Author's Note: Here's the next chapter as a very late Christmas gift to you all, I've decided I'm splitting this chapter up. Sorry it's so late guys, but I hope you enjoy this one while I work on the next one. Oh in case anyone is wondering the inspiration for Rose's croptop is from this fan art piece by /users/Scotty1994/pseuds/Scotty1994


•Rose Hathaway•

"Roza, wake up!" Vika shrieks next to my ear. Eris barks in my ear from next to me.

I groan and push Vika away. "What do you want demon child? Can't you see I'm napping?" I huff. Eris yips and jumps at my stomach. I grunt when her paws land on my boobs. Damn she's getting heavy.

"We're taking the children to the lake remember? Roza, you need to put on your bathing suit." Vika shrieks. "Wear the olive green one Roza." Vila demands.

"Ugh fine you demon child." I scowl. I stretch and wince when I feel my shoulder bones audibly pop. I walk upstairs and I or me and Vika's room. Though since Vika's been staying at Lena's since we've gotten back I've been in here by myself. I shut the door and pull off my shirt and am pulling off my sports bra when I hear a familiar voice clear their throat. I freeze and look in the direction of the closet door. Fuck! Dimitri was in here when I came in here. I pull my sports bra back down and quickly slip my shirt back on. "Is there a reason you're in here Dimitri?" I ask through clenched teeth.

"Vika said you needed my help with something." Dimitri mumbles barely loud enough for me to hear. I feel my eye begin to twitch. Vika! That little demon child! I should've known, I'm gonna kick her fucking ass! His lingering eyes on my body feel electrifying. No, bad Rose. Don't think that.

I let out a deep sigh before closing my eyes and counting to ten. I then open my eyes and shoot Dimitri a fake smile. "Vika was mistaken. I don't need your help with anything. I was about to get changed so Vika and I can take the kids to the lake." I let out an irritated sigh.

"Alright then, I'll leave so you can get changed. Sorry for the mix up." Dimitri blinks before unlocking the door and leaving. I hurry to shut the door and lock it before falling against it.

"I can't strangle Vika. I can't strangle Vika. I can't strangle Vika." I repeat to myself before I calm down enough to actually get changed this time. I pull off my shirt and take off my sports bra and my running shoes. I then pull off my yoga pants, boy shorts and socks. I pull on my green lace up one piece swimsuit to Karolina made me get last spring.


I then slide on some jean shorts and slip my feet into my flip flops before tossing on my crop top that says 'I'm a snack' underneath a chocolate frosted donut. Vika and Lena's brilliant idea of a gag gift for me. But jokes on them I actually love it. I grab my phone and toss it in my bag alone with a towel and sunscreen. I unlock the door and open it and see Eris sitting patiently outside the door. She yips and nudges my thigh with an excited look. I rub her head and she wags her tail before bounding down the stairs. I laugh and follow her after also grabbing my sunglasses and tossing them on the top of my head. When I make it to the kitchen Olena is humming along with the radio and making sandwiches? "Good afternoon Roza. I'm almost done making the sandwiches for the trip to the lake for you guys. Take a seat while I'm working." She grins happily.

Dimitri Belikov

"Vika! Where are you?" I hiss storming into the living room. "Why would you do that? You made me look like a fool."

"You mean I made you look like an even bigger fool than you are Dimka!" Vika snorts rolling her eyes. Babushka laughs from the corner where she's sitting and knitting.

"Vika! Kak ty mog otpravit' menya v komnatu, kogda Roza pereodevayetsya? Ty znayesh', chto yey seychas nekomfortno ryadom so mnoy, ty, navernoye, prosto otbrosil menya nazad." I grunt.

"Nu, yesli by ty ne byl grebanym idiotom i ne naportachil s Rozoy, ty by seychas ne okazalsya v etoy situatsii, Tupitsa! Eto tvoy pizdets Dimka, a ne moy!" Vika sneers at me.

"You have a point Vika. But that doesn't mean you should make it harder for me." I sigh turning to leave and head back upstairs.

"Idi pereoden'sya, idiot moy vnuk, ty idesh' na ozero s Rozoy i Viktoriyey." Babushka grunts with an amused tone in her voice. That tone of voice makes me very nervous.

"Alright Grandmother, I'm going to get changed." I sigh before heading upstairs and into my room.

Russian Translations for this chapter:

1.) Vika! Kak ty mog otpravit' menya v komnatu, kogda Roza pereodevayetsya? Ty znayesh', chto yey seychas nekomfortno ryadom so mnoy, ty, navernoye, prosto otbrosil menya nazad.= Vika! How could you send me into the room when Roza's getting changed? You know she's not comfortable around me right now, you probably just set me back.

2.) Nu, yesli by ty ne byl grebanym idiotom i ne naportachil s Rozoy, ty by seychas ne okazalsya v etoy situatsii, Tupitsa! Eto tvoy pizdets Dimka, a ne moy!= Well if you hadn't been a fucking idiot and messed things up with Roza in the first place you wouldn't be in this situation now Dumbass! This is your fuck up Dimka, not mine!

3.) Idi pereoden'sya, idiot moy vnuk, ty idesh' na ozero s Rozoy i Viktoriyey.= Go get changed my idiot grandson, you're going to the lake with Roza and Viktoria.