Chapter 7

Lois didn't head directly to the Kent farm but instead made a pit stop to the phone booth: her and the Blur's phone booth. She had to admit the place had started to become sentimental for her.

"Blur!" Lois yelled. But if Lois had never become a reporter, did she ever name the Blur? Maybe he was going by another name like Speedy or Runner. "Superguy who runs faster than a speed of light, I need your help! C'mon! Okay, look, I am getting mugged and I really need your help!" She expected to hear the swoosh sound but didn't. Maybe the Blur really didn't exist in this new timeline.

Then, she heard a shrilling scream coming from the adjacent street. Lois ran over to see a man holding a young woman by gunpoint. "What do you want?" the woman said, gritting her teeth. "Are you working for President Luthor?"

Lois' stomach dropped. President Luthor? Lois couldn't even imagine Lex Luthor, of all people, being president. That sounded like a nightmare.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this," the man said. Before Lois even had time to blink, the sound of the gunshot rang through the air. "Come on, Blur," Lois muttered. She was far enough away that she was positive the man wouldn't hear her. But like how the Blur didn't save those people in the factory today, he didn't stop the bullet from going through the woman's chest. Lois watched the woman fall to her knees, blood pooling from her chest. Where was the Blur today? Lois watched the man pick up the woman, throw her in the back of a van, and get into the driver's seat. There was nothing Lois could do to prevent it, and in that very moment, Lois felt helpless.

Eventually, Lois returned to the Kent farm. She found mini-Clark (she still continued to call him that in her mind) sitting on the couch watching cartoons.

"Hey, mini Clarkie," Lois said. But Lois stared at him for a moment. He really did look like a miniature version of Clark. Sure, his features looked even more adorable now and those green-blue eyes of his were extra big, but Lois now wanted to smack her hand on her forehead for not recognizing him earlier. Of course he was Clark! What was she thinking about bringing his past self forward in time? Still, that didn't explain how the Blur no longer seemed to exist…

Martha then entered the room. Her eyes widened. "Lois, you're back."

"Yeah, and we have a really big problem," Lois said. She took a deep breath. "I didn't want to admit it before, but I think this is Clark. He may be a little bit behind on his speech development, but it's him."

"Lois, when you were gone, Jonathan and I were doing a little talking," Martha said. "We think he—Clark—might not be from around… here."

"What? Like he's an alien or something?" Lois said, not serious at all. When she didn't see Martha smile, she knew something was wrong. "Wait, seriously?"

"You said you found Clark in a cornfield back in 1989? Well, that same day, in the same cornfield, Jonathan and I found a spaceship that could only fit a child. We stored the spaceship in the cellar, trying to make something of it."

"No, Clark can't be an…" alien. But Lois started thinking about all of the times Clark has saved her, like the time he took a bullet for her during her stiletto stunt. Not to mention the sudden erasure of the Blur… Lois' eyes bulged. "Clark is the Blur."

"The Blur?"

"Just Metropolis' greatest savior," Lois said. "I always wondered why he would talk to me of all of the other reporters. Now I know why. Mrs. Kent, I have to get Clark back to 1989. The world needs him. I… I need him."

Lois then headed over to Clark. "Hey, mini Smallville," Lois said. "There's something we need to do."

Lois picked Clark up. With the ring in her hand, she headed over to the kitchen table. She placed the ring on the table, staring at it, examining its design. Where did the ring even come from? It was so small and yet very, very powerful. "Any theories how we can get back to 1989, Clarkie?"

Of course, Clark didn't respond but only stared with those ridiculous cute eyes.

Lois sighed and picked up the ring and slipped it on her finger. She thought about the moment the meteor shower happened, what it must have been like for Clark in his little spaceship. Then, the room seemed to spin and disappear before her before suddenly everything became… clearer. Martha was no longer standing in the room. Lois immediately headed over the calendar and she smiled in relief when she saw the year on the calendar. 1989.

"C'mon, Clarkie."

Lois took Clark out to the cornfield, trying to find his spaceship. She then looked up and saw the spaceship descend in the air. In the distance, she swore she saw someone who looked just like her, wandering the cornfield.

The spaceship then landed a good distance away. Lois and Clark headed in that direction. But when Lois finally reached the spaceship, it was opened and it was empty. Lois really didn't want to just leave Clark all by himself in a cornfield, but in the distance, she saw a car tumble towards her. Mr. Kent was behind the wheel.

"Goodbye, Clark," Lois said with a smile. "You'll be just fine."

Lois then headed off on her alone, through the cornfield, when she heard footsteps behind her.


Lois turned around to see her Clark. She smiled and wrapped her arms around Clark.

"Lois, I have to bring you back. I promise I can explain, but first we have to head back to 2009."

Lois debated whether or not she should tell Clark that she knew he was an alien. But instead, she decided that should just wait. Not telling him wouldn't hurt him. Clark would tell her when she's ready.

Clark had a near identical ring on his finger. He wrapped his arm around Lois and was silent for a moment. Then, Lois felt the familiar dizziness and the cornfield started to blur away, until it cleared up and the meteor shower slowly went away.

"Lois, are you okay?"

Lois grinned. "Never better."

"Are you sure? Because you just traveled back twenty years."

"I met little you," Lois said with a smile. "He couldn't exactly speak yet but he was a really cute little thing."

"Thing?" Clark said.

"Thing, human, extraterrestrial being, person. Same thing," Lois said. "But let me tell you, that was quite a trip. Did you know that a world without Clark Kent would be a much different place?"

Clark's eyes bulged. "What?"

"I may have sorta… brought little you to the future? But, of course, I went back in time again to set everything right again. Weird thing though… in a world without you, I was no longer a reporter at the Daily Planet and the Blur didn't exist. I'd say this timeline is much better off, whether or not the Blur chooses to disclose his identity."

"I wonder why the Blur wasn't there. Did you ever find out why?"

"I had some leads," Lois said. "Nothing was… confirmed."

"Well, maybe you can try talking to him."

"Should I?"

Clark suddenly looked nervous. "Actually… you already are, Lois. I should have told you this a while ago, but I'm the Blur."

Lois smiled. "I know."

Clark's eyes widened. "You know?"

"When I went back in time, I put two and two together. I was in a world where Clark Kent didn't exist, but then I found out the Blur also didn't exist, so Clark must equal the Blur."

"I wanted to tell you before," Clark said. "But that's not all…"

"Are you going to tell me you're an alien from another planet? Because I hate to break it to you but during my time traveling trip I sorta found your spaceship."

Clark's eyes were wide. "You know everything then?"

"Well, I already know you can super-speed and have super-strength, but what else can Clark Kent do?"

"I also have heat vision, invulnerability, x-ray vision, super-hearing, and super-breath."

"Super breath? No wonder you're an amazing kisser."

"Remember when my barn door almost hit you? That was me sneezing."

Lois' eyes widened. "So, you're telling me it was because of some little cold of yours that I got into journalism? Wow. I just can't believe my boyfriend is an alien."

"I actually prefer the term intergalactic traveler."

"Well, Smallville, my intergalactic traveler, why don't you say we do something tonight? After all of the time traveling, I'm beat down."

"How does a movie sound?"

"A movie? I just found out that you can super-speed to Mexico in two seconds and you pick the most human activity out there."

Clark then flashed away for a second a returned five seconds later. He was holding a brown bag.

"You got…"

"Burritos with your favorite guacamole straight from the heart of Mexico."

Lois grinned. "How romantic, Smallville."

Clark just smiled. "So, what movie do you have in mind?"

Ten minutes later, the two sat on the couch, their bodies against each other, eating their burritos. Clark had his arm comfortably wrapped around Lois. Lois looked over at Clark, his eyes currently focused on the screen, and smiled. Yes, the world is definitely a much better place with Clark Kent in it.

The End