A/N: Been a minute, I know.

Haven't updated this particular story since I lost my aunt last spring. Feels like a lifetime ago now. Losing another family member -and the Holidays- took a toll on me since, but I'm back. Found a copy of Cyberpunk, dusted it off, getting ready to play again. Need to redownload everything, apparently there's a DLC I missed while I was away...?

I'll spare you the spiel. Review if you can, but I'll understand if you haven't the time. It really helps.

As ever, the fate of this story depends on you, the reader. Your feedback, determines the fate of this tale, and many others.

I'm just a humble author trying to make his way in this wild, wicked world, one word at a time.

Once more, I own no quotes, references, or memes. Not a wit or a one. NOT! A! THING!

They're all tributes to legends far greater than little 'ol me. Disclaimer over.

Time and feedback will determine if this little ficlet remains a story.

Now, then. The promised timeskip awaits~!

Time for a timeskip~!

"So what did ya find in that building?"


"On who?"

"Our next target."

"Alright. Where's he hiding?"

...finding him was easy...getting him out...yeah, that might be a problem."


Blood is Pumping

The club was heaving.

Neon lights flashed everywhere Gloria Martinez looked, swallowing her senses in a searing sea of red and blue gone green and gold, threatening to overwhelm her entirely as she forced her way forward. Thrumming bass music pulsed in the background with every step, a relentless thum-thump-THUMP pounding at her senses like the drums of some giant heartbeat out for blood. Despite the barrage, she didn't find it unpleasant; in fact, she found herself humming along almost thoughtlessly, hips swaying to beat, savoring it as she weaved her way through the throng of writhing bodies between her and the bar.

How long had it been since she'd come down to a club like this?

Not since David was born, and not nine months before that, either; places like these were no place for a pregnant gal. Even after she'd safely brought him into the world and made certain he would survive, there was never the time; Night City wasn't a kind place for a family, least of all a single mother. She was always too busy to even consider unwinding like this. Whenever her mind wandered back to her old nocturnal habits she was quick to rebuke herself, reminding herself of her responsibilities. On and on it went, an endless cycle.

Struggle. Strive. Stymie. Scrape, scrounge, scarper. Sweat, scream, survive.

Being a responsible adult sucked and it sucked hard.

Yet here she was now, years later.

How the tables turned.

She caught sight of herself in a nearby pane of glass as she walked -strutted!- past and paused, marveling at herself.

A stranger stared back at her.

She scarcely recognized herself at the moment, and not for lack of trying.

Amazing what three months -and a proper disguise- could do to a gal, ya know?

She'd grown her hair out ludicrously long for once, well past her arse, nearly to her knees. Hell, she'd even deigned to wear makeup tonight. Likewise, her attire was a far cry from her usual muted getup. No faded trousers, blue shirts, nor ratty jackets and tattered sneakers for her tonight, no sir, she'd donned a plunging crimson crop top showing off both her bosom midriff, alongside a scandalously short black skirt, the better to showcase her long legs and wickedly sharp heels. She'd begun to build up some muscle and it showed on every inch of exposed skin, though she'd gone through hell to get it.

Felt naked without her yellow jacket, though. Wasn't used to having herself this exposed.

"This was your idea, remember?"

Gah, darn fox. She'd never get used to hear his voice in her head. "I know, I know...

"Relax. If anything happens, Naruto and I will be right here."

That lifted her spirits a little. David would make better use of her jacket in any case, though, and it would've slowed her down tonight. Less for gonks to grab onto. Still, it was a rather strange thing, feeling so vulnerable, but also so powerful at the same time. There was a distance now between who she was then and who she'd become, a distance she could never overcome. She couldn't go back to being that weak, powerless waif even if she tried.

In many ways, the old Gloria had died in that explosion; and like a phoenix, she'd risen from her ashes.

Ah, but back to the task at hand. Focus up and all that.

Tonight, she was bait, she knew that.

And she was fine with it, really. This role had been her idea and while not everyone in the group was entirely happy about the part she had to play -Naruto and David least of all- she was insistent. It had to be her; if only because someone else might've gotten it wrong.

Tonight was to be her test. Her proving, if you will. A chance to get one back and Arasaka -or AraSUCKa as Naruto insisted on calling them- and show the world

Bastards had wrecked her apartment, ruined her life, put a bounty on her boy's head, and for what?

Just to get at Naruto.

Payback was well overdue.

Tonight the scales would be balanced.

Her irises glowed gold for a moment, built-in-tech scanning the writhing mob of dancing bodies before her. No sign of her target yet. She couldn't even consider them people, not really. How sad. Most folks came down to the lower levels to forget their woes, get blitzed, and party like there was no tomorrow. For some of them, there wouldn't be. Night City ate lives like chump change.

She could feel their negativity, their desperate need to escape the hell that was their lives. She pitied them. She hated them. She wasn't sure what she felt.

It was just so much. If she let herself focus on all these emotions, she would down.

"How does he live like this?"

"He doesn't." Kurama hummed in her ear, a specter only she could hear. "Most of the time he switches off and does what needs to be done."

She walked past a girl David's age, a pale, skinny little blond in a blue dress clutching at a shot glass for dear life. Some bruiser was looming over her. Poor thing was terrified.

Gloria brushed past them and poked the waif's hip with two fingers, interjecting not chakra, but a subtle amount of courage.

The woman perked up, made her excuses, and fled from her unwanted paramour.

Gloria hummed, quietly pleased with her good deed for the evening.

Until the bastard went and grabbed her ass.

Heat seared up her neck.

Then came the rage.

Pivoting in place, she glared at the offending party, only to find herself looking up, up, then up some more. Bald head, red visor and an ugly metal jaw where his mouth once was with ghastly wicked black markings zig-zagging all over his chrome. She recognized the marks on his trousers and leather jacket sure enough. Maelstrom. More chrome than sense. The guy was big though, only a little smaller than Maine. Small wonder that poor girl had been so terrified. Once, before her first fiery transformation, she would've felt fear herself. Now?

A single word blazed to the forefront of her mind.


Only one man was allowed to touch her, and this asshole was not him.

Her lips pursed as she fought down a reflexive sneer.

Must not kill. Killing would blow her cover...

"Hey baby." The idiot ignored the rictus of quiet fury on her face naturally, as idiots were wont to do. "Ain't seen you around here before."

"That's right," she placed one hand on her hip, fingers furling into a fist. "You haven't."

Don't be so cold." he made a grab for her shoulder, only to scowl when she dodged back out of sheer revulsion. Credit where it was due, he recovered quickly. "How much for a night with ya, gorgeous? I just came off a sweet score for Arasaka. I've got eddies to burn...

Her right ear twitched. What was Arasaka doing using goons like Maelstrom? They had people for that.

Still, this was news the gang needed to know.

"Is that so?"

Her earpiece, silent for so long, sprang to life as she uttered the code words. Lucy's voice hummed happily at her not a heartbeat later. "On it. Lemme see what he's hiding...oh? What do we have here...?"

Unfortunately, the big bastard mistook her silence for acceptance and grabbed her wrist. "Whaddya say? Play your cards right and I might throw a few of these eddies your way."

Maine's heaved a heavy sigh in her ear. "You just had to be a good samaritan, didn't you? Still, looks like it worked out in our favor."

"We don't have time for this." Becca's voice overlapped his a moment later. "Ditch the idiot and move on."

David was decidedly less subtle about it. "Break his jaw, mom!"

"Or just kill him," Sasha chimed in. "We've got his details and dead men tell no tales."

Naruto's wholly unamused voice filtered in after hers, rife with smoldering fury. "Whatever you do, be quick about it. Target's gonna be here any minute now. Take him out or I will."

"Easier said than done." she muttered under her breath.

The Maelstrom goon growled. "What was that?"

"I said nice hat!" she raised her voice to be heard over the music.

His brow furrowed in confusion. "Huh? I'm not wearing a-

She snatched cap from a passerby and yanked it down over his head, briefly obscuring his vision. The moment he raised both hands to remove it...


...her heel swept up and struck where the sun didn't shine.

Bastard clutch his groind and dropped to his knees; the moment he did, she grabbed him by his vest, reared back, then headbutted the daylights out of him. His body dropped down at her feet with a dull thud, out cold, to which she stepped over him and moved on. No one paid them any heed.

Kurama whistled. "Seems we chose well with you after all...

"You got the gonk?" Maine's rang voice in her ear once more.

Gloria finally spied him at the bar, drinking heavily: a suited corpo, tall and slender, his dark hair slicked back, eyes hidden by dark shades. He matched the description they'd given her. Foreign, rich, typical suit trying to get his kicks way down here with all the others. Was he Japanese? They shared similarities to be sure, but she couldn't be certain...

"Yeah, I see him." She touched a hand to her ear, skirting the crowd. "Who is he? You sure this guy works for Arasucka?

"Yep. He's our way in.

"Not gonna tell me his name?"

...probably better if you don't know, Gloria."

Naruto sulked. "I'm telling you, this is pointless. We don't need him. I can just level the damn Tower...

"That's what worries me. You've made enough noise lately. We need to do this subtle-like or we're gonna have the entire City breathing down our necks. And not all of us can outrun bullets."

David clicked his tongue. "Hey, low blow, man...

The noise that Naruto made couldn't be mistaken for anything other than annoyance.

Ah, she understood now. No wonder he was sulking. Maine wasn't the boss of him, but he wasn't in charge of Maine either; which left them at something of an impasse.

At length, he sighed over the earpiece; the sound made her warm. "Fine, we'll do things your way, just this once. Been awhile since I did a smash and grab...

"Great. Dorio's got you covered, just in case."

Her lover huffed. "Don't need any help."

"C'mon, blondie." Sasha crooned.

Becca backed her up, bless her. "Yeah, whiskers. Be a team player...

Team player, she said. The same could be said of her. It both amazed and appalled her just how quickly she'd fallen into this lifestyle. The things we do for those we love.

"I'm getting paid for this, right?" she fought down a hiss as she threaded her way closer through the dancers, weaving around a pair of scantily clad women flailing their arms wildly about. "Better make sure it's a good cut, Maine...

He chuckled. "Hey, everybody gets a fair shake. Only way I operate."

"Better be...

She supposed Maine was one of the more honorable ones, insomuch as one could have honor in Night City.

That was the crux of the matter. Arasaka ran this city and they wanted David, her boy, or rather the tech inside of him. She had nearly died once already for him, then again when Arasaka tried to take her out of the picture. If that was how it was gonna be might as well make the bastards work for it.

She wasn't afraid to fight; on the contrary, she'd spent the last three months learning to harness her newfound powers, reliably mustering the miracle that had, quite literally, saved her life. She'd yet to master it; far from it in fact, but she'd learned enough to protect herself and David.

Not that her baby boy needed protecting these days. He was growing big and strong with Lucy by his side. Heh, she might even get some grand-babies at this rate. Hopefully before she and Naruto managed to give him a sibling. Even if 'Becca and Sasha still gave her the odd look from time to time. She wasn't about to let those two get another leg up on her, even if Sasha technically already had.

At the bar, the 'Saka executive perked up suddenly, glancing left, then right.

Sasha swore. "Shit. He's looking around. Something's spooked him.

"Or someone," Becca muttered blackly.

Gloria huffed. "Hey, it wasn't me."

She was still getting used to this whole chakra thing, but she knew enough to avoid being made; and besides she wasn't anywhere near this guy. There was just no way he'd noticed her-

The man looked her way, stared right at her, and raised his glass in a salute. As she looked on aghast, he drained it, set it down upon the table and crooked two fingers her way; beckoning to her in clear invitation. Gloria's blood turned to ice, but nothing happened; he turned his back on her without a second thought, awaiting her arrival.

Naruto swore something in a language she didn't understand.

"Well, shit on a stick." Maine blew out an angry breath. "Didn't see that coming."

Yeah, no kidding! She hissed out a breath. "What should I do?"

"He wants to talk? Talk. Gives us more time to set up."

"You sure?"

"Best as I can be. You wanted a chance to prove yourself, here it is. Kiwi, Pilar. You got her covered?"


"Sure thing~!"

"Hey, waitaminute! What about me?"

Ah, her baby boy. Always eager to prove himself.

"You got the door covered, David?"

"Well, yeah-

"Good. He makes it past your mum and us, he's yours to take down.

David didn't whine, but it was close. "Fine. And if he gets past me?

Naruto growled at that, a low throaty sound that made Gloria's heart pound and her blood burn. "That's where I come in."

Wuh-oh. Her future husband didn't sound happy...



...what? She her priorities in order. She was gonna marry that man if it was the last thing she did.

Pilar scoffed, his voice a low rasp. "You really think he's gonna get past all of us?"

He's one of 'Sakas high rollers. Gotta have some serious chrome under the hood. Who knows what kinda heat he's packing. Speakin' of which, you really oughta think about getting some work done yourself, whiskers.

She couldn't see her lover's face, but she could just imagine his revulsion. "No, thank you! Already got the glove you gave me. Barely got that figured out...

Naruto didn't exactly have a thing against people with implants or modifications, he simply abhorred the idea of letting anyone cut him open.

Pity, that. He was already plenty powerful. With the right chrome he'd be unstoppable...

Threading her way forward, she cleared the last group of people and reached the bar. The music was more muffled up here, the flashing lights less so, casting wild shifting shadow across everything. It cast a different sort of shadow across her own heart, crippling her courage. This was fine. Just fine. Fine. She only had to stall for time...

"Thank you for accepting my invitation." The Arasaka Corpo planted both arms on the counter and turned to regard her. "You are Gloria Martinez, correct?" he spoke with an accent, but his words were clear, and his eyes all the moreso. "Associate of Naruto Uzumaki, correct?

He knew who she was? He knew who Naruto was?!

Her lips pursed.

"I see." he read her face, though his own creased a little. "My apologies for what you've been through. The company has ever been...overzealous in its attempts to gain power. For what its worth, I spoke out against the actions they took against you."

"Who the hell're you?"

That got a blink out of him, his composure cracking for a moment. "You do not know? No," he shook his head, "Nevermind. I suppose that is for the best. Anonymity, though valuable, often proves fleeting. You are here to kidnap me, correct?

She didn't answer.

He smiled anyway. "Forgive me if I do not make it easy."

Movement in her peripherals. Her newly awakened sixth sense shrieked.

Someone raised a pistol. Gloria swore in Spanish.


She dove forward as a bullet whistled her way and twisted to the side, letting it hurtle past. Slow...no, that wasn't it. She reached a glowing finger out and as it hurtled past, watched in muted awe as it instantly chanced direction, slammed into a man's skull and burst out the back of his head in a shower of red gore.

The now-crimson cadadaver slumped at her feet, falling at the feet of his fellows.

Still so slow, or was she just moving that fast these days? Maybe a bit of both? Whatever it was, she gloried in it and the rush of power that came alongside it. No more weak tired, overworked Gloria. Now she had power. Now she had the strength to fight back.

Now this life was hers.

Gloria tilted her head, evading a second shooter. briefly allowing several thick strands of crimson hair to fall over her right eye, concealing her face from view.

Then she spun on her heel.

Her hair, once soft as silk, hardened with chakra, becoming hard and sharp like the finest blade. It slashed across the second shooter's throat, severing his windpipe and trachea besides. Two more toppled before they even realized what was happening. They crumpled with a gurgle, clutching their necks. Another flick of her sharpened hair beheaded them outright. She allowed herself a brief burst of pride as their heads tumbled free from their shoulders.

Someone shrieked and people rushed for the doors, the club emptying rapidly. Maine was cursing in her ear, but she barely heard him.

Her would-be-captive took one look at the carnage she'd caused, and hummed appreciatively. "Incredible...

Did he still think he could escape? She doubted that. Naruto's training had paid dividends.

With a scowl, she seized the Corpo by his collar. "You're coming with me."

He shook his head. "I think not. You aren't the one I wish to meet."

Something exploded just behind her.

Gloria never knew what; whether he'd dropped a grenade, or if someone managed a lucky shot; only that something did, in fact, go boom; one moment she was standing upright, in the next there was a rush of heat and fire, ripping her free from her feet to fling her across the club.

Her back struck the Dj booth, which promptly bent inward, knocking the air right out of her.

Eyes stinging, ears ringing, she gasped angrily.

"Today just isn't my day...

Maine's voice sparked in her ear. "Gloria. Oi. Gloria! You got eyes on the Corpo?"

She rolled over, ears still ringing and saw a door slam open. Someone raced through it. "South exit...!"

David made a noise caught somewhere between a gasp and a snarl. "Shit! Bastard was ready for me! Fried my tech."

She was only just lurching to her feet and out into the alleyway when she heard Naruto's voice.

Her earpiece crackled. "I've got him."

Indeed he did; a golden bolt raced past and slammed into the corpo's back, bowling him over. He ate dirt. Literally. Lost some skin for his trouble, too. Naruto grabbed him by the shoulder, flipped him over, and promptly placed a boot on his chest, pinning him in place.

He leaned in close, eyes gleaming gold.

"Salutations!" Oh, dear. You knew he was pissed when he started flinging fancy words around. "Hello, friend~! Let's have a chat."

The corpro surprised them with a bark of laughter. "...you have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear those words.

Naruto paused, and Gloria with him.

"My name is Yorinobu Arasaka, second son to Saburo Arasaka." the man grinned up at him, baring bloody teeth as he coughed. "Greetings, Naruto Uzumaki. You are a most difficult man to find."

"Yeah?" Naruto clenched a fist, and reared back with a growl, ready to knock his daylights out. "You're about to wish you hadn't met me."

He wasn't prepared for the laughter. "On the contrary. I'm glad I did. My sister will be less than thrilled, but needs must, I suppose."


"Gladly. Placing myself in harm's way was the easiest manner by which to meet you. Allow me to make this easier."

Yorinobu raised his hands, palms open, fingers splayed...and smiled.

"I surrender."


If you know who Yorinobu is, then you know that all hell's about to break loose.

Well? Should this little ficlet remain a story? Would you like weekly updates for that matter?

Yay or nay! Really need to hear from you, here. If this story is voted into the "yay" category, I can promise faster updates and much more merry madness to come once my aunt's funeral is sorted out.

Once more, we're sticking with the "Embers" rule for this story, and others. If folks don't enjoy this, it will remain, but won't be continued. Meaning that if the story itself isn't popular? Well, it won't be continued. I'm working two jobs -might need a third soon!- so I barely have time to write; as such, I cannot afford to write something folks don't enjoy.

So by all means, speak up! Your voice matters! Make yourself heard! As ever, reviews are the fuel that sustain me. Without them I cannot write a single word. Simple as that. Working nearly all hours of the day keep me absurdly busy, and I can't bring myself to write something folks don't like.

So in the Immortal Words of Atlas...

...Review, Would You Kindly?

And because its a habit!


If this story stays off the ground.

If not...well. Suppose it depends on you.

Some of them are pretty far out, others are closer than you think...most are condensed to save space.


Gloria thrashed to her feet. "Again!"

"Again?! We've been at this for hours-

Her fist flashed quite close to his face. His eyes widened.

She grinned at him. "A~ga~in~!"

"So Arasucka wants to pick a fight with me, do they?

Gloria tilted her head. "Pretty sure its AraSAka.

"I know what I said." Naruto slung an arm over her shoulder. "Whaddya say? Up for a little mischief?"

He was still speaking when she jumped him.

"I'm astounded. He palmed his face and shook his head, sending his hair swaying side to side. No, I'm absolutely flabbergasted."

His hand fell, but even then he couldn't completely see his eyes, those blasted blond bangs hid them from view. A subtle shiver of dread shot down his spine. Couldn't rightly say why. Kid didn't have a single speck of any kinda chrome on him. He was organic, through and through. In a fight there could be no contest.

So why.

Was he so.

Damn terrified right now?!

"I'm sorry." Naruto's shoulders shook once as he chuckled. "I can't help myself. I'm genuinely at a loss for words."

And then his head rose.

His eyes.

Oh gods his eyes.

What the hell were those eyes?!

"Did you honestly think I' would let you walk out of here alive?

"Heard you've been askin' about me...

"We're having a moment here!"

Naruto raised his hands. "Guys, look, you really don't wanna do it-

The leader of the gunmen barked. "Masks!"


To a man, the soldiers dragged on their gasmasks.

And with it, the last of his precious patience evaporated.

"Masks, you say?" he tilted his head to the right with a crazed grin, producing an audible crack. "Fine. Have it your own way. Kurama! Cloak!"


His partner burst into existence over him in all his golden glory.

Someone screamed, he never knew who. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?!"

"Adam Smasher, was it?" he stepped over the corpses, uncaring of the blood on his boots, and lifted his chin to glare up at the machine man. "Not a bad name. Gives me an idea. Wanna hear it?"

The lumbering titan growled down at him. "And who the hell are you supposed to be, meatsack?"

Blue eyes boiled seven shades of searing scarlet, snapping into furious slits.

No. No freakin' way. He wasn't gonna...



...he was gonna.


David never saw the uppercut but he definitely heard it; the dull crack of flesh meeting metal; the latter buckled as the bastard rocketed up into the ceiling, bounced


EDIT: Hey, you made it! Thanks for reading!.

I worked really hard on this, and I never have enough time to write these days, even so, I wanted to make folks happy...T_T

So by all means, speak up! Your voice matters! Make yourself heard! As ever, reviews are the fuel that sustain me. Without them I cannot write a single word. Simple as that. Working nearly all hours of the day keep me absurdly busy, and I can't bring myself to write something folks don't like.

Looking forward to hearing from you all when I get back from work~!

Feedback means the world to me. I appreciate you all~!

Warm regards,


R ~!