Disclaimer: I don't own Smallville/ any of the characters
Inspired by the episode "Transference" where Chloe tells Clark that he may need some serious psychological help after being possessed by Lionel. Set during season four before Chloe learns Clark's secret.
Team Save Clark Kent
Chloe knew that there weren't many guys like Clark. There was something… different about him, but Chloe couldn't put her finger on what. Sometimes, Chloe felt like she knew him well—they've known each other for five years now—but other times she felt like she was looking into the eyes of a stranger. Was it drugs? Was that Clark's big dark secret? Chloe had made a promise to herself that she would stop looking into Clark's past—it's why she quit the Daily Planet, unable to follow Lionel's requests and spy on her best friend. But this… Clark just wasn't himself. Not that Chloe really knew who Clark was anymore. And since when did Clark call her Ms. Sullivan? Since when did he go so close to her, acting as if he was about to give her a kiss when she fully well-knew that Clark didn't reciprocate her feelings? He had made that obvious the other day when Chloe was dosed with that green meteor rock love potion. But now… what just happened in the Torch? Why was Clark behaving like this?
And it's not like this was the first time Clark behaved weirdly. There was the day after they got their class rings and Clark adopted this 'I-don't-care' attitude that was just so not like him. And then there was that time where Lana caught Clark kissing another girl despite Clark's lovesick obsession over Lana. Chloe may have heard that story secondhand, but it certainly shocked her. That didn't sound like Clark. Not the Clark she knew anyway.
And then there was that time when Clark ran away from home for three months. When Chloe found him in Metropolis, he was sporting a black leather jacket, shades, and such an… unclark attitude: snarky, sexy, dangerous. He had bought himself a luxurious apartment that there was no way he could afford, and he acted like he owned the city. When Chloe looked him in the eye that day, for once she didn't recognize Clark's green-blue eyes that she had always been so fond over. No, it was like she was looking in the eyes of some rebellious, rude teenager that she had never met before. And the name he went by… Kal. Why would he even change his name? He was Clark, not this Kal guy. And he was just so different that seeing him in his Metropolis apartment was as if a knife got shoved up her heart. She and Clark may not have left things on good terms, but she never in a million years thought that Clark would act like… this.
And, for a while, things were normal with Clark. When he returned to Metropolis, he was back to his usual farm-boy, good-guy self. Until now when he made a move on her which was just so… not him. Or maybe, like Clark demonstrated in Metropolis, he really did have a dark side Chloe didn't know much about. Maybe this was Clark. Or maybe Clark just had multiple personalities.
Chloe's stomach sank. Multiple personalities. Could that be true? Could Clark be dealing with a mental illness? And all of this time, Chloe just figured Clark must be on drugs and just didn't want to admit it. But could drugs really make him act like a completely new person? Not like a multiple personality disorder would…
Of course, Chloe didn't want to jump to any conclusions, but deep down, she just wanted to help Clark. She was his friend. Sometimes he may act completely different, but it was still him. Chloe just wanted to help him. Maybe if they could try to keep the other personalities at bay—that's considering he actually does have a multiple personality disorder—Clark could just be his normal, sane, good-guy persona fulltime. That was who he was most of the time, and that was what shaped his identity. But Chloe wasn't sure she could tackle this alone. No, she needed help, and who was best to help her that Clark's closest friends?
And so, the following Friday, Chloe arranged for Lana, Lois (Chloe wasn't really sure how much her cousin could help but she was in town for the day), Lex, and Pete (Chloe managed to get him back to Smallville) to meet up at the Talon. Chloe just hoped Clark wouldn't stop by to join them, but Clark had said he will be on the farm helping his father with something this evening, so she knew she should be in the clear.
Chloe found herself waiting at one of the tables, anxiously. Lana was the first one to come, obviously, since she owned the Talon. She joined Chloe.
"Hey, Chloe," Lana said. "What's so urgent that you wanted to tell me?"
But seconds later, Lois had entered the Talon. "Hey cuz," she said. "You wanted to meet me here?" She looked over at Lana. "I see you invited Lana."
"I will explain," Chloe said. "Let's just… let's wait for the others."
"Others?" Lois said.
Seconds later, Pete came walking through the door. "Hey, Chloe."
"Pete!" Chloe said with a big smile. "Long time no see."
"So, what was so important that you had to tell me in person?" Pete said.
"It's kind of about you-know-who with a name starting with C and ending with K."
Pete suddenly looked pale. "Clark? You told me to come back to Smallville to talk about Clark?"
"I just want to help him, that's all," Chloe said.
Just then Lex Luthor came walking in to the Talon. "Chloe," he said. "So, what was it that you wanted to tell me?"
"Wait, Chlo," Lois said. "You told everyone the same excuse to get us to come here? Really?"
"It's important," Chloe said. She took a deep breath. "This is about Clark. I'm worried about him. He's not… he's not acting like himself, and… "
"Just spit out, cuz," Lois said.
"I think he's suffering from multiple personality disorder," Chloe blurted. Everyone just stared at her with wide-eyes. "The other day… he came onto me. But Clark… Clark wouldn't do that. I know he doesn't have feelings for me."
Lois narrowed her eyes. "So, you sent us all over here because Clark's finally showing you some affection?"
"What? No!" Chloe said. "No. It's just… I thought it might be drugs, but now I'm not so sure. You guys all know how Clark is. Okay, maybe not you Lois, but the rest of you guys. Remember when he ran off to Metropolis? Lana, you saw him there. He wasn't himself. It was like he was possessed or something… And just last week, same thing. Guys, he called me Ms. Sullivan. That is so not like Clark."
"As much as I am interested in exploring your multiple personality theory, Chloe, there's something you should know," Lex said.
"Like what?" Chloe said.
"Last week Clark wasn't himself. My dad he… he got a hold of this artifact that allows the holder to steal the body whoever he is touching. He planned to use the artifact on me, to jump into my body to get out of jail, but Clark showed up just in time, knocking my dad away from me."
Chloe's eyes widened. "Clark was possessed by Lionel? Oh my god…"
"It still doesn't explain the summer he ran off to Metropolis, though," Lex said. "I may have been stranded on an island during the time, but that doesn't sound like the Clark we know and love. But I have decided my Clark investigation days are over. I am trying to win back Clark's friendship."
"Your Clark investigation days?" Pete said, his eyes widening. "What'd you find out?"
"Oh, nothing. Just trying to wrap my mind around how he saved me that day when my Porsche drove over the bridge."
"Okay, let's get back on track," Chloe said. "I gathered all of us here because I want to help Clark. Possessed or not, there's something going on with Clark. I'm seriously worried about him. He may not think he needs psychological help, but… I figured the best people to help him are the people closest to him in his life. Now, who's in?"
"Are you really sure Clark needs our help?" Pete said. "Like you said, the other week he was possessed by Lional. Obviously, he wasn't acting like himself."
"Then, how can you explain his behavior in Metropolis last summer? Or him kissing some random girl in front of Lana when we all knew he had a big crush on her?"
"I should have told you this before, but it was you I saw Clark kissing that day," Lana said. "I didn't want to say anything because you weren't exactly yourself that day. You were drugged."
"Clark was also drugged that day," Pete said, trying to defend his best friend.
"Still," Chloe said. "All of his personality shifts… it's making me worried. Lana, you remember what it was like when he got on his motorcycle and he drove off to Metropolis. We all know how secretive Clark is. There's a side of him none of us really know."
"Is that really any of our business?" Lois said. "You know how he broods in his loft. I think we should let him open to us when he's ready."
"Lois, you barely even know Clark."
"Hey, I've lived with Smallville for months now."
"I agree with Chloe here," Lana said. "Something is up with Clark and he needs us now more than ever. I'm not going to stand back when Clark needs our help."
"So, who's in?" Chloe said.
Lex was the second person to say yes, then a reluctant Pete, and then Lois became an unofficial member.
And "Team Save Clark Kent" was just born.