and the Head.

IV. Students, once admitted, shall be allowed to complete the course of study regardless of their ability to pay. No student shall be indentured to the school as a condition of completion.

V. Each student shall be placed in one of four houses as determined by the Head or their proxy.

VI. Each House shall be led by an adult wizard or witch who has successfully completed the course of study at Hogwarts or another similar institution. Each House Master or Mistress must be a wizard or witch of exceptional abilities. Their sole responsibility is the welfare of their students. They are responsible for guiding their students through their years at Hogwarts. No additional duties shall be assigned to them. House Masters hold an equivalent ranking to the teaching Masters.

VI. The Head of the school shall be a witch or wizard who has successfully obtained a Mastery in any field currently or previously taught at Hogwarts and who has taught for a minimum of five years. The Head shall be selected by a majority vote of the Masters and Heads of House.

VII. Likewise, the Head may be removed from the position by a majority vote of the Masters and Heads of House. The Head shall not have any responsibilities outside of the school.

VIII. The Head may appoint a deputy to serve in his absence. If the deputy is a member of the teaching faculty, their courseload shall be reduced by half. The deputy must be fully qualified to step into the Head's position in an emergency.

IX. The school year shall be divided into three terms. During the summer months, students may return to their families to assist in the growing and harvesting of crops or other work necessary to support their families. Students may remain at Hogwarts throughout the year if need be and may be used to assist in the cultivation of foodstuffs to support the school when not during a school term.

X. Any student, faculty, or staff member found to have assaulted or otherwise abused a student of the school will be summarily removed and banned henceforth.

XI. The Head shall ensure the financial stability of the School. Proof of financial mismanagement will result in the expulsion of the Head from the School. No funds received for tuition, room, and board shall be used for anything not pertaining to the education, feeding, and housing of the students, faculty, and staff.

XII. All faculty and staff shall receive compensation commensurate with their rank and status in the school.

XIII. This Charter may be amended from time to time as the situation dictates. Amendments require a majority vote of the faculty and staff consisting of the Head of the School, the teaching Masters, and the House Masters.

Granted this Seventh day of January in the Year 980 of our Lord and Savior.


Æthelred II, by the Grace of God, Rex, Kingdom of England

Kenneth II, Rex, Kingdom of Scotland

Maredudd ab Owain, Rex, Kingdoms of Gwynedd and Powys

Amended as of July 1, 1195

Tuition costs will be determined no later than June first prior to the start of the upcoming term. Tuition costs shall not be so odious as to hinder students from attending.

Amended as of July 1, 1635

Gringotts Bank shall perform an annual audit of the accounts to ensure compliance.

The four people stood there while they all read the new parchment. Sirius let out a low whistle, "This is going to set the kneazles amongst the owls."

Harry said, "Even I can tell they aren't going by the charter! McGonagall has three jobs! And Dumbledore spends more time out of the school than in it! Can you make another copy of this so I can send it to Hermione?"

Remus waved his wand and another parchment appeared. Harry ran up to his room and scribbled a quick note to Hermione then sent it off with Dobby. That would keep her busy for a while.

Andromeda came home to all four of them sitting around the dining room table with parchment and quills/pens. Even Harry seemed to be caught up in the discussion.

She cleared her throat loudly causing all four to jump, "Whatever you're discussing must be quite compelling if you didn't hear the floo connect."

"Uncle Ted got us a copy of the Hogwarts Charter, Aunt Andi, and it's going to cause a revolution," Harry said happily.

"Then I suspect you will be busy for quite some time. I believe it is time for dinner, so why don't you put this away until tomorrow?" questioned Andi.

The men agreed and placed their working documents into neat piles before going to clean up for dinner.