All right, so I've started yet another new story that I don't have time for and probably will never finish lol. But reviews do help motivate me 😉
I've officially jumped on the Nina/Willow train after hoping they'd make Sam/Willow mother and daughter instead. But this is my favourite storyline right now on the show and I can't wait for it to progress.
This story will be anti-Carly and I won't go as far as saying anti-Michael because he and Willow will end up together after a little rift, but I'll just say he makes some mistakes in this mainly to bring Nina and Willow closer, but it'll turn out fine for Millow in the end. But Carly fans are warned, she is the major antagonist in this.
Enjoy and don't forget to review 😊
Chapter 1- Surprise Play Date
Even though Willow had been struggling for months, she tried to hide it from Michael and his family. She didn't want to worry them, but even more than that she didn't want to believe it herself. This time was supposed to be different. No cult leaders and no psychopaths. Just Michael and Willow together and in love, ready to bring Wiley's new sibling into the world with no outside threat. But as time moved on and their precious new baby grew inside her, the wonderful ultrasound appointments, shopping for clothes and toys, and the first kick was overshadowed by more fainting spells, bruising, fevers, not putting on the weight she was supposed to, bleeding, bruising, and rashes.
Michael had been drowning in business work and arguing with Ned and Drew constantly. Willow had lost track over why they kept fighting, but Olivia assured her this was the Quartermaine norm. With all his late nights at the office, Willow had started feeling like a single mother. She was grateful for Olivia, Monica, and Carly's help though. They would often offer her a break because they thought she needed to rest.
She had to go off work early due to her health issues, though they still hadn't figured out exactly what was wrong. She tried to insist she was fine, but TJ, Britt, and Michael all convinced her to step back for the baby's sake. Whenever they brought up the baby, she melted. She had to put their precious child first.
One day, when Michael and his family from both sides went to Dante and Sam's wedding, Willow and Wiley saw Nina pushing James on a swing at the park. Willow tried to steer Wiley away, but she didn't have enough strength to stop him from running into Nina's arms.
She bent over to hug him tightly, but quickly released him when she locked eyes with Willow.
Nina's mouth dropped slightly. "W—Willow, hi…."
Willow gripped the bench to steady herself as the world began to spin.
Wiley stuck out his lower lip and looked up at Nina with sad eyes. "Why don't you come see me anymore, Grandma? I miss you."
James hopped off the swing and walked over to Wiley. "Hi, I'm James. Wanna play with me?"
Wiley glanced back at Willow. "Mommy, can I play with James?"
Willow plopped down on the bench. She smiled slightly and nodded.
Nina's face lit up as James and Wiley held hands and ran over to the slide. "Be careful! Stay where we can see you."
"Grandma, look!" Wiley giggled as he went down the slide.
"Wow, good job, buddy."
With one eye on the boys, Nina made her way over to the bench. "Thank you. I never thought I'd see the day where they could play together like cousins. Maxie asked me to take James for a few hours. It's like it was meant to be—"
"I did it for Wiley." Willow breathed hoarsely. "Won't stop—won't stop asking for you."
Nina turned away from the boys and frowned at Willow. "Are you okay, Willow? Is your pregnancy going okay? You don't look so good. You're pale and you have dark circles around your eyes."
Willow laughed. "What is this, feigned concern? All to—to manipulate me again?"
Nina sighed and sat next to her. "No, I'm genuinely concerned for you. And for Wiley. He needs you to stay healthy—"
"I'm fine," Willow insisted.
"Okay. And how is Wiley doing?"
"He's fine."
"And Michael?"
"So, Wiley starts kindergarten next week, doesn't he? Is he excited?"
Willow threw her hands up. "What is this, twenty questions? I wanted to bring my son to the park, not be badgered by you."
"Willow, I love Wiley. I care about how he's doing. He's my grandson—" She reached for Willow's hand. "Why are you covered in bruises—?"
Willow yanked her hand back. "That's… nothing."
Willow noticed Nina's eyes grew wide through her cloudy vision. "Michael didn't do this, did he?"
"What? Of course not. You'll come up with any narrative to make yourself look better than us." Willow rose to her feet and started walking towards the equipment. "Wiley, we have to go…" She started to sway and dropped to the grass, everything going black.
"Oh my gosh…. Willow!" Nina dropped down beside her and tapped her cheek to attempt to wake her.
She looked up as Wiley and James ran over. Wiley started to cry. "Is Mommy okay?"
Nina gave him a reassuring smile. "She will be. We'll help her." Her mind drifted to the day at the Metro Court pool. She could hear Aunt Leisl's voice, Elevate her legs.
She gently arched Willow's legs and rubbed her calf.
"Can I kiss her to make it better?" Wiley asked.
Nina nodded. "Give her a kiss and Grandma will call the doctor."
She pulled out her phone as Wiley bent over and looked at Willow.
"Hi, Aunt Leisl?"
"Hello, Nina," Leisl responded. "I don't have a lot of time. My shift is starting."
"But I'm at the park with James—"
"Is my grandson all right?"
"Yes, James is fine," Nina said. "But we ran into Wiley and Willow. Willow fainted again. What do I do? Call an ambulance?"
"Is she still unconscious? Did she land on anything that could've hurt her?"
"She fell on the grass."
Wiley kissed the top of Willow's head and she started to stir.
"She's waking up," Nina said.
"All right, offer her a drink or something to eat," Liesl instructed.
"Uh…" Nina reached inside her purse and pulled out James' Bear Paws for later.
"Hi Mommy, did you fall?" Wiley asked.
Willow rubbed her eyes. "I must've."
"Here, Willow. Eat some of this." Nina handed her a Bear Paw.
Willow squinted at Nina but accepted the snack and took a bite.
"She's awake now and eating."
"Okay," Liesl said. "An ambulance isn't necessary, but you need to bring her in to get her checked out."
Nina scoffed. "If she'll let me. But James and Wiley are here too."
"You'll have to bring them."
Nina tucked her phone away. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine… I should get Wiley home…."
"I just talked to Aunt Liesl, and she said you need to get checked out by a doctor."
Willow shook her head. "That isn't necessary."
"Yes, it is. Do it for Wiley and your baby. If you don't come with me, I'll call an ambulance."
Willow looked into Wiley's eyes.
"Are you sick, Mommy?" Wiley asked.
"Mommy will be okay." She turned back to Nina. "We're going to go with Grandma."
Nina helped Willow to her feet and grasped her arm as they walked, James and Wiley trailing them.
"Can I call Michael to meet you at the hospital?" Nina offered. "And maybe someone can come get Wiley."
"Michael's at Dante and Sam's wedding," Willow said.
"Oh, that's right. They're brothers. Maxie is there too."
"All the Quartermaines and the Corinthos are there. They didn't want kids under five."
Nina helped Willow into the passenger's seat and buckled Wiley and James in the back.
"I'm sure Michael would still come if I called."
"No, don't," Willow said, leaning her head against the window. "He needs to be there. Can you just watch Wiley while I get checked out?"
Nina glanced back at Wiley and smiled. "Of course."