The following is a fan-based Crossover! Berserk and Garo are owned by Dark Horse and Studio Gaga, and Tohokushinsha Film Corporation (TFC) respectively. Please support the official release!

In a large smithing area inside a house, two short yet buff men in forging aprons, one working on an ornate, red suit of armor that resembled a cross between a Jackal and a wolf, and the other, a Greatsword with a spade-shaped tip. As they applied their hammers to their respective tasks, the armor and weapon began to glow green in unison. After a minute, the glow around the armor began to pulse lightly as all the pieces started flying to the center of the room, forming the whole suit before the sword flew into its hands. "And now, we quench." "I got it!" One of the men stated as he was holding a chain connected to the ceiling. "WAIT, NO!" The other man yelled, but too late as the other had yanked on the chain, causing a large pan the drop on one side as water came crashing onto the armor, forming so much steam that the two began to cough excessively as they ran for the door to force it open, letting the steam out!

"Asta, you French fry fuck." One of the guys said to Asta as they coughed what steam was in their lungs. "Sorry. But look." Asta said before pointing to the inside of the house as the steam cleared, showing the armor with a blue cape, sparkling and shining as it was brand new. "The Stronghold Knight: Gaia… is complete."

(1,000 years later)

At a war-ravaged castle, a company of knights flooded the area! "Off with the General's head! Win as much reward as you could ever want! Charge!" A knight on horseback shouted as the troops were decimating the enemy soldiers, that is until a man in an impossibly armored suit came onto the field and began slaughtering any knights that came too close left and right with a two-handed axe! "Bazuso!" " "The grey knight" Bazuso?" Two knights said as they watched him stand in the company's way. "As long as I stand here, none shall pass! Who else wants to feel the blade of my axe?!" Bazuso asked as everyone refused to fight, some saying that he slayed thirty men and that he slaughtered a bear! "Quit your dawdling, you cowards! Defeat him and earn the bounty!" The man on horseback ordered, only to be met with heavy resistance. "He's talking nonsense!" "He isn't payin' that much!" "Yeah! Why don't you do it yourself?!" One of the knights asked the man, who only looked away.

While they were bickering, a young boy with a blue trench coat over some leg & chest armor and clawed gauntlets walked onto the scene, carrying a Greatsword on his back in an open scabbard. This gets everyone's attention as they now claim that he won't be able to fight him, one was even tempted to help him as Bazuso simply laughs at this. "Hey, kid! Do you really want to fight with me?" Bazuso asked humorously, but only got silence from him. "I see you got some balls! But you're gonna regret it, when I chop your head off with my ass! I mean "axe"." Bazuso quickly corrected before looking around to see if anyone caught that. "Like I said, you'll regret this, boy. You'll be sorry when you lose your head for an unfit re-" Before Bazuso could finish, the boy ran at Bazuso in the blind of an eye as he struck his side with a fully drawn Greatsword, cutting through his armor! However as the boy pulled his sword back, instead of regular blood coming out, a black mist briefly sprayed out of Bazuso's side as he was forced to kneel. "Mercy!" Bazuso pleaded, but to no avail as the boy slammed the Greatsword into his head cleanly, leaving everyone in shock and awe! "Now! Everyone, seize the castle! All of you, CHARGE!" The man on the horse ordered as his troops finally resumed their attack as they all ran past the boy and the body of Bazuso.

Meanwhile from a high vantage point, four other knights were watching the whole fight "Didn't realize our opponents had anyone like that. Must be some kind of mercenary." A knight with a gated helmet claimed as another with a helm that covered his nose looked to his left with a smirk. "Wondering which one of you is stronger?" "Don't be ridiculous, he's no match for our leader. Isn't that right, Griffith?" The two knights on the white knight's side asked one at a time as he was holding a strange egg-shaped object on a necklace. But before Griffith could answer, he noticed that Bazuso's body was beginning to move as the boy stood in place, as if he knew he would get back up.

"I saw that you knew I wasn't dead." Bazuso said as the wounds on his body sealed up, as if they were never there. "I knew you were being dramatic. That's why I stuck behind, to finish you in private." The boy stated as he readied his Greatsword again while Bazuso chuckled at this as his eyes began to look corroded. "We shall see!" He told the boy as he then started floating before he folded himself into a cannonball and burst like a metal bubble, turning into a giant, terrifying beast covered in metal and broken bones with sharp claws on its right arm! As a response, the boy raised his sword into the air before creating a red ring of light out of it!

Track playing: Rafael Gaia Shoukan from Garo: Honoo no Kokuin

After the ring filled with said light, pieces of armor began to attach itself to the boy before causing a small earthquake as his sword became ornate! "The Knight of Defense, Gaia. Goes on the offensive!" Gaia declared with a distorted voice and glowing brown eyes as the beast bellowed at him.

"Griffith, I think this castle is coming down! What're your…" A female knight with a helm covering most of her dark skin began to ask when she caught a glimpse of Gaia, getting her to pause before sprinting to the guardrail to get a better look, pushing the guy to Griffith's left away! "What the hell, Casca?!" "It can't be." She muttered as she saw Gaia effortlessly knocking the beast's punches away with his sword, cutting up its hands before he planted his sword into the ground to propel himself to its head! He then proceeded to punch it twice before rapidly kicking the face into a backflip, falling back onto the ground as the beast did everything it could to keep from falling backwards! "Those moves. That design!" Casca said as she remembered a similar armor!

(Flashback, 2 years ago)

In a grassland with a dirt road, a younger Casca was on the ground in shock as she watched a white knight with a cape that looked pre-distressed at the bottom striking down a lunging fish-like monster with an ornate Bastardsword in a single swing! He then relaxed his body before turning to the girl.

(Present day)

"An ally of the knight." Casca believes as she saw Gaia duck underneath three orbs that were coming at him before spinning 360, causing his Greatsword to catch fire! After Gaia stood up, he then ran up to the beast before sliding underneath it while it tried to crush him one late time, only to be struck with the burning sword twice, one while sliding underneath and one right behind it! This causes the beast to fall to its knees before exploding, with nothing of it remaining. As soon as it was defeated, Gaia's armor returned from once it came while the sword returned to normal.

As he walked away and the sun began to set, Casca and the other three knights looked on in shock, with the former looking at him with knowing eyes. "Folks, I'd like to take back what I said about the guy not being on Griffith's level." "Evacuate this fort." Griffith immediately told everyone calmly while gripping his necklace. "Just like the nobleman. Bazuso disappeared without a trace." Casca stated as she was more focused on the boy. "I said we're leaving, Casca!" Griffith told her slightly more loudly, finally grabbing her attention. "Right, I found a new lead anyway." She said as they left the scene.

In the middle of the night, the boy and an older man in a scale-plated leather suit with a cape and a longsword on his hip were standing in a candle-lit room, facing a white-haired woman who resembled a Christian priest. "Album, Humpty has been destroyed. However, his defeat has given this fort to the mercenary group I was with. So when they give it to Tudor, this fort will be theirs." "As unfortunate as that is for Midland, Guts, we do have other Makai Knights and Priestesses on both sides." Album informed Guts as she gestured over to a table with two red letters on it. "You and Edal are to head west to the coast, in a town where you'll another Horror." Album tells them as they walked over and grabbed the envelopes. "And Guts, before I forget, the Order has desired me to give you a madōgu for your travels." Album informed Guts as she then lifted a finger, levitating an earring in the shape of a dragon's head on a two inch chain. She then pointed to Guts as the earring floated towards him, letting him grab it.


"Here's your reward. Go ahead, check the amount." The man leading the charge yesterday told Guts, who was now wearing the madōgu on his left ear, with full confidence as he was dropping gold coins into a pouch. "You know, you surprised everyone yesterday. No one has ever moved that fast with that heavy of a sword before. Say, would you consider serving me on a regular basis? Your salary could one day triple. I would even promote you to a ranked warrior if you like." The man asked Guts, trying to persuade him. "That sounds like a deal most can't resist. Unfortunately, I'm not most mercenaries." Guts told the man as he then began walking away. However, the man doesn't seem to want to take no for an answer if he can help it. "What if I secure your position and income? You could live a good life." The man tried one last time to convince Guts, this time placing a hand on his shoulder. Unfortunately, this proves to be a mistake as Guts simply grabs the arm and throws him over his shoulder. "DON'T! Ever. Touch! ME!" Guts told the man on the ground with buckets of venom coming from his voice, terrifying the man!

Later, Guts was walking on a dirt path. "You do not like people touching you, do ya?" The earring asked with a raspy voice as Guts simply ignores it and continues walking. "I know you're not deaf. You yelled at that fancy man for Christ's sake." "Okay, you're right, I don't like being touched by anyone. Especially if I don't see it coming. Happy now, jewel?" Guts asked as the earring began to make a smile as best as possible. "My name's "Croba", and I can't help but sound suspicious." Croba announced as Guts rolled his eyes as he stopped by a hill with some ruins on it. "Master Edal said to wait here while he went to get Nova." He told Croba as then sat on the nearest rock.

Meanwhile on top of the hill, three guys were watching him. "That's the guy who killed Bazuso, isn't it?" "What's he doin' around here?" "Should we go get em'?" They asked around until they decided to just leave Guts alone, until another man showed up behind them, looking smug. "Then again, I'm sure his coin purse runneth over. You know, he got plenty of money for defeating Bazuso." The man stated greedily before turning around to face Griffith, who was no longer wearing any armor. "Griffith, mind if I get him?" "Do as you please." He simply told the guy, making him quite happy as he and the other three began to run to the 'back' of the hill when they heard a helmetless Casca chuckling at them while sitting on a fallen tree. "What is it, what are you laughing about, Casca?" "You don't really think you'll be him, do you?" Casca asked the guy with a smirk on her face. "That's what you say, but I'm the one who was supposed to defeat Bazuso and become famous. I won't be satisfied until I kill the wanderer who came between me and my glory." "Then you'll be annihilated." Casca told him, getting an irritated groan out of him. "Didn't you see him in action like I did? He has a power no mere man can surpass." She warned him, only to be ignored as he walked to some horses standing by.

Back with Guts, he was learning anything he found useful about Croba when the earring began to turn away from its wearer. "Croba?" "I sense a Horror coming." Croba warned Guts as he turned to where Croba turned, and saw four knights on horseback coming towards him! "Dan, get him!" "Got it!" Dan said as Guts readied himself! 'Alright, Croba, which one's the Horror?' 'This one's human!' Croba mentally told Guts as he pulled out his Greatsword and plunged it into the ground! Just as Dan reached Guts, he forced himself into the air, reaching the Knight before kicking him straight in the gut and off of his horse! Suddenly as he landed back on the ground, Guts saw another knight swing a three-armed flail at him! Fortunately he was able to just barely move away while having enough reach to cut off his arm, showing that he was like Bazuso as well! "Dear god!" One of the last two knights said as he saw Guts thrust his sword through before he flipped himself and the body like a wheel, making a circle that summoned the armor for Gaia again and destroying the Horror as it briefly resembled a black devil with little wings on the back!

"Look what that guy did to Dan and Earl! Dammit, what is Corkus doing? Fight or get out of there!" A blonde guy said angrily as he and seven others watched on from the top of the hill while Casca was watching from closer to the base, getting a better look at the fight as she saw that Dan wasn't dead, but laying on the ground groaning in pain. "Now why would you spare Dan but not Earl? Is it because he was like Bazuso, a demon?" She began to ask herself. "Casca." Someone called out to her calmly, causing her to gasp and turn around in shock, seeing Griffith standing behind her. "You would better go help them." "What? It's all Corkus's fault! Besides, he's killing them syste-" Casca began to tell Griffith, only to be stopped when he looked at her dead center, showing his cold blue eyes. "Fine. But I'm only going to stop this fight. The guy is going after demons." Casca told Griffith before heading off to break the fight off.

As Corkus looked in shock as the events unfolding, he looked to his last standing man. "Hey, Regiul, you go next!" "Are you crazy?! Do it yourself!" Regiul told Corkus before noticing that Gaia was approaching them with the sound of a snarl, intimidating the two. But before Gaia could get any closer, the side of his helm was struck by an arrow, which bounces off but does get his attention as he turns to see Casca at the base of the hill, holding a crossbow. "Casca! Are you backing me up?" "Of course not. I'm here on Griffith's orders. Now step back." Casca tells Corkus as Gaia faces her, still ready to fight. "Alright, moment of truth." She muttered before tossing her crossbow away and raising her hands up. "I'm not here to fight! I just want to stop this idiot from getting himself killed." Casca claimed as Gaia began to drop his stance. 'Guts, your time limit.' 'Thanks for the reminder.' Guts mentally told Croba as he then disengaged Gaia. "Why are you bandits after me?" "We're not bandits, and Corkus felt entitled to kill Bazuso, so he roped three others into helping him kill you." Casca explains as Guts glances at Corkus for a moment before turning back to her. "He looks like an overconfident fool." He stated when suddenly, everyone in the area heard a distant roar. "About time." He muttered as he turned back to the rock he was sitting on earlier and began scraping his Greatsword on the stone, causing the blade to catch fire while regaining everyone's attention by accident. "What're you doing?!" "Leaving. And I suggest you all do the same as well." Guts told them as he raised his sword up as a signal of sorts. Moments later, they all heard something big flying towards them, causing them to look to where the sound was and see a giant four-legged dragon flying towards them low to the ground!

"DRAGON!" Corkus screamed in fear as Guts stabbed his sword into the rock before using it to jump higher into the air than he would on his own, allowing him to catch a claw just as the dragon flew past them! "What took you so long?" "Apologies. Nova was eating a moose and she nearly choked on the antlers!" Edal informed Guts as they flew away from the scene!

"WAIT, COME BACK!" Casca yelled futilely as she then groaned in frustration, leaving her to watch Guts fly off as the blonde boy from before walked over to her with Griffith behind him. "So… should we begin wedding preparations?" "Shut up!"

To be continued!

Note: This had no reason taking as long as it did to write, but here it is: the first chapter of, apparently, the first Berserk/GARO crossover!

Kaigu-Hunter: No seriously, I'm surprised that this hasn't been done before.