Everyone was apprehensive about the volume's finale, which featured a hoard of Grimm flying above Argus and a giant leviathan coming in from the ocean. Yang looked over at Blake and nervously glanced at the floor before looking back up. "Hey, Blake, can I talk to you for a second?" Blake knew what this was about. She nodded and the two brought themselves into their dormitory. Yang shuts the door without facing Blake and wastes no time asking, "Did you mean what you said? About…loving me?" Yang couldn't stop thinking about it after Blake had blurted it out.
Blake's face burned as she was quiet for a moment. "Yes. I think you're an extraordinary person, Yang, you act bravely when you're afraid, you do what you say." Yang's grip on the door tightened, but she looked back at Blake who could faintly see the glimmer of tears.
"I think I love you too, Blake. You're smart, brave, you never stop fighting for those you love, even when they hurt you. You never give up on them, you know what matters to you." As Yang gave each reason, she stepped closer to Blake until there was barely any room between them. "You're an amazing person and," Yang pauses before taking a deep breath, "I hope you will allow me that chance of reminding you every day."
Blake nodded, giving Yang a watery smile as she leaned closer. Their foreheads brushed against each other as they closed the gap. Yang didn't quite know what to do with her hands, so she wrapped one around Blake and moved the other to cup Blake's cheek. Blake melted into her hand and wrapped her arms around Yang's neck. Blake then took one of her hands and placed it on top of the hand cupping her cheek.
They broke apart when the need for air became too great. "Is this a yes to being my girlfriend?" Yang teased. Blake giggled, and it was the most beautiful thing Yang had ever heard.
A large grin grew on Yang's face as she brought Blake into another kiss, it was more passionate but still soft. Both of them could feel their hearts race and beat in their ears. Neither of them wanted this moment to end. Both of them froze when they felt a vibration, specifically coming from Blake. Yang pulled away and had a look of surprise while Blake avoided her gaze, face hot with embarrassment. "Blake…did you just… purr?" The surprise shook off and made way for amusement but also awe.
Blake refused to answer, still not wanting to meet Yang's eyes. Blake opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Yang brought Blake into a hug, "Blake, it's okay." Though she tried to reassure her, Blake still felt sheepish. Seeing Blake's response, Yang knew it was best to drop it and bring it up at a different time. So, Yang took Blake's hand and began to lead them to the door. "Are you ready to finish the volume?"
Blake sighed, "No, but I guess we're gonna have to be." Yang nodded, opened the door, and walked about to their seats hand-in-hand.
The first that was said as soon as someone saw the hands was, "Finally! It's about time, it feels like we've been waiting forever for you two!" Unshockingly, it came from Nora. Ruby held two thumbs up for the two as they both sat back down.
"I'm really happy for you two," Sun said. The two girls smiled, thanking him. Sun was happy to see Blake was with someone who loved her and would catch her when she falls. "So, who else isn't really to watch the final episode of volume 6?" All of them collectively replied with answers of 'no'. Yeah, he wasn't either, but he knew his friends would find some way out of the mess they were in.
When all of them were prepared, Raider started the Volume 6 finale.
(Volume 6 Intro)
Out in the middle of a forest clearing, a Mistral Police Airship lands.
They knew who it was from just the airship. All of them groaned and rolled their eyes in annoyance. They were doing so well with the volume of only having to see Cinder twice. "Can it quickly speed past this, we don't want to watch her," Yang said with a scowl.
They haven't seen Cinder for the majority of the volume and they would liked to keep it that way, but apparently, the show had other plans. On a different note, if it was Cinder, did they just steal it or did they do something to the original pilot? They honestly didn't want to know, they hoped it was simply the former.
Neo shifted from a Mistral policewoman to herself as Cinder walked to the ship. "It should get us to Solitas. After that, you should try materializing yourself some snow boots."
Ha ha, Cinder was so funny. Said no one.
Neo rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, same as us. Jokes just aren't your thing, maybe you should quit while you're still ahead," Yang says as she looks at her nails.
Neo raises her hand, stopping her. She walks to the side of the ship and places her hand on it. The ship begins to change, resembling an Atlas airship and Cidner watches with a smile.
All of them frowned and felt fear at Neo's abilities. With her being able to change the look of the ship, they could easily pose themselves and get into Atlas.
The airship goes back to its original appearance and Neo snaps her fingers with a smirk.
Raider laughs in her head. She loves Neopolitan, but she's also afraid of her.
"You know Neo, someone once asked me if I believed in destiny." Both of them step onto the ship and they smile evilly as the doors shut, "And I'm happy to say, I still do."
"Keep her words out of your mouth!" Jaune screams, standing up from his seat. "Every life you've taken, every person you've hurt, you're going to pay! You have no right to quote the woman you killed in cold blood!" Pyrrha quickly, but gently, places her hands on his arms and carefully brings him back to his seat. Jaune had already beaten Pyrrha to it when he grabbed her hand for comfort.
"Hey, I'm still here, it's alright." Pyrrha's voice was soothing as Jaune tried to rub the tears falling from his eyes. "I'm still here." Jaune released a breath and leaned his head on Pyrrha's shoulder. The girl's cheeks flushed, but she reciprocated, placing her own head on his. Their friends eyed them as those two were practically together already, the only thing is that they technically made it official.
The screen goes back then to reveal the leviathan still making its way to Argus.
Jaune's heart spiked in fear. "My family! My sister!" A giant Grimm was coming toward them! He needed to go and save them!
Airships flew above, shooting at all the flying Grimm. The leviathan got hit on the side of its head, making it submerge into the water.
Well, that was just great, how were they going to be able to attack it if it stayed underwater the whole time? They could electric dust and electrocute it, but that wouldn't be enough to kill it.
"All units to be advised, the leviathan Grimm has submerged but it is still on approach. Preparing hard light shields, over." One of the forces informed on the radio and another states they're getting slammed by hostiles.
What were they all standing around for? They needed to take action and go help!
The second force asks where Cordovin is. "This is your fault!" Cordovin screams, still trying to get up.
Ruby feels her heart clench. It was our faults, wasn't it? Ruby looks down as the rest of her friends look at the ground. It was them who stole the ship, it was them who made Cordovin take action and come after them to return the airship, it was their fight that caused all the distress that attracted the Grimm, and it was them who destroyed the only weapon that was able to stop a Grimm that large! Ruby's breathing began to pick up as she looked back up at the screen. If it wasn't for our actions and plan, none of this would have happened!
Weiss heard her girlfriend's breathing shift and her grip tightening on the couch. "Ruby, Ruby, I need you to look at me," Weiss said in a soothing voice. The whole room paused, but Weiss didn't care, her priority was her girlfriend. "I need you to take deep breaths, okay? I know you're worried and that's okay, but I need you to look at me and take deep breaths. Can you do that for me?"
Ruby tries, following Weiss as she takes a breath, then releases. Weiss nods encouragingly and they do it again and again. When Ruby is more calm, Weiss asks, "Is it okay to touch you?" When Ruby nods, Weiss shakes her head, "No, I need words, Ruby."
"Yes." Weiss softly takes her hand and squeezes it.
"Everything's going to be okay and we're going to get through this." Ruby leans in to Weiss and she wraps her arms around her. Weiss holds her tightly and doesn't plan to let her go.
"Ruby, are you okay?" Yang asks, immensely worried for her sister.
"I am now, thank you."
"Do you hear me!?" Behind them, they hear Yang shout Ruby's name.
They were all relieved that Yang and Blake made it back safely. Ruby didn't know if she would be able to take it if something else happened.
Blake asks what happened as they eye the robot. The leviathan lets out a giant roar. Yang asks if that was a giant Grimm.
Yang rolled her eyes, no, it was an itty bitty one the size of a spider.
"Yes, and we just ruined the only thing capable of stopping it," Weiss says seriously. The group takes the airship and flies back to Argus as Cordovin struggles to lift the arm, repeating that it was their fault.
Ruby felt her heart shattering each time Cordovin shouted it, reaffirmed it. Weiss rubbed Ruby's arm reassuringly. They would destroy the Grimm, sadly, the only thing they have that would stand a chance is Ruby's eyes, but they were scared. This was too big of a fire to push Ruby into when she just learned how to properly use them.
Cordovin looks down in defeat as one of her men needs an answer. "You're over," She tells him. Inside the airship, Blake apologizes.
"This isn't your fault," Yang tells her sternly, "You didn't know Adam would be there and you didn't know any of this would happen because of it, so don't blame yourself." Blake still felt a little guilty, but Yang planned to squash that out.
"Don't be this isn't on you," Yang tells her. Blake tries to refute it, but Ruby won't let her.
"You're safe," Ruby gets on her knees to be at Blake's level. "That's all that matters."
All of them nod in agreement. All that mattered was that all of them were safe.
Blake brings Ruby into a hug and Ruby looks over at her sister, smiling. Yang returns it with her own before looking elsewhere. "I suppose I have to be the bad guy and say it," Maria says up front, "Getting the lamp to Atlas is still our top priority."
"We can't just abandon those people! Without the giant robot,t they're all just gonna be sitting ducks for the Grimm," Jaune states. They needed to go and protect them!
"And right now we have the perfect opportunity to head straight for it. We may not get another chance like this."
There's no way they are leaving all those people. The base is struggling to take down all the normal-sized Grimm and they're only going to have more trouble when it comes to taking down the leviathan.
Yang refutes and Weiss joins her. "We can't leave, not like this."
"Not when there's so many lives at stake, and to just abandon them all? Not gonna happen," Nora adds.
"It's like you said, 'a huntress is supposed to protect others to the bitter end'," Blake includes. Maria looks back at Ruby who shrugs before telling them they needed to head to the leviathan.
The military can deal with the larger flock of Grimm while they deal with the biggest problem. They have hard light protection up so they should be able to hold off the leviathan and give them enough time to destroy it.
"Jaune, can you and Ren be ready to mask our ship?" Ren thinks they can manage and Jaune asks Ruby what her ideas are. "I got one."
Her silver eyes.
Qrow tells them eyes up as the leviathan emerges from the water. "Argus base, this is Manta 34, the leviathan has hit the shallows and has resurfaced! We need those shields up, now! Over!" One of the soldiers informs. The people in Argus watch in fear and in the crowd, Terra searches for her wife and kid.
Jaune's body filled with panic, but he tried to remain calm. Don't worry, we'll keep you safe, we'll protect you. Everyone felt their bodies tense as they saw Jaune's family.
The shields rose from the water, stopping the leviathan and the airship began to shoot as they declared their target has stopped.
They knew the shields were going to be broken at some point, but they needed to time how long it took for the first one to be destroyed as it would be the same for the rest, and go from there.
The leviathan released a blast of fire from its mouth that destroyed the first shield in seconds.
The students froze as the Grimm easily took down the first barrier. "It tore straight through," Oscar murmured.
Oscar whispered that it tore straight through. "All squadrants, fall back to evacuation procedures. Disengage the leviathan, I repeat disengage, over!" The soldier demands for all others.
"No, wait!" Ruby shouts, rushing to the radio. "We can stop it!"
They all had to come to this when the leviathan showed up and the cannon on the bot was destroyed. Despite that, the students were terrified of taking this course of action. Ruby hadn't even practiced on normal Grimm hoards, so this to be her time? Terrifying for all of them.
"Ruby, please, be safe," Yang pleaded.
The officer demands to know who Ruby is. "I'm a huntress, my team and I are heading to the leviathan and can weaken it for you to attack."
They knew this was meant to be serious, but they couldn't help to start laughing at all of their expressions. All of their faces just looked hilarious to them, especially Nora's which they noticed in the very back.
"I know this isn't a time for us to be laughing, but the pause and everyone's faces morphing into ones of disbelief are just too good," Ruby chuckles.
"Ruby looks confident while the rest of us are wondering if she's lost her mind!" Nora shouts with laughter. Some of them wiped a few stray tears. Oh, they needed that after everything.
"Okay, now to be serious once more because we know something about this going to go horribly wrong," Nora says.
"Don't say that!" Weiss yells.
Jaune, unsure, asks if they could. "I can," Ruby affirms.
"Ruby, when I said trial by fire."
"I did it at Beacon," Ruby reminds her.
"When you did it at Beacon, that wasn't intentional of you facing the Grimm head-on," Yang says. Yes, there was the farm, but those apathy weren't 50 times bigger than a building.
"And at the farm." Weiss questions if she'll be able to do it now. "I don't have a choice."
"Manta 51, your ship is currently flagged as hostile. You won't receive no support, over."
All of their jaws dropped. They thought that was ridiculous! "Focusing on taking down a Grimm is a much bigger importance than a stolen ship!" Ruby shouted.
The leviathan is making its way to the next barrier. "Fine, we'll do it alone if we have to."
"We can hit while it's stopped at the next barrier." As Cordovin listens she seems confused. "Ren, you're up!" Jaune puts his hand on Ren's shoulder and they fly through the swarm of Grimm undetected.
Everyone's palms were sweating. Weiss and Yang tried to prepare themselves as they knew Ruby would be staring directly at the large Grimm.
Two other airships were taken by the Grimm as the group avoided the Grimm. The leviathan walked closer to the barrier and prepared to fire. Qrow yelled for them to pull up as they were too late. Maria did at the last second the blast of fire destroyed the second barrier and the top of a building.
All of them frowned in discouragement. Ruby, though, she wasn't going to give up. If her trial by fire was this then so be it, it was the only way now to kill the leviathan and keep the rest of the city and its people safe. She just knew her friends and sister wouldn't be so open to the idea.
Ren runs out of energy for his semblance.
That was the only thing protecting them from the onslaught of the Grimm and with all these bad emotions happening on the ship, waves of Grimm would come flying at them.
Blake states that the leviathan is on the move again and Yang asks Ruby what they should do.
Ruby had an idea, but her sister wouldn't like it. She would stand face-to-face with the leviathan and use her silver eyes to defeat it. Her counterpart just needs to think of all the people she tries to protect and preserve.
Ruby thinks for a moment before turning her gaze to Weiss.
"Ruby," Weiss says warningly, "What are you planning?"
The doors to the airship open and Yang and Nora proceed to shoot at the Grimm. Blake asks if it's working.
The Grimm's attention is now on them, so they would have to say, yes, it's working.
Behind them, Weiss is in the middle of keeping a summoning. Maria says that unfortunately, it is and tells them to hang on. Blake goes over to Weiss and motivates her. Outside the ship, Ruby rides on one of Weiss's lancers and repeats to herself that she could do this.
I have to be able to do this, Ruby corrects. Yang spares a glance at her sister, pleading for her sister's safety through this plan.
Ruby corrects that she has to do this.
Ruby nods affirmingly. Just think about those you care about and who you want to keep safe, channel that feeling, and release upon the Grimm.
Everything begins to quiet down as Ruby takes a deep breath. In her ear, Yang tries to tell Ruby to hurry as something's coming, but Ruby, annoyed, takes the earpiece and throws it into the water.
Now Ruby wouldn't have any way to hear them if something was coming for her! She could have just held the earpiece in her hand! "I was trying to tell you something important!" Yang exclaimed.
Ruby began to think of all her happy memories, and each of them flashed through her mind. Tai and Yang when she was younger, when Zwei first came to Beacon, Team RWBY's battle cry during their food fight with Team JNPR, eating noodles after their Vytal battle, saying goodbye to Penny, meeting Jaune for the first time, Team JNPR with them eating noodles, Pyrrha.
Despite the tense situation at the moment, all of them felt their hearts warm from seeing each memory. Ruby felt herself getting emotional, the good times before the Fall of Beacon, when they could all laugh and have fun with each other. Not having to suffer the fate of the world on all of their soldiers.
Just the opportunity that they got to be kids. They still were, but it didn't feel like it anymore, even them now after watching everything.
The memories shifted to Jaune's midnight training while listening to a recording of Pyrrha.
Wait, no…
The night at the Fall of Beacon when she found Yang on the ground with Blake as her newly cut-off arm bled.
"It's not working, it's not working, IT'S NOT WORKING!" Nora screeched.
"RUBY, GET OUT OF THERE!" Yang screamed in horror.
"NOW!" Weiss added.
Her conversation she had with Yang after, Pyrrha's death, and Penny's. Ruby opened her eyes, her pupils shrinking as the leviathan stood right in front of her, huffing.
"RUBY!" Their scream would have rattled the windows if there were any. Ruby looked at the screen, everything around her going quiet as she could only hear ringing as her death stared at her in the face.
Yang demanded to know why it didn't turn away.
"IT'S BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING LAMP!" Yang screamed. She could feel her voice becoming hoarse from how hard she was screaming.
Ruby was confused, looking down at the lamp as the leviathan lunged and Yang reached out her hand to her sister, but her yell was inaudible.
"RUBY!" Yang shrieked. Yang was being held down by Raider as she began to cry. Yang was going to jump from her seat and blindly run to the screen to try and protect her sister. Rationality went out the window as every instinct yelled at her to protect her sister. Even if that wasn't possible. She didn't care.
"Yang, Yang," Ruby said urgently, gently holding her face in her hands as Yang struggled, trying to break free. Uncontrollable tears streamed down Yang's face as she looked at her sister. "I'm right here, I'm right here. That isn't me, I'm okay." Yang fought less and less until Raider deemed it was okay for her to let go. Yang immediately brought her sister into a hug. Yang couldn't bear to lose her sister.
Raider gave Yang a moment and when she seemed more at peace, Raider moved to the side of the room, keeping an eye on Yang. Ruby comforted her sister and gave one of her hands to Weiss for her to hold onto. Weiss was in the same boat as Yang, but instead, she felt she was going to pass out. Weiss moved in closer and placed her head on Ruby's shoulder. Both Weiss and Yang felt like their hearts had stopped and they were scared of what they were going to see next.
Please, they were begging anyone that was listening, that Ruby would be safe.
Ruby quickly yelled out to Jinn and time began to slow.
Their bodies were filled with more worry. Would Jinn do something if someone asked for her and they didn't have a question?
Ruby apologizes as she doesn't have a question, she just needed a little more time. "I know, and while you don't seek knowledge, just this once, I shall give it freely."
This one moment gave all of their hearts some reprieve. It was quicking thinking on Ruby's part and they were eternally grateful to Jinn that she was letting this slide, even just this one time. Dear anyone, they've thought so many times before that they hoped they wouldn't have to go through a heart attack like the cannon barrel. They don't know what would be able to top this scare.
Why is Jinn letting her do this? Did it have something to do with Salem or some other event? That Ruby would be the one to stop it?
"I will not allow you to use me without a question again." Jinn's stern expression turns into a smirk, "Even if this was clever." Ruby faces the leviathan once more, smiling as she closes her eyes.
"Second chance! Let's do this, Ruby!" Sun yells next to them.
Ruby thinks on their first day at Beacon in their dormitory, the coffee mug Weiss hands to Ruby.
Weiss smiles fondly, placing a kiss on Ruby's cheek. Weiss will thank Professor Port and the conversation they had together.
Time began to speed up as more memories appeared. Blake cheering for Ruby in class with her flag, Ruby and Yang's hand-to-hand combat training, sitting on the ledge after defeating the White Fang at Mt. Glenn, Jaune and Pyrrha dancing, Team JNPR Vytal battle. After each memory, everything started to move again.
All of them were waiting in anticipation for the moment the power would be released.
Ruby thinks of her time seeing Qrow at Beacon, her talk with Oscar, her lesson with Maria, Penny telling Ruby her secret, and finally, Summer Rose.
Ruby feels her eyes welling up at the sight of her mom, Yang's doing the same. "Mom…" Ruby says in such a longing voice. The room was in awe as this was the first time they were truly seeing Yang and Ruby's mom. Before, they only saw her from a picture, but this was the full reveal.
"You're mom's beautiful," Blake whispers to Yang. Yang nods, missing her so much.
Summer's cloak flows in the breeze, breaking off into red and white rose petals. Summer tucks her hair, looking back and focusing on her eyes. Switching to Ruby's, her power unlocks and spreads.
The students burst into cheers. Yang and Weiss release the biggest sigh of relief. Ruby wasn't hurt and the citizens of Argus were safe. That was all that mattered.
The leviathan is turned to stone and all of Argus erupts into celebration. Maria lets out a breath and Ruby looks back at the people of Argus. But, the head of the leviathan breaks free.
"It wasn't completely destroyed, how?!" Nora exclaims. So would that mean the rest of the leviathan could break free? Was all of that for nothing.
Cordovin declares that she could take it from there. The Colossus' right arm has been broken off and Cordovin charges.
Well, they see she was able to break free.
Everyone looks on in shock. The left hand changes to a drill, " After all, I was sworn to protect the people!" Cordovin stabs the leviathan and the Grimm disintegrates quickly after.
The group begins to clap, now rooting for the operative as she kills the Grimm.
The people of Argus cheer while the Cotta-Arc family looks dumbfounded, except for Adrian as he joins the people.
Some of the girls coo at Adrian before encouraging his elation. Jaune knew if his family were here watching this, Terra wouldn't be so pleased with his friends.
The bot stands before Ruby, the glass lifting to reveal Cordovin. "Thank you, and I'm sorry," Ruby says.
They were all sorry and they will make sure to come up with a different plan of action if this time comes.
"The Atlas military can handle the stragglers," Cordovin tells her.
What? They were a little worried about what that meant.
Ruby is confused about what Cordovin is saying. "I'm saying I don't think anyone would notice if one more ship went missing inmylengthyreport."
All of them gasped before their expressions turned to bright smiles. Cordovin was helping them! "Oh, thank you, Cordovin! We're still really sorry about the ship though!" Ruby exclaims.
Ruby smiled and watched Cordovin walk off to handle the rest of the Grimm.
They weren't expecting those turn of events, but they weren't complaining. However, at some point, a small voice told them that they did need to have consequences for taking the airship even though they were let go.
The crew flew the clouds and Maria commented they should have just enough fuel to make it. Ruby thanks the older woman and is about to go to the back when Qrow stops her. "Hey, Ruby, you did great out there today, kid. Just don't go giving me heart attacks like that again."
"Or any of us," Yang says with all seriousness. Seriously, she was going to crash into a screen in trying to protect her onscreen counterpart. She never wants to go through an experience like that ever again.
Qrow raises his flask, about to take a drink when he pauses before putting it down.
Both Yang and Ruby smile happily. One denial at a time. They only want the best for their uncle and they want him to be okay.
Ruby jumps into a hug with Qrow, telling him she loves him too. Ruby goes to join her sleeping friends. "You weren't half bad yourself today, Qrow." Qrow smiles at the compliment but sighs.
"I feel like they did all the heavy lifting."
While that was true, he was there when they all needed him and was there to catch us when we fell. Quite literally in Ruby's case. He shouldn't cut himself short just because he doesn't think he did much. To them, he did much more than he gives himself credit for.
"But, you were there to help when they asked for it, and you were there to catch them when they fell. Literally, if I recall."
This got a few chuckles out of the kids. Now that Ruby and them weren't in imminent danger a few felt like they could laugh about it.
Qrow thanks and adds that it was pretty incredible to get to see the Grimm Reaper in action. Maria laughs as he should have seen her when she was his age.
And they all did and it was amazing! Her fighting was awesome all up until the point where that woman slashed out her eyes. "Hey, she said the person who made them is in Atlas, right? I bet we'll get to finally meet them!" Ruby exclaimed.
"I'm sorry you went through that nightmare, but I'm glad Yang was there for you in time," Weiss said.
"We were there for each other," Yang corrects, taking Blake's hand.
"And that's how it always will be."
Blake and Yang smile and the blond grabs her friend's hand. "We were there for each other." She took the words right out of Nora's mouth. Ren pats Jaune's shoulder and all of Ruby's friends look at her. She tells them to stop it.
"You petrified a leviathan," Ren stated.
"All except for its head," Ruby grumbled.
"That's still petrifying it!" Nora interjects.
"After diving down the barrel of a cannon!"
Ruby nervously chuckled as Yang and Weiss gave her hard stares.
"Ah, don't act like you all haven't done crazy stuff before." Ruby fumbles to defend herself, then points to Oscar, "I mean, Oscar made a successful crash landing! He's a 14-year-old farm hand!"
"Yeah, how the hell did you do that? Maria and her eyes weren't working and Qrow was on the ground with the group!" Sun shouted.
"Yeah, that is amazingly impressive, Oscar," Jaune compliments. Oscar himself was just as astounded as they all were. He shrugged, signaling that he didn't have a clue either but he thanked Jaune for the compliment.
Jaune calls it seriously impressive and Blake adds they would have been stranded without him.
"Yeah, we wouldn't have made it back to Argus in time if the airship had been destroyed," Ruby said. "Oscar, you're about the main reason why every in Argus is safe!"
Oscar thanks them, but he's been meaning to tell them that he didn't land the ship on his own.
If Maria didn't, then…
"OZPIN?!" All of them screamed.
The airship was going down and Oscar screamed that they were going to crash. Inside his head, Ozpin told him to stay calm and that everything was going to be okay.
They all silently thanked Ozpin for his help.
Nora asked if Ozpin had taken control, but Oscar told them that he guided him, and then he was gone again.
"So, has been watching over all of you?" Pyrrha asked. That's what it seemed like.
"So does that mean he's been watching us this whole time?" Yang asks, but Oscar doesn't know. It at least meant he was looking out for them.
"Hey, if you've never seen Atlas in person before, you don't want to miss this," Qrow tells the group. All of them walk behind the pilot chairs and Ruby wonders if it's weird that she's nervous.
They were one step closer on their journey to defeating Remant's strongest evil. So, not weird at all.
Yang doesn't think so and that she'll believe it when they make it to Atlas when she sees it. "Well, believe it," Weiss says as Atlas is revealed to them.
All the kids look on in awe, except for Weiss, as they look at the screen. Atlas looked so beautiful from where they were looking from the airship.
"Next stop, ladies and gentlemen, to General Ironwood!" Ruby declares.
"To General Ironwood!" The rest echo.
Nora, Jaune, Ren, and Oscar look out one of the windows and Nora is amazed. "Y'know, you make the trip up to Atlas over and over, but you never get used to that view," Maria says but then her eyes act up. She hits them as Weiss is looking out the glass intently.
What was wrong? They didn't like the look Weiss just sported.
Ruby asks Weiss what it is. They all look up and Weiss says it's the Atlas Airfleet.
All of them deflated and their hearts race. An airship they didn't assign is coming up to the Atlesian borders. Oh, great.
Weiss knew all the ships were called back, she wasn't expecting this. Qrow says they're set up like they're expecting an attack.
"It's our ship, it has to be!" Ruby shouts.
"Manta 51, welcome home," A woman on the radio says.
Everything goes black and the end credits of volume begin to roll in. They were about to get up and stretch when Raider stopped them. "There's still a little bit more that I think you should all see." All of them grew wary as they sat back down. What was Raider going to show them? An end-credit scene, obviously, but of what?
In Salem's meeting room, Emerald walks in and sees Mercury staring out the window with horror.
They were…back at her palace, but why? And why did Mercury look so frightened?
"Mercury, I wanted to-" She paused when she looked down. "What is she doing?" Crawling out of one of the Grimm pools is a beringel. Salem raises her hands, eyes glowing red and the symbol on the Grimm's back begins to gleam.
What was she doing? They all asked themselves, horrified.
Sprouting from its back were a pair of wings.
The students' eyes widened in horror.
Salem smiled happily and the beringel went to join the others watching.
"She has an entire army…" Ruby says in a quiet voice.
"There's an old saying," Hazel spoke, grabbing Mercury and Emerald's attention. "If you want something done right, do it yourself." From below, Salem uses her power to take the ink from the pool to create her own Grimm. Everything is covered in black from the substance.
All of them were left shaking after watching that. Raider clapped her hands, grabbing everyone's attention, "How about we take that break now, shall we? I've got some videos that will take your mind off things and lighten the mood, but first…" She raises her hand to snap her fingers, "Let's get out of this stuff theater, shall we?"
When she snapped, all of them disappeared and ended up in a different location from the last time they did this. One survey of the area and they all seemed to be a forest with leaves that were a peach pink color. "Woah!" Everyone looked to see Ruby staring up at the sky. It was littered with bright stars and nebulas.
"So, what do you all think? A nice change in scenery, huh?" All of them turned around as Raider sat on a nearby tree branch.
"It's beautiful," Pyrrha whispered.
"Great, I was going for a calming effect and what better way than to stare up at all the stars? Now, coming along as the setup is little ways over here." Raider flew off the branch and began heading towards the sight, the rest of them following. When they arrived, it was a quaint area with more blankets and snack tables. "You guys all rest and eat while I get the videos." Raider was gone and the group was left to themselves.
"Do you think we'll be okay?" Oscar asked as he wasn't with them the first time.
"Yeah, don't worry, she's never left us in a place that was dangerous," Yang reassures him. All of them grab some snacks and take a seat on some of the blankets.
"At the end of the finale, what do you think Salem is making? And judging by what Hazel said, that means she'll be coming to Atlas herself," Ruby said softly. None of them knew, but they were worried about what the future would hold.
"I think, right now at least, we enjoy the break while we have it because something tells me the next few volumes are going to contain something that we won't be emotionally prepared for," Jaune comments.
"Jaune's right. When this is all over, we're going to take what we learned and try and change everything for all of Remnant," Ren concurs. All of them were startled when Raider reappeared.
"Alright, who's ready to watch some funny clips from RTX Conventions?"